Please enjoy the changes

There are times to complain,

there are times to say thank you,

there are times to test changes,

there are times to enjoy them.

For once, I guess the devs should be able to enjoy peace on the forums after the effort they made.

In my opinion the 10 Health Packs is the greatest move they've done in the game.

Changing the very basics of the game (since Day 1) so quickly (we complained about the Health Packs only recently) MEANS A LOT, and should be taken as such.

It's still not enough to make me change my mind (waiting on the changes in scaling), but I DO appreciate the gesture.


  • arktos1971 wrote:
    There are times to complain,

    there are times to say thank you,

    there are times to test changes,

    there are times to enjoy them.

    For once, I guess the devs should be able to enjoy peace on the forums after the effort they made.

    In my opinion the 10 Health Packs is the greatest move they've done in the game.

    Agreed. Well, I don't know that the 10 health pack is the greatest change, but I agree with your overall sentiment. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Very much enjoying the changes! The health pack increase gives me more time to play on my main device, and i can retire my tablet account. It was nice to wake up and do my DDQ then see i still had 9 health packs left... look, PVE time and a couple shield sim battles!

  • Agreed. Well, I don't know that the 10 health pack is the greatest change, but I agree with your overall sentiment. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Great meaning big.

    Not great as awesome.

    I can't tell yet if great can mean both. icon_e_smile.gif
  • The health pack change is fantastic for those of us with limited playtime. I could sometimes only make it 2-3 matches before; this extends that considerably. For people who can play whenever they want, they might see it as a negative, but it's a huge plus for me.
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    I have more time and I think it's good for me too. Especially with trying to get to 1000 points in High Stakes. Blade is a bamf. Fully buffed he's the baddest mother ever. Two packs per match is the norm for me.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    They announced 10x Health packs. I thought "Fantastic! At last! Something the community has wanted for some time. No-one will complain about that!"

    First message I see on the board is asking to remove the 10x health packs. I clicked on it thinking it would be hilarious sattire,! It was legit!

    Blows my mind, it really does.
  • They announced 10x Health packs. I thought "Fantastic! At last! Something the community has wanted for some time. No-one will complain about that!"

    First message I see on the board is asking to remove the 10x health packs. I clicked on it thinking it would be hilarious sattire,! It was legit!

    Blows my mind, it really does.

    Yeah, well, some people seem to have nothing to do other than complain. I swear if you gave them a million bucks cash, they'd complain that they wanted it in gold bullion.
  • djdv81
    djdv81 Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    People will always find something to complain about. "If you try to satisfy the masses, you will be massively disappointed". icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Gowaderacer
    Gowaderacer Posts: 310 Mover and Shaker
    My funds are a little tight right now but as soon as there is a sale on hp I will be purchasing some to show my support. This game has provided me with endless hours of entertainment for over a year and continues to on a daily basis. Things were looking a little shaky particularly after the 4Thor and Xforce nerf but everything seems to be heading in a better direction now.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    My funds are a little tight right now but as soon as there is a sale on hp I will be purchasing some to show my support. This game has provided me with endless hours of entertainment for over a year and continues to on a daily basis. Things were looking a little shaky particularly after the 4Thor and Xforce nerf but everything seems to be heading in a better direction now.

    Just got $100 google play card from work... waiting on a sale and i am going to snag a stark salary!
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    The health pack change is fantastic for those of us with limited playtime.

    That was all I could read from this icon_lol.gif

    I am liking the change so far, I feel less stressed about my health management and can try out some more diverse teams.
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    The health pack change is fantastic for those of us with limited playtime. I could sometimes only make it 2-3 matches before; this extends that considerably. For people who can play whenever they want, they might see it as a negative, but it's a huge plus for me.

    And you may soon play with your own character ! Ain't that awesome ?
  • OnyxSnake
    OnyxSnake Posts: 78 Match Maker
    I agree this is one of the best changes as I have limited time to play. I can now play until I run out of time on my lunch break at work instead of until I run out of health packs.

    I see so much negativity on the boards since the XF nerd that I can't stomach most threads post the 3rd response but I think there is finally time for some happy posts.
    I love:
    Daily Deadpool Quest
    The points increase in PVP/ SIM
    The 2* Magneto nerf/buff
    10 health packs
    Weekly buffed characters

    I woke up this morning, played a few games, went to work, played a lot more games and came on the forum and found a positive thread. Feels like a good day to me. Everyone has their opinion and some will hate this change to but this past week has been the best so far for me.

    Keep up the Great work (big and awesome)!
  • arktos1971 wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    The health pack change is fantastic for those of us with limited playtime. I could sometimes only make it 2-3 matches before; this extends that considerably. For people who can play whenever they want, they might see it as a negative, but it's a huge plus for me.

    And you may soon play with your own character ! Ain't that awesome ?

    I've learned to manage my expectations. If I get my hopes up it's going to turn out that they're hyping Goom, who also came out in 1961, from space.

    Or it'll be Thing, with Beast's old powerset.
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    I worry a bit about the possible increased amount of time I'll have to play to place well in PvE

    In PvP I don't care, I just go for progressions and I think it could in fact help us see some different teams as players aren't so worried about getting the featured hero damaged.

    But even if I do turn out not to like it, this is not a huge "freak out about it" issue imo
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Agreed w/ OP's sentiments generally. The 10 heal pack addition means log in every 6 hours, rather than 4 to maximize the freebie heals. Worked great for me grinding the last sub in carnage event. Definitely going to rely on the 10 to make my push in blade pvp. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    I very much appreciate the 10 packs (they allowed me to get 1k in Blade's PVP in one less hop), but I genuinely believe that the best change in the previous month was the establishment of the weekly buffed characters. It really put the "Puzzle" back in MPQ. It's really fun trying to figure out the best possible teams with the buffed characters, or the team that can more effciently beat the best buffed teams which are the ones that you'll see the most. Since featured PVP characters rotate differently than weekly buffs, that means that from now on, no two PVPs with the same featured character will play the same. For example, next time we have a Blade PVP, the absence of a buffed Hulk + Cap Marvel plus the presence of whomever is buffed then, will make a very different meta than the one we just had.
  • getterwing
    getterwing Posts: 52
    In my opinion,

    Deadpool Daily Quest is undoubtedly the single best change/feature in this game.

    But I also appreciate he points increase in PVP/ SIM and the 10 health packs.

    Despite some the crashes/fault, I think that the developer are really putting effort into this game.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have to say, this is the best week of MPQ in a while. Thanks to the 10 health pack stash, I was able to extend my PvP push and hit 1k on just one hop. Thanks to the scaling experiment, my first PvE clear was totally pleasant and stress-free, and I no longer feel like the devs are persecuting me. This is exactly how you implement changes that don't benefit one group of players at the expense of another.
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    The health pack change is fantastic for those of us with limited playtime. I could sometimes only make it 2-3 matches before; this extends that considerably. For people who can play whenever they want, they might see it as a negative, but it's a huge plus for me.

    I agree that it's good for us to play when we want... but may be bad for competing in PVE when wins are based highly on how much and when you can grind. I predict people with no lives will win PVE all the time now that the health packs keep regenerating. Lots more people grinding each node to 1, I'm guessing.

    Still, I think I prefer having the packs for the same reason you do, I may actually get to 800 in PVP now with my 2* roster.