Dark Reign really needs to end...

Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
edited July 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Am i the only one tired of fighting the same enemies over and over and over and over and over? Do you think they will end Dark Reign? What should be next (my vote is Battleworld)

But there is only so much Daken and Moonstone i can take....

edit: no idea how to make a poll, or this would be a poll.


  • MikeG72
    MikeG72 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    Agreed. Dark Reign has gone on for too long.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dark Reign has been effectively halted since... Deadpool vs MPQ. They are very slow at producing stories and I honestly gave up on it. We've gotten mostly new stuff that doesn't even tie into anything. What many find to be a good PvE, Ultron, doesn't even have a story. It's just node after node. Not even a taunt from Ultron... I clearly don't play this game for story anymore despite the "Dark Reign" title is what initially drew me in. -_-
  • Vankysher
    Vankysher Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    But all the new characters are the new content.
    Not to be too facetious but didn't you notice that the "Dark Reign" sub-title was removed long ago which signaled that it was over?
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dark Reign has been effectively halted since... Deadpool vs MPQ. They are very slow at producing stories and I honestly gave up on it. We've gotten mostly new stuff that doesn't even tie into anything. What many find to be a good PvE, Ultron, doesn't even have a story. It's just node after node. Not even a taunt from Ultron... I clearly don't play this game for story anymore despite the "Dark Reign" title is what initially drew me in. -_-

    They can keep the title for all i care, just .. let us fight different people outside of prodigal and guantlet. 90+ days of fighting the same people, 2 pve's with different enemies, back to the same ole after that.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    Dark Reign has been effectively halted since... Deadpool vs MPQ. They are very slow at producing stories and I honestly gave up on it. We've gotten mostly new stuff that doesn't even tie into anything. What many find to be a good PvE, Ultron, doesn't even have a story. It's just node after node. Not even a taunt from Ultron... I clearly don't play this game for story anymore despite the "Dark Reign" title is what initially drew me in. -_-

    They can keep the title for all i care, just .. let us fight different people outside of prodigal and guantlet. 90+ days of fighting the same people, 2 pve's with different enemies, back to the same ole after that.
    Ninjas have taken up residence in DDQ if you ever feel the need to fight them. Enemy of the State was quite honestly the last good thing they've done. Still holding out for Iron Patriot. He's on the list somewhere while others I see from the suggestion thread will NEVER come to pass due to licensing.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    Secret Invasion (in other words: SKRULLS) would solve a lot of problems and open up a ton of options.
  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    I think fighting the same battles over and over causes more burnout for me than other aspects of the grind.

    Seeing as the story is almost non existent I don't see why they can't change up who we are facing. Skrulls is the perfect way to maintain some story, and has been suggested many times.
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    I assume they had a storyline planned to end it, but something happened, most likely their plan got nixed by Marvel, that screwed it up. They even came out with the icon_ironpatriot.png smiley but he got postponed or canceled.

    Another storyline would be great. I'd recommend making all the Dark Reign events available in the story mode and move on to another. Civil War seems like it'd be easy for them and would go along with MCU.
  • Vankysher
    Vankysher Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    Lidolas wrote:
    I assume they had a storyline planned to end it, but something happened, most likely their plan got nixed by Marvel, that screwed it up. They even came out with the icon_ironpatriot.png smiley but he got postponed or canceled.

    Another storyline would be great. I'd recommend making all the Dark Reign events available in the story mode and move on to another. Civil War seems like it'd be easy for them and would go along with MCU.
    IIRC,the ROI for the story events doesn't move the needle according to the devs unlike a new character release.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ninjas have taken up residence in DDQ if you ever feel the need to fight them. Enemy of the State was quite honestly the last good thing they've done. Still holding out for Iron Patriot. He's on the list somewhere while others I see from the suggestion thread will NEVER come to pass due to licensing.

