The Real Way to Fix PvE, and make it fun again



  • Unknown
    simonsez wrote:
    Okay, I think I'm done now. Entered Hulk PvE, and of course there's zero chance of getting even 1 JG cover based on how far behind I am.
    That's awfully soon into a 7 day event to make that determination. Did you just enter, or did you actually play as well?

    That's after entering and playing. In my bracket, the leaders had over 2x points already, and in my experience, that doesn't typically ease up at all on a 4* event.

    It's been this way pretty much every PvE I've joined lately (i.e. stuck in grinder brackets) no matter if I entered at the start or the last day of the event. And no amount of catchup makes any meaningful difference. At best, I expect I might be able to get a single cover.

    So 1 week of grinding nodes down and perfect clears for 1x cover and 1x alliance cover? This doesn't fit my definition of fun. That's just being a game addict, something I'm not willing to do. When a game ceases to be fun, I stop playing. The whole point of a game is that it should be a diversion, not a second job.

    Right now, I see no progression path for me to move into 4* territory while still playing this game as a game.
  • Various38
    Various38 Posts: 101
    I see a lot of forum people saying that you aren't ready for 4* land until you are hitting 1000 in pvp on a fairly regular basis. Now, this may be true, but how are we getting to 4* land if the only way is to hit the 1000? Some of us play pve in an all out attempt to make that single cover. I've noticed that there is no true 1 player experience other than the prologue in this game. I know that ddq exists, but that is four nodes per day for a single cover in a rotation of 30ish characters. To max out covers using that alone would take about a year plus and that's if you have all of the 3* characters required. PVE is the last glimmer of hope, but it is still a pvp system disguised as a 1 player experience as others have stated. I don't have the answers to make PVE great, but I do say that the prize pool is a good idea. Having to spend your points on a 4* would be no different than the person who comes in t100 for a 4* cover but not having a strong 3* base. If the prizes were set up to where you got the 3* and the 4* covers for placing t100 then I may think differently but they aren't. If you had a choice to make your 3* team more formidable but spent your points on the 4*, then that would be your decision. Now, the caveat to that is that the prize pool couldn't all be taken. Your points would be limited just like the vault system without the randomness of drawing with a token. This way, you could grind out and maybe get the 4* and some iso, or spend the money on the 3*, iso, and some hp. It would all really depend on what you think you needed. As many have stated, a 4* with just one cover isn't that useful so it doesn't screw up the balance between pve to pvp players.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had always wished they would do a comination Heroic/Gauntlet.

    And just like Mortal Kombat you start at the bottom of the tower.

    Difficulty is adjusted to the roster you bring in based on level etc. No boosts, just climb. The higher you go the higher you place. After First day you go into A,B,C,D,E etc brackets, so thosethat finished top move on and are grouped together, essentially an old bracket type tournament, and just have top 10 all the same place, 11-25 another etc. I'ts competition but not at the same time.