Hack or Bug Abuse?



  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Rude? At least I don't behave as if me and my kosher ma and pa alliance™ deserve top placement in PvP without even knowing how PvP works.

    That's a great straw-man you have there, however it also has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

    The worst part is you say all this, yet even you didn't offer a reasonable conclusion as to why a player would purposely retreat from me. Not liking the "you have been attacked" message isn't reasonable. The only person who knew what might be happening first was Franckynight.

    I had an honest question and was worried it was a bug that could be abused. I post it, and what do I get? I get personally attacked by you for no reason. Should players just not post about possible bugs/cheats?
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2015
    Dauthi wrote:
    I had an honest question and was worried it was a bug that could be abused. I post it, and what do I get? I get personally attacked by you for no reason. Should players just not post about possible bugs/cheats?
    Of course they should. But this wasn't one of them. A reasonable explanation was clearly explained to you, and yet you continue to double-down and triple-down on this silliness. So now you've got people like me, content to just let this play out and go away, telling you the more you post, the more foolish you look.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    What do you mean, I didn't offer anything? What I posted is exactly what happened. Want me to try and find hellben and inquire?
    Francky's reasoning is somewhat less likely because hellben is not someone from t10 alliances who even needs to keep 'sniping range' (which exists) nor I recognize the name as an acknowledged sniper. The event did have a worthwhile progression.
    Yes, I personally attacked you, Dauthi, and it was extremely enjoyable. You attack entire alliances and chain alliances (pardon, Walmart alliances) icon_rolleyes.gif Just play PvP some more or ask those who have been playing for longer before reporting others.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    So I did find the player with the exact same IGN hellben but he denies retreating on purpose, or having a bad losing streak in Unholy Outlaw. He evidently was in slice 3 for that event (says he was in the one that ends at noon on Wednesday for France). Mystifying!
  • Hello everyone !
    I played for 17 seasons with Hellben
    we start with the Police academy alliance then ajons creates frunity alliance ( alliance francaise )
    I have seen this player evolve , thirst for victory and evolution, we patlons together regularly !
    I'm not the lawyer that player , but I can tell you that this is not the kind of players "cheated " !
    Losing a fight for him it's just unthinkable !
    he victory of hunger and pulled up to players of our alliance up!
    This is not to be a big bug of the game I do not know but hellben will not lose a fight without playing until the final points of life !
    slekoner Frunity alliance

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  • Hello everyone

    Thanks to slek for your lawyer moment icon_lol.gif
    I can guarantee it's a bug because i dont lose that much fights and i dont remember having lost 4 games in a row.
    I usually lose 1 per pvp except the cage one icon_evil.gif
    Losing just to give points is unthinkable especially for someone i dont know. I never dit that for my team mates on the opposite i often fight and win against them.
    My goal is to get as much points as i can get. So dont worry i would never lose on purpose.
    So you are very lucky because i think it s a bug and i won against you. She hulk and fury dont frighten me dont worry.
    I would be pleased to meet you again on any other pvp.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Thanks for the response Hellben.

    So it is a high chance it is a bug, and it is good that I reported it despite the bullying from a few members of the forums.
    Yes, I personally attacked you, Dauthi, and it was extremely enjoyable. You attack entire alliances and chain alliances (pardon, Walmart alliances) icon_rolleyes.gif Just play PvP some more or ask those who have been playing for longer before reporting others.

    I'm sorry if you think that "Walmart" is an insult. It is a successful chain store, and the first one that popped in my head. Would McDonalds be better? Or should I just call them chain alliances? Are "chain stores" an insult to you?

    If you wanted to argue about this, you could have done it in that thread where I said this instead of following me into other posts so you can insult me.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mod note: Please don't engage in personal attacks against other users. This sort of behavior never helps the conversation, and could lead to a forum ban if it continues.

    I think there's enough info here now, I'm going to lock this thread.
This discussion has been closed.