Honest Question: Is Maggia Muscle Viewed As Overpowered?



  • Asmodius37
    Asmodius37 Posts: 32
    dkffiv wrote:
    Final sub has Carnage + 2 Muscles on the Thing essential node. If a threaten goes off you just lose, even if you down Carnage, unless your Thing is at the perfect break point to get defense tiles up.

    Ooh Carnage Muscle Lieutenant. I think 2x Muscle might be better though.

    Carnage/muscle/Hand Konran, Konran feeds carnage red for symbiote scythes and can self heal, muscle makes strike tiles and everyone has a team damage ability.

    So what teams are people running against this so they have a legitimate shot at beating it? Thing....obviously, but who else?
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Asmodius37 wrote:
    dkffiv wrote:
    Final sub has Carnage + 2 Muscles on the Thing essential node. If a threaten goes off you just lose, even if you down Carnage, unless your Thing is at the perfect break point to get defense tiles up.

    Ooh Carnage Muscle Lieutenant. I think 2x Muscle might be better though.

    Carnage/muscle/Hand Konran, Konran feeds carnage red for symbiote scythes and can self heal, muscle makes strike tiles and everyone has a team damage ability.

    So what teams are people running against this so they have a legitimate shot at beating it? Thing....obviously, but who else?

    For the final node, Carnage/Venom/Doc Oc

    DD to stun and radar sense if needed (his traps do nice chunks as well), KK to aoe, hood to AP steal, and twin pistol away large groups of bad guy tiles.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    dkffiv wrote:
    Final sub has Carnage + 2 Muscles on the Thing essential node. If a threaten goes off you just lose, even if you down Carnage, unless your Thing is at the perfect break point to get defense tiles up.

    Ooh Carnage Muscle Lieutenant. I think 2x Muscle might be better though.

    Could be worse. One of those muscles could be a green or red feeder...
  • GrimSkald wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    They are goons. There are characters, which stand a chance of being playable, and there are goons, which aren't.

    But by all means, if you feel they have a chance of being playable, covered, etc. keep believin' that.

    By your definition, though, Ultron Prime and Gorgon are both goons.
    Ultron Prime and gorgon aren't goons, at best they're guest/boss characters. Time will tell if we're able to recruit them since they have covers and everything(in suit of Devil Dino). Tetris Ultron may be best qualified as a...boss goon?
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    Try playing Carnage rules Rescue Mary Jane and tell me Muscle isn't dangerous. Of course, already got the disadvantage of only being able to play a select bunch of characters but Muscle and Carnage together are tearing me apart!
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Buret0 wrote:
    Just like anything else in this game, party make-up determines strength.

    Gunners are a joke, unless they are paired with swarmers... taking care of the special tiles isn't that tough.
    Muscle aren't that tough, unless they get paired with someone that can match tiles.
    Ninjas are only a problem when they are feeding. OBW, stunners, and anyone that produces red tiles can deal with pure ninjas. Protect tiles are your friend against bloody caltrops.

    The worst are the cover fire snipers imo. They deplete your ability to match away their yellows and blues, giving them a much easier time getting their CD.

    Venom is a jerk when paired with anyone who feeds him his stun + a big AoE like rocket. You think you're going to match away the CD and he stuns your whole team for a turn, allowing the CD tile to go off.
    Pretty much this. I thought 2xMuscle + Don was the worst matchup ever (since Dons feed their yellow and blue, making them place a CD tile every single turn - yeah, "match them away" is stupid advice in this situation) until I played 2xMuscle + character. It was even worse, since you couldn't possibly match them all away AND you would take massive damage every turn.

    3 of those Punch Ninjas (no idea what they are actually called) are pretty horrid, but only in a wave - when you know you're going to have 9 punch tiles you need to clear fast before the next guys come in, it's bad. I think 2 Punch Ninjas + Muscle is also potentially bad the first time you play it, but then you realize the ninjas aren't THAT bad and you have to kill the Muscle ASAP.

    Some kind of 4* + 2xMuscles sounds horrid as well.

    However there are often counters, it's just that getting a decent counter could be something you never do until over a year into the game. As someone else mentioned, I don't care about Ultron bots because Luke Cage just handles them nicely. He's a great counter, even if the games tend to go long. Try putting him with Falcon for a super slow but can't-lose game. icon_e_smile.gif However, if you don't have him - well yeah, you're boned.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    loroku wrote:

    Some kind of 4* + 2xMuscles sounds horrid as well.


    Carnage + 2 Muscle is one of the subs in Venom Heroic. It is slightly stressful, but DD rules that board.

    The counter to muscle and ninjas is simple.. DD purple or any board shaker (hood yellow is especially effective as it usually kills the guy at the same time)

    Yes they suck, but it is part of the puzzle.
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    My $0.02

    Characters have names. Mooks do not. Gorgon and Ultron Prime are characters, non-playable characters. To me, the goons represent a bunch of mooks which explains why they can go toe-to-toe with super-powered characters. I know the official reason is they are 'enhanced' with Iso-8, but I like my reasoning better.

    Regardless of symantics, Muscle goons provide an interesting aspect to the game, as do sentries and ninjas. I like the variety.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    raisinbman wrote:
    They are goons. There are characters, which stand a chance of being playable, and there are goons, which aren't.

