"Look sharp all of ye! There are whales hereabouts!"

GMadMan040 Posts: 207
edited August 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
The term is almost mythological. So powerful that it immediately conjures up images of hellfire and brimstone descending into the valley to smash mouth the populace. They lurk in the shadows of the mind, until they are right behind you ready to take away your last trace of self-respect and dignity. By then, it's too late, the game is already lost.


There. I said it.

But what is the great white beast that taunts every Ahab?

What is it that defines a whale within the context of MPQ? At what $$$ threshold exactly do we start defining "whaling up"?

I understand what this concept is. I'm curious what everyone else thinks and I'm also curious on what the opinions are on how it effects the MPQ game world & community.


  • MarcusGraves
    MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    when you can fully cover out a brand new 4* with cash after snagging each of their abilities you are a big fat whale. Whales are good for the game anyway because they are most likely the people D3 is getting the bulk of their income from because of the way they decide to do their business model with characters (al la rarely buffing characters that need it and just releasing shiny new **** to distract people), which allows the rest of us to continue to enjoy the game because D3 is getting the income to keep the game alive.

    its a very here and now type of model but one I fear will dry up if they continue down this path because the game will be flooded with characters both overwhelming and sub par unless they finally decide to go back and re-balance.
  • ThatOneGuyjp189512
    ThatOneGuyjp189512 Posts: 543 Critical Contributor
    My alliance mates call me a whale, not entirely sure that applies but they say my roster proves it. The reason i like spending money is cause i enjoy this game, i like having the best characters usable right away. It just makes my experience more enjoyable. We are people, we just happen to spend money on this game.
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    I prefer to think of them as the biggest supporters of mpq. If players want to be f2p, then someone has to make up the difference for those people. In my book, whales are the unsung heroes of MPQ.

    They give us juicy targets and fill the points pools. They keep the game f2p for those that want that option. They also. .. sorry got to go. One just unshielded.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I honestly am glad there are whales out there. When the PVP for a new char comes along, you never really know a good strategy to dealing with it, unless someone has it fully covered and you get to fight it. a 1/1/1 loaner is not a good representation of what it takes to beat a fully covered lvl 270. Whale on, so we can whale on you in PVP (or get whaled upon!)

    Only way to build strategies is to fight the real deal.
  • Konman
    Konman Posts: 410 Mover and Shaker
    A whale likes to win the game, not necessarily play the game. And the way they win is by out spending the competition. In the Nefarious Foes PvP, I had the same player hit me more than 6 times in less than 2 hours. This player had a full 4* team with Jean Grey, XPool, and King Pin...the 2 newest characters, fully covered and boosted. It was an extra reward for the whales, not only does spending the money get you the character earlier than most, but because you spent the money, we're going to give you a boost to amplify your already significant advantage.
  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    I spent money on this game mostly so I could play faster and therefore spend less time playing per day.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    Konman wrote:
    In the Nefarious Foes PvP, I had the same player hit me more than 6 times in less than 2 hours.
    If someone hits you six times in two hours, they are not a whale, they're an a******. I will hold off on starting the "There be a******s hereabouts!" thread for the time being. icon_e_geek.gif
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would just like to say thank you to all the whales and if I hit you in PVP I am sorry I really needed the points to get my measly 1000 points and 1 4* cover.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Did someone say whales?

  • Personal Opinion: Anyone that direct buys covers or iso, or anything larger than a 10 pack is a whale.

    I guess that seems kind of arbitrary, but those are the best ways of skipping past the advancement phase of the game for characters.

    I myself have spent a bit on roster slots, but I only jokingly called it whaling, even though I spent it all at once almost. Somehow, that feels less, whaley, use of HP?
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    People with max 4* before their release event is over = superwhales
    People with max 4* immediately after their release event is over = whales
    People that selectively max 4* immediately (i.e. max Jean, won't max FalCap) = baby whales

    Buying single covers does not a whale make.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    I definitely view the whales as the "haves" of the MPQ world. I'll NEVER catch them, but I'm glad they are around since I've gone completely F2P. The whales make this game possible for the little guy like myself. Without them, there is no me!
  • Konman wrote:
    A whale likes to win the game, not necessarily play the game. And the way they win is by out spending the competition. In the Nefarious Foes PvP, I had the same player hit me more than 6 times in less than 2 hours. This player had a full 4* team with Jean Grey, XPool, and King Pin...the 2 newest characters, fully covered and boosted. It was an extra reward for the whales, not only does spending the money get you the character earlier than most, but because you spent the money, we're going to give you a boost to amplify your already significant advantage.

