What if DC made their own version of Puzzle Quest?

Posts: 182
Now that we got that disclaimer out of the way, I would like to try diversifying this forum. I know that there are obscure characters that need some love, but how about we explore other popular characters from an entirely different universe? And by that, I mean Marvel's rival DC!
So let's take a good look at the most recognized superheroes and villains for DC!

Superman (Man of Steel)

Heat Vision: Superman melts down just about anything right in front of his eyes. Destroy 2 columns of tiles on the edge of the board. Deal 1000 damage to the enemy.
Max Level: All tiles except for the 2x8 tiles in the center are destroyed. Deal 4000 damage to the enemy.
Arctic Breath: With a mighty blow from his powerful lungs, Superman can stop enemies straight down to a sub-zero temperature. Stun the target for 3 turns. Freeze 2 enemy countdown tiles into a locked tile.
Max Level: Stun the target for 5 turns and the rest of the enemy team by 2 turns. Enemy owned special tiles are all converted into Locked Tiles.
Solar Charge (Passive): The yellow sun's radiation powers up Superman's indestructible body. Once per turn, Superman creates 1 Red Charge Tile and 1 Blue Charge Tile on the board.
Max Level: If you match 5 or more tiles on the board, Superman gains 5 extra red and blue AP. Superman can generate 1 Red and Blue Charged Tiles on every turn.

Batman (The Dark Knight)

Interrogation: As the world's greatest detective, Batman extracts information out of his designated target. Enemy team loses 3 Blue and Yellow AP as Batman takes them away.
Max Level: Batman steals 5 of each color from the enemy's AP pool, but converts all of the AP into either Blue or Yellow AP.
Fear Takedown: Criminals cower in the presence of Gotham's protector as they are subdued by a combination of stealth and martial arts. Place 3 trap tiles on the board, and if the enemy makes a match with it, the target gets stunned for 1 turns.
Max Level: Make 7 Trap tiles. If the enemy has below 35% health and makes the match with a trap tile, down that enemy immediately. If Batman makes the match with his own trap tile, he relocates it to a random tile.
Utility Belt: Gadgets and tools are available at disposal and ready for combat. Batman throws batarangs in the form of 3 attacks tiles with 52 strength each.
Max Level: The Batmobile has arrived to provide Batman with extra firepower. Generate 3 attack tiles, 2 strike tiles, and 5 shield tiles at 260 strength each.

Lex Luthor (POTUS)

Kryptonite Engine (Passive): Lex powers up his Warsuit designed to take on his arch nemesis Superman. Steal 3 Red and 3 Blue AP from the enemy team every time Lex makes a green match.
Max Level: If you hold at least 12 Red and 12 Blue AP, generate 4 Black AP on every turn.
Luthor's Assets (Passive): Anything is possible when there is enough economical leverage and political connections. If Lex has less than 20% of his health left, make a purple match to destroy all red and blue tiles on the field. Lex restores 120 health for each tile destroyed.
Max Level: If Lex has less than 40% of his health left, he restores 400 health for each red and blue tile destroyed after making a purple match.
Black Ops Team: Sometimes the President of the United States needs highly trained soldiers to do the dirty work. Create 6 Countdown Tiles, and each specific tile does the following:
Max Level: Pay 7 extra Purple AP to keep the 3 turns Countdown Tiles from being matched, destroyed, or overwritten. President Luthor is also generous enough to provide his Black Ops team further upgrades:

The Joker (Clown Prince of Crime)

