3* Synergy/Rainbow Combinations (2/19/16)
Posts: 149
There are lot of character with certain abilities that just working very well in combination with others and have a great synergy effect to each other. Some character working fine with almost every two paired characters like Hood as a continues AP stealer, Loki as board matcher and AP stealer or Falcon to boost special tiles.
Here are synergy combinations for 3*s at (best way) lvl 166 that are already discussed in many threads or just working fine for me until next buff/nerf. I also try to build rainbow teams or at least partial with missing less as possible colors. One character is always the MVP of the Team with focus on him, the points per ability are customized for maxed synergy effects in this special combinations and don't match every time the best build as a standalone character...
There are always some basic thoughts on every team:
Further thoughts are:
Special THX to Pylgrim for his Best Characters for Two Colour Combinations guide, it helped me alot to find for many combos the best choice to complete the rainbow. Here is also a great easy to handle Tool from bendyr [Tool] Party Planner to assemble your team and see the best possibilities to get a rainbow.
Please feel free for improvements, corrections and let me know your best synergy/rainbow combinations for 3* characters!
Beast 5/5/3
+ Falcon 5/5/3
+ Black Panther 5/3/5
Focus on , then , ,
Beast best combo is first blue to generate blue special tile (needed for green), then green for maxed damage (only destroys basic tiles, friendly special are unaffected), yellow only if needed because it ends the round.
Falcon does was he does best, collect yellow matches to boost special tiles and use purple if its ready.
BP fits in with yellow (best to activate after 12 TU are in possesion) which is important for Falcon to boost special tiles and generates more strike tile, black is a strong backup if there are not enough green for Beast.
Black Panther 5/3/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
+ Iron Fist 3/5/5
Focus on , , (and ) then , ,
BP does huge damage with black to all and continues damage with yellow (best to activate after collected 12 TU's) strike tiles.
Mags does quick damage with red (best used after strike tiles were generated for a chance of extra cascade damage) and blue reducing enemy's health to let BP finish it with black.
IF generates with purple more black to speed up BP and passive black is doing great to activate at the end of the round strike tiles, green if it comes along.
Black Widow 5/3/5
+ Spider-Man 5/5/3
+ Cyclops 5/3/5
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Widow is with her purple her own green generator to do board shaking group damage.
Spidey does stun the enemy with blue making web tiles which are influencing strength of his defense tiles and generates for every purple match (and there are a lot of them) a defense tile.
Cyc is made to fill the red, yellow, black hole here, collect yellow to build up more red for damage and do finish blows with black.
Blade 3/5/5
+ Daken 5/3/5
+ Thor 3/5/5
Focus on , then , , and don't touch
Blade, as soon as 6 friendly strike tiles are on the board, activate purple for 2 attack tiles with huge damaging effect at the end of the of round, black is used as AP drain and little damaging.
Daken blue hits cheap and hard with 4 friendly strike tiles on the board and generates some green for Thor, purple with Blade's green build a huge supply of strike tiles.
Thor's red isn't used by most players, here too, let red on the board for Blade building up strike tiles, yellow generate more green and matches for Daken purple and in the end green hits with a group damaging fatality.
Bullseye 5/3/5
+ Luke Cage 5/3/5
+ Daken 5/3/5
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Bullseye goes out for the thrill to kill using Cage's defense tile and/or Daken's strike tiles for his purple, green can be used as a precisely weapon to do matches, don't forget to save the last kill always for him because of his passive black.
Cage does damaging with yellow and black when ever it comes along, red does his job as special tile supplyment for Bullseye's purple... and of course defense.
Daken generates strike tiles to let Bullseye fire his purple at will, with blue he hits hard after 4 strike tiles are on the board.
Captain America 3/5/5
+ Cyclops 3/5/5
+ Kamala Khan 3/5/5
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Cap's only weapon is his red... but it hits hard, blue to stun enemy's and getting protect tile afterwards.
Cyc does his job as red generater with his yellow, black is for huge damage against one foe.
Kamala collects purple to generate green for nice group damage, passive yellow healing every time an active ability is used.
Captain Marvel 4/4/5
+ Wolverine 5/3/5
+ The Hood 5/5/3
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Miss Danvers best way of use is to let her bleed... a little, her passive yellow allows her to generate red and black (best to use after Patch did green for extra strike tile damage) if she is standing in the front and takes enough damage, red and black fills fast that way and can be used a lot.
Patch fires green to generate strike tiles for friends and foes, now Danvers can tank red and blue because of her yellow.
Hood is only here to accelerate AP gaining, yellow if it fits the situation.
Colossus 5/3/5
+ Iron Fist 3/5/5
+ Rocket & Groot 3/5/5
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Colossus is after yellow a wall of defense, use black on R&G to activate there blue or green, red is a nice damage thing but not his best use in my opinion.
R&G with Colossus have over 20.000 HP, do as often as possible green and blue to penetrate enemy's health, passive yellow at the right time makes him a bit of immortal.
IF collects purple, purple and purple to support Colossus black to keep R&G always in air and back to to unleash a ability, passive black is always a nice additional.
Additional varieties:
For those which like more attack power they can switch R&G with more aggressive Thor, even with 3/5/5 his red does a bit damage and gives yellow to Colossus.
Also real nice is Cage, Colossus yellow + Cage passive red means ridiculous low damage incoming and you dont have to wait ages for Cage's yellow to fill up.
Cyclops 5/3/5
+ Iron Fist 3/5/5
+ Rocket & Groot 3/5/5
Focus on , , , then ,
Cyc does as often as possible yellow to generate red and firing it afterwards, use black when at least 10 red are on the board to finish single enemy's.
Iron Fist generates black with his purple to support Cyc and does green if it comes along, if his strike tiles remains it does a lot of extra damage in cascades done by Cyc's yellow.
R&G as a tank are best used in the front to receive damage and heal it with his passive yellow, blue and green are completing this trio.
Daken 5/3/5
+ Kamala Khan 3/5/5
+ Cyclops 5/3/5
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Daken does collect green matches for his purple and blue best used after 4 strike tiles are on the board.
Kamala makes more green matches and cascades for extra strike tiles with her purple (feeding Daken's passive purple), use green when it is full charged, passive yellow heals for every used active power.
Cyc does the rest, with yellow making cascades for maxed damage with Daken's strike tiles, collecting red and using it, black when its ready.
Daredevil 3/5/5
+ Cyclops 3/5/5
+ Kamala Khan 5/3/5
Focus on , then , , ,
Daredevil's red is the main damage dealer here, in this combination are a lot of red matches and cascades and every time a trap tile is involved it does damage. Blue is nice to stun, especially if only one enemy remains.
