Controversial Ultron Topic #348742098: Is Ultron Fun?



  • Is bomb damage really that big of a factor?

    If you fall in a bottomless pit/the water/spikes in another game, you're dead. There may be exceptions, but that's that.

    If you don't get a seat in musical chairs, you're dead.

    If they don't pick your card in cards against humanity, they don't pick it.

    How is this any different than a sniper countdown/twin pistols/headbutt at the Nth level?
    daibar wrote:
    daibar wrote:
    Ultron seems too grindy for me after the first 20 battles.

    Repetitive maybe, but grindy? Nah, it's nothing like regular PvE. Doing 54 nodes at the end only to have another sub right behind it, every 24 hours? That's a grind.

    At least in PVE there's some play style variation between nodes. I like Cap, but having to use him every Ultron battle gets boring.

    U don't have to use cap
    raisinbman wrote:
    Tetris Ultron is actually one of the most "Puzzle" types of fights in MPQ. I would even call it the biggest(and maybe only) puzzle in all of MPQ.

    Why wouldn't puzzle quest players want more of Ultron? He's the holy grail of Puzzle Quest.

    I agree that it's the best puzzle in the game, but it's also extremely limited once you get to higher levels. If one bomb hitting bottom means one guy dies, you really don't have a lot of wiggle room on the teams you can use to face him. I've found a team that makes him child's play and so there is not a lot of satisfaction in winning (especially when I keep getting 20 ISO as a reward). Am I ever going to use another team? Heck no. At best I'm glad I found a team that works and now the challenge is gone.

    But that's not my primary complaint, my complaint about ultron is simply that it's one more grind fest. Everything about this game is a grind fest. You are not rewarded for playing smarter, you are rewarded for playing MORE. MORE MORE MORE. If you're not playing right before bed, and right when you get up, and in the middle of your workday.. you're gonna have a bad time. Ultron is more of that, except now I have to depend on my alliance also doing that in order to progress. And the rewards suck this time around, I was hoping for another crack at Scarlet Witch now that I'm in a good alliance. At least I'm getting lots of HP...

    Oh, and to answer your question, I would say that due to the repetitive nature and compulsory grinding, no it's not very fun. At best it is definitely a nice change of pace from the usual PVE stories they keep recycling.

    I agree with you in the fact that there should be more ultron-esque fights for variety's sake. Ofc doing same puzzle over and over is boring
    Buret0 wrote:
    Buret0 wrote:
    Wipe the non-gunners first, then let the gunners have their special tiles... they can't hurt you.

    Uh, Gunners will destroy you with Core Meltdowns if you let them get too many special tiles. At least they'll destroy me, because the crits always seem to be right next to each other and in the middle of a bunch of similarly colored tiles for nasty damage.

    Sorry, I think I meant flyers. The swarmers.

    Fighters use swarm, not flyers.

    Gunners: Crits w/ enough tiles + no board shake + tile
    Fighters: Swarm/Board shake w/ less tiles + tile
    Flyer: tile + heal when under X % and w/ enough tiles + no board shake
  • wiz_biz
    wiz_biz Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    in response to the OP, i guess i'm into it..? the HP and ISO are nothing to sneeze at, and it's nice to have a different format to play. but this run is super frustrating since i was on vacation when vision was released and i haven't managed to pick him up since i got back, which means far fewer event tokens, and vision's odds within those tokens are pretty laughable....but oh well i'm almost there on the progression so i guess i can relax on that. but i do agree with many, it gets super grindy with the sentry nodes and by the end of the second run and errbody gettin burned out up in here.

    also yes to the pole, I WOULD FRIGGIN LOVE TO FIGHT GALACTUS DESTROYER OF PLANETS. much more than ultron. let's make that happen. i'll be his herald.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is Ultron fun? Yup.

    I like the fact that it is new(ish), different(ish), and cooperative(ish). I like that you don't need to worry as much about timers as regular PvP. I like the rewards packages. Hell, I even like the do-or-die scenario of the round 6+ boss fights. Makes things feel tense.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: It's not perfect, but it's nice to see something new come by. I want to support Demiurge in putting energy into stuff like this.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have enjoyed Ultron in the last run, and still enjoy it.