    To be fair, this nefarious PVP is pretty stupid. Everyone has Cmags + Loki + Hood. So unless you are good at looking at names, you might hit the same person over and over again thinking that it's a different person since everyone has the same team.
  • Maceo511
    Maceo511 Posts: 67 Match Maker
    Konman wrote:
    In the Nefarious Foes PvP, I had the same player hit me more than 6 times in less than 2 hours. .

    Why didn't you shield after the 2nd or 3rd hit? Was it a good retal? I found they are usually worth something later.
  • I was wondering what defines a whale myself recently since I've probably spent into the 4 digit mark as of writing this.
    I only spent money on covers for 9 Jean Greys and 2 Hulk Busters. (I always said if my favorite character came out I'd buy them out, luckily i got 4 Jeans)
    I used to have no problem buying a 40 pack once or twice a week when I was transitioning to 3 star land but since I only really need 4 stars now, no reason for packs anymore unless its to get a new 4 star release.

    I'd never spend money on ISO though at least at current prices, so does that make me a baby beluga in a sea of moby ****? icon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif

    I'm sure some people think it's crazy to spend any amount of money on a game, but remember this...everyone has their own value on money and everyone makes a different amount. There are people that go to the club and pay $20 for a mixed drink saying that is a lot to spend and then there are people who get a $1,000 bottle of champagne and feel that price is fine. I'll also throw out there that this game was always fun to me, but after I started spending money on it the fun increased exponentially and hasn't let up since.
  • I don't think there's a hard cut-off for who's a whale and who isn't. You know the super-whales when you see them. The guy that max-leveled X-Force Deadpool before Colognoisseur is more whale than you.

    But we're all whales when we pump money into this game to enhance our characters. It's just that some of us are far more whale than others.
  • There are people that go to the club and pay $20 for a mixed drink saying that is a lot to spend and then there are people who get a $1,000 bottle of champagne and feel that price is fine.

    So you do get drunk off this game. I knew it!
  • Splarne wrote:
    There are people that go to the club and pay $20 for a mixed drink saying that is a lot to spend and then there are people who get a $1,000 bottle of champagne and feel that price is fine.

    So you do get drunk off this game. I knew it!

    icon_lol.gificon_lol.gif I can neither confirm nor deny this!
  • People with max 4* before their release event is over = superwhales
    People with max 4* immediately after their release event is over = whales
    People that selectively max 4* immediately (i.e. max Jean, won't max FalCap) = baby whales

    Buying single covers does not a whale make.

    I think this is the fairest description that we have in the current state of MPQ.

    I'm a day 1 player. I have spent in the $1000s on MPQ. I buy approximately a stark per season. I have an elite roster and have run with a top 10 crew from day 1 of seasons. I don't consider myself a whale.

    But if we are going by GSmurf's classification above then i am a baby whale.

    Superwhales aren't usually found in top 10 alliances either...whales are. Whales are way more likely to be day 1 (or thereabouts) players who grind the hell out of a PvE for the first 3 covers of a new release and then purchase the remaining covers. Whales also don't usually buy ISO. They are way more likely to be grinding 21 of 24 LRs for top 50 placement each week for their stack.

    IMO, it's cooler to be a Whale than a Superwhale. Whales are longer term players and they have put in and still do put in more work than 99% of MPQ players. Yes it takes money to be a whale, but it takes A LOT more hard work and dedication.

  • djsquillz wrote:
    People with max 4* before their release event is over = superwhales
    People with max 4* immediately after their release event is over = whales
    People that selectively max 4* immediately (i.e. max Jean, won't max FalCap) = baby whales

    Buying single covers does not a whale make.

    I think this is the fairest description that we have in the current state of MPQ.

    I'm a day 1 player. I have spent in the $1000s on MPQ. I buy approximately a stark per season. I have an elite roster and have run with a top 10 crew from day 1 of seasons. I don't consider myself a whale.

    But if we are going by GSmurf's classification above then i am a baby whale.

    Superwhales aren't usually found in top 10 alliances either...whales are. Whales are way more likely to be day 1 (or thereabouts) players who grind the hell out of a PvE for the first 3 covers of a new release and then purchase the remaining covers. Whales also don't usually buy ISO. They are way more likely to be grinding 21 of 24 LRs for top 50 placement each week for their stack.

    IMO, it's cooler to be a Whale than a Superwhale. Whales are longer term players and they have put in and still do put in more work than 99% of MPQ players. Yes it takes money to be a whale, but it takes A LOT more hard work and dedication.


    Well said. That puts me in the baby whale category I guess. Buying ISO AND all the covers really defeats the purpose of playing and should be considered The Collector Whale or something icon_lol.gif