Face it 4 stars will kill this game ALSO QUESTION at en



  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think people need to keep re-evaluating their goals in this game and what "behind" means. Needing every character maxed out is like replaying a game over and over to get every single prize and exploring every single level. It's no problem if you want to do that, but the game shouldn't be geared for this being an easily doable task by the majority of players. I think it's no problem if it's an impossible task.

    You don't need to keep maxing new characters to "compete". For long time, I had XForce and 4Thor maxed. Could I compete even after new 4* characters were released? Yes. Hulkbuster's out. Mine's neither max covered or max leveled. Can I still compete? Yes. I now have a fully maxed Fury, but wait, they released Thing, Carnage, Ant-Man, and Jean Grey. Can I still compete? Yes. Could I skip the next 4* Deadpool PVE and still compete? Yes.

    People are acting like we haven't passed this signpost before. In 3* land, you didn't need to keep up with maxing every new character to keep up. Once you got 4-6 top characters, every new 3* release pretty much didn't matter. You don't have the newest, but you can still compete. Now it's the same in 4* land.

    As long as they don't release any new characters that are an order of magnitude better than everyone else (like when XForce/4Thor pre-nerf), then no new characters is going to be required to "compete". If anything, I think it's more the keeping-up-with-the-Joneses attitude more than anything else. It's new and shiny, so people get upset if they can't have to quickly enough. You can still rule 3* land with Patch and Hulk, who as old as dirt.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    scottee wrote:
    People are acting like we haven't passed this signpost before. In 3* land, you didn't need to keep up with maxing every new character to keep up. Once you got 4-6 top characters, every new 3* release pretty much didn't matter. You don't have the newest, but you can still compete. Now it's the same in 4* land.

    As long as they don't release any new characters that are an order of magnitude better than everyone else (like when XForce/4Thor pre-nerf), then no new characters is going to be required to "compete". If anything, I think it's more the keeping-up-with-the-Joneses attitude more than anything else. It's new and shiny, so people get upset if they can't have to quickly enough. You can still rule 3* land with Patch and Hulk, who as old as dirt.

    Agreed here. Everyone freaked out when all the 3*s started pumping out for the exact same reasons everyone is freaking out about the 4*s now. D3 inevitably solved that problem, and have stated they are looking into a better 4* progression. Adding 4*s at 1/1.3k points, among other additions, shows that they are holding to their word. I would even say Growth Industry could be seen as a test run for a 4* progression.
  • TOFU3
    TOFU3 Posts: 71 Match Maker
    I simply don't like that when they release 4* characters too frequently. New characters are good, but i rather want new story/gaming modes which allows less frequently used characters(1*,2* and some of the 3*) to show up more.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    wymtime wrote:
    There are about 40 3* in the game right now. By only releasing 4* it allows,in theory, players to progress into 3* land easier. There is DPDQ, and top 100 PVP, most PVE's and tokens have high drop rates for 3* now. All things to make the 2-3* transition easier.

    5 win 3 covers, top 20 earn 2 and top 50 earn 1. Anyone in the top 150 would then earn 1 3* cover.

    The next item they need to do is a Deadpool weekly quest for 4*. Just take growth industries and run it for a week instead of a month. You should be required to have the 4* like DPDQ, but it should also let you test run a 4* at max covers. This allows you to earn a 4* cover on a weekly basis and progress your current roster. It would also make you progress in the game and not fully skip the 3* transition. It might only be 1 extra 4* a week but it would allow players to progress much faster into 4* land especially when getting into 3* land.

    2* have been the old 1* for quite some time. 3* are becoming the new 2* and 4* are becoming the end game. A clear 4* transition is needed, but the tricky part is making it so the 3* transition is not skipped.
    GuriBYE wrote:
    Alot of what you said here kinda shows why the system is more confused then you believe

    -40 3 stars at 1 per event with a rotation
    -A quest daily where if you don't have the 3 star you can't earn it
    - The most profitable place for 3 stars is currently pvp, which you need 3 stars to compete in and place high enough to earn.
    -3 stars ARE NOT A HIGH PERCENTAGE. .6%, 2 stars are 5.6 in a standard heroic. You are 3x more likely to get a 2 star (74%) then any of the 40 3 stars (24%) Heroics aren't even super common, standard tokens are the standard, they have a chance of up to a 4 star, but yeah 1star without question has a higher probability.
    For players going from 2-3* the best place to get 3* is PVE then PVP top 100. I didn't mention it but I do think PVE should be 3-4 days not 7. This would place 3 PVE's between 4* releases instead of 1 or 2. A lot of high end players pass on PVE because they only need the 1st or 2nd place prize.
    Also with the vault if you hord your tokens and open 30-40 at once when there are multiple 3* that you need you should be able to pull some or pull HP.
    -4 star DPD would only benefit the few who actually have 4 stars, not all those who were transitioning from 3 to 4 and can't get that particular 4 star, that will literally taunt them for a week.
    Yes every aspect of the game does not have to be for everyone. A 4* DPDQ on a weekly basis would be good for a lot of people especially if it is run like the Ant Man event. You did not need to have Ant Man to win it. I think the mode would be fine if you needed the 4* because it would keep people from skipping the 3* phase. I will replete not every portion of the game has to be for everyone to be able to win. You could still win ISO, HP and vault tokens in this mode.

