Face it 4 stars will kill this game ALSO QUESTION at en

slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
edited August 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I came into this game back on nov 2014 and was like man i loved this game. Then i started to get crushed in pvp, people told me to go over to PVE and start getting hp and ISO and covers to start building better teams, I was thinking to myself how are my 1 and 2 stars ever going to crush these major 3 star teams. I will admit the first 4 months was a pain in the **** and there was a lot of times i was thinking about just qutting cause the game was no fun cause you was not really getting anywhere, Fast forward now to today yes i still have not leveled anyone over 94 even though i do have 14 of the 3 stars max cover wised and another 10 1 or 2 covers away..

But think about new people coming into the game , back then i was like man my one and 2 stars are going to get crushed by 3 stars, but they held their own, Today people one and two stars are now not only facing 3 stars but now are force to try to get 4 stars..

i wonder how many will see and just walk away from the game, cause it looks like the pattern is going to keep up

one week 3 star
one week 4 star
one week 3 star
its going to take them a lot longer to max out those 3 stars now cause a 4 star is always going to be in the way... and you just know 5 stars have to be coming.

also what makes this worse is now that many have 3 stars max they will not play the 3 star event come back and see a 4 star event and be turned off major by how much they have to grind

maybe its only me thinking this but 4 stars need to be change to pure Ultron events

And here is the question

the fantasic 4 movie will that have anything to do with this game


  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    They need to limit the 4*s to one a month. At the very least, they should never have a 7 day PvE for a 3* like they're doing now. A 7 day event for a 4* and then a bunch of 3 and 4 days events for 3*s so the people working on that tier have a chance to collect covers for them.

    And if they release the 4*s every month, they should definitely have an Ant-Man style event where you have 30 days to casually pick up 1 cover for that new 4*.

    So you'd have one 7-day 4* event, and then the other 3 weeks would be 3 and 4 day events for 3*s. Balance for everyone!
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:
    Fast forward now to today yes i still have not leveled anyone over 94 even though i do have 14 of the 3 stars max cover wised and another 10 1 or 2 covers away..

    This part of your speech is exactly why the game will be fine.

    As long as PvE rewards this behavior (and lets not kid ourselves, it must or people would've stopped doing it), then new players will be fine. They'll get their 2* up to speed (and my understanding is this is easier than ever), and begin competing in PvE. Then they'll get their reward covers, be it 3-4-5-15-100 stars.

    The increase in stars will make chasing PvP harder, but my guess is the Devs will eventually address this as well, because they address most things that are whined about, just really slowly.

    So no, the game isn't going to die because they're adding a bunch of characters at the highest tier.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    a 4* DDQ type thing has to be coming soon, especially now that we have a 4* deadpool! They have to release enough 4*'s to make a real rotation though, so keep them coming! Can't wait to see the wonders of a 4* Vault!!!!
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here is the thing. Just releasing 4* is the right thing to do. There are about 40 3* in the game right now. By only releasing 4* it allows,in theory, players to progress into 3* land easier. There is DPDQ, and top 100 PVP, most PVE's and tokens have high drop rates for 3* now. All things to make the 2-3* transition easier. What needs to happen next is the Dev's need to have a proper 3-4* transition, and not just 1000,1300 points in PVP.
    Eventually they should go back to the old reward system in PVP to encorporate 4*.
    He old system was top 50 got a 3* and 51-150 got the 2*. For 4* characters as prizes they should have top 5 win 3 covers, top 20 earn 2 and top 50 earn 1. Anyone in the top 150 would then earn 1 3* cover. This would still help 2-3* transition players and 3-4* transition players and make 4* essential characters in the next PVP.

    The next item they need to do is a Deadpool weekly quest for 4*. Just take growth industries and run it for a week instead of a month. You should be required to have the 4* like DPDQ, but it should also let you test run a 4* at max covers. This allows you to earn a 4* cover on a weekly basis and progress your current roster. It would also make you progress in the game and not fully skip the 3* transition. It might only be 1 extra 4* a week but it would allow players to progress much faster into 4* land especially when getting into 3* land.

    2* have been the old 1* for quite some time. 3* are becoming the new 2* and 4* are becoming the end game. A clear 4* transition is needed, but the tricky part is making it so the 3* transition is not skipped.
  • Arctic_One
    Arctic_One Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    Only ONE thing will ever kill this game.....boredom.

    1)Staying as is will get boring.
    Any change gets people excited. Some happy, some angry but they are talking about the game.

    2)Nowhere to advance to, for all players, will get boring.
    New players look forward to 2* land, then 3*s, then......they should get bored and quit? No, then 4*s.

