A New Way to PvE

tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
So I have this idea right...PvE is a crazy grind if you want the top prizes. We're talking about 4-5 hours per day of just grinding nodes to dust. What if we switched it to an event currency type of system, where you get to choose what you win from the event?

Say the PvE is The Hunt. Missions don't award points, but instead award Green ISO (since you know, the Hulk). Players use this Green ISO to "buy" prizes from a pool of items. Something like this:

1,000,000 Green ISO: 1 Ant Man Cover (your choice of color) {4 Available}
500,000 Green ISO: 1 Roster Slot {1 Available}
100,000 Green ISO: 1 Iron Fist Cover (your choice of color) {3 Available}
50,000 Green ISO: 100 Hero Points {6 Available}
30,000 Green ISO: 1 Event Token {6 Available}
10,000 Green ISO: 5,000 ISO8 {5 Available}
5,000 Green ISO: 5 Health Packs {3 Available}
2,000 Green ISO: 1 2* Magneto Cover (your choice of color) {3 Available}
1,000 Green ISO: 3 +2 All Boosts {1 Available}

That about covers what is handed out via progression ladders and/or placement awards in any given PvE event, right? Then you simply do a little math, and set the possible amount of Green ISO players can earn if they grind each and every node to death to be just enough so that the crazy grinders can get EVERYTHING, and viola! Non-competitive PvE.

People that want to grind for hours on end to earn ALL possible prizes, can. People that want to put in a reasonable amount of effort for prizes they actually want while ignoring things they have no interest in, can. No leaderboards. No PvP masked as PvE. And no "refresh timers" are necessary, just set it so that enough Green ISO can be awarded if you play it enough, regardless of WHEN you play it.

You can even have an alliance progress bar with progressions culminating in an extra Ant Man cover if your alliance can bank enough Green ISO as a team throughout the course of the event.

So? Thoughts/Ideas/Suggestions?


  • I love this idea.

    One suggestion to improve this to also fix the underleveled roster problem is to then tie Green ISO points earned to the difficulty of the node. Higher level nodes mean more green iso. Ideally personal scaling is done away with altogether and replaced with difficulty tiers, easy, medium, hard and insane (or whatever appropriate marvel themed descriptors).

    Playing on easy gets you enough green iso to get lower tier rewards, or maybe one or two of the medium tier rewards and should be easy enough for maxed one star rosters or underleveled two star.

    Playing on medium gets you a bigger handful of the medium tier rewards or one high level reward and is for maxed two stars or underleveled three stars, etc. Insane is hard for maxed four stars and requires heroic efforts from a maxed 3 star roster.

    If the devs are worried about maxed four stars blowing through earlier levels and getting too many rewards too quickly, then limit each difficulty tier so that easy can only use one stars, medium two stars and under, hard three stars and under, etc.

    If there are too many rewards being given out, Demiurge can always adjust based on what makes the bean counters happy.

    Adding a tiered difficulty structure on to the proposed green iso reward system would turn the grindfest competitive PvE we have now into something much more enjoyable, fair and engaging.
  • Arsael
    Arsael Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    it's a good idea
  • elwhiteninja
    elwhiteninja Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    i like the idea but it looks like it needs some tweaking on the prices
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like this idea. I would further suggest that instead of having easy/medium/hard nodes that they all start out as easy, then ramp up gradually in difficulty (and points) as each node is cleared. This way everyone can play up to their roster ability. And to bypass the grinding that the advanced players would need to go through, add a "Starting Difficulty" selector with the time start selection.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    FF:RK runs events kind of like this, and they're pretty nice, because they give you the power to grind as much as you feel like doing and you don't feel like you're missing out on something.

    To extrapolate on your idea some, I'll talk about the three types of events, because I think it would be for the overall health of the game to inject some of it into MPQ.


    "Challenge Events' are the closest thing to what we have currently in MPQ with PvE; basically, there's a list of levels, that unlock as you beat the previous, and each level gets harder and gives better rewards. Then, after your initial run, there's "Elite" versions of all the content in that event, that's harder, but gives much better prizes, and unlock after clearing the "normal" version of that stage. It looks something like this;


    "Collector's Events" are basically what you're talking about here. Each enemy you kill has a chance to drop [material] and when you clear a stage you earn [material] based ont he difficulty of the stage, then you use [material] to buy in-game stuff (weapons, armor, upgrade materials, orbs, etc). Like I said above, these are really nice because you can grid as much or as little as you want because you can set your own goals, unlike in the previous event type, where you still know what you want to unlock, but you have to work your way through all the content to get to it. Here's an idea of what it looks like;


    The last type are called "Survival Events". They're kinda sorta in the middle of the two. Every time you win in succession you get rewards, but also, depending on how hard the enemy is, you get a scaling multiplier. You can fight both normal enemies and bosses during any time in your run (it's random to a point) so depending on your luck and patient, you can amount huge points pretty easily. They're kind of like if you turned a Survival Node into an entire event concept - the longer you fight the more points you get. I like it because it really is pretty hard, but at the same time (and DeNa recognizes this considering they've only ran two so far) they definitely are the worst of both worlds, because they're grindy as Hell and hard as Hell, so burn out can be real in these events. Here's an idea of what it looks like;


    Long story short, I think that MPQ could benefit from some variety. They've shown some cool creativity with Ultron and Gauntlet, and a fair bit of vision with ideas like The Vault, Survival Nodes, and Growth Industries, so here's to hoping!
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    HA! yea, not gonna lie, FFRK is where I got the idea. But tell me it doesn't fit PERFECTLY into MPQ-land? I can't find a single reason how this isn't a win-win for every single player in this game.