Killer Punchline: You must be laughing your guts out by now!
Steal 2 enemy owned special tiles and convert them into Countdown tiles. If enemy matches the Countdown tile, it creates a strike tile with 69 strength. If the timer is up, the enemy takes 250 damage.
Max Level: Steal 4 enemy owned special tiles and convert them into Countdown tiles. If enemy matches the Countdown tile, it creates a random strike or attack tile with 444 strength. If the timer is up, the enemy takes 2900 damage. If there are no enemy special tiles present, create a Joker trap tile.
Laughing Gas: HAHAHAHA!!! Here's a present delivered by Uncle Joker! Create a Joker trap tile on the board, and for every 3 turns it is intact, it multiplies twice its amount. Enemy team match damage is reduced by 60 strength for each Joker trap tile on the board.
Max Level: If you match 5 or more tiles with the Joker trap tile, it covers the entire board with Joker tiles. Enemy team match damage is reduced by 80 strength for each Joker trap tile on the board and loses AP corresponding to the color of the trap tiles.
Smile!: Let's turn that frown upside down! Uncle J here will make sure you'll make such a happy face by slicing your mouth wide open! Deal 400 damage to the enemy target and cause bleeding.
Max Level: Deal 1800 damage to the enemy target, and healing is disabled on the target. The bleeding target will lose 5% of his/her HP on every turn.
Whew! It took me last night to come up with just about everything on this post! Please, Marvel fans, let us not have a civil war with DC like how Cap and Iron Man did back then.
Now that we got that disclaimer out of the way, I would like to try diversifying this forum. I know that there are obscure characters that need some love, but how about we explore other popular characters from an entirely different universe? And by that, I mean Marvel's rival DC!
So let's take a good look at the most recognized superheroes and villains for DC!

Max Level: All tiles except for the 2x8 tiles in the center are destroyed. Deal 4000 damage to the enemy.

Max Level: Stun the target for 5 turns and the rest of the enemy team by 2 turns. Enemy owned special tiles are all converted into Locked Tiles.

Max Level: If you match 5 or more tiles on the board, Superman gains 5 extra red and blue AP. Superman can generate 1 Red and Blue Charged Tiles on every turn.

Max Level: Batman steals 5 of each color from the enemy's AP pool, but converts all of the AP into either Blue or Yellow AP.

Max Level: Make 7 Trap tiles. If the enemy has below 35% health and makes the match with a trap tile, down that enemy immediately. If Batman makes the match with his own trap tile, he relocates it to a random tile.

Max Level: The Batmobile has arrived to provide Batman with extra firepower. Generate 3 attack tiles, 2 strike tiles, and 5 shield tiles at 260 strength each.

Max Level: If you hold at least 12 Red and 12 Blue AP, generate 4 Black AP on every turn.

Max Level: If Lex has less than 40% of his health left, he restores 400 health for each red and blue tile destroyed after making a purple match.

"Commando": Select a special tile to destroy and create a strike tile of 50 strength as a substitute for the destroyed tile.
"Demolitioner": Destroy a 2x2 block of tiles on all 4 corners of the board. Deals 600 damage to the enemy team.
"Sniper": Destroy a 3x3 block of tiles on the center of the board. Deals 1400 damage on the enemy target.
Max Level: Pay 7 extra Purple AP to keep the 3 turns Countdown Tiles from being matched, destroyed, or overwritten. President Luthor is also generous enough to provide his Black Ops team further upgrades:
"Commando": Select 3 special tiles to destroy and create a strike tile of 75 strength as a substitute for each destroyed tile. If there are no special tiles present, create a shield tile of 150 strength
"Demolitioner": Destroy a 2x2 block of tiles on all 4 corners of the board. Deals 1800 damage to the enemy team and replace the destroyed tiles with attack tiles with 50 strength.
"Sniper": Destroy a 3x3 block of tiles on the center of the board. Deals 4000 damage on the enemy target and an additional 800 damage to the enemy team.

Max Level: Steal 4 enemy owned special tiles and convert them into Countdown tiles. If enemy matches the Countdown tile, it creates a random strike or attack tile with 444 strength. If the timer is up, the enemy takes 2900 damage. If there are no enemy special tiles present, create a Joker trap tile.

Max Level: If you match 5 or more tiles with the Joker trap tile, it covers the entire board with Joker tiles. Enemy team match damage is reduced by 80 strength for each Joker trap tile on the board and loses AP corresponding to the color of the trap tiles.