    3)Facing the same 4 characters incessantly will get boring.
    For me this is the only area where the devs are missing the boat. I gave up on pve due to this. Scaling sucked but, the staleness of fighting Jugs, Moonie, Dak & Venom over and over got tiresome for me. I feel they need to start using 2* opponents for middle nodes and 3* opps for later nodes (keeping the early nodes as goons). Any option other than just overpowering the same character higher as you go.

    4)Playing the same events repeatedly.
    This is slowly improving with a few special events but, could use a little freshening up within the standard pve rotation.

    I have my dislikes in this game. I don't find their priorities to be the same as mine. I get frustrated a lot.
    One thing I'm not, is bored.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:
    Fast forward now to today yes i still have not leveled anyone over 94 even though i do have 14 of the 3 stars max cover wised and another 10 1 or 2 covers away..

    This part of your speech is exactly why the game will be fine.

    As long as PvE rewards this behavior (and lets not kid ourselves, it must or people would've stopped doing it), then new players will be fine. They'll get their 2* up to speed (and my understanding is this is easier than ever), and begin competing in PvE. Then they'll get their reward covers, be it 3-4-5-15-100 stars.

    The increase in stars will make chasing PvP harder, but my guess is the Devs will eventually address this as well, because they address most things that are whined about, just really slowly.

    So no, the game isn't going to die because they're adding a bunch of characters at the highest tier.

    i think 3 stars to level is eaiser then 2 stars. 3 stars are way cheaper then 2...i was going to move my 2 stars up and i think they are 2x the cost of a 3 star level

    3 star was like 248
    2 star was like 600 iso

    for the same level up
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Arctic_One wrote:
    Only ONE thing will ever kill this game.....boredom.
    And not frustration? When you put a hamster in a wheel that's spinning faster than he can run, sure, he might try running for a little while, but after a few somersaults, he's going to realize it's pointless to keep trying.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:
    slidecage wrote:
    Fast forward now to today yes i still have not leveled anyone over 94 even though i do have 14 of the 3 stars max cover wised and another 10 1 or 2 covers away..
    i think 3 stars to level is eaiser then 2 stars. 3 stars are way cheaper then 2...i was going to move my 2 stars up and i think they are 2x the cost of a 3 star level

    3 star was like 248
    2 star was like 600 iso

    for the same level up

    If you already have a large number of 3*s covered, forget levelling your 2*s, level up the 3*s. This will let you handle both pve and pvp.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    wymtime wrote:
    There are about 40 3* in the game right now. By only releasing 4* it allows,in theory, players to progress into 3* land easier. There is DPDQ, and top 100 PVP, most PVE's and tokens have high drop rates for 3* now. All things to make the 2-3* transition easier.

    5 win 3 covers, top 20 earn 2 and top 50 earn 1. Anyone in the top 150 would then earn 1 3* cover.

    The next item they need to do is a Deadpool weekly quest for 4*. Just take growth industries and run it for a week instead of a month. You should be required to have the 4* like DPDQ, but it should also let you test run a 4* at max covers. This allows you to earn a 4* cover on a weekly basis and progress your current roster. It would also make you progress in the game and not fully skip the 3* transition. It might only be 1 extra 4* a week but it would allow players to progress much faster into 4* land especially when getting into 3* land.

    2* have been the old 1* for quite some time. 3* are becoming the new 2* and 4* are becoming the end game. A clear 4* transition is needed, but the tricky part is making it so the 3* transition is not skipped.

    Alot of what you said here kinda shows why the system is more confused then you believe

    -40 3 stars at 1 per event with a rotation
    -A quest daily where if you don't have the 3 star you can't earn it
    - The most profitable place for 3 stars is currently pvp, which you need 3 stars to compete in and place high enough to earn.
    -3 stars ARE NOT A HIGH PERCENTAGE. .6%, 2 stars are 5.6 in a standard heroic. You are 3x more likely to get a 2 star (74%) then any of the 40 3 stars (24%) Heroics aren't even super common, standard tokens are the standard, they have a chance of up to a 4 star, but yeah 1star without question has a higher probability.
    -4 star DPD would only benefit the few who actually have 4 stars, not all those who were transitioning from 3 to 4 and can't get that particular 4 star, that will literally taunt them for a week.
    -Due to the extreme rarity of 4 and 3 stars that didn't exist before selling any 2 or 4 stars you get during your 1 and 2 star days is detrimental in the long run. This isn't a level up kinda game, its a build what you get fortunate enough to have
    - 3 star transition as they are coming out is a different animal then trying to get them when they are all out and all have an equal probability of appearing.

    the 4 star transition if anything is a time to learn from what the 3 star transition is like and aid future 4 stars when they eventually decide to hit 5 or 6 stars.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:
    slidecage wrote:
    Fast forward now to today yes i still have not leveled anyone over 94 even though i do have 14 of the 3 stars max cover wised and another 10 1 or 2 covers away..

