You used to think they were garbage. Now you like them. Why?

PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
edited July 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Which characters did you use to dislike (or at least feel nothing more than apathy at best), that you now enjoy using? Was it because of a buff/change, or because of a synergy with another character that you recently discovered?

For me, Invisible Woman is at the top of the stack. She is my first fully-covered four-star (just landed her final cover from a random heroic... yesterday? day before?), and I am having a blast with her. (5/3/5). She's only level 139, but blue-into-green hits like a Mack truck - not only do you get the chance to customize the board to your liking, removing many tiles you dislike with blue - (don't lock the tiles you want to destroy - lock the tile adjacent before feeding into green!), but then you get to pile on a nice 6,000+ damage on top of it (yes, she's buffed now, so my damage numbers are possibly off). A successful blue-into-green that not only destroys several enemy special tiles, but also downs a high-priority threat, is a fine and satisfying thing indeed. (I know that's 19 AP from disparate pools - not arguing for its efficiency, just its satisfaction level ^.^)

Then there's her yellow - for 9 AP, I get over 400 in protection (and since I know the color, I can wait for a favorable board layout to cast it) and I get to hide the weakest of my team from direct enemy attacks. Nice!

The AI will likely use her horribly, and she's not a good choice for PvP unless buffed to 300+ as a scarecrow, but I've had a great time using her with Psylocke and Falcon in the Deadpool daily and various PvE nodes.

I also have enjoyed the changes to Beast, who, interestingly, shares colors with Invisible Woman. ("The Beastly Invisible Woman" struck me as an interesting movie title) His yellow is still pretty bad (but that heal can surprise you if the enemy uses it, and not in a good way), but blue is cheap and fairly strong, and green does decent damage with a blue special on the board.

So which character has granted you more value/fun recently than you expected? Moonstone? Bagman? Sentry? Hawkeye?


  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    Captain Marvel. I had 3* Marvel sitting around covered for ... uhhh ... 9 months? She popped up featured in a pvp so I finally took a hard look and respecd to 355 (easily done as they have been wallpapering the game with her recently...). In that config ... WOW! OK, not so awesome that I'd make a dupe, but she carries her weight and is a great support when buffed. Have her up to lvl 151 now.

    I have her at 5/5/3. She blows up every shield tile at 5 red which makes her one of the most useful niche characters in the game with her two turn stun.
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Beast definitely got to a playable state after his buff.
    Tiny Bullseye is very useful (and fun!) in PvE. I'd say he can help all kinds of teams there, not just 2*. Similar to mnMags.
    Storm was always great in PvE, but with health buffs, she looks playable again in PvP too, at least when buffed. That really makes me glad. She'd probably be even slightly better had the defensive wins not been nerfed as much.
  • Omega Blacc
    Omega Blacc Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Easily Daredevil for me.

    He sucks on defense, but he is SO fun to use. I pair him with Hood and/or Cyclops and drop, like, 5 "Ambush" on the board.

    Not only does "Ambush" smack stupid hard when you break it yourself, it feeds itself while you break it as well.

    I've done match 3's of all "Ambush" tiles myself and had the opponent do it as well. I've downed all 3 targets in one move that way after an AoE attack like "Rage of the Panther" or "Call the Storm"

    I also use him with Patch. Drop "Berserker Rage" and kill most of the enemy's strike tiles with "Radar Sense". That combo is a great damage trade-off.

    To me he's one of the best red, blue, or purple users....buuuuut in a board dry of red tiles, he's not very effective.

    Hence Cyclops.
  • Rogan_Josh
    Rogan_Josh Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
    There are a few i've been using that have had negative reviews when they came out.

    Scarlet Witch got luke warm reception in the shadow of HB and i agreed at the time. Only reason I used her was because i lucked out on some extra covers. She's actually top tier.

    rags most people still think he's rubbish after the buff and on his own he is. But he plays really well with all three Thors and a lot of people are going to realise this the next time his PVP comes up. Not top tier but definitely usable.

    Quicksilver another one that's better than people give it credit for. Only one condition though, you have to have Invisible Woman as well. Unless they fix bagman. Which they wont. lots of fun to play with if not very consistent.
  • ECOcrush
    ECOcrush Posts: 86 Match Maker
    icon_daredevil.png and icon_beast.png are sooooo much better after the buff. They're a couple of my favs.