Max Level: Deal 1800 damage to the enemy target, and healing is disabled on the target. The bleeding target will lose 5% of his/her HP on every turn.
Whew! It took me last night to come up with just about everything on this post! Please, Marvel fans, let us not have a civil war with DC like how Cap and Iron Man did back then.
Looks like fun! One huge thing missing from Supes, his signature move.. flying into them fists out at full speed.0
Maybe a low health 1* Jason Todd (boy wonder), so he can get creamed every time.0
Only if I get a 3* Harley Quinn.0
GothicKratos wrote:Only if I get a 3* Harley Quinn.
you can keep Harley, i want me some White Canary.0 -
Oh, sure, let's get SILLY. Sorry, no Fancy Image link.
Jason Todd, (Lost Sidekick)
Distraction TechniqueX AP, Generate Protect Tiles, akin to 3 Mags.
Valiant Sacrifice:Sentry sacrifice, but red.
Red Hood Rising:Passive, heal JT when he is KO'd, increase amount of health regained per cover. Change Yellow and Red abilities to:
Twin Pistols:Same as Hood
Superior Training:Destroy enemy special tiles and deal damage to target.
Change black to
Final Stand:Passive: Generate Attack tiles whenever Jason Todd takes a certain amount of damage. If he dies, replace all attack tiles with strike tiles.
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I need Professor Zoom,
He gets a speed force passive healala Daken, that also destroys a free enemy ability tile per turn if fully covered. He gets a ruthless, pestering "attack" tiles that are basically him punching faster than the enemies can attack
. This gets generated free ala Doc Ock's Insult to Injury, except that it generates whenever he matches a black. And he also gets a Kingpin's "destroy their AP for your needs" ability, which'd most certainly be
He would most certainly beSwordplay.
Big attack; like a buffed Bullseye's Purple attack. It should do something extra if fully covered.
. The Green would be a Mirakuru ability. Some sort of health regen and attack, similarly to New Deadpool's
Mind controlwould be a fun take on Colossus' Black that uses their abilities against their own team . . . OR a take on Mystique's Purple and OBW's Black, in that it stuns an enemy but lets him deal double damage using enemy match damage strengths. That way, even if they have strike tiles, they're just hurting their own team instead.
would be a superior intellect attack.
would be a mix of Beast's AoE, and Hulk's red ability. He does a big bash. It hurts the enemies based on the
ap he has in his pool. It can't hurt his team; he's too smart for that.
Fate http://covers.cbrd.info/ee2d2a7e30f8b3174e09139459320581_xl.jpg <-- variant from this month. This is Fate in a nutshell. The bearer of the helmet is prisoner to it.
Would bewith entrapment, nullification, and color changing tiles. He'd be Loki on steroids.
Green Lantern <-- Kyle, Hal, and Jon variants.for Hal.
for Kyle.
for Jon. I picked those based on the way D3 goes color abilities and temperaments for them.
And a 1* variant Guy Gardner.
Sinestro. http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110625214119/greenlantern/images/1/14/Green_Lantern_Sinestro_Corps_War-21_Cover-2.jpg0 -
could have a convert enemy tiles and heal team for x per, a polymorph, and a "convert team-ups to explosive timer tiles".0 -
I love and want this.
I'm picturing Ra's Al Ghul with a passive ability similar to Rocket and Groot's named Lazarus Pit.
Also, I picture The Riddler as a Loki or OBW-type character:(dunno): The Riddler devises overly complicated deathtraps to ensnare his foe. Create 1 random trap tile with a 2-turn countdown. If the enemy makes a match of the same color as the trap, the trap is deactivated. However, if the enemy fails to "solve the puzzle" in time, the trap explodes, doing heavy damage and destroying a 3x3 area. At 5, creates 3 such trap tiles, all the same color, doing greater damage.
Intellectual Superiority (Passive): Pride is The Riddler's downfall. Every turn, steal 1 random AP every turn, but leaves himself open to attack, creating 1 enemy strike tile. At 5, steals 3 different random AP, and creates a drastically reduced strike tile.