    This part of your speech is exactly why the game will be fine.

    As long as PvE rewards this behavior (and lets not kid ourselves, it must or people would've stopped doing it), then new players will be fine. They'll get their 2* up to speed (and my understanding is this is easier than ever), and begin competing in PvE. Then they'll get their reward covers, be it 3-4-5-15-100 stars.

    The increase in stars will make chasing PvP harder, but my guess is the Devs will eventually address this as well, because they address most things that are whined about, just really slowly.

    So no, the game isn't going to die because they're adding a bunch of characters at the highest tier.

    i think 3 stars to level is eaiser then 2 stars. 3 stars are way cheaper then 2...i was going to move my 2 stars up and i think they are 2x the cost of a 3 star level

    3 star was like 248
    2 star was like 600 iso

    for the same level up

    3 stars cost less to get to 94, the expense comes in at 94 to 166

    Just like how 2 stars are cheap from 1 to 40-50 (the 1 star max) and more expensive from 50 to 94.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:
    the fantasic 4 movie will that have anything to do with this game

    The general scuttlebutt is no cause those Sony movies suck, but who knows. The MPQ Wiki has been running ads for a DC animated flick so who knows. Tangled corporate licensing webs.

    They just released Thing....whaddyawant?

    Reed Richards?

    would love for them to run an Ultron event for the next 30 days each 7 day event will have a person from the movie.

  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    icon_e_sad.gif I dislike that I can't tell the OP "Gurl, Bye" since we now have a forumite with that name. Anyways...
    GurlBYE wrote:

    3 stars cost less to get to 94, the expense comes in at 94 to 166

    Just like how 2 stars are cheap from 1 to 40-50 (the 1 star max) and more expensive from 50 to 94.

    Actually the cost comes from 120-166. It's really cheap to level them at that point.

    To the general main point of discussion, 4 stars are not what's gonna kill the game. Things are being done and have been implemented to increase draw rates and cover acquisition for 4 star covers. Once we get a good number of them (obviously more than what we have now), it will get better when leveling them. This is going the way that 3 stars did when they started dropping. We've been here before, please remember that things do not change overnight or within a month. It takes time and we will get there.
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    4*s make whales spend money
    This business model is based on whales

    You can complain with your logical arguments all day.
  • Omega Blacc
    Omega Blacc Posts: 69 Match Maker
    I feel you OP, but I disagree.

    My personal experience (besides my previous addiction to this game) has been fine. 4* are easier to get than ever before.

    3* are easier to get than before. You can fully card a 2* and level them in less than a week if you play enough. I build and destroy 2* characters all the time.

    My suggestion is roster management. Keep the few characters that are MUST HAVE. Keep a few more that you like playing with, then focus on those. My slots cost 700HP at this point. I have enough 4* where that HP is better suited to shield me for rewards than opening another slot.

    I think this is more an issue for completionists. I am perfectly fine sitting out a PvP or a PvE if I don't have the essential people that will allow me a good run. I spend the time playing non competitive and stack ISO and tokens. The 1000 progression is a great pace to reward 4* cards.

    I used the character rankings from the forums to determine who I keep and who gets a boot. Even still I have Gamora and Colossus and Mohawk who are really on the fence right now. I NEVER use them. EVER. They don't do anything for me. And two of them are fully carded over level 100.

    The only issue I foresee with all the 4* is ISO starvation. The cards will come. I don't worry about that stuff anymore.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Again time for the handy-dandy reference to leveling cost table at Wiki:

    Total ISO to level a 4*: 430437

    Looks like the release date page hasn't been updated in awhile, I'll just use news releases for approximations (http://marvel.com/games/161/marvel_puzzle_quest)

    Next 4* (presumably ~August 14)
    Deadpool July 31
    Jean Grey July 21
    Ant Man July 9
    The Thing June 26
    Carnage June 3

    --you need 2,582,622 ISO to level the characters that were released....this summer. What is a good weekly haul anymore - 100,000? So if all summer long (hah!) you placed high in every PVP without spending much in boosts (hah!), decided to grind every PVE (hah!), and ran DDQ daily (...actually possible!)....you'd have about 1.2 million ISO, about half the amount needed from characters released over the same time period.

    THAT is what is going to kill the game. Even if they DDQ 4* so you have a chance to get the covers in a reasonable time-frame, they need to DRASTICALLY increase ISO so you have a chance to level even some of them.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    THAT is what is going to kill the game. Even if they DDQ 4* so you have a chance to get the covers in a reasonable time-frame, they need to DRASTICALLY increase ISO so you have a chance to level even some of them.