    But if we set aside buffs and just look at characters in general that I felt nothing for initially but now enjoy using, icon_falcon.png and icon_loki.png make the list for me. As loaners, they're absolutely useless. So when that was my only experience with them I didn't see their value. Why would you want a character that doesn't do any damage? When I finally understood their roles as support characters to make the other members of my team hit harder and faster, I learned to love them. Falcon especially. I'm still on the lookout for a couple more covers for him so I can max him.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    icon_quicksilver.png now that i have him fully covered 5/5/3 can make for some nice fast hops, i plan on bringing him to 166 eventually. so much fun to use in Sim! PX now has 2 blue covers, and with QS making little switches giving me some easy match 5s, the other teams die fast, just make sure to bring Cage and get PX invis.. and you rarely take much damage. Not good on defense (Ai is dumb) but fun for farming iso in the sim.

    icon_psylocke.png probably because i never really had her covered, and still dont 5/3/4.. i didn't pay her much attention. but paired with Daken, so many strikes and attack tiles, people just fall down, add KK for heals every time you use one of her cheap abilities.. she is extremely under appreciated.
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Not usually considered top tier but I would like a fully built Dr Octopus anyway. Mines in the early stages but his passive is still cool against Daken, Blade etc.

    Agreed Magneto classic is awesome. Just got his blue last night so might switch him to 3,5,5 but I do still like his yellow.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    mr_X wrote:
    Not usually considered top tier but I would like a fully built Dr Octopus anyway. Mines in the early stages but his passive is still cool against Daken, Blade etc.

    Agreed Magneto classic is awesome. Just got his blue last night so might switch him to 3,5,5 but I do still like his yellow.

    Boosted 3/5/5 Mags is a monster, as evident in R&G PVE , i thought his blue was going to be the big hero, but on bad boards.. his red was making the big kills.. i intentionally brought 2* marvel in for her yellow, just to setup mags red for massive explosions, and since she places TU's all over the board, made for some game over cascades.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not really counting those that got buffed like IW/Beast, because they did suck, but they improved them.

    So my vote is Squirrel Girl. She's surprisingly effective in a pinch as a green outlet.
  • PeterGibbons316
    PeterGibbons316 Posts: 1,063
    I used to not think much of Blade and Falcon, but I've started using them together with Daken in PvE and that trio is incredible. Falcon's Redwing in particular is pretty underrated for dealing with goons that lay tons of CD tiles.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    It would be Invisible Woman hands down, even though she sits at 7 covers and I haven't gotten a cover pull for her in FOREVER. Once D3 finally addressed her usability, she's been dusted off and used quite often. I know once I get her maxed, she'll be a regular in my rotation. I really enjoy ALL her abilities and have found a neat exploit for her too! If she's the last player on your team, you can use invisibility and she becomes invincible! Try it out!
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2015
    mr_X wrote:
    Not usually considered top tier but I would like a fully built Dr Octopus anyway. Mines in the early stages but his passive is still cool against Daken, Blade etc.

    Agreed Magneto classic is awesome. Just got his blue last night so might switch him to 3,5,5 but I do still like his yellow.

    Boosted 3/5/5 Mags is a monster, as evident in R&G PVE , i thought his blue was going to be the big hero, but on bad boards.. his red was making the big kills.. i intentionally brought 2* marvel in for her yellow, just to setup mags red for massive explosions, and since she places TU's all over the board, made for some game over cascades.[/quote]

    Agreed his red is a lot of fun. Nothing like blowing up the board. Almost therapeutic.

    Actually loved pairing him with 2* marvel. Create team tiles and the detonate them. Rinse, repeat and smile, but evicted her. Build her again later. Grown up Ms Marvel does pair well.

    Funny you should say that. First time ever could not use his blue last night as not enough red blue on the board.

    Spec of my Mag classic is actually 5,5,3 at present. So would be 4,5,4. Still half asleep. Late night.

    Edit: I give up these quotes are way to fidgety on my phone
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    I have two characters that I always thought were terrible, but once I paired them together, I've changed my tune: Elektra and Doc Ock. I've been using Patch as my third, and oh man...I call it the Ron Burgundy Special, because boy, does that escalate quickly! I had a match vs some goons the other day where I hoarded enough AP to cast Berserker Rage, Double Double Cross x2 and Manipulation all on the same turn. When I cast Manipulation, I got a text, so I put my iPad down to read it. When I picked it back up, the match was over. It was vs lvl 250+ Muscle and other high level goons, and I had only done small amounts of damage to one of them. I don't know what the heck happened, I really wish I had seen it!