    It's less about licensing and more about confusing the audience.
    A lot of people will have gone into this game knowing nothing but the MCU and will see Iron Patriot working for the bad guys and say "Wait, why is Rhodes fighting the good guys?". Marvel said they'd need to have helmetless Iron Patriot if they were going to do him at all so people could see it was Osborne and not Stark's best bud Rhodes inside.
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Vankysher wrote:
    But all the new characters are the new content.
    Not to be too facetious but didn't you notice that the "Dark Reign" sub-title was removed long ago which signaled that it was over?

    Dark Reign sub title is still there on both the hunt and venom heroic events.

    Would also like to see some new narrative content. Possibly grounded in the new marvel universe. Which admittedly I am not too familiar with but I am interested in.

    Not read the comics since the hand me downs stopped as a teen but still watch the films/TV etc and sometimes break out my marvel universe book so still a fan of marvel.

    Anyhow, seems like a missed opportunity for both marvel and d3.
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    oh wow what a surprise, protect tiles appear when I match purple...
  • Ninjas have taken up residence in DDQ if you ever feel the need to fight them. Enemy of the State was quite honestly the last good thing they've done. Still holding out for Iron Patriot. He's on the list somewhere while others I see from the suggestion thread will NEVER come to pass due to licensing.

    It's less about licensing and more about confusing the audience.
    A lot of people will have gone into this game knowing nothing but the MCU and will see Iron Patriot working for the bad guys and say "Wait, why is Rhodes fighting the good guys?". Marvel said they'd need to have helmetless Iron Patriot if they were going to do him at all so people could see it was Osborne and not Stark's best bud Rhodes inside.

    ... that's silly. The game could easily just call it Iron Patriot, and for the specific Dark Reign node, have a monologue of Osborn obtaining and repurposing an Iron Man suit, at some point before, if not immediately before, the battle.

    Then have the playable version still be Rhodes, although to my knowledge, him as Iron Patriot even has been scrapped at this point. (In the avengers movie, he's in plain War Machine Gear.)

    Also, there's a way to monetize and gain possible ROI on story content, but.. that might be better suited for the suggestion forum.
  • I would like to see a second wave of story missions. Nothing for a prize other than completion, but just a new set of permanent 5 Subs that tell a different story. They've got plenty of characters to do it at this point.
  • dark reign will never end......we still don't even have iron patroit as proof

    league of legends model means no story
  • Marty17
    Marty17 Posts: 503 Critical Contributor
    I just want closure!
  • I actually wanted some dialogue in the Ultron Event, specially for the new characters like Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Vision, etc.

    Probably the "story" would happen on the Round nodes, altough probably not everybody would see them...But that's a problem with those 5 nodes farming the same enemies over and over.

    I would enjoy more simple, classic stories, like Classic Magneto wanting to take over the world, dialogues with Xavier, etc.
    Or even alternate worlds, where Bullseye is the main guy like Deadpool vs MPQ and gets contracts to kill the heroes icon_lol.gif

    Would like to play more as the villains, like in Prodigal Sun and receive "endings" conquering the world icon_lol.gif
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Marty17 wrote:
    I just want closure!

    I just want new events WITH or WITHOUT a storyline.

    DDQ is good enough for me.
    Ultron is good enough for me.

    More like the above 2, please. That is, IF it's too big a deal to give us full fledged stories.....
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    It is interesting that creating new events is apparently so complicated.

    I mean, you don't have to invent new mechanics and goods and such for each one (welcome as it is to see new stuff).
    I mean, they created survival nodes for Enemy of the State. Can't just make some of them in new stories? Otherwise what was the point? To use them in Ultron and DDQ and re-runs of EotS?

    Surely it's a matter of creating 3-7 sub events, about 9-13 nodes and having some dialogue with the back-and-forth character portraits.
    I'm not saying you can do that in an afternoon or something, but surely it can be done more frequently than once every 4-6 months

    It's a shame to have new characters emerging and for them to not have any kind of influence in any of the narrative. No sense of context or belonging. They're just...*there*.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wonko33 wrote:
    oh wow what a surprise, protect tiles appear when I match purple...

    I was also shocked to see an enemy strike tile appear when I matched green.