Gauntlet Sim 41 w/ 3* only



  • I beat the node with 2 stars <_<

    Daken, Wolverine, (boosted to 150) and Moonstone, with a Loki Trickery TU.

    Daken tanked damage while I matched black, and then focused on green/yellow when black matches weren't available. Spammed out strike tiles with Wolverine when available, use Moonstone to steal protect/attack tiles.

    Daken eventually went down, but at that point I had TU AP to trigger Trickery, swiped IFs strike tiles and Luke's Protect tile, and from that point it was just cruising.

    Granted, this would be more difficult with higher level enemies, but the principles should still apply.
  • My team was:

    Steve Rogers
    Doctor Octopus

    Always target deadpool first. The incidental matches on their special tiles will trigger insult to injury. Just hang tough until you stun Luke while star spangling deadpool. Once dp is down this node the rest plays itself.
  • Ouroboros9999
    Ouroboros9999 Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    Good advice everyone, was almost ready to give up. Have yet to complete, but now I'm hopeful.
  • Ouroboros9999
    Ouroboros9999 Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    SO CLOSE! Had iron fist down to 1260 or so and was going to launch Awolv's red, then hits me with a cascade and kills everyone.

    Have gotten closest out of all teams on this thread with Awolv/daken/Loki

    Seriously debating spending 500hp on that third black Moonstone cover, but my gut tells me it's not worth it
  • Ralph-Wiggum
    Ralph-Wiggum Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    I tried this node probably 6 or 7 times without success. I was mainly using some combination of level 240 Captain America, 166 Kamila Khan, and 220 Hulk/or 240 Spider-Man. I came close a few times but couldn't do it.

    I finally realized that if I could prevent them from getting off any abilities, I would have a shot. So I tried the node with level 166 Patch, ~level 120 Loki, and OBW and beat it on my first try. Loki's black converted Luke's shield and Patch's strike tiles. OBW's purple stole AP and her blue healed (which I had to do 3 or 4 times). It was still close, but none of my guys died.
  • Loftus
    Loftus Posts: 79 Match Maker
    Just wait until you get to the worst node in the entire gauntlet. Fistbuster + Hood. My hood had 10k+ health. My fist had 15k+ health. My buster had 20k+ health. What a stupid node.

    For that node though I'd just go Lcap Hood Spidey or Loki. Spidey would cut down on their match damage while you build up for cap and Loki would do roughly the same with less damage mitigation but offer acceleration.

    That node has just completely wiped me out. I've burned through 9 health packs in about 5 minutes, all three matches featured me getting hit with an ability on their second turn, followed by at least one death if not total wipe on their third turn. My guys are getting their faces smashed in before they can even do anything.

    As far as the node in the OP, my team for the main gauntlet has been 166 Magneto, 166 Thor and 131 Loki, which is my go-to team at the moment for anything and everything difficult. It was a tough node for sure, but it was bareable. The fistbuster hood node is on a whole other level.

    My strategy with my 'main' team rarely changes, the only differences usually being who i focus on taking out first. I let them take match 4's when i can afford to due to the mischief counter from Loki, stack up yellow, blue and red ap, then use magnetos blue, followed by his red to get rid of all team up tiles, then there are some greens usually on the board so follow up with thor's yellow, which often results in his green. If you get unlucky with yellow > green then you can use loki's purple and due to the sheer number of greens that will be on the board most of the time you'll get a 4 or a crit. Bonuses for if the enemy has strong attack/defence tiles, as you can use loki's black before the chain and then it becomes an absolute demolition.

    Good luck!
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just wait until you get to the worst node in the entire gauntlet. Fistbuster + Hood. My hood had 10k+ health. My fist had 15k+ health. My buster had 20k+ health. What a stupid node.

    For that node though I'd just go Lcap Hood Spidey or Loki. Spidey would cut down on their match damage while you build up for cap and Loki would do roughly the same with less damage mitigation but offer acceleration.

    Wasn't the worst for me cos I could whale it =P

    Hardest nodes are ones with Deadpool in them.

    As for strategy, I think I did Captain Marvel/Steve/Kamala.
    It can take a little luck having Captain Marvel get hit hard enough that energy absorbtion kicks in, but no so hard she dies only a few rounds in. It got to a point where I had 4 red countdown timers on the board because I was swimming in energy absorbtion boosts. Her black was nice for stun too and every move fires off Kamala's healing. I'm so stuck on whether I want to keep Kamala at 3/5/5 or give her two yellows to bump up her healing defense.

    I managed it first try simply by doing 5,900 every few turns. Captain Marvel got down to 84HP at one point but a barrage of Steve's blue, red and by that time yellow then Marvel's black ended up giving her about 3000 by the end of the match.
  • famousfoxking
    famousfoxking Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    Arctic_One wrote:
    Has anyone beaten this node of 4pool/IF/LC at level 335 without any 4* characters?

    She-Hulk, Ragnarok, Hood.
  • avs962
    avs962 Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    I used LCap, IM40, and Hood, all maxed. They were a bit above level 300 for me. Recharge with IM40, steal/intimidate to speed up shields and/or recharge with Hood while Cap does his thang.