Cyc's yellow is here to generate red tiles, cascades and has priority, black is used as a hard hit to one enemy.
Kamala haven't had a big role here but is constantly firing heal to everyone and with purple building up green as nice group damage.
Deadpool 5/5/3
+ Cyclops 3/5/5
+ Rocket & Groot 3/5/5
Foacus on , then , , ,
Deadpool does with his cheap red a lot of damage in the first rounds after that he can drop a purple whale bomb for group damage and finishing it.
Cyc supports DP's red with his yellow and can finish single enemy's with his black.
R&G are completing the rainbow and hitting hard with green and blue.
Doctor Doom 5/3/5
+ Ragnarok 5/5/3
+ The Hood 5/5/3
Focus on , , then , ,
Doom collects black to send out his little demons (attack tiles), blue feeds his black gathering and purple with enough trap tiles on the board do massive damage to one foe.
Ragnarok's cheap red with blue generation speeds Doom blue to gather fast black, green does group damage with friendly fire.
Hood speeds every one up with his blue AP draining, yellow if it fits the situation.
Doctor Octopus 5/5/3
+ Wolverine 5/5/3
+ Blade 3/5/5
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DocOc do uses his blue after Patch did green to match the enemy strike tiles away, black comes in handy for manuel making matches with enemy special tiles.
Patch fires his green and let DocOc do his thing afterwards with blue, red can be used if it fits the situation but would rather let red on the field for Blade.
Blade concentrates on his purple and use it after 6 friendly strike tiles are on the board, black is a nice additional AP drainer and does little damage.
Falcon 5/5/3
Falcon is a special tile boost and destroy support character and can be used with every special tile maker (Blade, Patch, Beast etc.)
Gamora 5/3/5
+ Iron Fist 3/5/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
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Gamora rush in screaming for battle, doing green against the whole enemy group and stunning two victims, black is a nice strike tile generater and can do mayor damage (If enough strike tiles are on the board her cheap red can do quick powered up damage too).
IF supports with his purple Gamora's black and his passive black attack tile activates strike tiles at the end of the round.
Mags fills in the rainbow with his mighty red for damage and board shaking, mightier blue for great damage against one opponent and yellow for little defense if it come along.
Human Torch 5/5/3
+ Daken 5/3/5
+ Thor 3/5/5
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Torch fires his red for single damage, black attack tiles do extra damage at the end of the round and green once to get damage based on green AP in possession.
Daken goes for blue to use it after 4 strike tiles are on the board, with purple generating strike tiles.
Thor collects yellow to generate green AP for huge group damage and feeding Torch's green special tile, here is a special task to gather green even if Torch's green is consuming it.
Iron Fist 5/5/3 (Most would go 3/5/5 but since HP increase for most character, battles run long enough to take green into excellent use and I do believe his true potential lies in green and purple)
+ Falcon 5/5/3
+ Magneto 3/5/5
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IF uses purple to gain at least 12 black and keep them for maxed green and purple attacks, after that do green for damage and strike tile generating and purple for huge damage against one foe, passive black attack tile on the board at the end of the round do massive damage paired with his strike tiles.
Falcon boots with yellow matches friendly special tiles.
Mags shakes the board with red and opens a chance for cascades in combination with IF's strike tiles, blue for huge damage against one enemy, use yellow for little defense.
Iron Man 5/3/5 or 3/5/5
+ CapAm 3/5/5
+ Kamala 3/5/5
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IM40 after update (thx to the devs) is now an AP batterie with yellow, red and blue do have drawbacks, so they are not used.
Steve tanks AP from Tony and fires red and blue when filled.
Kamala tanks purple to collect green and does AoE and heals with yellow passiv.
Kamala Khan 3/5/5
+ Psylocke 5/3/5
+ The Hood 5/5/3
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Kamala feeds with purple her green to do solid group attack, yellow does his healing thing every time an active ability is fired.
Psy as a fast damage dealer with red and black let Kamala do a lot of healing, after generating some strike tiles, they doing nice extra damage after Kamala's purple making green cascades.
Hood accelerates AP gathering and with his low health benefits the most of Kamala's yellow passive and has with his own yellow an acceptable finisher.
Loki 3/5/5 or 5/3/5
Loki is a board shaking, AP draining, turning enemy strike and protect tiles support character and can be used with every one.
Luke Cage 5/3/5
+ Iron Fist 3/5/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
Focus on , , then , ,
Cage's black two times in a row does huge damage and stun the enemy, yellow hits even harder if no ally is knocked out.
IF is his best buddy with his cheap purple and generates enough black to let Cage send out a battery of punches and sends the enemy's to sleep or worse, green when its comes along.
Magneto completes the rainbow with his board shaking red and blue for really nice damage against on foe.
Additional varieties:
Also instead of Mags, She-Hulk 3/5/5 works very effective, Cage does his defense tile and She-Hulk emptys the enemys AP with green.
Magneto 3/5/5
+ Mystique 4/4/5
+ Thor 3/5/5
Focus on , then , , ,
Mags uses red for damage and board shaking, blue best used when 7 blue and 7 red are on the field for maxed damage.
Raven steals per match 1 AP of the color if shape shifted with purple, with black she does tremendous damage if shape shifted.
Thor completes with his yellow and green for a lot of damage against the enemy's.
Some will say here: “where is the synergy?!” but aren't Magneto and Raven always a great team
Mystique 4/4/5
+ Luke Cage 5/5/3
+ The Punisher 3/5/5
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Raven is at her best when shape shifted with purple, blue to gain more purple and black, when the time comes that black is full and she is shifted it will hit one enemy with enormous damage.
Cage is literally the tank here, protecting Raven, with passive red generating a defense special tile when yellow comes along it hits the enemy pretty hard.
Pun takes the role of a quick damage dealer here and completes the rainbow with his red and green.
Psylocke 5/3/5
+ Daken 5/3/5
+ Thor 3/5/5
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Psy's red and black are quick damage dealer with benefits (strike and attack tiles) and are doing there job perfect for a fast assassin like her.
Daken's purple with Psy's red & black build up easily a huge amount of damaging special tiles, his blue is even a quick damage source.
Thor collects yellow for single damage, making green matches and green for hard group damage and feeding Daken's purple.
Additional varieties:
Instead of Daken, Loki 4/4/5 or 3/5/5 is a good choice, there you have a solid quick damage dealer/AOE attack/support combo.
Quicksilver 5/5/3
+ Magneto 5/3/5
+ Ragnarok 5/5/3
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Quicksilver does firing his blue passive and giving so after every 4th marked TU damage to the group and making with black more blue matches.
