I need Iso-8.



  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    This has been suggested before, change the rediculously useless 20 iso reward to 200.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hendross wrote:
    This has been suggested before, change the rediculously useless 20 iso reward to 200.

    No nodes with green checks in DC Iso-8, did a full clear with nothing but 20 iso matches the whole time..

    please at least let the basic reward scale a little with nodes. That way they can't be abused in prologue (which does not scale).
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    GrimSkald wrote:
    I still get LR Seed teams, if that's what you mean. It's kind of random.
    Before they changed the matchmaking, you could get to 300 points and rank 26-50 without ever seeing a lv249 opponent. Now, unless you join in the first minute, you see them in the first battle. And the best case scenario now is around 180 points.
  • Unknown
    Malcrof wrote:
    Hendross wrote:
    This has been suggested before, change the rediculously useless 20 iso reward to 200.

    No nodes with green checks in DC Iso-8, did a full clear with nothing but 20 iso matches the whole time..

    please at least let the basic reward scale a little with nodes. That way they can't be abused in prologue (which does not scale).
    I always thought it was weird nodes would say "new reward" and NOT give you one of the 4 prizes.

    Then again, D3 might just mean 20 iso is better than nothing
    Malcrof wrote:
    Shield sim and lightning rounds, plus grinding your pve's.. 100k a week is easy enough.

    Lightning rounds are horribly timed for me, need weekend ones.

    Not gonna grind PVEs that don't matter, sim is laughable.

    I mean, sure I could get 80k iso from that. But I'd rather you just stick a gun to my head.
  • Unknown
    raisinbman wrote:
    Then again, D3 might just mean 20 iso is better than nothing

    More than this, I remember watching an old MPQ promotional video, where it was said something like this (not the exact words of course) :

    Get lots of Iso playing the game. And it was 20 Iso-8 from a PvE.

    Back then 20 Iso-8 probably was meaning something, when all you needed to max was 1*s and 2*s, but that's another story now.

    Since they are into datas and statistics, they should try and find out how long it should take for someone to max a character to make players happy. Coverwise and Isowise, and the playtime it takes to achieve this.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    JackTenrec wrote:
    Huh. I'm around Day 300 with 40 roster slots, and literally every character I have is leveled as high as their current covers will allow, and I'm around ~300K ISO-8. With the recent decrease in leveling costs, is there going to be a point where I'm going to use up all that ISO-8?
    f2p players don't need near as much iso because you've been required to sell so many covers, not only do you not have to use iso to level for those covers you sold, you get iso back for them as well. for those who buy slots early and roster most of the characters they get, once you've done ddq for a while and if you're performing well in events, covers come in waaaay faster than iso.

    We don't? I must have ponied up some hard cash while I was sleeping because I'm sure I'm pretty hard up too.

    More like it's different stages of the game. At first, while you're building your roster and don't have enough covers to level, you have lots of iso. When you've got a stable team that can get you good placement in events, you get more covers than you can use, but there's not enough iso to do anything.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    GrimSkald wrote:
    I still get LR Seed teams, if that's what you mean. It's kind of random.
    Before they changed the matchmaking, you could get to 300 points and rank 26-50 without ever seeing a lv249 opponent. Now, unless you join in the first minute, you see them in the first battle. And the best case scenario now is around 180 points.

    Yeah, true enough, that. Bring in Patch and Daken and you could noodle around for an hour and a half, spend maybe one or two health packs, and walk away with two Heroic Tokens. A break from needing to worry about your Health Packs to play the darn game. Now it's just another thing to grind - but at least they removed the "penalty" from scoring too high.

    I actually find the Iso-8 Rate to be decent. Sure, it takes quite some time to get anything covered, but the Iso comes in at a pretty steady rate. On the flip side, the 20 Iso is the most ridiculous thing in the game, particularly since you can get it before you exhaust the rewards on a node (it's a straight 50/50 chance after the first clear.)
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    JackTenrec wrote:
    Huh. I'm around Day 300 with 40 roster slots, and literally every character I have is leveled as high as their current covers will allow, and I'm around ~300K ISO-8. With the recent decrease in leveling costs, is there going to be a point where I'm going to use up all that ISO-8?
    f2p players don't need near as much iso because you've been required to sell so many covers, not only do you not have to use iso to level for those covers you sold, you get iso back for them as well. for those who buy slots early and roster most of the characters they get, once you've done ddq for a while and if you're performing well in events, covers come in waaaay faster than iso.

