R77.1 Update Live - Crash Issue

ElectroBlast Posts: 52 Match Maker
Most of you here are probably already aware, but this morning we released an update to the iOS version that is intended to address the crash issues that were affecting a significant portion of iOS players.

If you are still getting crashes, please do make sure that you have updated the game from the AppStore and are playing on version R77.1.286720.


  • Still having issues with update as of 630 pm on 6/6/15. Have latest version form apple. What next? Can I restore the old version ?
  • Bcorm
    Bcorm Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Android is still crashing.
  • I tried again about an hour ago and seems to be working. Fingers crossed . Good luck all
  • Android is still crashing. Usually before it even finishes loading.
  • Hi I have made a account just for this I'm on android haven't been able to get on since the update God knows how much stuff I've lost. For me game crashes eveytime I boot the game up I can't get past the load screen plz fix so us android players can get back on and hopefully we don't get kicked from our alliances.
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    And when we can expect patch for Android version?
  • I keep getting booted in the dead pools daily. This is 2 days in a row I don't get my 3 star... What can I do? This is frustrating.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    smoq84 wrote:
    And when we can expect patch for Android version?

    Or the Steam version for that matter...
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    Will there be compensation for points lost over that time?
  • I'm on android and have had an ongoing issue, probably once a week - with an outright crash when I start a match, be it PVP or otherwise. Last time was Saturday morning so it continues to this upgrade.
  • hello

    I play from the beginning on Marvel puzzle quest, since the new update it is impossible for me to start the game

    out of the download the application systematically farm, I can not play for 5 days.

    there has t it an update planned for android

    I'm on Samsung Galaxy s2

    thank you in advance for the answer
  • While the game got a little more stable over the weekend (sometimes could play entire matches), as of this morning it was still crashing at random intervals. iPad, iOS 8.whatever.
  • I have the same problems. On android it crashes constantly. Hope my alliance hasn't kicked me and I expect compensation for lost playing time and daily rewards.
  • DigitHAL9000
    DigitHAL9000 Posts: 61 Match Maker
    Today they answered my ticket telling me there was a release to fix problems in iOS and asking me to le them know if I was an Android user.
    But there is a field in the ticket form where they ask you which is your OS and which version are you running.
    So why are you asking me if I am an Android user?
    I hate preformatted answers.
    5 days and counting...

  • iPhone 5c user. Luckily, mine has been working ok with no crashes since I did the update. Unfortunately, I missed out on all the Deadpool dailys between Friday and Sunday. I missed out in the first 3-4 days of the ISO-8 Brotherhood story, so there is no way I can qualify for a carnage cover. Missed out on the Bullseye and Rocket & Groot Versus Events. I really hate missing out on the Deadpool Dailys since they were red power for vision and yellow power for black panther. Hopefully they compensate players that were and are still affected soon. At this point I would settle for roster spots than covers.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin

    A brief update from the developers regarding Android:

    Crashing problems affecting some Android users appears unrelated to the iOS crashing issue (which the R77.1 update addressed). The Android crashes are still under investigation and a fix is being worked on. Thanks very much for your patience.
  • What about the android users i haven't been able to play since the R77 update keeps force closing after hulkbuster the vision than force close so from not finishing juggernaut event pvp and the carnage event i have been screwed and removed from my alliance think you for nothing
  • My husband has been having trouble opening his as well. When I go to the play store, it still tells me that the app is updated. I know it isn't because it is still the old version. My husband got a new phone to install but he cannot transfer his profile to the new phone. I am not liking the constant trouble with each update. Please let me know how to fix the bug and transfer his profile to his new phone...WITHOUT FB, since he doesn't have one!
  • I'm having the same issues, crashing during games on Android.
    Definitely more unstable icon_cry.gif
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    Today they answered my ticket telling me there was a release to fix problems in iOS and asking me to le them know if I was an Android user.
    But there is a field in the ticket form where they ask you which is your OS and which version are you running.
    So why are you asking me if I am an Android user?
    I hate preformatted answers.
    5 days and counting...

    I was thinking the same - makes no sense that we have to reply to confirm we use Android...