Mags blue is one of the best blue abilitys in the whole game and do a lot of damage, yellow protects the team, without using his red because the TU's are needed for Quicksilver.
Rags is the blue generator with his cheap red and can fire his green as group damage with friendly fire.
Ragnarok 5/5/3
+ Rocket & Groot 5/3/5
+ Black Panther 5/3/5
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Rags out of control goes on a rampage, uses green for group damage both ways and fires cheap red for little damage against one foe and generate some blue (best way collect some red until strike tiles are on the board for extra damage)
R&G doing as much as they can blue to generate strike tiles for extra damage with Rags red, yellow heals those both a lot when the time comes for it.
BP does yellow for more strike tiles and let them activate by Rags red, black is a nice backup (or instead) if Rags can't gather enough green.
Rocket & Groot 3/5/5
+ The Hood 5/5/3
+ Deadpool 5/5/3
Focus on , then , , ,
R&G are destroying the field with there green, blue generates after a countdown attack tiles, they are best used in the front taking the damage and do self generation with passive yellow if they are on low health.
Hood takes as usual the part of a AP drainer, his black comes into handy after R&G did blue and now the countdown tiles are on the board, yellow is always a big hitter against one foe and ends the turn.
Deadpool harms the enemy's in the beginning with his red, purple drops the whale bomb as soon as it is ready.
Scarlet Witch 5/3/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
+ Storm 5/3/5
Focus on then , , , ,
Scarlet focus on purple for group damage and its random 5 turn stun benefit, green is a nice little AP generater and enemy special tile destroyer and comes into handy if needed.
Mags does tons of damage with red and blue to reduce enemy's health, yellow to reduce incoming damage when it fits.
Ororo has the part of a AP generater with green (a purple generater would be better, but so far Mystique is the only other 3* who can do so and shes very unreliable), black is cheap and does his job as damage source, yellow if its fits the situation.
Additional varieties:
SW's passive blue have a very high chance to do purple cascades and can be used as a massive black generater through IF's purple, strong black user like BP, Doom, Cyc etc. can gather fast black. Opposite is SW doesn't use her own strong purple and IF shares the same active colors.
Sentry 3/5/5
+ Kamala Khan 5/5/3
+ Doctor Doom 5/5/3
Focus on , , then , ,
Sentry fires each of his emocore abilities with red, green and yellow as much as he can.
Kamala is around because of her passive yellow which heals the group every time an active power is used and will compensate the friendly fire of Sentry, with purple generating more green for Sentry.
Doom goes for black and blue to set his little demons (attack tiles) and make best use of Sentry's yellow at the end of the round.
She-Hulk 3/5/5
+ Black Panther 5/3/5
+ Loki 3/5/5
Focus on , then , , ,
She-Hulk best ability is green to reset enemy's AP before it can hit you and two times in a row will let the enemy standing there with no weapons left, red is a nice damage to all additional, blue is is used when enemy special tiles and Black Panther yellow are on the board.
Panther's black does huge group damage to the enemy and activate yellow after already 12 TU were gained for max strike tiles damage.
Loki with his low cost purple board matching and green passive AP drain ability making a great job to drive any enemy insane.
Haven't found a good synergy combination so far.
Basically he is designed as a support character for strong purple user like Doom, Widow, Deadpool etc. and goes very well with them building up defense tiles for every own purple match. So its kinda hard to find a group that's supports him.
Squirrel Girl 3/5/5
+ Black Panther 5/3/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
Focus on , then , , ,
SG jumps into the battle after some nut sucking and does green after BP set strike tiles with his yellow because every time her CD tiles count down they activate BP's strike tiles for extra damage and when they explode they do the extra damage again, purple comes into handy when enemy special tiles are on the board for extra damage.
BP sets strike tiles on the board with his yellow (best used after 12 TU's were collected), black hits the whole enemy group very hard.
Mags fills the red, blue hole for this combo with his strong attacks to the foes.
Storm 5/3/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
+ Loki 3/5/5
Focus on , , then , ,
Ororo calls the storm and shakes the board again and again with green (nice AP generating), black as attack tiles generater and damaging at the end of the round, don't use yellow because Mags red is the better choice for TU's.
Mags does more board shaking with his red, blue lands devastating blows against one foe, yellow for little axtra defense (if the board is filled to the rim with Storm's attack tiles and there are enemy special tiles, Mags overrides them with his yellow).
Loki let the dice roll with his purple (best to use after Mags ged rid of TU's with his red for more color matching), black if it fits.
Tested this ones alot and no combo was more fun to play! Specially in wave battels they are unbeatable, if the board gives you the right matches (if not it takes a few turns more) you can go wild after a couples of turns and the enemy can only look without participating how they get destroyed one after another. Mags red and blue and Storm's black are sufficient enough to do mayor damage.
The Hood 5/5/3
Hood is THE most useful support character (if he hasn't so terrible low HP, which is maybe a good thing because no one wants to fight him anymore if he was affected by the past health increase) because of his AP stealing passive and works with everyone.
The Hulk 5/3/5
+ Wolverine 5/5/3
+ The Hood 3/5/5
Focus on then , ,
Hulk bombing is well known, so here a quick overview. Hulk is tanking damage from Patch unfriendly strike tiles in the front, generating with his passive black more green and activating strike tiles.
Patch uses green a lot to generate strike tiles for both teams doing with every match or ability or cascade damage. When Hulk is beaten, he can use red for massive damage against one foe.
Hood is here to accelerate getting colors with passive blue, if wanted he can use black and yellow at will.
The Punisher 3/5/5
+ Daken 5/3/5
+ Black Panther 5/3/5
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Pun fires as much as possible green to do damage and generate strike tiles, red is best used after enemy's health is under 40% to finish him/her/it, do not use black because BP's is much better.
Daken generates for every green match strike tiles, blue is best used after 4 strike tiles are on the board for cheap moderate damage against one foe and generating a few green tiles.
BP uses yellow for more strike tiles and annihilates the rest of the enemy with black.
Thor 3/5/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
+ Black Panther 5/3/5
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Thor does his job as tank with his high HP and as damage dealer with his yellow doing damage to a single opponent and generating green and firing it for huge group damage.
Mags with his board shaking red and high damage dealing blue against one foe makes him an excellent partner for Thor.
BP is the perfect backup because if Thor's yellow isn't needed out of the situation, BP's yellow is a reliable alternative, black paired with or instead of Thor's green is very useful.
If BP's yellow were purple, this would be the strongest combination in the whole game (except the Hulk bombing freak show which can annihilate every team in a couple of rounds)
Vision 5/5/3 (alternative can be 3/5/5 with a different handling)
+ Cyclops 3/5/5
+ Loki 3/5/5
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Vision activates with blue his red ability heavy strike to do group damage and allows him to do extra damage for every own AP matching, yellow comes along if 2 enemy special tiles are on the board.