Riddle Me This: The Riddler's devious puzzles leave the enemy confused. Stun the target for 1 turn. At 3, stun target for 3 turns, 4 stuns target for 3 turns and rest of team for 1 turn, and at 5, stuns entire enemy team for 2 turns. I feel that's fair.
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And now I shall proceed to add additional characters on top of requested characters. So please hit the like button and you will get to see your requested characters soon enough. Here we go!
Wonder Woman (Princess Diana of Themyscira)
Lariat of Hestia: Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth can bind the captive and force out what she wants to know about the enemy. Stun one enemy for one turn, and deplete the target's strongest AP by 20%.
Max Level: Stun one enemy for 3 turns, and deplete the target's strongest AP by 100%Aegis of Athena (Passive): Diana can parry enemy projectiles with her bulletproof bracelets. If Wonder Woman is about to take at least 300 damage from Attack Tiles, she cancels the damage and create 2 Shield Tiles with 30% of the damage's strength.
Max Level: If Wonder Woman is about to take at least 500 damage from Attack Tiles, cancel the damage and create 2 Shield Tiles with 75% of the damage's strength.Divine Weaponry: As the Olympian gods give their blessings to the Princess of Themyscira, she is virtually a goddess of the battlefield. Wonder Woman slashes with her sword and deal 600 damage to the enemy target.
Max Level: Wonder Woman imbues her strength further with her tiara unlocking her full power. Deal 2800 damage to the enemy target and cause bleeding. Bleeding enemies take 800 extra damage if tiles are matched by Wonder Woman.0 -
Harley Quinn (Dr. Harleen Quinzel M.D.)
Mayhem Mallet: Don't underestimate Harley Quinn's strength, for she will swing that hammer with full force in the name of Joker! Deal 600 damage to the enemy target and randomly create an Attack or Strike tile with 80 strength.
Max Level: If you have at least 6 friendly tiles on the board, Harley can smash the entire enemy team by 1600 damage.Jack-In-The-Box: Harley winds up her favourite devious toy and takes cover from the bomb blast. Create a Countdown tile that takes 4 turns. When the timer is up, the explosion damages the enemy team by 1200 health.
Max Level: When the 3 turn timer is up, the explosion will destroy the board in Joker's smiley shape.
The enemy in the front takes 2400 extra damage on top of 1600 damage dealt to the enemy team. Stun whoever is in the front for 2 turns.Toxic Insanity (Passive): With the help of Poison Ivy's plants, Harley concocted poisonous gas that will affect everybody except for her. Generate 2 friendly and 2 enemy attack tiles with 60 strength whenever a green match is made.
Max Level: Generate 4 friendly and 4 enemy attack tiles with 320 strength whenever a green match is made. Harley does not take damage from enemy owned attack tiles that she created through her passive. Her team will take only 80% damage from the Attack tiles made from this passive.0 -
GundamY wrote:
Harley Quinn (Dr. Harleen Quinzel M.D.)
Mayhem Mallet: Don't underestimate Harley Quinn's strength, for she will swing that hammer with full force in the name of Joker! Deal 600 damage to the enemy target and randomly create an Attack or Strike tile with 80 strength.
Max Level: If you have at least 6 friendly tiles on the board, Harley can smash the entire enemy team by 1600 damage.Jack-In-The-Box: Harley winds up her favourite devious toy and takes cover from the bomb blast. Create a Countdown tile that takes 4 turns. When the timer is up, the explosion damages the enemy team by 1200 health.
Max Level: When the 3 turn timer is up, the explosion will destroy the board in Joker's smiley shape.
The enemy in the front takes 2400 extra damage on top of 1600 damage dealt to the enemy team. Stun whoever is in the front for 2 turns.Toxic Insanity (Passive): With the help of Poison Ivy's plants, Harley concocted poisonous gas that will affect everybody except for her. Generate 2 friendly and 2 enemy attack tiles with 60 strength whenever a green match is made.