    -Due to the extreme rarity of 4 and 3 stars that didn't exist before selling any 2 or 4 stars you get during your 1 and 2 star days is detrimental in the long run. This isn't a level up kinda game, its a build what you get fortunate enough to have
    - 3 star transition as they are coming out is a different animal then trying to get them when they are all out and all have an equal probability of appearing.
    I have read this section 3 times and have no clue what you are talking about.
    the 4 star transition if anything is a time to learn from what the 3 star transition is like and aid future 4 stars when they eventually decide to hit 5 or 6 stars.
    Um no. I am free to play and have every 3* max covered the way I want them. The 4* transition should be smooth, but hard. By creating 4* PVP where top 50 earn a 4* and top 150 a 3* would help 2-3* transition players as well because rewards would go to 150 instead of 100. Only releasing 4* would also allow more 3* players collect more 3*. It could also lead to an increase odds. Of 3* in tokens.
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    wymtime wrote:
    Um no. I am free to play and have every 3* max covered the way I want them. The 4* transition should be smooth, but hard. By creating 4* PVP where top 50 earn a 4* and top 150 a 3* would help 2-3* transition players as well because rewards would go to 150 instead of 100. Only releasing 4* would also allow more 3* players collect more 3*. It could also lead to an increase odds. Of 3* in tokens.

    I'm not sure top 150 for 3* would be enough in a 4* PVE. When I was a 2*-3* transitioner, usually ranking between 100 and 150, I would barely make it to 200 when a 4* was in the mix.

    Nowadays (usually ranking between 50 and 100) I no longer bother playing 4* PVE. What's the point of going through a tough 7 day grind to barely make it to 150 and earn two 3* cover I might not need and a few tokens (50% of 3* covers are ISO to me).

    Right now a 4* PVE offers next to nothing to 2-3* transitioners and 3* players. When a 4* is offered all the veteran players who usually spend their lives in PVP come back to say hello in PVE (and rightly so) significantly altering the usual rankings.

    Always including 4* in PVE ranknig would be nice for the top end players but the whole ranking would have to be reworked for the other players so that it doesn't affect them negatively.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    I'm not doing so well in the 3* to 4* transition myself, but do manage to hit pay dirt here and there. For instance, I was able to get The Thing by finishing top 100, but missed out on Jean Grey, who I REALLY wanted, and if Deadpool is a 7-day event (I don't remember?), I'll skip for the sake of my sanity. Squeezing in PVE grinds, PVP events, and DDQ has proven WAY too much for me. All I can really do is to continue to strengthen my roster for PVP purposes and hit the 1k and 1300 benchmarks. The seasonal 10-packs have been a help, but don't guarantee 4* pulls. I don't think 4* will kill the game, but I do think this rapid release of 4* characters puts players behind the 8-ball and it can lead to frustration. That's kind of where I'm at now. I do appreciate the inclusion of 4* in PVP, but honestly, your odds still stink for pulling one through that means. Once you miss out on the PVE placement reward, the PVP tokens, and not being able to finish first in the subsequent PVE event, you're options for a guaranteed cover are pretty much shot. You're going to have to pray token pulls or The Vault will do the job, and we all know how that can go...
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    The problem isn't the mass release of 4* per se but the impact this will have. At the moment, outside of a few outliers, the ability to get 10 covers for a 4* is extremely difficult and is only getting harder with more 4* being added.

    I am in a competitive alliance (top 25), and 90% of out players have never hit 1300, 1000 is common for most of us. But as we are regular players, getting first is out of the question. That means at best 1 cover per PVP. As more and more 4* are released the longer it takes for the 4* you have a decent amount of covers for to return to the 1K progression.

    The worst part is though, that the whales will have max 4*, including the weekly buffs and as these 4* are getting better and better compared to 3*, a wall will start to form similar to the 2* trying to get to 3* land. If that wall comes in below 1K, pretty much will cap the ability for F2P from transitioning.