    But by all means, if you feel they have a chance of being playable, covered, etc. keep believin' that.

    So... Gorgon is a goon?

    Ultron Prime is a goon?
    raisinbman wrote:
    GrimSkald wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    They are goons. There are characters, which stand a chance of being playable, and there are goons, which aren't.

    But by all means, if you feel they have a chance of being playable, covered, etc. keep believin' that.

    By your definition, though, Ultron Prime and Gorgon are both goons.
    Ultron Prime and gorgon aren't goons, at best they're guest/boss characters. Time will tell if we're able to recruit them since they have covers and everything(in suit of Devil Dino). Tetris Ultron may be best qualified as a...boss goon?

    So... again, your definition has changed? Ultron Prime doesn't stand a chance of being playable. Both UP and Gorgon are exactly like sentry bots, except with active abilities.

    Goons do CD tiles, they don't match tiles, and they generate AP every round without matching.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    If Muscle was playable as a character... where he earned free AP, but if he was the only one left could not manipulate the board... would you use him? And how would you use him?

    Would you spam his CD tiles, or would you have him feed your yellow users? How would you feel if he couldn't move the board if he was the only character left, and then your board movers died? If all you could do was spam your CD tiles until you win or lose... would you risk it or would you retreat?

    Remember he's only a 1* character with 2 abilities, so he'd be capped at level 40 like Juggs when you use him. I don't think we'd ever get to play him at the levels we fight him at when he's scaled up... ever.
  • Buret0 wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    They are goons. There are characters, which stand a chance of being playable, and there are goons, which aren't.

    But by all means, if you feel they have a chance of being playable, covered, etc. keep believin' that.

    So... Gorgon is a goon?

    Ultron Prime is a goon?
    raisinbman wrote:
    GrimSkald wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    They are goons. There are characters, which stand a chance of being playable, and there are goons, which aren't.

    But by all means, if you feel they have a chance of being playable, covered, etc. keep believin' that.

    By your definition, though, Ultron Prime and Gorgon are both goons.
    Ultron Prime and gorgon aren't goons, at best they're guest/boss characters. Time will tell if we're able to recruit them since they have covers and everything(in suit of Devil Dino). Tetris Ultron may be best qualified as a...boss goon?

    So... again, your definition has changed? Ultron Prime doesn't stand a chance of being playable. Both UP and Gorgon are exactly like sentry bots, except with active abilities.

    Goons do CD tiles, they don't match tiles, and they generate AP every round without matching.
    Didn't say Gorgon/Ultron prime were goons, my definition is as fluid as the english language. Don't be so closed-minded.

    UP and gorgon are like sentry bots? Sentry bots have covers and comics about them? ****?

    Goons are goons who are BELOW a character, who is the 'boss'. They are nobodies in the Marvel Universe.
    Lidolas wrote:
    My $0.02

    Characters have names. Mooks do not. Gorgon and Ultron Prime are characters, non-playable characters. To me, the goons represent a bunch of mooks which explains why they can go toe-to-toe with super-powered characters. I know the official reason is they are 'enhanced' with Iso-8, but I like my reasoning better.

    Regardless of symantics, Muscle goons provide an interesting aspect to the game, as do sentries and ninjas. I like the variety.

    finally someone who makes sense. There are GOONS and there are CHARACTERS.
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    raisinbman wrote:
    GrimSkald wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    They are goons. There are characters, which stand a chance of being playable, and there are goons, which aren't.

    But by all means, if you feel they have a chance of being playable, covered, etc. keep believin' that.

    By your definition, though, Ultron Prime and Gorgon are both goons.
    Ultron Prime and gorgon aren't goons, at best they're guest/boss characters. Time will tell if we're able to recruit them since they have covers and everything(in suit of Devil Dino). Tetris Ultron may be best qualified as a...boss goon?

    So... again, your definition has changed? Ultron Prime doesn't stand a chance of being playable. Both UP and Gorgon are exactly like sentry bots, except with active abilities.

    Goons do CD tiles, they don't match tiles, and they generate AP every round without matching.[/quote]
    Didn't say Gorgon/Ultron prime were goons, my definition is as fluid as the english language. Don't be so closed-minded.

    UP and gorgon are like sentry bots? Sentry bots have covers and comics about them? ****?

    Goons are goons who are BELOW a character, who is the 'boss'. They are nobodies in the Marvel Universe.

    finally someone who makes sense. There are GOONS and there are CHARACTERS.[/quote]

    Why is this even an argument? Don't we have better things to **** about like roster slot prices and abysmal 4* drop rates and cascades?
  • CoffigDarkGravity
    CoffigDarkGravity Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    Got goon problems? Use what I call the "Happy Halloween" lineup.
    If you see them all beside each other, you'll understand.

    Falcon + Blade + Doctor Octopus

    This lineup rarely has problems against goons, and attack/strike tile damage starts racking up quickly, especially if the board has lots of red in the beginning.

    Against ultron sentries, I will switch over to Daken/Cage/Octopus with great success.

    ETA: I'm still pissed that they took the feature away from Octopuses green power where he eliminates an enemy CD tile. It used to make the Halloween combo even better, but it is still great regardless.