The Real Way to Fix PvE, and make it fun again

Basically, my thoughts are that PvE will continue to be broken, no matter how much they tweak it, until they overhaul it in significant ways.

Firstly, make all PvE's Gauntlet style, however unlike gauntlet:
* 3 subs, as in standard Gauntlet
* Nodes only have to be completed once for progression, but can be repeated for additional rewards
* Variety of enemy levels from node to node (i.e. personal scaled, maybe follows by lvl 40's, etc..) so that it's not as much of an unrelenting grind
* Consistent difficulty across the three subs - no dramatic increase in difficulty from sub to sub
* 1 4* for each 4* release sub for 3x total, and have a 4th bonus cover from a "Challenge Node" that you may have to throw your head against / rely on pure luck to defeat
* 1 3* for each sub, for 3x total. For 3* feature events, also include a 4* Challenge node cover
* Alliance progression rewards (include another cover of the featured character)
* Move all ISO and HP from placement to progression and/or node rewards
* Get rid of ISO-20 rewards until after the other 4 rewards have been earned.
* Add more event tokens to the reward structure to match what people would get from a standard PvE

I'll add anything else I think of.


  • Unknown
    In other words, make it just like the main story mode, which was when I was arguably having the most fun with the game despite having very few characters. Lots of opportunity to get useful rewards, and no stupid time schedule or pseudo PVP ranking. We should have way more Growth Industry-style events that last a week and serve up some HP and a few covers.
  • Unknown
    So basically no competition, play at your own pace and give me this and that ....
  • Unknown
    to fix PVE they should get rid of scaling, scale everything like deadpool daily, add more 4* prizes, add an actual loot table to nodes, make progression "endless".
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Greetings from the Totally Given up on PvE Club! We have membership available, if you're interested. icon_e_wink.gif

    Apologies to whomever came up with the idea, but once upon a time I read a suggestion to make PvE fun again would be to make each node a sort of micro-competition. You'd complete a node and be scored based on how well you finished it, and the criteria could be health remaining, or time, or whatever. That score would be what gets posted to the leaderboard. You could go back to any given node to grind it out to try to improve your score, but you wouldn't have to. I think that necessity of grinding is what makes PvE so unpalatable. This kind of schema would effectively eliminate that.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    i agree with getting rid of 20 iso.

    What would be interesting is if they refuse to get rid of it, they should make it so when you get all rewards, you have a low (maybe 5% chance) of re-receiving one of the old rewards, it almost feels like we're dealing with 5% as is, when there are very clearly other rewards.

    The competition should be gone but alliance rewards should definitely be in, and be fairly lofty, just not ridiculous.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    El Satanno wrote:
    Greetings from the Totally Given up on PvE Club! We have membership available, if you're interested. icon_e_wink.gif

    Apologies to whomever came up with the idea, but once upon a time I read a suggestion to make PvE fun again would be to make each node a sort of micro-competition. You'd complete a node and be scored based on how well you finished it, and the criteria could be health remaining, or time, or whatever. That score would be what gets posted to the leaderboard. You could go back to any given node to grind it out to try to improve your score, but you wouldn't have to. I think that necessity of grinding is what makes PvE so unpalatable. This kind of schema would effectively eliminate that.

    The issue is that idea can't work with rosters, different levels of rosters (13 cover hulkbuster vs a guy using all 2 stars), boosts and most importantly being based around bejeweled gameplay.

    Cascade like crazy one game, have 5 board resets the next.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    Tanis has posted a really great idea about spending points for rewards in the suggestion thread, which would also go a long way to making PvE better.

  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    What about starting with dropping 1 off the stack of refreshes on each node / pin so it takes 1 less play through to do a full clear.

    That saves the people that grind down to 1 point 30 minutes a day and that should also have a trickle down effect, helping alleviate the situation for now?

    Let's do a poll who likes that idea?
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    All I got from this was "Please release a $30-$50 content drop every few months that includes new characters and story content." I'm quite sure that's exactly not what you were going for but that's all I saw. Probably the only way you'd get something better than what we have that doesn't involve luck pulls and a single cover only (ex. Ant-Man PvE).
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    All I got from this was "Please release a $30-$50 content drop every few months that includes new characters and story content." I'm quite sure that's exactly not what you were going for but that's all I saw. Probably the only way you'd get something better than what we have that doesn't involve luck pulls and a single cover only (ex. Ant-Man PvE).
    Or changing the reward structure of previous events, taking out the talking, changing the hue of a few maps and using different mixes of already established goons on nodes in a few non themed pve's.
    And making generic heroic token background like the one for the current power PVP that is a Bg hue change of the heroic pack.

