Which characters need to be improved?



  • TheHood
    TheHood Posts: 107
    evil panda wrote:
    TheHood wrote:
    Who need a a little buff:
    - The Hood

    icon_lol.gif The hood is considered top 5 characters in the game.

    I agree with everyone else but the hood needs nothing.
    well, considering the post you quoted was made by The Hood, the motivations are a little suspect...

    nice try, Robbins!!! icon_twisted.gif
    You got me! icon_lol.gif
    However, IMHO after D3 changed his yellow skill, Hood isn't anymore a Top 5 characters in the game. They should give him a little more HP or remove the "Ends the turn" part from his lv5 yellow skill.
  • CoffigDarkGravity
    CoffigDarkGravity Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    Psylocke has major problems, she get a boost either in damage, or to her special tiles, but not for both. As mentioned before, her blue really should be purple. For her to not have a purple power is frankly bizarre.

    Spider-Man desperately needs an attack power. It could be something as simple as "if a protect tile is matched by the opponent, peters spidey sense kicks in and he retaliates with a devastating uppercut, dealing 500 damage to the enemy."
    Anyone ever been caught in a spidey vs. spidey situation? If you don't have teamups, and a ton of yellow and blue ap, and the max number of purple protect tiles, you're screwed. If the AI starts getting yellow off, you're screwed. If they have any purple protect tiles up, you're screwed.
    I've been caught in one of these three times now, and won once, but had to turn the game off to get out of the others. EXTREMELY ANNOYING.

    Ragnarok is a god damn mess, all over.

    Deadpools black is ****, because as you level him up, the amount of damage needed for black to kick in increases, which is actually worse. It's a great power, but as you level him up, the activation number should actually decrease.

    Invisible Woman still stinks. Her green should be a brutal attack, like the title of the attack suggests. Her yellow power is better now with the extra protect tiles, but all anyone ever wanted was to be able to select where the invisible tile goes. **** Colossus can select where his yellow tile goes but not IW? A-psshhhhh. Also, it should be her cheapest power, not blue. Becoming invisible is her bread and butter.

    Other than these ones, most of my problems with characters are concerning the color of their covers. Or there should be an extra effort to release characters with new color schemes (black/yellow/blue OR purple/blue/red OR purple/yellow/black).Too many characters with yellow/blue/red (the only character that fits this color scheme is Cyclops, but he has a black power?).

    It's minor as well, but have the color of the powers match the artwork from the comics. It's an added touch that players like. Magneto should have a purple power, same with Psylocke. Vision should have a green. Why is Thor yellow/green/red at all?

    Ending now, but I could go on and on.
  • Quicksilver improvement idea:

    His blue is supposed to make him seem fast, but he actually plays quite slow. The idea would be replace his green or black with this (and this is assuming the power is fully leveled):

    Cost 1 AP
    Deals 500 DMG and creates a 1-turn countdown tile. While the tile is present, this ability cannot be used.

    That way he's crazy quick low damage, but the countdown tile prevents spamming the ability. (Unless you manage to get rid of it the same turn, but even then you'll only pull it off twice.) That ability would be pretty on par with Iron Fist's black ability.
  • SuperRecoome
    SuperRecoome Posts: 59 Match Maker
    IW could go to top tier with one adjustment, make her yellow passive.

    Even if it were dependent on having a certain amount of colored tiles on the board. Say, as long as there were 9 green tiles she'd hide the weakest team member. On a defensive team with Hood it would make a lot of people skip her.
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2015
    TheButton wrote:
    Quicksilver improvement idea:

    His blue is supposed to make him seem fast, but he actually plays quite slow. The idea would be replace his green or black with this (and this is assuming the power is fully leveled):

    Cost 1 AP
    Deals 500 DMG and creates a 1-turn countdown tile. While the tile is present, this ability cannot be used.
    I don't understand, is this supposed to replace his blue or one of the other powers?

