Should I just quit...?

edited September 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi all,

I haven't posted much on here and I'm sorry for my first post being full of complaints but I just had to let it out...

I've been playing MPQ for almost two years now and I really love the game... I used to be able to make top 50 in pvp and top 20 in pve without having to be on my phone all day but that is no longer the case...

If I want to make top 100 now, I have to make at least 900 pts per event and I just can't put in the amount of time it takes to do that... And I'm not going to spend hp on shields either so there goes that... To top it all off, how can someone who's had no points ALL day (and is waaayyyyy lower level than me) come up 1hr before a pve event ends and triple the score I've been working on AALLLLLLL day?!?!?!?!?!

I don't want to quit but at this point I don't think I'll last much longer. I guess the devs are trying to make it fair for everyone playing to have an equal shot of making the top 10, but when I'm fighting against nodes at more than lvl. 300, I end up with a lvl. 166 at 1 health point and two lvl. 240's dead as ****** ...

All in all, I've become very bitter and the only reason I continue playing is to support my alliance... I'm kinda hoping that next time Daken's chemical reaction goes off it'll take me with it too.


  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    No worries dude, those are all valid complaints and many of us have experienced that bitter pill that comes with being one upped by less powerful rosters. I've seen quite a few people burn out because of the time requirement needed to "excel" at this game. Of course, there are tricks and strategies to help reduce the overall amount of time, most of which can be found on the tips and guides section of the forum if you haven't yet taken a gander but yeah basically you have to spend a good chunk of time if you want to be at top level play after you graduate from 2* land.

    For your PvE situation it sounds like your are not grinding optimally. If it is a tight bracket and people are grinding optimally they will often dip out of the Top 10 only to take it back in the final hour or so.

    I used to have similar experiences but now I am the one who knows the trick and it's made PvE more exciting (albeit more time consuming as well).

    Hopefully more non-competitive content is in the works but we can only wait and see. I know during the advent a 5* this is probably not the most appealing piece of advice, but occasionally kicking it back a few notches and going more casual helps prevent total burn out.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    There are alot more players and alot better players than there was two years ago. The competition is better, isn't that what you would want?

    With point inflation in PvP 900 is a mediocre score and you should place accordingly. If you are in a top 250 alliance or better and you burn a single 3hour shield and place top 50 then you will still come out HP positive.

    In iron man PvP I didnt need any of the rewards and was focused on pve. So for my alliance I climbed to 1043 finished 33rd with zero shields and was perfectly happy.

    There have been many frustration threads showing up lately. For every frustrated player there are ten fold who are the opposite and enjoying the game just fine, but don't feel the need to open a thread saying so. Of course there are flaws with this game. Just play the game and get what you can out it based on your skill level.

  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    Don't quit, but play less for a while and re evaluate.

  • There have been many frustration threads showing up lately. For every frustrated player there are ten fold who are the opposite and enjoying the game just fine, but don't feel the need to open a thread saying so. Of course there are flaws with this game. Just play the game and get what you can out it based on your skill level.


    I'm definitely not opposed to there being a lot more players and a lot more competition, but when a game requires 23.5 hrs a day to keep my mediocre score and I stop living real life, it's a problem lol.

    The reason I got into this game was because I thought it was cool that I could play occasionally and still earn good rewards. Either way, I'm not trashing the game, I'm just speaking from what I've experienced... If I stop playing, I'll probably just do it for the daily reward hoping that at day 1,000 I get one 5* cover haha
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    How strong is your roster? Are you in an alliance that places in pvp? One of the main keys to placing in pvp is being in an alliance that places high enough to get an HP reward. That, plus the HP rewards you get from the pvp progressions plus your own individual placement is what allows you to play at the end, use a 3-8 hour shield, place top 100, and still come out HP positive that you can save for roster slots.

    In any case, if you still don't want to use shields, then you'll have to settle for basically playing mainly at the end of pvp events. Otherwise, climbing too high middle/early will basically force you to play 24/7 to keep your score.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Talmina15 wrote:

    There have been many frustration threads showing up lately. For every frustrated player there are ten fold who are the opposite and enjoying the game just fine, but don't feel the need to open a thread saying so. Of course there are flaws with this game. Just play the game and get what you can out it based on your skill level.


    I'm definitely not opposed to there being a lot more players and a lot more competition, but when a game requires 23.5 hrs a day to keep my mediocre score and I stop living real life, it's a problem lol.