    I think I have gotten about 300-400 hp from the drop and rewards alone. This is excluding the 15 tokens I have on hand (haven't opened it, planning to do it at the end of the event).

    And a 3 day event for 6 3* covers? Sign me up anytime. Sure it's just "vision" and "CM" (I had CM fully covered), but a 3* cover is a 3* cover. The reward structure is good.

    The Best thing I like about Ultron is how different is from the typical game. Against sentries, I don't need to care about the AP they have; against normal DA I have to be careful about their AP in case they fire their ability. Against Ultron Tetris, the game become totally different. It is all about clearing that bombs, and gathering ap become a secondary objective. Sure I am agitated when I wiped, but hey that's part of the challenge. If I clear 100% of the time it isn't challenging anymore (tbh, I only wiped thrice so it's probably 90% success rate).

    I am also glad that they make this a off season event. I could ignore the pvp and play this for a change of pace.

    Well done d3! As many others said, please give us more of such game modes... Where the puzzle-y aspects of the game is enhanced.
  • Yelena is Queen
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I liked getting Vision at my own speed, without any pressure of a competitive event. That was fun.

    But I certainly felt no pressure to continue on after max progression, with poor rewards at the top - three more Visions (like there were six possible SW) would have been much better. Shoot, I have Ultron Prime level 7 just sitting there - no reason to even try, since the boosts I would need to beat it almost equal the sell value of the Capt. Marvel.

    Hopefully all the tokens I grabbed by using Vision over and over (never once using his abilities...) end up being worth something more than ISO. Was the grind getting those tokens fun? No. [Edit thought: was it more fun than grinding typical PVE nodes over and over? Well, about the same - but it's been done a few less times than the other PVE's so maybe?]
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    I liked getting Vision at my own speed, without any pressure of a competitive event. That was fun.

    But I certainly felt no pressure to continue on after max progression, with poor rewards at the top - three more Visions (like there were six possible SW) would have been much better. Shoot, I have Ultron Prime level 7 just sitting there - no reason to even try, since the boosts I would need to beat it almost equal the sell value of the Capt. Marvel.

    Hopefully all the tokens I grabbed by using Vision over and over (never once using his abilities...) end up being worth something more than ISO. Was the grind getting those tokens fun? No. [Edit thought: was it more fun than grinding typical PVE nodes over and over? Well, about the same - but it's been done a few less times than the other PVE's so maybe?]

    Well, in the first event Quicksilver was the progression reward and SW was the Ultron Prime reward. The only reason you could get six SWs was because SW was the progression reward in the second run and Hulkbuster was the Ultron Prime reward.

    Those per round scores really need to come down for a non-release 3*. There was just no reason to push for the covers of a character that has been featured heavily in the last two months.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Buret0 wrote:
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    I liked getting Vision at my own speed, without any pressure of a competitive event. That was fun.

    But I certainly felt no pressure to continue on after max progression, with poor rewards at the top - three more Visions (like there were six possible SW) would have been much better. Shoot, I have Ultron Prime level 7 just sitting there - no reason to even try, since the boosts I would need to beat it almost equal the sell value of the Capt. Marvel.

    Hopefully all the tokens I grabbed by using Vision over and over (never once using his abilities...) end up being worth something more than ISO. Was the grind getting those tokens fun? No. [Edit thought: was it more fun than grinding typical PVE nodes over and over? Well, about the same - but it's been done a few less times than the other PVE's so maybe?]

    Well, in the first event Quicksilver was the progression reward and SW was the Ultron Prime reward. The only reason you could get six SWs was because SW was the progression reward in the second run and Hulkbuster was the Ultron Prime reward.

    Those per round scores really need to come down for a non-release 3*. There was just no reason to push for the covers of a character that has been featured heavily in the last two months.

    Already forgot, that's how fun it was? icon_e_wink.gif I was pretty sure one of them gave the character for top individual awards three times, then again as group rewards three times. Was that QS?