Cyclops supports with his yellow Vision's red power, black does huge damage to one enemy if 10 red are on the board.
Loki does what he can do best and brings misfortune over the enemy's with his purple and green.
Wolverine 5/3/5
+ Loki 5/3/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
Focus on , then , , ,
Patch uses green to generate strike tiles but wait until enough black were collected, red damage depends on how many tiles of him are on the board (in most situations Mags is the better choice for red), passive yellow heals after damage was taken.
Loki fires black immediately after Patch used green to turn all enemy strike tiles into a wall of defense, purple best used after already strike tiles on the board to get maxed damage for cascades, passive green drains AP from enemy.
Mags shakes the board with his red best used after strike tiles are on the board for maxed cascade damage, blue in combination with strike tiles can do enormous damage to one foe, if yellow is full it can be used for more defense.
Special Combos
Thor 3/5/5
Kamala Khan 3/5/5
Daken 5/3/5 or Hulk 5/3/5
The green power overlap gives this combo a very aggressive generating synergy effect which can turn the whole board green.
Focus on , , then ,
Thor waits for yellow incoming to unleash it and generating 9 random green AP on the board.
Kamala uses purple to turn 7 AP of one color into green.
Either Daken, converting 2 blue AP into green with his blue.
Or Hulk, placed in the front to tank big hits making CD tiles to generate 5 random AP into green.
Luke Cage 5/3/5
She-Hulk 3/5/5
Loki 3/5/5
Here is a very well working defense team, Cage's red, She-Hulk's green and Loki's purple/passiv green let every challanger despair.
Focus on , then , , ,
Cage does his defense tile thing and fights hard with yellow and black.
She-Hulk does green every time an enemy has gained too many AP's and shakes the board with red AOE.
Loki with purple is board shaking over and over again and steals AP with passiv green.
Many of this combinations do work on paper but weren't tested by me so far. As source I take my own style of gaming (attack is always the best defense, if it isn't a rainbow combination it doesn't make sense for me, balance of tank and/or damage dealer and/or support character) and suggestions out of other threads.
As always there in no “the best” group thing, every party is beatable and if you leave them for defense in PVP there is no guaranty the AI can use them the right way (actually it does not!)
“Let me hear your best synergy/rainbow connections from 3*-land!”
Here are synergy combinations for 3*s at (best way) lvl 166 that are already discussed in many threads or just working fine for me until next buff/nerf. I also try to build rainbow teams or at least partial with missing less as possible colors. One character is always the MVP of the Team with focus on him, the points per ability are customized for maxed synergy effects in this special combinations and don't match every time the best build as a standalone character...
There are always some basic thoughts on every team:
- Best partners for rainbow without power overlap.
- How to compensate weaknesses.
- At least one strong group damage dealer (Thor, BP, DP etc.) or/and quick damage dealer (Psylocke, Mags, Pun etc.) and personalized support character for MVP.
Further thoughts are:
- If strike tiles generated, who has good board shaking abilities for a chance of cascades for maxed damage (Loki, Magneto, Storm etc.).
- How to let shine unique abilities and who benefits most from MVP abilities.
- Balance of powers, if there are to much strong colors needed, there is a risk of taking to long to build up AP before you can use it and instead taking to much damage.
Special THX to Pylgrim for his Best Characters for Two Colour Combinations guide, it helped me alot to find for many combos the best choice to complete the rainbow. Here is also a great easy to handle Tool from bendyr [Tool] Party Planner to assemble your team and see the best possibilities to get a rainbow.
Please feel free for improvements, corrections and let me know your best synergy/rainbow combinations for 3* characters!
Beast 5/5/3
+ Falcon 5/5/3
+ Black Panther 5/3/5
Focus on , then , ,
Beast best combo is first blue to generate blue special tile (needed for green), then green for maxed damage (only destroys basic tiles, friendly special are unaffected), yellow only if needed because it ends the round.
Falcon does was he does best, collect yellow matches to boost special tiles and use purple if its ready.
BP fits in with yellow (best to activate after 12 TU are in possesion) which is important for Falcon to boost special tiles and generates more strike tile, black is a strong backup if there are not enough green for Beast.
Black Panther 5/3/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
+ Iron Fist 3/5/5
Focus on , , (and ) then , ,
BP does huge damage with black to all and continues damage with yellow (best to activate after collected 12 TU's) strike tiles.
Mags does quick damage with red (best used after strike tiles were generated for a chance of extra cascade damage) and blue reducing enemy's health to let BP finish it with black.
IF generates with purple more black to speed up BP and passive black is doing great to activate at the end of the round strike tiles, green if it comes along.
Black Widow 5/3/5
+ Spider-Man 5/5/3
+ Cyclops 5/3/5
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Widow is with her purple her own green generator to do board shaking group damage.
Spidey does stun the enemy with blue making web tiles which are influencing strength of his defense tiles and generates for every purple match (and there are a lot of them) a defense tile.
Cyc is made to fill the red, yellow, black hole here, collect yellow to build up more red for damage and do finish blows with black.
Blade 3/5/5
+ Daken 5/3/5
+ Thor 3/5/5
Focus on , then , , and don't touch
Blade, as soon as 6 friendly strike tiles are on the board, activate purple for 2 attack tiles with huge damaging effect at the end of the of round, black is used as AP drain and little damaging.
Daken blue hits cheap and hard with 4 friendly strike tiles on the board and generates some green for Thor, purple with Blade's green build a huge supply of strike tiles.
Thor's red isn't used by most players, here too, let red on the board for Blade building up strike tiles, yellow generate more green and matches for Daken purple and in the end green hits with a group damaging fatality.
Bullseye 5/3/5
+ Luke Cage 5/3/5
+ Daken 5/3/5
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Bullseye goes out for the thrill to kill using Cage's defense tile and/or Daken's strike tiles for his purple, green can be used as a precisely weapon to do matches, don't forget to save the last kill always for him because of his passive black.
Cage does damaging with yellow and black when ever it comes along, red does his job as special tile supplyment for Bullseye's purple... and of course defense.
Daken generates strike tiles to let Bullseye fire his purple at will, with blue he hits hard after 4 strike tiles are on the board.
Captain America 3/5/5
+ Cyclops 3/5/5
+ Kamala Khan 3/5/5
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Cap's only weapon is his red... but it hits hard, blue to stun enemy's and getting protect tile afterwards.
Cyc does his job as red generater with his yellow, black is for huge damage against one foe.
Kamala collects purple to generate green for nice group damage, passive yellow healing every time an active ability is used.
