Kamala Kahn...you win.



  • evil panda
    evil panda Posts: 419 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2015
    Double post
  • Kamala said "No! The MPQ community wants them NOW!"
    haha.... lol'd at this
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    I was using too many AoE attacks too early before I realized my mistake.

    This PvP requires you to have someone that can deal with KK quickly, not do all party damage. And if you are banking on AoE, you need to hold on to your AoE attacks so that KK isn't healing everyone and mitigating a whole bunch of the damage.

    I was using SW to power up KK's bash, but SW is pretty squishy when she isn't boosted. Then I was using 4Pool's Red to finish off any high Health enemy. Since the enemy was pretty good at getting off attacks in this PvP, I wish I had 5 in black, because it was firing 4 times a match.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Buret0 wrote:
    And if you are banking on AoE, you need to hold on to your AoE attacks so that KK isn't healing everyone and mitigating a whole bunch of the damage.

    The best advice I've read in this thread. I went exclusively with bp/cmag for this event, and (for the first time ever) broke 1,300 points. Your strategy depends on what the board gives you. If there are a lot of red/blues, I try to collect them ASAP to take out Kamala. If the board gives you tons of pinks/greens you need to play KK color denial to avoid being hit with HER fists. If yel/bk is the favored color on board, save them up for a battle plan-rage combo.

    The idea is to delay using aoes until you can knock at least one opponent out during that turn. Otherwise, as bureto mentions, the AI will simply heal everyone right back up again.
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    best 3 star...ever.
  • This was the first event I hit 1K so super happy about that, hard climb though!
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    russreid91 wrote:
    One of my alliance mates proposed SW/cMags with her and I have had a lot of success with that, closing in on 1300. Prioritize purple and green and the cascades should give you enough to fire off cMags red and blue. Don't be afraid to boost as well.

    Hopefully you might still have time to get your Antman.

    Your friend is very wise. This was the best lineup this event. I ran them (all three maxed) to a very good score. It also helps to have been in a good slice, of course, but that's is beside the OP's point.

    Witch Khan is so fast I was only Khan-bashed twice that I recall. I suffered no wipes and no snipes. Bested 4* teams easily. The only lineup that might have been trouble was Thing XFDP, but I didn't see any. Cmags took two HUB punches to the face, but thankfully not in the same match. Witch took 2 dirt naps. No big.

    The key to this lineup is saving pink until you can use it at least twice, and doing the same with green. And burning off blue and red to soften up the enemy's highest health toons before you start bashing. Oh, and if you have a lot of pink (sometimes witch gets carried away...) , alternate between Khan pink and green. Don't want to accidentally collect more than 30 green and let any go to waste!

    Thanks to thos who know for a thoroughly pleasurable event and successful event icon_e_biggrin.gif

    My only wipe so far was vs this team. Would love to run it myself but my witch is 553
  • I barely got 1000 from a 934 shield with a 71 hard target (4* Wolv, 4* Thor). Got slammed to 730 within minutes.
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    I pulled it off! Got my Kamala respecd to 3/5/5 and used The Hood and Magneto. 7th time I've pulled off a 1000 point PvP prize and this was the toughest.

    4* Ant-Man yellow, 6th cover, 3/1/2.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    Guess I used a completely different team to everyone else, Maxed cmag and 120 Loki. Lots of cascades from the board shakeups. Don't think I ever got hit my the opposing KK bash, though I did get hit by BP a couple of times during the club to 1k.
  • Ryz-aus
    Ryz-aus Posts: 386
    Rode hood/bp to the win. Found them better than using mags, fist, hulkbuster, or my boosted 4 thor.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    I guess I'm the only guy here who went Hood/Mags. It was beautiful. Just collect red/blue and let Hood pick up the purple/green you need. You'll end up getting black/yellow from him as well. Rainbow coverage, Mags focuses the hell out of people with blue and red, and Kamala brings the pain. My worst enemies in this event were my own recklessness going into battles at half health, and some of the most unlikely cascades I've seen in recent history. **** cascades, man.
  • TOFU3
    TOFU3 Posts: 71 Match Maker
    I got my 1k reward 9hrs before my slice ended. My team is KK+DPX+WFX. Both the AI and me compete for green and purple ap so KK didnt activates her skill in early stage. DPX's red saved me a couple times before KK's green activates downs me. I was lucky so overall it is not a very hard one for me. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Sorry to hear that OP. With only cMags 166 and BP 130 to pair with KK 166 I did my best score ever, 1340.
  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    Saw a couple people here on the way up. Brutal event.

    I fought almost all cmags bp, the occasional if imhb were a treat.

    Skipped all hoods fought all Loki teams.

    I wish I saw more sw teams.

    I never see cmags blue coming, that's what hurt me most this event.
  • dokiy
    dokiy Posts: 238 Tile Toppler
    Granted I didn't do a large climb, but what I found to work was to leave KK for last and take out the other characters first. Obviously her most annoying power is yellowflag.png but if I can kill others first, that power doesn't fire.