    Regardless, his black and green are what makes him interesting and fun for me, so I'd keep them the way they are with possible tweaks on damage. His blue is what makes him seem slow, as you've said yourself. It is supposed to make his other powers quicker, but it is not reliable enough in that role. On the other hand it interferes with everyone's moves, not just the enemy's.
    Maybe something like this might work:

    blueflag.png cost 5 AP
    Places a persistant CD on a chosen basic tile that reduces the cost of his other powers by 1 for each CD. When a CD is in play, at the start of every turn, if there is bluetile.png AP in reserve, make another copy of CD (max. 4 at 5 covers, the number improves with covers) on a random basic tile and spend 1 bluetile.png AP. If there is no more bluetile.png AP at the start of the turn, all CDs are destroyed doing (team?) damage for each one (and QS could even be stunned for a turn or two from exhaustion if it makes sense lore wise).

    Edited to change the ability so it makes sense to wait for more than just 5 blue AP for full effect, both in damage and speeding up his other moves.
  • OzarkBoatswain
    OzarkBoatswain Posts: 693 Critical Contributor
    edited June 2015
    Here's how I'd change some lower-tier characters.

    Elektra: Purple should do something good without enemy strike tiles on the board. (most hilarious AI teamup since the earlier Invisible Woman green -- "here, have my turn, I don't need it") Red trap tiles are a bad idea since Daken, Blade and others put their special tiles on red -- there are many ways to fix this.
    Devil Dino: Reduce red and green to 6 AP like the event-only version. You can no longer boost to start a match with 6 AP which I think is the reason they went with 7 AP.

    Quicksilver: Only his black feels like a "speed" move. They could change the passive to create trap tiles instead of locks, since locks slow the game down. Or just replace the passive with a move that stuns everyone but himself for a turn. (although this might be bad with enemy attack tiles...)
    Vision: Needs a reason to use his 3rd ability and a way for the AI to use him effectively.
    Psylocke: Throw out her current blue and give her a low-AP protect tile + damage ability.
    IM40: Lock the yellow AP cost so it doesn't get worse at higher levels. Reduce blue to 15 AP or so.
    Dr Octopus: His green "grab (garbage) bag" ability needs to be cheaper.
    Spider-Man: He needs a damaging ability to prevent stalemates.
    Sentry: On green, lower the AP or lower the countdown turns by 1. Just not both.
    Colossus: With Fastball Special, always use the teammate's most expensive ability, or have it be selectable.
    Ragnarok: Blue needs to be rethought. No specific ideas.
    3* Captain Marvel: She needs more damage on her red. Her passive shouldn't require more damage as she gains levels.
    3* Storm: Yellow should be cheaper -- 7 or 8 AP would be fine.

    2* Cap: Double the damage on his red, and/or lower the yellow cost (and, proportionately, tile strength).
    2* Bullseye: Make him a lazy version of the 3*. No one will mourn him.

    Yelena: The 1*s have no strike tile creators. She could be the one.

    edit: added Elektra, Colossus, Rag
  • Daige wrote:
    Kolence wrote:
    Daige wrote:

    Her blue IS worse now than it was before. If you don't agree, please explain why it's better now because I sure as tinykitty can't see any real improvement on that one. I'm only arguing about her blue ability now.
    No, it is not. It is worse against CDs (unless they produce special tiles like ninjas or muscle, in which case it is still usable only after they resolve and not before) but much better overall because it can't affect your already buffed tiles you stole with subsequent castings.

    The old ability gave the enemy weakened tiles in return, so it was still better than this.

    Please add your own thoughts on which characters need to be improved instead of saying "you're wrong", since this is a matter of taste and we will never agree on this subject.

    First, I believe She-Hulk new Blue is a change and not a nerf or buff. Sure it doesn't change tiles and you can only use when the enemy has something in play, but boosting it by 200 points or so is pretty good, it's like a mix of Moonstone and Falcon. It simply changes how she is played. Just because your old team can't use the new She-Hulk, that doesn't mean she is worse, try new strats, bra.