    The reason I got into this game was because I thought it was cool that I could play occasionally and still earn good rewards. Either way, I'm not trashing the game, I'm just speaking from what I've experienced... If I stop playing, I'll probably just do it for the daily reward hoping that at day 1,000 I get one 5* cover haha
    As someone who is coming up on the 2 year mark myself I think the point system is set up to let you score more in less time. I score over 1000 regularly with an 8 hr shield because I don't want to fight the last 3hrs of an event. The fact that the OP does not want to use a shield is their choice. Knowing how brutal the last hours of an event are makes me feel the 150 HP is very much worth it.
    For PVE the last couple of new characters have been on 4 day PVE's so it has been less grindy than the 7 day. For non new characters I do each 24 hour sub 2-3 clears and call it a day. I usually end up top 50 to top 100 and don't need the 3* cover. If you keep grinding down nodes to win PVE you are going to get harder levels. The game is set up that way and some nodes are worse than others. There are a lot of ways to play this game and sometimes you have to try some things, maybe use a different type of shield, or take a PVE off. I primarily play MPQ before work and at night and don't see this as a 24 hr game.
  • HossDrone
    HossDrone Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
    The problem is that the placement rewards have not been expanded to account for the much, much larger player pools.

    I.e. - the 3 star rewards should go all the way to top 300 or so imho.
  • Well hey man, you're in luck. Gauntlet started today, no competition there, hahahaha.

    Haha! True that! I don't really need any of the rewards so maybe this will be the break I was hoping for icon_lol.gif
  • cyineedsn wrote:
    In any case, if you still don't want to use shields, then you'll have to settle for basically playing mainly at the end of pvp events. Otherwise, climbing too high middle/early will basically force you to play 24/7 to keep your score.

    The only 3* characters I haven't maxed out are spider man, falcon, wolverine, and ragnarok... Everyone else has 13 covers... I have 3 4*'s at 8 covers but I don't really use them in either pve or pvp... I'm in a good alliance with other casual players so we don't really focus on placing high as long as everyone plays at least once a day... My ranking dilemma is more personal than because of alliance requirements...
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    My roster is similar to yours, actually I have only 12-13 maxed, and the rest at various stages of 140-120. How long is it taking you to climb to 900? Are you having issues because of running out of high point targets? Or getting hit and knocked back down in score?
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    HossDrone wrote:
    The problem is that the placement rewards have not been expanded to account for the much, much larger player pools.

    I.e. - the 3 star rewards should go all the way to top 300 or so imho.

    Why? The brackets haven't increased in size as the population expanded so there are many more rewards given out. The percentage of the playing population who get rewards stays the same regardless of pool size.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Eddiemon wrote:
    HossDrone wrote:
    The problem is that the placement rewards have not been expanded to account for the much, much larger player pools.

    I.e. - the 3 star rewards should go all the way to top 300 or so imho.

    Why? The brackets haven't increased in size as the population expanded so there are many more rewards given out. The percentage of the playing population who get rewards stays the same regardless of pool size.
    However, the people who need 3* rewards generally aren't the ones getting them. The greater proportion of 4* players means that top 100 rewards are a casualty of progression and season placement, mostly sold for ISO.
  • cyineedsn wrote:
    My roster is similar to yours, actually I have only 12-13 maxed, and the rest at various stages of 140-120. How long is it taking you to climb to 900? Are you having issues because of running out of high point targets? Or getting hit and knocked back down in score?

    It really depends on the event and how much time I can invest in it. I can get 800 points in about an hr if I really try, so if I were to give it 2 solid hrs I'd probably be able to get all the progression rewards (and so far, I've only achieved that once when I was so excited to have my first 3 maxed out 3*'s and before the buffs went into place lol).

    The issue with doing that is that I usually only have time at night before bed and when I wake up I get the nice surprise of having lost half my points over night... I'm just too stingy with my hp I guess since I'd rather use them for roster slots haha...
  • UNC_Samurai
    UNC_Samurai Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    DayvBang wrote:
    Eddiemon wrote:
    HossDrone wrote:
    The problem is that the placement rewards have not been expanded to account for the much, much larger player pools.

    I.e. - the 3 star rewards should go all the way to top 300 or so imho.

