Thing, Hood, Deadpool node



  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    grunth13 wrote:
    Buret0 wrote:
    Loki, Patch, Hood.

    Weak damage Deadpool with your early game matches. Force match 4s to trigger mischief. Hood + Loki AP denial.

    Once you have enough to use Berserker Rage twice and Trickery once, aim for Hood with Berserker Rage #1 and Thing will jump in front and poop out some protect tiles. Then target Deadpool and use Berserker Rage again. Thing will again jump in front and poop out protect tiles. Then use Trickery to turn all of those enemy Berserker Rage strike tiles into friendly protect tiles and all of those enemy protect tiles into friendly strike tiles.

    Now target Thing until he is dead, then Deadpool until he is dead, then Hood. Deadpool might jump in front of one hit, just don't let Thing jump in front and you'll have no trouble.

    Beat it with Loki 120, Patch 125, Hood 125... only took basic match damage, mostly on Patch.

    Hood is in that node so you can't use Hood.

    Well who the heck did use as a third then?
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    I personally like Daken so that he tanks purple and black for Loki.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    It was Cage, to protect me from the match damage on the match 4s and then I thought I would stun, but I never got enough black to use both Trickery and Jab.
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    Buret0 wrote:
    It was Cage, to protect me from the match damage on the match 4s and then I thought I would stun, but I never got enough black to use both Trickery and Jab.

    I rarely get enough for both, that's why I use Daken since he self heals so match damage is not an issue. Patch tanks green, Daken tanks purple and black so Loki shouldn't get any match damage.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    grunth13 wrote:
    Buret0 wrote:
    It was Cage, to protect me from the match damage on the match 4s and then I thought I would stun, but I never got enough black to use both Trickery and Jab.

    I rarely get enough for both, that's why I use Daken since he self heals so match damage is not an issue. Patch tanks green, Daken tanks purple and black so Loki shouldn't get any match damage.

    Yeah that probably would have worked out fine. Also most of the AoE characters would have worked... or KK could have accelerated green for patch + bash.
  • PeterGibbons316
    PeterGibbons316 Posts: 1,063
    I think I used IMHB (lvl 230, 5/5/2), Patch (240), and Loki (166).

    It was brutal. I would do better if I could do it again. Let Thing generate some tiles then swap them with Loki. And I'd save up enough red for IMHB to just nuke Thing with my first usage of hit red.
  • icon_blade.pngicon_falcon.pngicon_lukecage.png

    Took out hood dp then thing.
  • black panther destroys everything when powered up
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    Used 4hor\xforce\loki against my scaled lvl 269\270.

    Thing, deadpool, hood a good troll team in PvP. Hope they boost em together hah.
  • Turbosmooth
    Turbosmooth Posts: 213
    My node is level 263 and I have cleared with SW (Lv127)+IF (Lv150)+Cage (Lv150) twice.
    I died once because I tried to use IF purpleflag.png trying to generate black, but I didn't know I already had 12. Oops: Thing makes his protect tiles and it spells demise. You can't make any mistakes on this node.
    Focus on Hood (because he is stealing) with less than 1138 damage hits while keeping red and green off the board. Also focus on collecting purple and black, generating black.

    Usually with my hardest nodes, I bring out SW+PX+GSBW, but that didn't work out so well. That team is amazing if there is enough purple on board and little fast power colors for enemy. SW+IF+Cage is more versatile because purple, black, and yellow really help the team.
  • Yeah, screw this node. I've tried every combo suggested on this thread with my roster, blew through 15 health packs.

    Deny red? Sorry, whales.

    Deny red and purple? Sorry, Yancy St special.

    Deny red, purple green? Twin pistols.

    Trying to deny everything? Hood steals, plus cascades seem to always occur right when you think you're able to handle them.

    Bring Daken to tank for Loki? One shotted from any ability. Same when bringing patch or falcon.

    I was somewhat close (had Hood down, alternating between Thing/DP), and they used a level 40 team up... Juggs green. Destroyed my strike and protect tiles, got a purple cascade, one whales took both Patch and Loki out in one swoop. They should have HP as a reward for completing that node, at least that would be fair.

    EDIT: Finally beat it, using nothing but 2*. Hawkeye, Mags, Storm. Hawkeye's individual speed shots aren't enough to activate Thing, so Hood went down easy. From there a couple of wind storms to stun and polarity shift for more speed shots. Didn't even lose anybody.