So, playing for the fun of the game. Your Thoughts?

Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
edited August 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
What are some general thoughts from players regarding enjoying the fun of the game during gameplay and within the community? What things make you enjoy the game the most in regards to other players interaction? What things keep you playing?

I realize that this is a really broad question, and I hope to see a myriad of responses as I would genuinely like to know what people think.


  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    this game isn't fun. it's a hellish grind for covers, covers, covers!
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    jredd wrote:
    this game isn't fun. it's a hellish grind for covers, covers, covers!
    Unfortunately, I guess that you are in the wrong thread then.
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    Personally, I really like playing the game for what it is at a good competitive tier but the social side of my alliance is what keeps me truly invested in the game. I also enjoy the commanding side of things of organizing things so that players get the most reward out of their efforts.

    Now that I've built a solid star.pngstar.pngstar.png team I am looking to accumulate more star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png but I recently fund a new appreciation for the game by coaching newer players the ropes at different phases of the game.

    It actually happened somewhat by accident as I needed to take some time off from higher competition as I was missing part of the season so I invested my time in getting a deeper farm system going for our alliance.

    I was not expecting to get so much purpose out of getting a Top 250 team together. As my alliance did it for me for many seasons while I was transitioning, I now feel like I am also paying forward which is a good feeling of accomplishment in itself.

    I am now back to Top 100 competition but I still keep that part of my game going in sharing some knowledge & making a difference in the progression of other players. It gives another dimension, more social perspective, to playing this game. icon_cool.gif
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2015
    I like match 3 puzzles games

    This one is special, I like combining fun powers together.

    I can't do it in PvP , just a bit vs seed teams but I have a lot of fun on easier nodes on PvE and DEadpool daily

    Maybe that's why I like gauntlet so much.

    PS: I also have a tendency to get addicted to stuff. This better than Vegas, a bottle or a needle, not much better ...... Lol
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    In terms of community, I love the meme thread(s) - I think they often display a good finger on the pulse of the community's spirit and overall satisfaction, without the personal attacks that are often unpleasant. On the other hand, I will admit a certain rubbernecker's delight when certain threads get heated (when it's in the yellow zone, where creative adjectives and unexpected comparisons come out, but before the mod warnings and Godwin's Law intervention).

    In terms of gameplay, I find myself enjoying the squashing of seed teams in Lightning Rounds to still be fun after all this time - it's nice to see a chance to let our heavies earned over months of play squish the juice out of weak teams in under a minute. I also still find it delightful when the enemy, instead of using a power that would have really fornicated with my flow, uses a much lesser ability and saves me massive damage/inconveniences. It always makes me cackle with delight. Getting a Medical Marvel instead of a Thunder Strike, or a Deadly Precision instead of a Call the Storm, or an Iron Hammer instead of a Wind Storm is always a thing to be cheered.
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    As little pleasures of the game go, Deadpool Super Whaling something impossible for my roster once in a while always puts a grin on my face. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • ShanePHallam
    ShanePHallam Posts: 94 Match Maker
    I really like the strategy element. How to combine colors, when to use powers, what to match over another, etc. It's why the Gauntlet is awesome because you have to use different combinations/strategies.

    PVE is fun because I like switching up my teams and trying new combinations. PVP feels like a grind to me often since you are almost always using that "money" team to not get attacked back, etc.
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Carnage_78 wrote:
    jredd wrote:
    this game isn't fun. it's a hellish grind for covers, covers, covers!
    Unfortunately, I guess that you are in the wrong thread then.

    turn your sarcasm detector on homie...
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    jredd wrote:
    turn your sarcasm detector on homie...
    My bad mate, I thought it might be sarcastic but I did not want to take a chance & get this thread hijacked the wrong way straight away kind of thing.

    Good to know you were not going in that direction though. Cheers mate! icon_cool.gif

    EDIT: I called technical support about my sarcasm detector & they told me to reboot it to fix it. Everything is back on now! icon_e_wink.gif
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    I find PvP pretty fun. Haven't found PvE to be any fun for a while, but I am forced to play it so I can get covers, iso and hp to use to enjoy PvP, if that makes sense. If there were other ways to earn new covers and a decent amount of resources outside of pve I would never touch it lol.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I enjoy match3 and role-playing (at least training up characters), and having challenges that, while having some element of luck, are not completely luck-dependent (see: Candy Crush).

    I get a major kick from carefully managing the board, ap and powers to overcome ridiculous enemies. Of course I rage like everybody else when a lucky cascade takes out OBW in the first wave of the Big Enchilada node, or overscaled Juggs and Ares knock out GSBW/SW early, then I doggedly slog on anyway with MNThor/Cstorm or Invisible PX anyway. Can't win them all, but sure feels good when i pull through. See: unmaxed 1* army vs Tetris Ultron. icon_e_smile.gif

    Last season was the crazy pvp season when I went after 1.3k progressions just to prove to myself I could do it with an unmaxed 3* roster; this season is "been there, done that, blah, now, how about starting an account from scratch and transitioning again?"