Captain Marvel 4/4/5
+ Wolverine 5/3/5
+ The Hood 5/5/3
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Miss Danvers best way of use is to let her bleed... a little, her passive yellow allows her to generate red and black (best to use after Patch did green for extra strike tile damage) if she is standing in the front and takes enough damage, red and black fills fast that way and can be used a lot.
Patch fires green to generate strike tiles for friends and foes, now Danvers can tank red and blue because of her yellow.
Hood is only here to accelerate AP gaining, yellow if it fits the situation.
Colossus 5/3/5
+ Iron Fist 3/5/5
+ Rocket & Groot 3/5/5
Focus on , , then , ,
Colossus is after yellow a wall of defense, use black on R&G to activate there blue or green, red is a nice damage thing but not his best use in my opinion.
R&G with Colossus have over 20.000 HP, do as often as possible green and blue to penetrate enemy's health, passive yellow at the right time makes him a bit of immortal.
IF collects purple, purple and purple to support Colossus black to keep R&G always in air and back to to unleash a ability, passive black is always a nice additional.
Additional varieties:
For those which like more attack power they can switch R&G with more aggressive Thor, even with 3/5/5 his red does a bit damage and gives yellow to Colossus.
Also real nice is Cage, Colossus yellow + Cage passive red means ridiculous low damage incoming and you dont have to wait ages for Cage's yellow to fill up.
Cyclops 5/3/5
+ Iron Fist 3/5/5
+ Rocket & Groot 3/5/5
Focus on , , , then ,
Cyc does as often as possible yellow to generate red and firing it afterwards, use black when at least 10 red are on the board to finish single enemy's.
Iron Fist generates black with his purple to support Cyc and does green if it comes along, if his strike tiles remains it does a lot of extra damage in cascades done by Cyc's yellow.
R&G as a tank are best used in the front to receive damage and heal it with his passive yellow, blue and green are completing this trio.
Daken 5/3/5
+ Kamala Khan 3/5/5
+ Cyclops 5/3/5
Focus on , then , , ,
Daken does collect green matches for his purple and blue best used after 4 strike tiles are on the board.
Kamala makes more green matches and cascades for extra strike tiles with her purple (feeding Daken's passive purple), use green when it is full charged, passive yellow heals for every used active power.
Cyc does the rest, with yellow making cascades for maxed damage with Daken's strike tiles, collecting red and using it, black when its ready.
Daredevil 3/5/5
+ Cyclops 3/5/5
+ Kamala Khan 5/3/5
Focus on , then , , ,
Daredevil's red is the main damage dealer here, in this combination are a lot of red matches and cascades and every time a trap tile is involved it does damage. Blue is nice to stun, especially if only one enemy remains.
Cyc's yellow is here to generate red tiles, cascades and has priority, black is used as a hard hit to one enemy.
Kamala haven't had a big role here but is constantly firing heal to everyone and with purple building up green as nice group damage.
Deadpool 5/5/3
+ Cyclops 3/5/5
+ Rocket & Groot 3/5/5
Foacus on , then , , ,
Deadpool does with his cheap red a lot of damage in the first rounds after that he can drop a purple whale bomb for group damage and finishing it.
Cyc supports DP's red with his yellow and can finish single enemy's with his black.
R&G are completing the rainbow and hitting hard with green and blue.
Doctor Doom 5/3/5
+ Ragnarok 5/5/3
+ The Hood 5/5/3
Focus on , , then , ,
Doom collects black to send out his little demons (attack tiles), blue feeds his black gathering and purple with enough trap tiles on the board do massive damage to one foe.
Ragnarok's cheap red with blue generation speeds Doom blue to gather fast black, green does group damage with friendly fire.
Hood speeds every one up with his blue AP draining, yellow if it fits the situation.
Doctor Octopus 5/5/3
+ Wolverine 5/5/3
+ Blade 3/5/5
Focus on then , , ,
DocOc do uses his blue after Patch did green to match the enemy strike tiles away, black comes in handy for manuel making matches with enemy special tiles.
Patch fires his green and let DocOc do his thing afterwards with blue, red can be used if it fits the situation but would rather let red on the field for Blade.
Blade concentrates on his purple and use it after 6 friendly strike tiles are on the board, black is a nice additional AP drainer and does little damage.
Falcon 5/5/3
Falcon is a special tile boost and destroy support character and can be used with every special tile maker (Blade, Patch, Beast etc.)
Gamora 5/3/5
+ Iron Fist 3/5/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
Focus on , , then , ,
Gamora rush in screaming for battle, doing green against the whole enemy group and stunning two victims, black is a nice strike tile generater and can do mayor damage (If enough strike tiles are on the board her cheap red can do quick powered up damage too).
IF supports with his purple Gamora's black and his passive black attack tile activates strike tiles at the end of the round.
Mags fills in the rainbow with his mighty red for damage and board shaking, mightier blue for great damage against one opponent and yellow for little defense if it come along.
Human Torch 5/5/3
+ Daken 5/3/5
+ Thor 3/5/5
Focus on , , then ,
Torch fires his red for single damage, black attack tiles do extra damage at the end of the round and green once to get damage based on green AP in possession.
Daken goes for blue to use it after 4 strike tiles are on the board, with purple generating strike tiles.
Thor collects yellow to generate green AP for huge group damage and feeding Torch's green special tile, here is a special task to gather green even if Torch's green is consuming it.
Iron Fist 5/5/3 (Most would go 3/5/5 but since HP increase for most character, battles run long enough to take green into excellent use and I do believe his true potential lies in green and purple)
+ Falcon 5/5/3
+ Magneto 3/5/5
Focus on , , then , ,
IF uses purple to gain at least 12 black and keep them for maxed green and purple attacks, after that do green for damage and strike tile generating and purple for huge damage against one foe, passive black attack tile on the board at the end of the round do massive damage paired with his strike tiles.
Falcon boots with yellow matches friendly special tiles.
Mags shakes the board with red and opens a chance for cascades in combination with IF's strike tiles, blue for huge damage against one enemy, use yellow for little defense.
Iron Man 5/3/5 or 3/5/5
+ CapAm 3/5/5
+ Kamala 3/5/5
Focus on then , , ,
IM40 after update (thx to the devs) is now an AP batterie with yellow, red and blue do have drawbacks, so they are not used.
Steve tanks AP from Tony and fires red and blue when filled.
Kamala tanks purple to collect green and does AoE and heals with yellow passiv.
Kamala Khan 3/5/5
+ Psylocke 5/3/5
+ The Hood 5/5/3
Focus on , then , ,
Kamala feeds with purple her green to do solid group attack, yellow does his healing thing every time an active ability is fired.
