Can everyone expect the Juggs vault?

JordonLee Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
edited August 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Right, I don't have the vault personally.

However, I really want the vault. I want to spend HP on the daily token.
However, it is almost midnight here, when the daily token resets.

So... I'll lose out on a day because I don't have the vault yet.
I've started the event, I'm almost at the free token reward.

I'm just asking so I won't get my hopes up for them to be dashed. If it were to be both, it would have been nice to be able to pick them y'know.
Or have vocal recognition from the team about this vault.
But I think that'd be moving in the right direction too fast.

Okay, sarcasm and frustration aside (as well as me being a twat lol), can I expect to be able to use this vault for myself or not?


  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    I PM'd IceIX about this - still no response.....
  • JordonLee
    JordonLee Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    I PM'd IceIX about this - still no response.....

    Guess that's a no then.
    I'm mad at them for giving only some what we could consider an unfair advantage. If it's a test, they should have at least let us chose.
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    Yep. This is BUNK. Big time
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yah, i have the standard tokens, no vault, so basically will be nothing but 2*s from every token, as all event tokens are.
  • JordonLee
    JordonLee Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    Malcrof wrote:
    Yah, i have the standard tokens, no vault, so basically will be nothing but 2*s from every token, as all event tokens are.

    Thought to hell with it waiting for the vault, pulled my first token - 2* Thor.
    Everyone in my alliance is like "YAY I just pulled 4* deadpool" or they pulled Hulkbuster.
    Call me salty, but.. Y'know what, nah. Just call me salty. This is bull.
  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    I have the vault and no deadpool or imhb yet, but I got a starlord so far, sucks not everyone has it, not fair.
  • xdogg
    xdogg Posts: 335 Mover and Shaker
    Not sure it matters, I have the vault and bought 2 tokens so far and got 2*s both times, doesn't really make sense that some players have the vault and others don't though
  • JordonLee
    JordonLee Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    xdogg wrote:
    Not sure it matters, I have the vault and bought 2 tokens so far and got 2*s both times, doesn't really make sense that some players have the vault and others don't though

    Nah, I'm not the one to wish misfortune on other people that have what I wish they had, and I do hope you benefit from it yourself.
    People think this is some sort of a/b testing to see which party (old token packs or vault token packs) purchase more tokens. Problem is, not giving everyone the chance will just mess with the results. I would have bought tokens. Will I now? No of course not.
    They should have made everyone have the vault then compare it to when everyone had the normal token packs.

    I just don't get the developers of this game, I really don't. This is common sense. Equal opportunity amongst all your customers. Not just some bull off chance you get into the lucky group. That just makes people angry that don't get the option for the one they wanted.

    Back to topic though, I hope you do end up benefiting from the vault.
  • Furious1
    Furious1 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    You would think the independence vault was enough evidence to know if it works or not. I spent a good bit of my hard earned money on that vault as it really helped jump start my 3* transition.

    I was ready to open up the wallet and see what I was willing to spend (without my wife finding out), but since I'm not cool enough to have access to the juggs vault, I suppose I'll just put it back in my pocket until we figure out what the hell is going on.

    At least I learned to think twice before spending money on this game going forward
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    I don't have a fancy vault either. I'm going to show my distaste for this, as well as the Heroic Juggernaut story event itself, by simply not playing.
  • JordonLee
    JordonLee Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    Furious1 wrote:
    You would think the independence vault was enough evidence to know if it works or not. I spent a good bit of my hard earned money on that vault as it really helped jump start my 3* transition.

    I was ready to open up the wallet and see what I was willing to spend (without my wife finding out), but since I'm not cool enough to have access to the juggs vault, I suppose I'll just put it back in my pocket until we figure out what the hell is going on.

    At least I learned to think twice before spending money on this game going forward

    Ha, I spend money on this game occasionally without telling my partner too. It's like we're ashamed lol.
    At least we don't have to do it for the Juggs vault wuhay.
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    I know I will basically just get an automated response, but I am going to be submitting a ticket. Complete **** that some got a sweet vault with up to 4 4*, I think always including a dpx, so a 1 in 20 chance of getting a 4*. The rest of us stuck with our .7% of dpx.

    Seriously messed up. There is no testing here really. A normal player would choose the vault. A whale having missed the pve would prefer normal packs hoping to score multiple covers.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yep, no vault here either. Guess I don't have to make a choice between this and that sale on a Hearthstone Grand Tournament 50 pack. Hearthstone it is. Almost always the better decision anyway icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Furious1
    Furious1 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Agreed. Money saved for me, means pizza and wings for my family tonight.

    I'm not the kind of guy that asks for compensation for any inconvenience, but simply putting their hands in their pockets and looking the other way is definitely not right.

    A logical explanation at least, if not, compensation should be considered . I'm easy to please, just a tip that there is a newly unemployed decision maker is good enough compensation for me lol
  • JordonLee
    JordonLee Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    Worst thing is, as the "other test subjects" that get the standard token packs, we're not doing anything the devs probably didn't expect. We aren't spending money, people with the vault probably are.
    So I guess their little test is a success. And we, their guinea pigs, have played our roles spectacularly.

    Lol I'm making D3 seem like evil masterminds.
    Seriously though, at least this means they'll probably stick to the vault a bit more if it ends up doing well so they don't have to do these stupid tests.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    I spose the upside is that they are testing.....though why do it in a production environment? That's right, free guinea pigs! Since they always seem to be running short on server hamsters. =)
  • Boommike
    Boommike Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    I've seen at least two red names browsing the forums very recently and no word on this? Why not? How is this inconsistency fair?
  • JordonLee
    JordonLee Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    Boommike wrote:
    I've seen at least two red names browsing the forums very recently and no word on this? Why not? How is this inconsistency fair?

    Don't worry, it's frustrating me too. It's like at the moment they're only answering questions about the UI. Incredibly annoying.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    My guess is that it's a bug, not a test. They've never done selective testing before. They usually release something new to everyone, even if it's not good/ready.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    What is this vault? Why are some people getting it and not others? Why am I not getting the Jugg PvE vault?

    Is there somewhere on this forum that has the answer? Like is this an Android/Steam/iPhone thing?