    A very good haul is closer to 150k than 100k. You're also using an outdated number, 4* cost 365896 these days.

    That's put it at about 14 weeks. At 125k per week, it's 17.5 weeks. Given the time it would take to cover max all 6 of them anyway, that's not really out of line.

    But it's not really necessary to max all of them. If you go to level 237 with them, you're usually losing minimal damage and mostly health. That cost is 239840. That reduces it to 9.5 weeks (11.5 weeks for 125k, 14.4 for 100k). That means you can mostly keep up with the schedule as is.

    That's not to say a further boost of Iso wouldn't help, but there's nothing to say said boost won't come somewhere, be it anniversary, double iso events, 4* DDQ, or other methodology.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    THAT is what is going to kill the game. Even if they DDQ 4* so you have a chance to get the covers in a reasonable time-frame, they need to DRASTICALLY increase ISO so you have a chance to level even some of them.

    A very good haul is closer to 150k than 100k. You're also using an outdated number, 4* cost 365896 these days.

    That's put it at about 14 weeks. At 125k per week, it's 17.5 weeks. Given the time it would take to cover max all 6 of them anyway, that's not really out of line.

    But it's not really necessary to max all of them. If you go to level 237 with them, you're usually losing minimal damage and mostly health. That cost is 239840. That reduces it to 9.5 weeks (11.5 weeks for 125k, 14.4 for 100k). That means you can mostly keep up with the schedule as is.

    That's not to say a further boost of Iso wouldn't help, but there's nothing to say said boost won't come somewhere, be it anniversary, double iso events, 4* DDQ, or other methodology.

    Thanks GrumpySmurf - just used the Wiki link and wasn't sure if it was updated. At 365896 it's ~2.2 million ISO you needed to cover just this summer releases - assuming you don't need it or put it elsewhere. 150,000 iso in a week, that's incredible. I run DDQ/PVP/LR (hard) and can't get anywhere near that, maybe the ugly PVE grind gets you more than I thought. Perhaps you can get nearly that 2.2 million ISO over the same period - but I would guess well less than 1% of the players can remain anywhere close of that number or pace.

    To those who can't run every event hard, every day, every week, every month....

    My larger suggestion is for long-term game health: they should make more ISO available than is needed for the characters on their release schedule. Why? Because the new players need to not only eventually cover the characters they are releasing - but everything (or at least a portion!) that was released in the past as well. Plenty of players have many (or most, or all!) of the 3*'s maxed. If we are moving into a game where having all of the 4*'s covered/leveled for essentials and weekly boosts is going to make a big difference, it needs to be possible for plenty of players to have many (or most, or all!) of the 4*'s maxed.

    One point I disagree with is that level 237 is enough, since boosted 166's are 240 every week - until you hit that 270 the 'mental' aspect of "oh hey, possibly not covered" or "oh hey, mine has more health" or "hey, mine is a really close level" will get the 3*'s taking on your 4*'s.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:

    One point I disagree with is that level 237 is enough, since boosted 166's are 240 every week - until you hit that 270 the 'mental' aspect of "oh hey, possibly not covered" or "oh hey, mine has more health" or "hey, mine is a really close level" will get the 3*'s taking on your 4*'s.

    In a situation where one is busting their **** to make sure every 4* is up to speed, it's very likely they're looking to use the boosted 4* every week too. (otherwise why are you leveling that character to begin with?)

    Which means 237 becomes 300+, and the psychology is there, and then some.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    maybe the ugly PVE grind gets you more than I thought. Perhaps you can get nearly that 2.2 million ISO over the same period - but I would guess well less than 1% of the players can remain anywhere close of that number or pace.

    Also, you don't need to grind PvE to make that pace (125 at least, 150 you would). One pass of Iso Bros today + DDQ and I'm at 7750 + a couple Standards just from PvE. It's obviously better when you are grinding, but treating the events like a cruddy DDQ is still worth it, especially since you can usually hit all the progression rewards by doing so.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    maybe the ugly PVE grind gets you more than I thought. Perhaps you can get nearly that 2.2 million ISO over the same period - but I would guess well less than 1% of the players can remain anywhere close of that number or pace.

    Also, you don't need to grind PvE to make that pace (125 at least, 150 you would). One pass of Iso Bros today + DDQ and I'm at 7750 + a couple Standards just from PvE. It's obviously better when you are grinding, but treating the events like a cruddy DDQ is still worth it, especially since you can usually hit all the progression rewards by doing so.

    i would not look at this PVE as a normal PVE (the one that is running now) most have doom max and are skipping the event