Psy as a fast damage dealer with red and black let Kamala do a lot of healing, after generating some strike tiles, they doing nice extra damage after Kamala's purple making green cascades.
Hood accelerates AP gathering and with his low health benefits the most of Kamala's yellow passive and has with his own yellow an acceptable finisher.
Loki 3/5/5 or 5/3/5
Loki is a board shaking, AP draining, turning enemy strike and protect tiles support character and can be used with every one.
Luke Cage 5/3/5
+ Iron Fist 3/5/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
Focus on , , then , ,
Cage's black two times in a row does huge damage and stun the enemy, yellow hits even harder if no ally is knocked out.
IF is his best buddy with his cheap purple and generates enough black to let Cage send out a battery of punches and sends the enemy's to sleep or worse, green when its comes along.
Magneto completes the rainbow with his board shaking red and blue for really nice damage against on foe.
Additional varieties:
Also instead of Mags, She-Hulk 3/5/5 works very effective, Cage does his defense tile and She-Hulk emptys the enemys AP with green.
Magneto 3/5/5
+ Mystique 4/4/5
+ Thor 3/5/5
Focus on , then , , ,
Mags uses red for damage and board shaking, blue best used when 7 blue and 7 red are on the field for maxed damage.
Raven steals per match 1 AP of the color if shape shifted with purple, with black she does tremendous damage if shape shifted.
Thor completes with his yellow and green for a lot of damage against the enemy's.
Some will say here: “where is the synergy?!” but aren't Magneto and Raven always a great team
Mystique 4/4/5
+ Luke Cage 5/5/3
+ The Punisher 3/5/5
Focus on , , then , ,
Raven is at her best when shape shifted with purple, blue to gain more purple and black, when the time comes that black is full and she is shifted it will hit one enemy with enormous damage.
Cage is literally the tank here, protecting Raven, with passive red generating a defense special tile when yellow comes along it hits the enemy pretty hard.
Pun takes the role of a quick damage dealer here and completes the rainbow with his red and green.
Psylocke 5/3/5
+ Daken 5/3/5
+ Thor 3/5/5
Focus on , then , ,
Psy's red and black are quick damage dealer with benefits (strike and attack tiles) and are doing there job perfect for a fast assassin like her.
Daken's purple with Psy's red & black build up easily a huge amount of damaging special tiles, his blue is even a quick damage source.
Thor collects yellow for single damage, making green matches and green for hard group damage and feeding Daken's purple.
Additional varieties:
Instead of Daken, Loki 4/4/5 or 3/5/5 is a good choice, there you have a solid quick damage dealer/AOE attack/support combo.
Quicksilver 5/5/3
+ Magneto 5/3/5
+ Ragnarok 5/5/3
Focus on , then , ,
Quicksilver does firing his blue passive and giving so after every 4th marked TU damage to the group and making with black more blue matches.
Mags blue is one of the best blue abilitys in the whole game and do a lot of damage, yellow protects the team, without using his red because the TU's are needed for Quicksilver.
Rags is the blue generator with his cheap red and can fire his green as group damage with friendly fire.
Ragnarok 5/5/3
+ Rocket & Groot 5/3/5
+ Black Panther 5/3/5
Focus on , then , ,
Rags out of control goes on a rampage, uses green for group damage both ways and fires cheap red for little damage against one foe and generate some blue (best way collect some red until strike tiles are on the board for extra damage)
R&G doing as much as they can blue to generate strike tiles for extra damage with Rags red, yellow heals those both a lot when the time comes for it.
BP does yellow for more strike tiles and let them activate by Rags red, black is a nice backup (or instead) if Rags can't gather enough green.
Rocket & Groot 3/5/5
+ The Hood 5/5/3
+ Deadpool 5/5/3
Focus on , then , , ,
R&G are destroying the field with there green, blue generates after a countdown attack tiles, they are best used in the front taking the damage and do self generation with passive yellow if they are on low health.
Hood takes as usual the part of a AP drainer, his black comes into handy after R&G did blue and now the countdown tiles are on the board, yellow is always a big hitter against one foe and ends the turn.
Deadpool harms the enemy's in the beginning with his red, purple drops the whale bomb as soon as it is ready.
Scarlet Witch 5/3/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
+ Storm 5/3/5
Focus on then , , , ,
Scarlet focus on purple for group damage and its random 5 turn stun benefit, green is a nice little AP generater and enemy special tile destroyer and comes into handy if needed.
Mags does tons of damage with red and blue to reduce enemy's health, yellow to reduce incoming damage when it fits.
Ororo has the part of a AP generater with green (a purple generater would be better, but so far Mystique is the only other 3* who can do so and shes very unreliable), black is cheap and does his job as damage source, yellow if its fits the situation.
Additional varieties:
SW's passive blue have a very high chance to do purple cascades and can be used as a massive black generater through IF's purple, strong black user like BP, Doom, Cyc etc. can gather fast black. Opposite is SW doesn't use her own strong purple and IF shares the same active colors.
Sentry 3/5/5
+ Kamala Khan 5/5/3
+ Doctor Doom 5/5/3
Focus on , , then , ,
Sentry fires each of his emocore abilities with red, green and yellow as much as he can.
Kamala is around because of her passive yellow which heals the group every time an active power is used and will compensate the friendly fire of Sentry, with purple generating more green for Sentry.
Doom goes for black and blue to set his little demons (attack tiles) and make best use of Sentry's yellow at the end of the round.
She-Hulk 3/5/5
+ Black Panther 5/3/5
+ Loki 3/5/5
Focus on , then , , ,
She-Hulk best ability is green to reset enemy's AP before it can hit you and two times in a row will let the enemy standing there with no weapons left, red is a nice damage to all additional, blue is is used when enemy special tiles and Black Panther yellow are on the board.
Panther's black does huge group damage to the enemy and activate yellow after already 12 TU were gained for max strike tiles damage.
Loki with his low cost purple board matching and green passive AP drain ability making a great job to drive any enemy insane.
Haven't found a good synergy combination so far.
Basically he is designed as a support character for strong purple user like Doom, Widow, Deadpool etc. and goes very well with them building up defense tiles for every own purple match. So its kinda hard to find a group that's supports him.
Squirrel Girl 3/5/5
+ Black Panther 5/3/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
Focus on , then , , ,
SG jumps into the battle after some nut sucking and does green after BP set strike tiles with his yellow because every time her CD tiles count down they activate BP's strike tiles for extra damage and when they explode they do the extra damage again, purple comes into handy when enemy special tiles are on the board for extra damage.
BP sets strike tiles on the board with his yellow (best used after 12 TU's were collected), black hits the whole enemy group very hard.