Max Level: Generate 4 friendly and 4 enemy attack tiles with 320 strength whenever a green match is made. Harley does not take damage from enemy owned attack tiles that she created through her passive. Her team will take only 80% damage from the Attack tiles made from this passive.
Very nicely crafted! Theis a touch OP, i would maybe mirror Blade's current skill, she is a 3*!
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Here is another superhero that I thought about, and he is what Quicksilver should have been in this game IMO:
The Flash (Scarlet Speedster)
Fastest Man Alive: Barry Allen can run so fast that he creates vortexes around his enemies. Deal 600 damage to the enemy team and stun them by 1 turn.
Max Level: The enemy team are now choking for air as the Flash traps them in an electrifying vortex. Deal 2500 damage to the enemy team and stun them by 5 turns. Flash deal an additional 500 damage for every stunned enemy.Speed Force (Passive): This extra-dimensional energy has chosen the Flash to become a conduit of its power. Every time Flash makes a yellow match, create 3
(Red Charged Tiles).
Max Level: If there are at least 5 Charged Tiles on the board, Flash can create 1(Critical Tile) for every time a yellow match has been made.
Forensic Reading: Flash zips around to exploit potential weaknesses using his CSI knowledge combined with hyperspeed reflexes and analysis. Convert 1 enemy-owned tile into 1
(Red Charged Tile).
Max Level: Convert a maximum of 3 enemy-owned tiles into 2(Red Charged Tiles) and a Critical Tile. If there are at least 6 Charged Tiles on the board, Flash destroy all Charged Tiles on the board and gains Red AP in proportion to the Charged Tiles that are destroyed. (i.e. 1 Charged Tile = 3 AP, therefore 6 Red Charged Tiles = 18 Red AP)
So, is this Flash much better than Quicksilver for the game?0 -
Lately, this forum post feels like it's got...
( •_•)>⌐■-■
a cold reception!
...I'm sorry, I just had to do this! I realized that we have so many heroes, but not enough villains! So this will be my first DC villain post because I actually liked watching "The Flash (2014)" from the tv series. Here's who we got:Captain Cold (Leonard Snart)
Cold Gun -
12 AP: Snart fires off his weapon to achieve absolute zero on his target. Deal 273 damage to the enemy target and stun for 1 turn.
Max Level: Deal 4038 damage to the enemy target and stun the target for 5 turns.Ice Grenade -
10 AP: The leader of the Rogues freezes his surroundings in a large radius. Create a 2-turn Countdown Tile. As long as this Countdown Tile is on the board, the enemy team cannot earn Red AP.
Max Level: Create a 4 turn Countdown Tile. The enemy team cannot earn AP of any color (including team-up AP) so long as the Countdown Tile is in play.Frostbite (Passive): Captain Cold made sure his opponents stay conscious and feel the pain of having their skin frozen without numbing the icy torture. If the enemy is stunned, they take 520 extra damage whenever a blue match is made.
Max Level: Increase the stun duration of the enemy team by 2 extra turns whenever a yellow match is made. The enemy team takes 1600 extra damage every time a blue match is made.
How about that, guys? We got ourselves a major lockdown character!0 -
That is actually a pretty slick moveset.. would need AP costs to really give proper feedback.0
Since Captain Cold is pretty successful with the reception, let's try Wonder Woman's arch nemesis in another case!
Cheetah (Dr. Barbara Minerva)
Jungle Predator -
13 AP: Cheetah's claws and fangs are enchanted and allow her to cut almost anything. Deal 350 damage plus 30 bonus damage for every enemy owned Shield Tile on the board.
Max Level: Cheetah crushes the enemy defenses and slashes her way through with 3600 damage. Deal 125 bonus damage for every enemy owned Shield Tiles on the board and destroy them all. Enemy hit by this ability will be bleeding.Wild Sprint -
10 AP: With the high speed and agility of Cheetah, she can hides from enemy detection and gets ready to jump into her prey. Convert 5 Team-Up Tiles into Yellow Tiles.