    But I agree on scores - it was easy to finish Ultron in two days I think the first time - it really seemed the points went down while the damage from everyone and level of everyone seemed to go up (reading elsewhere it seems like they were level, this may be due to who was boosted.)
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    Already forgot, that's how fun it was? icon_e_wink.gif I was pretty sure one of them gave the character for top individual awards three times, then again as group rewards three times. Was that QS?

    But I agree on scores - it was easy to finish Ultron in two days I think the first time - it really seemed the points went down while the damage from everyone and level of everyone seemed to go up (reading elsewhere it seems like they were level, this may be due to who was boosted.)

    I've found that the goon nodes have been a lot easier this run. Partly because I know how to beat them and partly because luke cage is boosted to the point where you can leave attack tiles out and not take any damage.

    Quicksilver was introduced in the event just before Ultron 1, so he was the required token character for the two slots in the first run. If you didn't have him, he was heavily in the tokens (as was SW) and he was the top three progression rewards for the Ultron event. Then the Ultron Prime reward for the last three rounds was Scarlet Witch.

    Then SW was the required token character, Quicksilver was not, and he was unboosted to make room for a boosted hulkbuster, who was now available in the tokens. It is rumoured that Quicksilver hasn't been seen in any parties again since.
  • Buret0 wrote:
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    I liked getting Vision at my own speed, without any pressure of a competitive event. That was fun.

    But I certainly felt no pressure to continue on after max progression, with poor rewards at the top - three more Visions (like there were six possible SW) would have been much better. Shoot, I have Ultron Prime level 7 just sitting there - no reason to even try, since the boosts I would need to beat it almost equal the sell value of the Capt. Marvel.

    Hopefully all the tokens I grabbed by using Vision over and over (never once using his abilities...) end up being worth something more than ISO. Was the grind getting those tokens fun? No. [Edit thought: was it more fun than grinding typical PVE nodes over and over? Well, about the same - but it's been done a few less times than the other PVE's so maybe?]

    Well, in the first event Quicksilver was the progression reward and SW was the Ultron Prime reward. The only reason you could get six SWs was because SW was the progression reward in the second run and Hulkbuster was the Ultron Prime reward.

    Those per round scores really need to come down for a non-release 3*. There was just no reason to push for the covers of a character that has been featured heavily in the last two months.
    sadly this is the 3rd time ultron has been run, and the 4th time we've seen ultron. Considering they mentioned looking at Ultron after the Hulkbuster fiasco and considering D3 is D3, I don't have much hope in my heart.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like the Ultron event, but there's one thing I despise: the fact that we can earn 20 tinykitty ISO-8 from beating the freaking bomb node fight! By round 7 those bombs are killing one person per hit (Like a lot of people, I don't have a single character that can survive one bomb hit). To *finally* take him down, only to get 20 ISO (especially when there are still rewards remaining) is just terrible.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    The event in general? I like, at least through the end of Round 5.

    Having bombs stack up one after the other so that if you can't get the right power off the entire team dies in one move? Less so.

    The Gunners and Fighters? Despise 'em. It's really, really not fun having to slog my way through the Gunners and Fighters in Round 6 just so I can have the honor of being blasted to kingdom come by Ultron.

    I'm fine with a challenge, but if it feels pointless to try, I'm not lacking for other games to play. By about round 6 in Ultron, that's where I'm at. The first two runs of the event I could play Round 6. This time around, a single bomb will kill anybody I've got, so I'm not going to be earning any rewards from the Ultron node. I get one crack at the two Vision essentials before they lock for 8 hours, so if I don't get anything useful from THOSE, welp. Guess I'm done unless they open back up before the event ends.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hate the luck based bomb drop. Even board shuffles sometime bring multiple bombs to bottom row.
  • SangFroid
    SangFroid Posts: 177 Tile Toppler
    I really like the Ultron events, probably my favorite PVE with the Guantlet. My only gripe was the Ultron bomb scaling was insane this time 15K bombs seems too high, probably 7.5k would be a more reasonable max.