    We don't? I must have ponied up some hard cash while I was sleeping because I'm sure I'm pretty hard up too.

    More like it's different stages of the game. At first, while you're building your roster and don't have enough covers to level, you have lots of iso. When you've got a stable team that can get you good placement in events, you get more covers than you can use, but there's not enough iso to do anything.
    very true. I should have said f2p players at his spot in the progression of things. obviously if you stick it out long enough you will catch up in performance and eventually become iso poor like most of the forum player base is.
  • evil panda
    evil panda Posts: 419 Mover and Shaker
    I need ISO 8 too.

    I don't think Demi should increase the spigot tremendously...but something incremental or even temporary, like a x2 event, would be greatly appreciated.

    DDQ is a boon for ISO that we never enjoyed last year. Of course, it's a response to the escalation of resource requirements because of all the new characters, but I appreciate that they are attempting to balance the game in that respect
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Check out this solution.....


    could make things interesting.
  • evil panda
    evil panda Posts: 419 Mover and Shaker
    Hah, I like that. And if you default on your loan they'll come and repossess your Hulkbuster icon_lol.gif
  • Unknown
    I'd be happy with them just removing the 20 ISO reward so that you get the 4 rewards from the nodes first, then afterwards, if you're still grinding them, you get the 20 iso. This week during Prodigal I hit one essential node 3 times, for a total of 60 iso.
  • Adrock1020
    Adrock1020 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    I don't think they need to up the distribution of ISO-8. As it stands now, getting 8k - 10k a day is perfectly reasonable for anyone trying to level up their 3-stars. That means it would take approximately 1 week to take a character from lvl 125 to lvl 166. I don't think that's out of whack. What is ridiculous is the 750 ISO/$1 (approximately) that they charge. That needs to at least be tripled if not quadrupled to 3000/$1. I could be convinced to spend $20 every few weeks for about 50k to 60k. Asking that price for 13,200 is absurd.

    Put another way: High-end players can maybe get 100 HP a day. That means the $20 for 2900 HP is equal to maybe a month of HP grind. $20 for 13,200 is equal to a day and a half of ISO grind.
  • Unknown
    Iso-8 x2 was a lie, because they took out the cover rewards in favor of 70x2 or 140x 2, so what was a range from 70, mostly 100, sometimes 140, sometimes 250 became mostly 140s sometimes 280. If was more like +40% iso than double.

    I'll just keep taking my ISO-8 from DDQ every day and using that to level whom I deem appropriate, and try to worry less about the fact my roster would cost something like 11 million to max right now.
  • hex706f726368
    hex706f726368 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    I wish I could spend HP to set a multiplier for ISO-8 earned. For example, spend XXX HP for x2 (x3?, x4? or more?) ISO-8 for 24 hrs (be nice if this would apply to covers sold as well), or spend XXX HP for x2 for an event, etc.

    I've been tracking my ISO-8 gained vs. ISO-8 needed for my roster and I'm losing ground. I play what I consider an excessive amount and it's not enough.

    I think it's great that the 4* covers are more attainable via progression with the increased points in PvP, but now it's really shone a spotlight on the ISO-8 shortage (or excessive leveling costs for 4*, or excessive pace of release for 4*).

    BTW, I don't expect to be able to max everything easily, but the game has (had?) a definite feel of progression as you dwindle the number of covers you are trying to collect. I don't get that feeling of attainability or accomplishment as I try to collect ISO-8 to level all these characters.

    Great topic, I hope the dev's are able to find a creative way to bridge this gap.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Bump, bump!
    Devs added so many ways to earn more covers and HP, but ISO venues still need love!
    Please, please, limit 20 ISO rewards to Prologue only, run more LRs - I just missed seeds by 4 minutes and it's killing me although I try not to complain too much on the forums. Why must they run on workdays only? Speaking of LRs, a buff list rotation would be nice.
    Double ISO to sweeten the awesome 4* cover parade? 4*s have big appetites and the better cover distribution needs to be reflected in game ISO-wise as well!
    Meanwhile I have to insert 2* Stormneto and Hood in Shield simulator at 2000 points again to be brought down back so that I can reclimb for 70-250 ISO a pop. No PvP or PvE here yet, did the initial clear of Meet Rocket and Groot, and not fancying 20 ISO from repeat clears.