Mags fills the red, blue hole for this combo with his strong attacks to the foes.
Storm 5/3/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
+ Loki 3/5/5
Focus on , , then , ,
Ororo calls the storm and shakes the board again and again with green (nice AP generating), black as attack tiles generater and damaging at the end of the round, don't use yellow because Mags red is the better choice for TU's.
Mags does more board shaking with his red, blue lands devastating blows against one foe, yellow for little axtra defense (if the board is filled to the rim with Storm's attack tiles and there are enemy special tiles, Mags overrides them with his yellow).
Loki let the dice roll with his purple (best to use after Mags ged rid of TU's with his red for more color matching), black if it fits.
Tested this ones alot and no combo was more fun to play! Specially in wave battels they are unbeatable, if the board gives you the right matches (if not it takes a few turns more) you can go wild after a couples of turns and the enemy can only look without participating how they get destroyed one after another. Mags red and blue and Storm's black are sufficient enough to do mayor damage.
The Hood 5/5/3
Hood is THE most useful support character (if he hasn't so terrible low HP, which is maybe a good thing because no one wants to fight him anymore if he was affected by the past health increase) because of his AP stealing passive and works with everyone.
The Hulk 5/3/5
+ Wolverine 5/5/3
+ The Hood 3/5/5
Focus on then , ,
Hulk bombing is well known, so here a quick overview. Hulk is tanking damage from Patch unfriendly strike tiles in the front, generating with his passive black more green and activating strike tiles.
Patch uses green a lot to generate strike tiles for both teams doing with every match or ability or cascade damage. When Hulk is beaten, he can use red for massive damage against one foe.
Hood is here to accelerate getting colors with passive blue, if wanted he can use black and yellow at will.
The Punisher 3/5/5
+ Daken 5/3/5
+ Black Panther 5/3/5
Focus on , then , ,
Pun fires as much as possible green to do damage and generate strike tiles, red is best used after enemy's health is under 40% to finish him/her/it, do not use black because BP's is much better.
Daken generates for every green match strike tiles, blue is best used after 4 strike tiles are on the board for cheap moderate damage against one foe and generating a few green tiles.
BP uses yellow for more strike tiles and annihilates the rest of the enemy with black.
Thor 3/5/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
+ Black Panther 5/3/5
Focus on , then , ,
Thor does his job as tank with his high HP and as damage dealer with his yellow doing damage to a single opponent and generating green and firing it for huge group damage.
Mags with his board shaking red and high damage dealing blue against one foe makes him an excellent partner for Thor.
BP is the perfect backup because if Thor's yellow isn't needed out of the situation, BP's yellow is a reliable alternative, black paired with or instead of Thor's green is very useful.
If BP's yellow were purple, this would be the strongest combination in the whole game (except the Hulk bombing freak show which can annihilate every team in a couple of rounds)
Vision 5/5/3 (alternative can be 3/5/5 with a different handling)
+ Cyclops 3/5/5
+ Loki 3/5/5
Focus on , , then ,
Vision activates with blue his red ability heavy strike to do group damage and allows him to do extra damage for every own AP matching, yellow comes along if 2 enemy special tiles are on the board.
Cyclops supports with his yellow Vision's red power, black does huge damage to one enemy if 10 red are on the board.
Loki does what he can do best and brings misfortune over the enemy's with his purple and green.
Wolverine 5/3/5
+ Loki 5/3/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
Focus on , then , , ,
Patch uses green to generate strike tiles but wait until enough black were collected, red damage depends on how many tiles of him are on the board (in most situations Mags is the better choice for red), passive yellow heals after damage was taken.
Loki fires black immediately after Patch used green to turn all enemy strike tiles into a wall of defense, purple best used after already strike tiles on the board to get maxed damage for cascades, passive green drains AP from enemy.
Mags shakes the board with his red best used after strike tiles are on the board for maxed cascade damage, blue in combination with strike tiles can do enormous damage to one foe, if yellow is full it can be used for more defense.
Special Combos
Thor 3/5/5
Kamala Khan 3/5/5
Daken 5/3/5 or Hulk 5/3/5
The green power overlap gives this combo a very aggressive generating synergy effect which can turn the whole board green.
Focus on , , then ,
Thor waits for yellow incoming to unleash it and generating 9 random green AP on the board.
Kamala uses purple to turn 7 AP of one color into green.
Either Daken, converting 2 blue AP into green with his blue.
Or Hulk, placed in the front to tank big hits making CD tiles to generate 5 random AP into green.
Luke Cage 5/3/5
She-Hulk 3/5/5
Loki 3/5/5
Here is a very well working defense team, Cage's red, She-Hulk's green and Loki's purple/passiv green let every challanger despair.
Focus on , then , , ,
Cage does his defense tile thing and fights hard with yellow and black.
She-Hulk does green every time an enemy has gained too many AP's and shakes the board with red AOE.
Loki with purple is board shaking over and over again and steals AP with passiv green.
Many of this combinations do work on paper but weren't tested by me so far. As source I take my own style of gaming (attack is always the best defense, if it isn't a rainbow combination it doesn't make sense for me, balance of tank and/or damage dealer and/or support character) and suggestions out of other threads.
As always there in no “the best” group thing, every party is beatable and if you leave them for defense in PVP there is no guaranty the AI can use them the right way (actually it does not!)
“Let me hear your best synergy/rainbow connections from 3*-land!”
Awesome guide! For Bullseye, i would go Bullseye, Daken, Cage.
That way there is always a special tile out for BE to get his kill and activate contract killer, his green can setup massive 5 matches or more. Daken has blue and easy strike tiles. Cage has yellow and black and his red also gives BE purple a target.0 -
Oh man, this is a damn awesome guide! I will try out the team combi0
Malcrof wrote:Awesome guide! For Bullseye, i would go Bullseye, Daken, Cage.
That way there is always a special tile out for BE to get his kill and activate contract killer, his green can setup massive 5 matches or more. Daken has blue and easy strike tiles. Cage has yellow and black and his red also gives BE purple a target.