Max Level: Convert 10 Team-Up Tiles into Yellow Tiles. If you matched 5 or more tiles from this ability, generate 5 Red Tiles randomly.Urzkartaga's Blessings (Passive): The plant god demands sacrifices to appease his thirst for blood. If there are less than 12 red tiles on the board, Cheetah must pay 7% of her health to keep the red Strike Tiles on the board. Generate 2 red Strike Tiles with 45 strength each from the beginning of your turn if you have more than 8 Red AP in your team. If Cheetah is downed, the Strike Tiles she generated disappears.
Max Level: Generate 4 red Strike Tiles with 480 strength each from the beginning of your turn if you have more than 8 Red AP in your team. If there are less than 8 red tiles on the board, Cheetah must pay 2% of her health to keep the red Strike Tiles on the board. If Cheetah is downed, keep only half of the Strike Tiles Cheetah generated.
So? What do you guys think?0 -
Not much feedback from you guys, so I guess I'll take in one of the suggested characters and incorporate MPQ elements into him. Ronin-mentioned how he could be Loki on steroids, so here's what I think Dr. Fate should be like:
Dr. Fate (Kent Nelson)
Mystical Ankh -
8 AP: Kent Nelson wears the Helmet of Fate to travel through dimensions. Create an Invisibility Tile. If there are least 3 Invisibility Tiles on the board, Dr. Fate cannot be damaged by enemy Attack Tiles.
Max Level: Dr. Fate cannot be hit by matching tile damage, AoE attack, and enemy owned Attack tiles so long as at least 1 Invisibility Tile is on the field. If there are 6 or more Invisible Tiles, reflect all damage back to the enemy team.Spiritual Barrier -
6 AP: No weapons may harm Dr. Fate and his team as they are sealed off by his supernatural energy. Select 1 enemy owned tile, and lock it up into a force bubble. If you activate this power again while the bubble is on the field, convert that locked tile into a friendly owned tile. Deal 520 damage for every locked tile converted.
Max Level: Dr. Fate turns the weapons of the enemies against themselves. Select up to 5 enemy owned tiles and lock them up into force bubbles. If you activate this power again while the bubbles are on the field, convert the locked tiles into friendly owned tiles. Deal 1040 damage for every locked tile converted.Divine Empowerment (Passive): Dr. Fate can momentarily increase his magical strength by reciting the true name of Ra. If there are no friendly Countdown Tiles on the board, create a Countdown Tile that lasts 3 turns. When the timer ends, convert 2 surrounding tiles into yellow tiles.
Max Level: If there are no friendly Countdown Tiles on the board, reate 2 Countdown Tiles that lasts 2 turns. When the timer ends, convert 3 surrounding tiles into yellow and blue tiles. If the enemy matches 4 or more tiles, generate 4 blue and 4 yellow AP for your team.
Heh, Professor X or Falcon should be best friends with Dr. Fate =P0 -
Is it allowed for other people (such as myself) to make movesets on this thread as well?0
MarioToast wrote:Is it allowed for other people (such as myself) to make movesets on this thread as well?
Yes indeed! Go ahead and show us what you got for your idea of a DC character moveset!0 -
I made a moveset for The Scarecrow. Yay for me.
The Scarecrow (Arkham)
Abyss of Fear -
10 AP: Dr. Crane stabs his victim with his syringe-glove, pumping his fear toxin directly into their blood. Deals damage and creates a red Strike Tile. If there are twelve Fear Tiles on the board already, destroy them all and instantly down the target.
Inescapable Terror - Passive: Scarecrow's fear gas spreads through the air, spreading paranoia and hallucinations. At the start of every turn, create one Fear Tile. Each Fear Tile makes Scarecrow deal extra damage with his matches.
Oblivion -
15 AP: The fear toxin makes the victim's worst fears come to life right in front of their eyes, drowning them in a sea of pure terror. Damages the enemy team. Destroys all Fear Tiles, dealing increased damage for each destroyed.
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