    Why? The brackets haven't increased in size as the population expanded so there are many more rewards given out. The percentage of the playing population who get rewards stays the same regardless of pool size.
    However, the people who need 3* rewards generally aren't the ones getting them. The greater proportion of 4* players means that top 100 rewards are a casualty of progression and season placement, mostly sold for ISO.

    As someone that hit the 2* -> 3* wall about two months before the DDQ went into place, T100 PVP rewards was one of three pieces of the puzzle. My path from having one 3* above 94 (and that was a yellow-heavy Spidey) to having seven or eight 3* maxed and optimally covered was just a little over 5 months. I was almost f2p; I spent $5 about every other month, plus there was the ginormous boost in HP from the Ultron event in May that paid for three roster slots above and beyond my normal engine of being able to save enough between new releases.

    1: Perhaps the biggest help was joining an alliance (HYBRID!) that could easily make T100 in PvE and make T100 in PvP about half the time. This was back when you could make the individual T100 reliably with a score of 450-500. Occasionally I could sneak in a T25, especially in the offseason. The alliance reward covers made a huge difference. Before, I was lucky to get two covers of a new 3* release, plus a 3rd from the next event's progression rewards. However, since they've increased the points per match, I'm sure a 2* roster can at least hit 650 even if it doesn't stay there - and that extra event token makes a big difference because:

    2: They really buffed heroic tokens. Back in late 2014, it was hard to get a 3* out of a token. I had a couple of 10-packs in PvP season progression that gave me nothing, which HURT. But whenever they changed the drop rate, I noticed. I had ten or twelve 3*s languishing in 1-2 cover hell, and I made the conscious effort to keep as many as possible because I never knew when one would be essential for a PvE (back when there was only one essential).

    3: A very close second to the T100 Alliance was the introduction of DDQ. It was a shot in the arm for characters who had one or two covers. I absolutely lucked out the first week Groot was available, and snagged three covers (including the survival node reward). This turned a 5-6 cover character who could occasionally substitute for a maxed 2*, into a mid-120s tank. With the time it takes f2p or near-f2p players to get a 3* maxed, odds are in their favor that they'll luck out like that one week. And with the Vault system replacing the standard token percentages, there's a slightly better chance a transition player will get that little speed boost to a useful character.

    One final thought back on point #1 - I think we forget how different the brackets between low- and high-level rosters are. Now that I'm closing in on my first maxed 4*, I rarely see 2*s anymore. And perhaps a 2* player can clarify for us. But I'm pretty sure they're not seeing tons of heavy hitting rosters chasing them down.

    Overall, even if it's a little harder for a transitioner to place T100, it's still significantly easier to build several 3*s now than it was 9 months ago.
  • Great OP, and some thoughtful, non-"you suck at games" responses, which is always refreshing in this forum...

    That said, I agree with what some others have said.

    With MPQ, it really comes down to finding your "sweet spot" more than any other game I've played.

    I've discovered that I simply cannot survive PvE played the "correct" way, so I either choose progression with the intention of bailing early or starting late for T100. This shift alone has saved me much anxiety, and I'm still earning cards and the HP to actually roster them.

    With PvP, I've learned that I can reliably make the T100 starting late as well, and usually T50 or T25 if the prizes are not valuable to others but still needed by me (the last Hulk PvP for example gave me a pretty relaxed T50 for a Hulk redflag.png and some desperately needed HP).

    Further, with PvP, there are quite a few "lower level" rewards that really help my roster (3*s and HP) to be had merely playing the Simulator with minimal intent and getting my 150-200 easy points in each event, which ultimately got me (if my memory serves me) a Torch, a CMarv from Sim progressions, and a BW card for the 3000 season progression.

    As always, the DDQ is a godsend in MPQ. I honestly wonder how many deletions D3 saved simply by implementing that one feature. I know it continues to keep me going.

    I guess what I'm saying is:

    tl;dr: There's a bunch of MPQ to be enjoyed still. If you're feeling like you're burning out, be honest with yourself about your expectations, and adjust accordingly. I know for myself that I enjoy the bones of the game, so as long as I can find something that feels worthwile to do, I'll keep it around.

    Good luck out there.

  • i have quited for at least 3 times,but i still come back icon_cry.gif when i come back,i decided to play less,but when the days passed,i begin to play much as i used to be,feel tied icon_cry.gif but still want to play it,just because play the **** game has more than 1 years,sometimes it still give me surprice icon_cry.gif
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    Talmina15 wrote:

    It really depends on the event and how much time I can invest in it. I can get 800 points in about an hr if I really try, so if I were to give it 2 solid hrs I'd probably be able to get all the progression rewards (and so far, I've only achieved that once when I was so excited to have my first 3 maxed out 3*'s and before the buffs went into place lol).