    Want everything on offer? Cool, you can get it. Probably gonna have to devote 435 hours to the game over the course of the next week and possibly sacrifice a few cows to Odin (Odin likes cows, right?) but you can get EVERYTHING if you work for it.

    Don't have any interest in any of the covers on offer? Cool, we got you there too. Play the nodes you like, and earn enough fancy-pants currency to get all the HP, Tokens, ISO, Boosts etc on offer, maybe even pick yourself up an extra roster slot for next time.

    Really want one or more Ant Man covers, but you have family/friends coming to visit on the weekend and you wont have the time to plan perfect 8 hour clears, followed by 3-4 hours straight of grinding sub events down? Cool, we have that too! Reasonable effort on your own time/terms will earn you enough for at least one of the covers, as well as probably some extra goodies for your trouble.

    Just wanna take it easy for this event, but you could really use a Purple Iron Fist cover to finish him off? Yep! We have that option too.

    You could even solve the problem of intentionally gimping your roster to clear Story events more easily by locking the most points under static "Hard" nodes. I'm talking they start at lvl 200+, regardless of your roster. Can't clear them? *Shrugs* get stronger, come back next time. You'll still be able to earn enough to get something good for your efforts, but the guys with developed rosters are gonna be able to get them a little faster.

    Obv my pricing structure here is probably off, but they don't pay me to figure that stuff out. icon_e_biggrin.gif I'm just spitballing ideas here, but as far as I can see, this makes life in Story land much better for everyone involved.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    Pure genius.

    I have nothing useful to add to the excellent ideas that have been tossed around here already, but wanted to continue to bump this, so that the devs read this.

    Did you get that, devs? Pretty please, read this??
  • Yeah, having the PVE's as a grind against other people is just another formulaic way to compete against other people. This suggestion would be to truly make it man v machine, and not worry about what everyone else is doing. As mentioned, the pricing of the rewards could use a tweak or two but the concept is fantastic and would get me to start playing PVE's again.
  • Just wanted to add my voice to all the people who would like to see this system (or something like this) implemented. Please, dear devs! Make this happen!
    This would totally address the problem with players being at different stages of the game. Veteran players get bored without new 4*, whilst I'm still at the point where I desperately need 3* and 4* are essentially dead weight. This new system would definitely help with this problem and many others.

    Also, isn't it kind of crazy that we're actually asking for pve to be... pve?
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Playing for what you want wins in my book.
  • This is an incredibly good idea.

    Also cuts the problem of people joining late, grinding for an hour, and getting the same or better rewards than someone who grinded for 7 days.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also cuts the problem of people joining late, grinding for an hour, and getting the same or better rewards than someone who grinded for 7 days.

    As someone whom does this sometimes, you don't get the same rewards, necessarily. Yes, I can get covers easier (pressuming my gamble to jump into a fresh bracket pays off and/or another vet willing to grind doesn't have the same idea), but I don't get any of the ISO-8, Hero Points, etc that people that do sit down and engage the event do.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Can we have a test run for some old 4* in this form? Pretty please? Maybe as soon as next off-season or season XVIII?
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Bump. Why aren't we funding this?
    Is this a pressing issue devs kept quiet about in the July Q&A video?

    *endlessly optimistic*
  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    This may take a lot of work on the Dev's side, but it would get more players interested about the events and make more money for D3.

    Make this happen.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Giving this a bump, since during this 7 day marathon of Daken/Juggs/Rags/Venom/Daken/Moonstone/Juggs/Venom/Rags/Daken...umm...Daken/Daken/Rags yea, y'all get the idea.

    Seriously, is anyone enjoying this Hulk event? Are we doomed to slog thru the same 5 characters over and over and over for an endless supply of new characters that will sit idly on our rosters for months? Is that really the future of this game? It doesn't necessarily have to be THIS idea, but for the love of Odin, can we try something different? I'm so bored with the same thing day in and day out...
  • MiTYH
    MiTYH Posts: 12
    Gotta say I love this idea!!
  • Starsaber
    Starsaber Posts: 206
    Something else they could do would be sort of how Challenge Missions work in Injustice. You can complete the area numerous times, and each time, the difficulty increases. Say there are 5 different missions in the area. You can't go back and re-do the same mission numerous times, but once you have completed the whole area, it resets back to the beginning with more difficult opponents. Someone with a team of 1*s would be able to get through it the first time, but probably not get too far on their second run, while someone with a bunch of 4*s would be able to clear everything without too much trouble.
  • I also agree with this and am bumping this thread up. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree with the idea BUT hate the number of items.. why not make it everyone who makes it to those pts get the items Why 4 of this or 4 of that..

    Just make it a PURE ULTRON EVENT where everyone is like 12,500 per round

    Meaning a allaince of one would have have to beat 12,500 while a team of 10 would have 125,000

    everyone gets the covers and can play at their own pace. if you make it where only the first 4 get the cover its no better then PVE now