    But even on regular matches where Manipulation doesn't generate a game ending cascade, casting Berserk Rage followed by Double Double Cross is brutal. If you're lucky, you can even match one of the enemy strikes away to trigger Doc Ock for upwards of 1,000 per turn from attack tiles. Get Elektra's red trap tile out and you're doing several thousand damage at the start and end of your turn for free, plus your tile matches do 1,000+. It's nuts. And the number of nukes I've dodged by hiding behind Shadow Step? Yea, these guys are my new favorite thing.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have a new go-to goon team and I had never used any of the 3 much before - falcon/witch/gsbw. witch and gsbw are still not covered, and all are 120, but they can take down 250+ goons no problem. falcon is also on my new enchilada team with blade and steve.

    to a lesser extent cmags. I knew he was top tier, but last season I was able to cover him and max him out and now I use him way more than thor. even better when I can use them together but I thought thor was the best *** out there bar none (and my only maxed guy for forever) and am discovering he's solid, very good, but not head and shoulders above everyone like some rankings would indicate.
  • Cymmina
    Cymmina Posts: 413 Mover and Shaker
    Going to have to say Squirrel Girl. Once you get her purple and green abilities fleshed out, she's surprisingly good. The one thing I like about her green is that you get 4 (at 5 covers) moderate damage tiles that don't get wasted as badly as Daredevil's red (d'oh! Ambush went off on this guy who only had 300 hp left!). Purple tears through special tile spammers (Ultron, Storm Modern/Mohawk), but still does decent damage even without special tiles on the board.

    I wouldn't say she's great, but she's handy to have around.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    MoStorm's only really got one good ability, but that one ability can hit hard, especially when in the presence of strike tiles or when boosted. I don't have her leveled up, but I do hate fighting her in PvP when boosted. My 100 HP heroic token for the day just got her fifth black cover, making her 5/3/5, so I think I'll start investing in her shortly.

    To me it was all about finding combinations that worked. PX/Beast/Gamora was one such combo. Fully rainbowed active abilities. Quick hitting abilities leads to PX using PC many times. 6 bluetile.png AP and I'm sitting on 6 friendly special tiles. I also really like Carnage in that group instead of Gamora, because add four more special tiles to the board and he's 3/3/5. Also KK can be subbed for Beast or PX. Usually the weekly boosts and the enemy formation are determinative of which party goes in.

    I never used to think SG was garbage, but now she's fallen a tier in my books and is a situationally dependent character to use. When the situation is right (such as when the right friends are boosted), she can be a super nuke. Also her protect tiles and her purple make even boosted MoStorm cry.

    Grey Suit is terrible until you get her to 5/3/5. Then she suddenly becomes one of the best PvE characters in the game and she dominates on O in PvP. Still terrible on D, I pick on her relentlessly.

    I'm sitting on a level 61 Quicksilver that has been covered at 5/5/3 for awhile now. Given how much use I get out of PX, he might get slotted in as Beast/PX's new best friend. I just don't have the Invisible Woman well covered (2/1/1), so he's on his own making force field bubbles.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Cymmina wrote:
    ...The one thing I like about her green is that you get 4 (at 5 covers) moderate damage tiles...

    And if you pair her green with strike tile generation it magnifies the strike tile power. 500 points in strike tiles leads to 2,000 more damage.
  • ApocryphicV
    ApocryphicV Posts: 118 Tile Toppler
    Hands down, She-Hulk. I would not call her garbage before but before her buff she wasn't as useful. Then they buffed and promoted her at the perfect time during the last run of Enemy of the State and well, lady is a survivor node killer.
    Basically take down all the goons except an easy kill and use her green to sap all the AP they were saving up for their back-up. Especially the Don in Deadpool Daily. He never uses his black so Doctor Doom/ Elektra/ Black Panther/ Whoever can come in and destroy you with abilities.
    Her blue and red also have nice niche uses but the green is the game changer for her. Nothing is more satisfying then watching 30 enemy AP (sometimes even more since she can drain 2 pools with 5 green) disappear.
  • Born2DieNPvP
    Born2DieNPvP Posts: 163
    What may be the biggest shock to me is recently I'm finding a decent amount of use for IM40 strictly as a damage eater/ap generator for Steve. Cap/IF/IM40 has become a dependable goto team for me in pve. He still badly needs his blue and red doctored but it's nice to find some use for him.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    What may be the biggest shock to me is recently I'm finding a decent amount of use for IM40 strictly as a damage eater/ap generator for Steve. Cap/IF/IM40 has become a dependable goto team for me in pve. He still badly needs his blue and red doctored but it's nice to find some use for him.

    I have to agree here, i have my IM40 at 4/5/4 and that extra cover in yellow when used with KK is huge!