    The issue with doing that is that I usually only have time at night before bed and when I wake up I get the nice surprise of having lost half my points over night... I'm just too stingy with my hp I guess since I'd rather use them for roster slots haha...

    The best advice I can attempt to give you here (assuming that you are picking a time slice that ends roughly when you go to bed, and assuming that you don't want/can't afford to use shields every pvp) is:

    - on nights when the pvp is NOT ending, climb a little, but make sure you do not go to bed ranked in the top 25, or even top 50, doing that a day+ before the event ends just makes you a sitting duck when people make their actual climb to 1k+.
    - only make your final climb beyond the top 50 at the end of the event before you go to bed.

    If you aren't already doing that, hopefully this will help you reduce the time wasted from climbing, getting beat down, climbing, getting beat down, climbing, getting beat down, climbing, getting beat down.....
  • I hit that spot a few months ago. My advice is to just play casually. MPQ has gotten really good at balancing out hard-core players and casual, making sure both sides have fun.

    The weekly buffs change the field up enough to play a few matches a day and have fun. If you only like the meta-game and not the actual matches, then I'd recommend stopping, but there's a reason you picked up the game in the first place, and it probably wasn't so you could grind straight for 7 days icon_e_smile.gif

    Eventually you'll randomly find yourself in a bracket that's full of people playing casually and you'll end up in the top 10 and you'll be like... "**** I didn't even want this character" but it's a welcome surprise. lol
  • Leugenesmiff
    Leugenesmiff Posts: 401 Mover and Shaker
    Talmina15 wrote:
    Hi all,

    I haven't posted much on here and I'm sorry for my first post being full of complaints but I just had to let it out...

    I've been playing MPQ for almost two years now and I really love the game... I used to be able to make top 50 in pvp and top 20 in pve without having to be on my phone all day but that is no longer the case...

    If I want to make top 100 now, I have to make at least 900 pts per event and I just can't put in the amount of time it takes to do that... And I'm not going to spend hp on shields either so there goes that... To top it all off, how can someone who's had no points ALL day (and is waaayyyyy lower level than me) come up 1hr before a pve event ends and triple the score I've been working on AALLLLLLL day?!?!?!?!?!

    I don't want to quit but at this point I don't think I'll last much longer. I guess the devs are trying to make it fair for everyone playing to have an equal shot of making the top 10, but when I'm fighting against nodes at more than lvl. 300, I end up with a lvl. 166 at 1 health point and two lvl. 240's dead as ****** ...

    All in all, I've become very bitter and the only reason I continue playing is to support my alliance... I'm kinda hoping that next time Daken's chemical reaction goes off it'll take me with it too.

    Well, it's a game, so ask yourself, do I enjoy playing it anymore? If the answer is yes, stay, if the answer is no, quit.
    I no longer constantly fight for top 10 or even 100 either. I got burned out doing that. But I enjoy the game itself. That's the main reason I started AARP Avengers (we're full, sorry) so that players like me could still get the alliance benefits, have a good group, but no one needed to feel like they had to play any more than they actually wanted to play. Plus, I don't need to get every new character and max it right away to enjoy playing. If you do, and that's no longer possible, then again, maybe it's time to find a new game you enjoy more.
  • cyineedsn wrote:
    The best advice I can attempt to give you here (assuming that you are picking a time slice that ends roughly when you go to bed, and assuming that you don't want/can't afford to use shields every pvp) is:

    - on nights when the pvp is NOT ending, climb a little, but make sure you do not go to bed ranked in the top 25, or even top 50, doing that a day+ before the event ends just makes you a sitting duck when people make their actual climb to 1k+.
    - only make your final climb beyond the top 50 at the end of the event before you go to bed.

    If you aren't already doing that, hopefully this will help you reduce the time wasted from climbing, getting beat down, climbing, getting beat down, climbing, getting beat down, climbing, getting beat down.....

    Yeah, I've pretty much stopped aiming for the rank and decided to just get enough points for the 10-pack haha. I still like deadpool's daily so maybe I'll just settle for that. The gauntlet break is really helping though, but I realized I don't remember how to live in the real world anymore lol.