The carrot on the stick



  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    the way I'm set up, the hardest ones for me are against a thor where mine is locked out. that gets tricky. going at it with 104s is dicey. as long as I can keep finishing the 2nd set and get into the 3rd, I'm ok with not being able to finish for now because that lets me still compete in normal pve.
  • Various38
    Various38 Posts: 101
    Where is the leveling sweet spot? I have most of my 3* at 114 because of a 3/3/3 setup being that level. Should I be pushing them to 120? Anyways, I can level a few to max but haven't yet, but since I started the gauntlet I've been noticing that the first round was easier than usual and the second round is saying normal for most of the nodes. I'm almost afraid to see what the next sub looks like. Is community scaling activated in this event also?
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Various38 wrote:
    Where is the leveling sweet spot?
    Only a thoroughly inept game design would force people to have to ask a question like this. Can anyone think of any game where the obvious answer isn't "as high as you can?"
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have Ben in 3* for a while and this is the advise I will give. the sweet spot for right now is 120 because leveling starts getting expensive from there. The reality is getting 2-4 covers to 166 should be your goal. Why? Because then you can start pushing to top 50-25 in PVP he 3* ATM machine. You can earn so many more 3* covers in PVP than PVE. PVP gives out 3* every 3 days while PVE is 3,4,7. What happens when you stall your transition is you fall farther behind he 3* race. Th players who push a couple of characters to max get clobbered a little at first and then they learn how to take on even, and tough teams. PVE scaling goes up and is an adjustment. After a short while you figure it out, and if you can play it right you can break the glass ceiling of earning 3* covers. You soon can push over 725 to get all the HP you need, you can also compete in PVE for covers and earn Hp and suddenly you are going positive HP instead of always feeling neg HP.
    Is he transition longer now because there are so many 3* characters, but getting 2-4 max characters is the key.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm interested in further discussion, but since I don't have the time to continue responding in detail right now, could you take a look at your game and tell me what level the last match in the first round is, and the second match in the second round is?
    For me it's Elektra 112, Cap 113, Vision 113; and Wolvie 106, Control 107, Thor 107.

    I'm seeing: 155 on all three of them on the first node mentioned. I haven't unlocked the second gauntlet, but my first node in the second gauntlet is 151/151/151. I have eight 166s in my roster, a smattering of 130/140/150s, and no 4* above level 70.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Various38 wrote:
    Where is the leveling sweet spot?
    Only a thoroughly inept game design would force people to have to ask a question like this. Can anyone think of any game where the obvious answer isn't "as high as you can?"
    Don't know but MPQ is not one; There is no sweet spot. The effect of one's roster in scaling is negligible especially compared to the effects of community scaling and your own flawless victory record. Having a strong, diverse team is the best way of combating the scaling generated by those factors.
  • Various38
    Various38 Posts: 101
    Sorry if I wasn't clear with what I meant by a sweet spot. I'm trying to keep my bench deep by leveling as evenly as possible so I was wondering at what level do my 3* teams become as natural as having my 2* bench maxed. I am currently categorizing my characters and trying to find how many I can move up to the level where the scaling isn't terrible, but still allows a good PVP finish.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards

    There is literally no reward for improving your roster and you are punished for increasing in level. I finally got enough covers in Elektra and Mystique to get past 94 this past week... and everyone says never to level past 94 until I have a big roster full of guys who can, because as soon as I enjoy the fruits of my labor (and I do mean labor... playing during work hours because it's the only way to rank well, even if it's not fun) the game gets arbitrarily harder to match me.

    Everyone doesn't say not to level past 94, only simpleminded loudmouths. In most of their threads there is refutation of their rubbish theories.

    The biggest cause of scaling is success. The more games you win and the better your results, the harder you opponents will become. It's like having a handicap score in golf, if you start doing too well they lower your handicap.

    Higher level characters let you play longer and beat harder opponents. Your success increases and difficulty follows behind. Having a low level roster means you will be less successful and so yes you will see less scaling.

    Players who have taken a break for a couple of months have come back to trivial opponents because their success history is too long ago to count. Their rosters remain stellar but their PvE opponents don't.

    But you keep your characters at 94 because you believe that the game is built around a philosophy that makes no sense and would reduce their revenue, because there would be no point in spending to develop your characters or roster. Because someone wrote something on the internet
  • The thing you're ignoring in saying leveling is beneficial is that it's only part of the picture. The game has sweet spots where scaling remains basically in check. And yes, leveling does increase scaling (I experienced this first hand during my 2-3* transition and from other players in similar transitions now, it is still the case).

    Your ideal leveling is being at a level that allows you to continue progressing, while still being able to play the game for fun. There are different sweet spots for this, but in general, if you're going to level up, it's better to do it all at once.

    And yeah, even if leveling has zero impact on scaling, that still doesn't justify their failure to fix said scaling, given how long the game's been out.
  • there's no carrot on the stick, its basically the american dream at this point rofl
  • simonsez wrote:
    Various38 wrote:
    Where is the leveling sweet spot?
    Only a thoroughly inept game design would force people to have to ask a question like this. Can anyone think of any game where the obvious answer isn't "as high as you can?"

    Was going to just up-vote (which I did), but I continue to find this one element so overwhelmingly confounding that I feel I need to add...

    Q. F. T.

    I guess it's supposed to be one of those "fun-balanced difficult choices you need to make..." like which character you should level vs. which 3* or 4* you should cut to make room for your latest 2* essential.

  • simonsez wrote:
    Various38 wrote:
    Where is the leveling sweet spot?
    Only a thoroughly inept game design would force people to have to ask a question like this. Can anyone think of any game where the obvious answer isn't "as high as you can?"

    Was going to just up-vote (which I did), but I continue to find this one element so overwhelmingly confounding that I feel I need to add...

    Q. F. T.

    I guess it's supposed to be one of those "fun-balanced difficult choices you need to make..." like which character you should level vs. which 3* or 4* you should cut to make room for your latest 2* essential.

    Or how one of the first 2* they give u is Bagman.....