    Like it can be huge but baby steps in the right direction can't possibly be worse.
    The pve events are already pretty largely removed from the permanent story nodes. They seem to repeat and not progress much. Pvp survives mighty healthily without any story. And the game is no stranger to some players having multiple events running at once. (growth industry has been fine)
    A small paragraph describing the event at large similar to the final page of a characters cover description couldn't possibly add up to anywhere near a 30-50 dollar a month content drop. The op actually didn't even mention story.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    X23 wrote:
    So basically no competition, play at your own pace and give me this and that ....
    Most would argue that in the current structure you earn your progression awards, but sure, 'give' after the work is fulfilled. icon_rolleyes.gif

    it's relatively easy to simply just turn down every idea and say how unfeasible they are instead of coming up with something we ourselves find reasonable. It's an awesome way not progress too.
  • UNC_Samurai
    UNC_Samurai Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    All I got from this was "Please release a $30-$50 content drop every few months that includes new characters and story content."

    Sounds like a good reason to have an HP/ISO sale.
  • Unknown
    Sounds like a good reason to have an HP/ISO sale.

    Agreed. I have an iTunes balance of quite a bit accumulated that I originally intended to drop on MPQ, but changes to PvP/PvE have made the game a lot less appealing to me (much harder to place for even single covers in brackets I get put in, more grind, and A.I. outright cheating at times).

    I don't know how much of it is being pushed into tougher brackets vs. general changes, but at least for me personally, I don't enjoy cutthroat competition. I like decent progression with reasonable challenge, that you can complete on your own time.

    I've said it before, but I think PvP also could benefit from moving cover rewards to progression, and getting rid of defensive losses so people can play on their own time.

    They fix PvE / PvP and I think a lot of people would be much happier with the game. Waiting for them to do those two things, and to offer up a sale (okay the third thing is offer people sales more frequently so buying HP / ISO doesn't feel like a ripoff when you do purchase some).
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sounds like a good reason to have an HP/ISO sale.
    I need an hp sale in a bad way. my stark that I bought many months ago was down to 1K but back up to 1500 now. if I decide to hop to 1K much it will dwindle down again if I stop playing pve.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the way to fix 7 day PVE is simple. Make it a real event with better prizes. For new characters do th7 day event but run the progression rewards to double the progression rewards. This means double to progression scores as well. The 1/2 point would give the 3* and the final would be a 4*. These events should also be double ISO to make it extra rewarding. Simple, but more worth the grind and you get similar HP to 3 and 4 day PVE
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    Make it all 3 colors of the 3* essential, too.

    In 7 days I can earn 7 3* covers through DDQ. In 7 days PvE during a 4* release I can earn... one? Does not compute.

    Give those of us who don't want to chase the 4* some reason to stay engaged for 7 days.
  • Unknown
    Was going to post in the thread earlier, and then this evening I found myself in 2nd in the current PvE and realized I just don't care anymore. It's just too much work for virtually nothing.

    I applaud the effort, but at this point it would be hard not to see that the forum is obviously not the place for constructive criticism.

    Currently down to 5th, and feeling pretty relieved to start finally letting this whole mess go.

  • Unknown
    Okay, I think I'm done now. Entered Hulk PvE, and of course there's zero chance of getting even 1 JG cover based on how far behind I am. These competitive systems are stupid, and I'm done trying to accommodate design decisions designed to force people to play than allow them have fun.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okay, I think I'm done now. Entered Hulk PvE, and of course there's zero chance of getting even 1 JG cover based on how far behind I am.
    That's awfully soon into a 7 day event to make that determination. Did you just enter, or did you actually play as well?
  • Unknown
    Okay, I think I'm done now. Entered Hulk PvE, and of course there's zero chance of getting even 1 JG cover based on how far behind I am. These competitive systems are stupid, and I'm done trying to accommodate design decisions designed to force people to play than allow them have fun.

    I figured this out last night, as my latest alliance was imploding under the strain of MPQ's build.

    I was comfortably in 2nd in the last PvE and then just realized how stupid living my life around a game on my phone was. I stopped playing altogether and ended up 5th, which was plenty, and I actually saw the sun and laughed with some friends. IKR? *GASP*

    This latest experience in D3-style PvE "fun" has already cost the alliance some key players who either finally quit altogether or went to less stressful alliances (like I thought ours was). The irony is, of course, that for the most part, unless you have 18-20 members at high levels of play, the pay-off for even belonging to an alliance is essentially non-existent (up to 200ISO? Uhm, thanks?), especially juxtaposed against other games' versions of alliances/alliance benefits.

    We're approaching if we haven't already passed 10 high-level players who I watched burning out in just the past few weeks alone, so yeah, you're obviously not alone.

    Heck, almost all the people in my Line groups are former MPQ players, and the MFF alliance I belong to is basically a high level MPQ alliance that essentially gave up and moved, members and name alike, to MFF...

    Fun fact? These days? I actually find that I end up playing MFF to relax after playing MPQ. How sad is that? I need an actual game to calm my nerves after I finish playing the other "game."