Also, for DP, i like to use DP, Hulk, Mystique. Her blue generates black and purple, hulk tanks.0 -
Overall, I feel you're undervaluing the transforming abilities which generate ap through cascades.Black Panther 5/3/5
+ Magneto 3/5/5
+ Iron Fist 3/5/5
Focus on , (and ) then , , ,Black Widow0 -
Teamups with Hood should be anyone with CD tiles. I love the combo of SG/Hood/Lcap! Hoods black can make SG's green a fast and easy damage dealer, also helps cap's cd tiles.0
Gamora, Falcon, KK. Save green for KK, gamora's cheap red can do damage and get a heal off quickly. She will tank green though giving you more of her tiles out when her black is ready for falcon to buff.0
Honestly, i really only use him with SG and Hood. i have his yellow at 4, so he is an AP machine, if you get enough AP to actually use one of his other abilities, save them for game enders, or to take out someone who just needs to die.0 -
Very nice guide. For Storm, my favorite teammates are Magneto and Loki. Those three cover the rainbow (with just two overlaps, and ) and are all big board shakers. They are especially good in PvE, particularly if any goons are involved. Focus on and first, to shake up the board (and potentially get rid of any goon countdown tiles). Initially just stock up on & AP. Then once a countdown tile is about to go off (or a moving enemy character has enough AP to kick off a power), start shaking up the board.
It's my current favorite team for the Big Enchilada just because it's so fun. Most of the time you can get through all four waves with very little damage (there's some luck involved at the start, to get your AP generating and powers kicked off and making matches). It's a fun personal challenge to go into waves 2 and 4 and not let the enemy team take any turns (without any stun ability on your team). A Magneto followed by a Loki results in some nice cascades, thanks to the lack of team-up tiles on the board. And Magento's is what you keep shaking the board for to build up AP, since it's the big power of the team.0 -
hi really good guide !!! I would request to include 4* as well... for me pairing up 4* star are the hardest because most 4* requires specific team to get the most out of them0
I like Hulk/Patch/Daredevil. Let Hulk tank damage and create green tiles via Anger. Then Patch can use Berserker Rage, and Daredevil and can get rid of most or all of the enemy strike tiles with Radar Sense. Passive heal on Patch is great in case he ever gets hit, I prefer Daredevil's red to Patch's since it's not dependent on how many Wolverine tiles are present, and when you stack up some blue Daredevil's Billy Club is pretty great, too.
4/5/40 -
jclast wrote:I like Hulk/Patch/Daredevil. Let Hulk tank damage and create green tiles via Anger. Then Patch can use Berserker Rage, and Daredevil and can get rid of most or all of the enemy strike tiles with Radar Sense. Passive heal on Patch is great in case he ever gets hit, I prefer Daredevil's red to Patch's since it's not dependent on how many Wolverine tiles are present, and when you stack up some blue Daredevil's Billy Club is pretty great, too.
I like keeping the enemy tiles out, so anger happens more frequently. Sometimes they just don't do enough damage to trigger it. Sub SW for purple and blue0 -
Malcrof wrote:jclast wrote:I like Hulk/Patch/Daredevil. Let Hulk tank damage and create green tiles via Anger. Then Patch can use Berserker Rage, and Daredevil and can get rid of most or all of the enemy strike tiles with Radar Sense. Passive heal on Patch is great in case he ever gets hit, I prefer Daredevil's red to Patch's since it's not dependent on how many Wolverine tiles are present, and when you stack up some blue Daredevil's Billy Club is pretty great, too.
I like keeping the enemy tiles out, so anger happens more frequently. Sometimes they just don't do enough damage to trigger it. Sub SW for purple and blue
If I ever get SW properly covered I'll have to try that. Thanks!0 -
daibar wrote:Overall, I feel you're undervaluing the transforming abilities which generate ap through cascades.
Thats a good point, cascades made by color turning abilities can get much AP of the desired color, going direct for the color or trusting in cascades, its up to the board and feeling what will happen next.Black Widow
Yes, just corrected it, thx for this.0 -
ayatorahxephon wrote:hi really good guide !!! I would request to include 4* as well... for me pairing up 4* star are the hardest because most 4* requires specific team to get the most out of them
My 4* roster isn't very useable to make helpful combos and conclusion out of them, so I will stay with 3*'s in this guide. May someone else knows a good 4* guide and can mention it here for you. Best luck!0 -
one note under squirrel girl. her bonus damage is for enemy special tiles only. not friendlies. sounds like you're applying friendly tiles to her purple in the comments.
side note: recently leveling cmags to 140 and now he's boosted for his pvp, love playing him with thor/loki. lots of damage dealing abilities with lots of board shaker ability and ap steal to boot. I try and start with red/blue/purple and usually end up with something else ready by the end of that combo. if you have red ready but no TUs from your last cast or the way the board happens, thor can be used. really, red/blue/yellow/green all are great abilities with this group and throw an extra board shaker with purple and a special tile (strikes/protects at least) flipper with black. my initial climb in the pvp was cake with mags getting the extra boost and loki some extra health.0 -
TxMoose wrote:one note under squirrel girl. her bonus damage is for enemy special tiles only. not friendlies. sounds like you're applying friendly tiles to her purple in the comments.
That was the plan indeed, it slipped my intention that only enemy tiles do the extra damage by SG's purple, so the whole combo is not working that way. Searched the forums again and find these, SG + BP.
SG's focus here is on her green and BP's yellow, BP needs to launch his strike tiles via yellow and best thing is in the same turn SG's green, because her CD tiles activate each time they count down BP's strike tiles for nice extra damage and when the CD's explode they do the extra damage again. Normally Patch is the best partner for her because of his green setting friendly and enemy strike tiles for SG's purple and green, but the green huge overlap doesn't work at all.
So i hope you enjoy the new Squirrel Girl combo with Black Panther and Magneto.0 -
"SG jumps into the battle after some nut sucking"
Fell out of my chair laughing when I read that... Great post!0 -
With Gamora essential for The Hunt right now I've been trying different combinations with her... my current favorite is Gamora, Dr. Doom and Thor. Work on Gamora's quick first, and gather up and -- the blue being for Doom's , to generate more black on the board for Gamora to pick up. Once you fire off Gamora's then go crazy with all of the other colors, getting the extra benefit of all of Gamora's strike tiles.0
_Daywalker_ wrote:With Gamora essential for The Hunt right now I've been trying different combinations with her... my current favorite is Gamora, Dr. Doom and Thor. Work on Gamora's quick first, and gather up and -- the blue being for Doom's , to generate more black on the board for Gamora to pick up. Once you fire off Gamora's then go crazy with all of the other colors, getting the extra benefit of all of Gamora's strike tiles.
If you have the covers, Gamora, SW, Beast is a nice rainbow and with the heals, very sustainable for long battles..also 2 special tile makers.0 -
_Daywalker_ wrote:With Gamora essential for The Hunt right now I've been trying different combinations with her... my current favorite is Gamora, Dr. Doom and Thor. Work on Gamora's quick first, and gather up and -- the blue being for Doom's , to generate more black on the board for Gamora to pick up. Once you fire off Gamora's then go crazy with all of the other colors, getting the extra benefit of all of Gamora's strike tiles.0
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