    The less competitively I play, the more fun it is. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    finding a lot less to be happy with this game went down hill fast after 4thor and xforce nerfs. boosted 3* and health boosts made PVP too much of a slog. I didn't mind PVP before because the first 1/2 was easy mode, and only had to focus at the end, now it is hard competition out of the gate making matches longer and more damaging and draining and no way to breeze through the first 500pts. I can't commit as much time to this game as i once did and it is apparent when i am making little headway in pvp, so i am stuck just playing DDQ and have been venturing into PVE for iso and hp rewards. it feels like my progress is grinding to a halt, just like the beginning of the 2-3* transition felt. I am still maxing out my 3*s but the iso costs of level them is immense.

    the fun started leaving once true Healing was implemented, that was the first shock i got from the game where i had to get my head out of the game to complain to someone, enter the forums. thorverine i found just before the nerf and i was just using ap boosted A.Wolvie to feral claws first turn back when 3+ ap all cost iso.(which i put to good use fighting prologue missions instead of pvp or pve) since then there have been so many changes and only few impacted my game play in a positive way and most of effect was because of the hype and was temporary (Ultron good concept not fun after the 2nd day also sentries too OP). The vault peek my curiosity, but it was poorly executed with it being too large, to fast of a turn around, and 200 extra rewards then needed.
    Ant man release was amazing but it's success has not been repeated yet, and could be shortened to 1-2 weeks instead of a month.( I won the end of the first day, and only went back on the third day to try to get some HP rewards, but was slapped with 20 iso a few times and called it quits)

    TL:DR DDQ and Antman release good not much else for me.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I still look forward to DDQ, love it.. The Shield Sim each season is now another one i look forward to. Still working on my first 1k in PVP (sitting shielded at 966 right now,maybe today is the day!)

    I know more content is coming, that is what keeps me playing!
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    The puzzle quest name brought me in. The game mechanics kept me.

    Originally I played it like any typical game, played the prologue until I had no more 'lives' left, than I put it down. I'd see the PvE events pop up, but never realized the mechanics. I thought it was just another story that popped up, so I'd play it. Pretty sure I even got a couple 3* covers by accident. Had no idea what PvP was, but I did eventually flip tabs and mess around with Shield Sim. Back in the day, the tutorial didn't really teach you anything (I still don't think it does), so I kinda played around.

    Then one of the pop-ups said "learn more on the forums," then it kinda went dark, and now I'm 530+ days in.

    Now PvP and my alliance keeps me running. After the corporate merger, it's been much more enjoyable. PvE <delete 235 swear words>, but for every apocalypse thread that came with major changes, the game has gotten more diverse (to me) and more enjoyable. Looking forward to the next set of changes, whatever that might be.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    The less competitively I play, the more fun it is. icon_e_smile.gif

    This basically sums up the whole game for me. I like the general mechanics of levels/skills combined with puzzle elements, but being content with being a top ~500 player (especially for the 7-day events) has done wonders for my sanity and keeping it all fun. icon_e_smile.gif
  • It'll sound strange but there are 2 main things in the game that I find absolutely enjoyable. First is firing of powers, especially DD's Ambush and somehow Beast's blue (followed) by green for some reason. Second is opening tokens. I really like how when you draw a Gold cover, if I wait for a second and if the gold starts to flash (its a 4*). That feeling is incomparable. That's also probably why I dislike the animation for the Taco Vaults.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    The topic is rather ambiguous. How do you define the term "fun?" It is a personal state of mind, in my view, and wholly subjective. Yes, psychologists and marketers can devise tests to determine how "fun" an activity is. But unless you figure out what your baseline would be, and compare the activity against that baseline, it's hard to determine whether the activity is considered fun.

    Okay, with that mumbo jumbo out of the way, to me "fun" is playing ddq and clearing it daily. Simple enough? icon_lol.gif
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    first and foremost, i love match-3 games. the one i used to play stopped working and there was no fix and i stumbled onto this last thanksgiving and it is exactly what i was looking for. competitive match-3 with rpg elements to it. bonus that it centers around marvel characters. I've also come to really enjoy the forums and the discussions we have. while there are many aspects that could be done better in my opinion, the foundation of the game is brilliant.

    1 - love competitive match-3
    2 - love the rpg progression in the game
    3 - love the forums
    4 - like others i have an addictive nature and this is a pretty safe addiction
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    I think it's a thin line, but it's important to remember, it's just a game. I've pulled myself back after feeling increasingly bummed about missing out on Jean Grey, but quickly remembered, it's just a game! I enjoy the match-3 gameplay combined with using powers the most. Dropping a whale with Deadpool and blowing up the board with GSBW are my favorites! I also like the cover node in DDQ daily, as I don't know which wave I will face each occurrence. It can be a good challenge and has shown me that even seemingly bad matches can still be won at the end. I further like the fact that it's a one-time deal for the day, no need to grind nodes or worry about rank. That seems to add a sense of accomplishment to my day, along with getting two pulls from The Vault (which has it's own fun factor to it), and at least 1k ISO (I don't have 1*'s on my roster). DDQ has probably kept me in the game as of late. Growth Industry was a lot of fun as well at the first run of the Ultron event. New content is always fun to play through!
  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    I enjoy the game for the most part, it can get grindy trying to place well.

    My least favourite aspect would be 7 day pve's, or any point where you are no longer being rewarded as well as you are during other parts of the game.

    So going past progressions is less fun then while you are earning them.

    So with that said a lot of the fun comes from earning prizes, iso, covers etc.

    It is also fun opening a token and getting a nice 3 or 4 * needed cover.

    While playing, wining a match you should have lost is fun, and also getting a lucky fast win is fun.

    Matches that drag out too long for one reason or another are not as fun. Chasing around an invisible target if you don't have AOE attacks, or if there are so many shields out that it is back and forth -1.

    Coming in 1st, or the last spot of a good prize is fun, so in PVE 2nd is fun, 3rd is painful, and 10th for example is fun, 11th is painful.