    Anyway, I believe Hulk's redflag.png sucks huge flying balls. A good way to fix it is simply making it deal damage to the whole enemy team instead of a single target. Here's why it sucks huge flying balls:
    - It uses your greenflag.png stock, depleting most of it for more damage. It also damages your WHOLE team if there are more than x greentile.png on the board
    - Ares does the same, but it's way more efficient
    - His other power also uses greenflag.png stock and includes board manipulation, which is great, and destroys more tiles with more green (without depleting it)
    - His blackflag.png power creates green tiles on the board

    TL;DR: His redflag.png needs a lot of redtile.png to use and depletes greentile.png which makes his greenflag.png useless and works against his lvl 5 blackflag.png . And it can damage your team.
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'll bite.

    Devil Dino: Mostly fine, maybe minor bump in red/green damage.
    Elektra: Red should be converted to an attack tile (damage bump would be nice, at least for 5 covers). Purple should always steal 3 at 5 covers without the trap requirement. *Trap damage procs at beginning of turn and attack at end so its not even guaranteed to do damage.
    Invisible Woman: Change blue to 3 locked tiles instead of 4, change green to always do 66% damage regardless of having bubbles or not, +11% damage per bubble destroyed (remove the random bubble creation component altogether).
    Hulkbuster: Fine.
    Kingpin: Yellow's tiles probably need to get improved across the board, arguably as strong as the goons they're meant to represent at their respective levels.
    Professor X: Nerf blue's damage slightly, change it to generate 1 random AP X times instead of 4 in the strongest color.
    Star-Lord: Create a new tile for yellow that's permanent until destroyed.
    4hor: Buff yellow damage by at least 50%. Wouldn't mind seeing a few more tiles from blue.
    Xforce: Increase damage on green to about 3k (currently is around 2k, pre nerf was around 4k).

