D3 here's what you can do for the server crash on 8 July

kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
edited July 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I'm not asking for compensation, free tokens, free covers etc.

I'm asking for a sale instead. Stark Salary bumped up to 40,000 Hero Points for the usual price of USD99. Yes, I want to give you money for your server crash instead of asking things from you.


  • Unknown
    But we should be compensated. Anyone playing on later shards can't go for pvp progression, rank and is having the season score hurt compared to anyone who had its shard ended by the time of the crash.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    I would take the sale but this is still ****
  • Unknown
    40,000 HP is not a sales icon_lol.gif
    How bout they throw in 2 more kittens and a tiny portion of their paycheck ?
  • JangoLore
    JangoLore Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    It does seem like about time for a sale. I need a to buy some more roster slots. Ooh, maybe a free roster slot instead given what has been said about the next big (tiny) event.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    lost out on my hulkbuster from top gun.. could not do my hop this morning before work.. now each fight i try, i get slammed with 2 losses when i win.. everyone is scrambling and no-one is making any progress..

    this is tinykitty'd up.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,234 Chairperson of the Boards
    we dont need no Stinking sale

    if you want to make it up for all of the problems in the past how about

    72 HOUR SALE ALL SLOTS ARE 100 HP limit 5 per person or limit 10 per person.

    That would be awsome
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    A free roster slot would be good, obviously this would in hero point terms be different for each player but at least it would be useful compared to say tokens. Personally I would settle for a few thousand ISO and a few hero points. D3Go need to realise that in a bid to bolster customer relations they need to loosen the purse string for any outages no matter how small.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:
    we dont need no Stinking sale

    if you want to make it up for all of the problems in the past how about

    72 HOUR SALE ALL SLOTS ARE 100 HP limit 5 per person or limit 10 per person.

    That would be awsome
    I'm in. I'd spend several hundy hp on slots for that. I'd also take a half off sale for hp/iso, as I would net more hp gain out of that.
  • Unknown
    The server went down on the eve of an event launch; put it down to experience, move on and expect the same next time. I went to the key cutter last week, its was quite annoying, he had gone out for lunch minutes before I arrived. When he got back I didn't demand 10 keys and a long written apology, I got my key cut and made a mental note not to go back when he might be on lunch.
  • Unknown
    MarCr wrote:
    The server went down on the eve of an event launch; put it down to experience, move on and expect the same next time. I went to the key cutter last week, its was quite annoying, he had gone out for lunch minutes before I arrived. When he got back I didn't demand 10 keys and a long written apology, I got my key cut and made a mental note not to go back when he might be on lunch.

    Good thing your house wasn't on fire, giving you a specific finite amount of time to get the key cut, get back home, get into the house, and use your only phone to call for a fire truck...

    Sorry, I did my best to make that analogy somewhat congruent with this scenario, but I'm still not sure it's even close. icon_e_wink.gificon_lol.gif

  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    MarCr wrote:
    The server went down on the eve of an event launch; put it down to experience, move on and expect the same next time. I went to the key cutter last week, its was quite annoying, he had gone out for lunch minutes before I arrived. When he got back I didn't demand 10 keys and a long written apology, I got my key cut and made a mental note not to go back when he might be on lunch.

    So MPQ players need to make a mental note that the servers WILL go down on the eve of a major PVE launch. Are you asking the players to skip PVP and PVE altogether on the eve so that they won't get disappointed by server crash? Or are you asking them to join earlier slices or rush to get progression rewards as early as possible?
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    With forums down yesterday and servers down later that same evening... sounds almost like a datacenter migration.. maybe a little heads up next time..
  • Unknown
    kensterr wrote:
    So MPQ players need to make a mental note that the servers WILL go down on the eve of a major PVE launch. Are you asking the players to skip PVP and PVE altogether on the eve so that they won't get disappointed by server crash? Or are you asking them to join earlier slices or rush to get progression rewards as early as possible?

    If you can add content or do maintenance to a server without some down time I have a lot of friends who would be very interested in speaking to you.

    I am looking forward to the Ant-Man event and with new content comes integration. They could just sit on the two events they have, but players complain about that as well.

    My pvp was effected by the downtime, but such is life.
  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2015
    I think you guys are silly for considering giving them extra money for being incompetent. I think they should make me a job offer, because I'm certain I could do a better job. Depending on the pay, I'd consider that fair compensation. icon_lol.gif
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    MarCr wrote:
    kensterr wrote:
    So MPQ players need to make a mental note that the servers WILL go down on the eve of a major PVE launch. Are you asking the players to skip PVP and PVE altogether on the eve so that they won't get disappointed by server crash? Or are you asking them to join earlier slices or rush to get progression rewards as early as possible?

    If you can add content or do maintenance to a server without some down time I have a lot of friends who would be very interested in speaking to you.

    I am looking forward to the Ant-Man event and with new content comes integration. They could just sit on the two events they have, but players complain about that as well.

    My pvp was effected by the downtime, but such is life.
    this last ultron was ideal. between seasons and while some pvp's/pve's got messed up, it wasn't season stuff. and the ultron itself was for a couple of bottom feeder characters (marvel is ok, but I haven't found a use for vision). downing the server (if on purpose) to implement antman while large chunks of the player base are shielded and trying to get to THE most coveted cover in the game right now (imhb red), I think that is just a little idiotic. accidents happen but every implementation of something new has issues. at this point they should develop the ability to freeze the game, timers and all. everything gets extended, including event ending times, pve refreshes, pvp shields, etc. by the amount of down time. that would go a long ways toward minimizing adverse affects. because every time something new happens, problems happen. and I enjoy new events, and I understand accidents, but a token and some iso/hp (unless its a LOT more than normally done) does not make up for a shot at imhb red.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    kensterr wrote:
    I'm not asking for compensation, free tokens, free covers etc.

    I'm asking for a sale instead. Stark Salary bumped up to 40,000 Hero Points for the usual price of USD99. Yes, I want to give you money for your server crash instead of asking things from you.
    Damn, I wish I had people lining up to give me 99 bucks every time I f'd up...
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Maybe they were hacked by a fan of Xforce or something.

    Seriously a free roster slot or making 1*s free to roster would be nice but cannot see it happening.

    I only have Iron Man for deadpool but still could do with the extra space.
  • Unknown
    I just hope they do something. We've seen so much of this kind of thing that they may start to feel like they don't have to give us anything.
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    Some folks got their refresh in before the crash, so puts me a full refresh behind on the boards icon_e_sad.gif
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    still not a peep from a red, all day.
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