    Beast: Fine.
    Black Panther: Create a defense tile immediately on blue.
    GSBW: Red- increase damage to 1.5k with 3 covers, 2k 4, 3k with 5 covers.
    Blade: Fine
    Bullseye: Black - generate 1/1/2 strike tiles when Bullseye damages a target below 50% in addition to what it currently does so that purple isn't useless without enablers.
    Capt. Marvel: Red - Deal bonus damage when destroying special tiles. Wouldn't mind 5 covers destroying 3 or 4 attack/protect/strike rather than destroying all protect.
    Colossus: Have Fastball Special allow for targeted ability casting with its cost being ability cost +5/4/3/2/1 or 3/3/2/2/1 with increased base damage per cover. (he'd be borderline awesome with the ability to basically convert black into any color you want)
    Cyclops: Fine.
    Daredevil: Add base damage to purple so its something like 2k damage +500 per tile converted so its usable when the enemy doesn't have special tiles.
    Deadpool: Change black to heals for 20/25/30/35/40% of the damage taken when hit for over 869 (works when he's targeted specifically too)
    Doctor Doom: Increase black's attack tiles by about 50%
    Doc Oc: Drop blue's cost to 8 and reduce damage accordingly, drop green to 10 AP.
    Falcon: Cut purple cost to 8 and reduce number of tiles by 33% to compensate (faster cast so he can use his own yellow sooner).
    Gamora: Drop black cost to 10, increase red's damage by 30%.
    Hood: Change 5 cover black to reduces CD on 4 tiles x2 (not necessarily the same tiles twice, picks 4 randomly then picks another 4).
    Hulk: Green - deal around 100 damage per tile destroyed (should deal 2k+ damage). Remove the automatically consume 10 green component on red.
    Human Torch: Mostly fine. Can't tell if the ring on black being randomly placed would be a buff or a nerf.
    IF: Fine, wouldn't mind the attack tile on black being nerfed or if the strength of the tile is dependent on how much black AP you have when its created.
    IM40: Nerf the base damage on red and blue, it does way more than any other ability as a team up. Deal bonus damage based on the amount of AP consumed (maybe around 500 per AP, red would deal 9000 damage with 13 red and 2 in every other color). Drop blue's cost to 14, drop base damage to 2k +200 damage per AP (5k AoE with full consumption)
    KK: Fine.
    Loki: Change purple cover progression to cheaper AP costs, have it cost 9/8/7/6/5 AP for a compelling reason to go 3/5/5.
    Cage: Fine.
    Magneto: Yellow could probably use a 20-30% bump in strength. Don't want to make it too comparable to Falcon's but its currently pretty weak.
    Mystique: Make purple placeable and have black not consume purple on cast. Change the animation to a backstab rather than guns blazing if you want it to fit thematically as to why she doesn't lose "stealth"
    Psylocke: Remove limit on number of strike tiles that can be generated (keep minimum cost at 5), change blue to 2 turn (1 turn with 5 covers) CD. Might need a minor increase on damage on red and black but these changes are probably enough.
    Punisher: Minor increase in black damage, major increase in attack tile damage.
    QS: Remove damage on green and black, have cover progression drop the base mana costs. 10/9/8/7/6 for black, 9/8/7/6/5 for green. Blue unchanged, maximum cost reduction for bubbles present decreased to 2. Would probably go 5/3/5 build.
    Rag: Double green's damage. Maybe have 5 cover blue heal his allies for 50%.
    R&G: Fine.
    Scarlet Witch: Fine.
    Sentry: Raise red's cost to 14 and reduce damage to allies by 50%. Drop green to 10 AP, drop self damage on yellow by 33 or 50%.
    She Hulk: Deal around 50 damage per tile destroyed to target on red (2400 damage to target, 1600 to other enemies)
    Spider-Man: Change yellow to an AoE damage ability (Web Smash) instead of heal, reduce base amount by 33% (1200 / 1500 / 1900) and deal 1095 bonus damage if you consume 3 web or friendly protect tiles (web tiles chosen first, then protect).
    Squirrel Girl: Yellow stuns SG for 1 turn and target for 1/1/2/2/(entire enemy team for 2 turns). May ditch the whole protect tile portion or at least make it much weaker to compensate. Drop green's cost to 8.
    Vision: Yellow+red needs to deal base damage equal to what a neutral red does. Yellow should be % reduction rather than a flat amount (30/40/50/60/80%).
    Patch Wolverine: Fine.
    LCap: Reduce cost on yellow to 12, creates 2/3/4 140 strength defense tiles.
    Daken: Fine.
    3* Storm: Fine.
    LThor: Fine.
  • Loftus
    Loftus Posts: 79 Match Maker
    Psylocke and Punisher would be the two i'd say need improving the most. There are a few others (3 star.png cap. marvel, 3 star.png iron man, doctor octopus, ragnarok) but i definitely feel like psylocke and punisher are the most vital. I'm never put off fighting them and they don't pose any threat to my teams. They don't deal much damage, they don't disrupt my gameplan, they don't have a huge amount of health... I feel like punisher needs to hit harder and psylocke just needs to generally be more useful. I can't talk specifics because i have neither on my roster but i'm certainly happy when i saw them come up as opponents as opposed to other three star characters.
  • chill21genlee
    chill21genlee Posts: 61 Match Maker
    i would love an update that suddenly made baggy super useful. ...for those of us who have been playing forever and keep him non leveled on the roster hoping for the day he stops being a joke....kick me indeed
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    I know I'm at the bottom or page 2, but I disagree with OP. Beast is fine. Run him 5/5/3 with Blade and Daken and watch them sing. No one uses red, but that's how you want it. Your sole color conflict comes in the form of a "do I use 5 blue or 6 blue". That's a mind melter, there.

    You get strike tiles out the wazoo. You get to use the greens Daken takes up to make strike tiles. You get bonkers attack.png tiles care of Blade and even an AOE from Beast. You even get a bit of a heal and an AP steal. And no ability costs above 10! **edit** doh. Medical Marvel is 11. My mistake.

    It is REALLY a solid group. It's the sort you wouldn't skip, but would wonder how you lost.