Buffs needed



  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    (I think this discussion should be in either the Characters or Suggestions and Feedback forums, but maybe since it would fit in either one, General is fine. Gah!)

    I suggest D3 adopts a "tiny buff" approach. The problem with a big buff (power overhaul) is that you can go too far and then have to bring it back with a nerf, which players hate.

    E.g. We decide that IM40's yellow is too expensive, so we change it to
    yellowflag.pngRecharge 8 AP
    Creates 3 Countdown tiles that restore 3 Red AP each. Iron Man is stunned for 1 turn.
      Rank 2: Each countdown tile also restores 3 Blue AP. Rank 3: Countdown tiles restore 4 Blue AP. Rank 4: Countdown tiles restore 4 Red AP. Rank 5: Creates 4 Countdown tiles.
    ... By almost any measure, this power is now much, much better. It doesn't make as much AP but it makes more in the colors IM needs, and is much cheaper. Even so, if the devs made this change, somehow, a weirdly vocal contingent of protesters would inevitably pipe up and complain that the game is ruined now because IM40 can't generate a couple Black AP.

    SO, going back to the "tiny buff" approach, let's just say Recharge makes one more CD tile, and after a month or two, see if people are using it a bit more heavily. No one can complain that it's too different, since it's strictly better, and I really doubt he'll skyrocket in utility, forcing them to undo the change. Or if Ballistic Salvo is the power people hate more (I'm sure more people have it at 5 ranks than Recharge), boost the damage by 15% and see what people are saying. If they have to nerf it back down for some other option, well, we signed up for that.

    So, other characters that could use a tiny buff?

    Spider-Man (Classic): NONE. Seriously. He rocks PvE and, when he's one of the weekly buffed characters, does fine in PvP.

    Black Widow (Grey Suit): I think the only real problem people have with GSW is that she's stuck with 3 Red (unless you hate winning). Making Sniper Rifle AoE at rank 4 would make 4/4/5 viable as well. She's a powerful character in PvE and on offense, I'm not sure she needs a change, but making her red cheaper at ranks 4-5 would give those masochistic, winning-hating players a fighting chance.

    Psylocke: Boost her tile strength by 25%. Or maybe less. But just see how she does a bit stronger. Psylocke was a very "fast" character, with a couple of cheap attacks to down a dangerous opponent (with bonus Strike/Attack damage) before they can get a shot off. Now that HPs have been boosted across the board, that strategy isn't as effective.
    Or, just make Bewilder steal random AP from different colors and it becomes super-keen.

    Punisher: Tile strength! (see Psylocke, above). Boosted to 240, he feels about as good as a top-tier 166 character.

    Hulk: Don't kid. He's still top-tier on 166 defense, especially when boosted. Doesn't need a buff.

    Wolverine (X-Force): Green should do +700 damage at rank 2 and above. I'm sitting on a 1/5/2 XFW, level 172. The next green cover increases his damage from 235 to 313. "Yay, I got a 4* cover, now I can do 78 more damage." Spend 2500 imcoin.png on that? No. Tinykitty. Way.
    A boost to even 800 (so +565 at 172, more closer to 270) would make me much less ambivalent about it, and I don't think people would be screaming for the ban-hammer since it's still his weakest power.

    Captain Marvel: A lot of my micro-buff suggestions target a hero's weakest powers, but instead I'd suggest lowering her AP cost on black by 1. Man, that'd rock. But she's a go-to when powered up so she probably doesn't need a buff.

    Rags: Let us sell covers in respec so I can leave him at 5/5/0 and use him as a blue generator for other characters. But more seriously, eh, up his green damage a bit? Or if Lightning Rod's green tiles were added to the board (instead of just converted), you'd have a better chance at matching them than your opponent, which would help. Maybe that's too big.

    Storm (Mohawk): Oh, Storm, I miss the days when you were good. Still, she occasionally gets an AP roll going and stomps me on defense (TU is gain is nice for the AI who can have pretty decent ones). I think Yellow should destroy all TU tiles (but keep the limit on TU gained to 5 or 7). The damage increase could still encourage people to consider 4 or 5 ranks in Yellow. (For 9 Yellow, Black Panther makes 500 damage in Strike tiles, compared to this power's pathetic 1500.)

    Vision: Just code the AI so his modes don't get priority unless they are 1 turn to vanishing, (or would create a match when relocating...). Let him stay in his modes for a while.

    More: I'm tired now. You guys can chime in.
  • Spider-Man and Iron Man are two of the most iconic characters of Marvel and are pretty bad in the game. That's not right. Not meaning they should be overpowered though.

    I look at Hulkbuster and that could have been IM40 reworked, obviously with less stats/health and Repulsor Blast instead of Punch icon_lol.gif . Instead they release a new 4*.
    And having a character who works best as 12 covers instead of 13 is something that should be telling the devs how bad it is.

    Spider-Man is a hero who beats his opponents with cunning and acrobatics, ingame he is a protect tile generator and healing support? I'm pretty sure i never saw his webs healing himself, much less anyone else.

    blueflag.png His webs are used to inutilize many weapons, so probably could be used to replace special tiles, including countdowns, probably turning them into web tiles. Probably would lose stun or would not be able to stun for increased turns.
    yellowflag.png needs to do damage instead, like Cage. Acrobatic combo, or something, increasing hits/damage depending on the number of web tiles.
    purpleflag.png Spider sense is a really cool ability in the comics. Maybe he could continue to passively generate protect tiles, but if he have 3 or more in the board, he could activate the ability to make his team completely avoid the next enemy ability.
    Like "Hey guys, i sense Thor is gonna Call the Storm! Move!". Team dodges the damage. "Spidey, you really are amazing!"

    Or maybe they should just get rid of the web tile mechanic, it seems completely useless.

    Also, Punisher and Psylocke are really needing some love as well. Aside from damage, don't understand why Psylocke's red is capped at creating new tiles.

    Punisher's green destroys hiw own special tiles, which is incredibly annoying. Also, hey devs, Frank Castle takes care to not harm innocent bystanders! He doesn't simply empty a machine gun magazine or fires rockets randomly, without a care where it's gonna hit! This ability needs to be targetable or not destroy friendly tiles.
    Also, Molotov needs a serious buff. Takes forever to create a single tile and even with multiple attack tiles with strike tiles, the damage is incredibly bad.
    And red is not as great as people think.

    Doc.Ock --> If i match 3 special tiles in a single match, his black only procs once. Should proc 3x, after all, i destroyed 3 special tiles. His blue needs to be lowered to 9.
  • they have no planned changes for any 4* or 3*, sorry, you'll just have to trade in your iron man 3* for a hulkbuster,
    colossus for a Luke Cage/Thing, Black Widow will be nerfed for having same power as 2*Mag, Psylocke has a place on team girl power, but I would like to see her blue become passive and triggered by actives, the hulk needs red/green retuning but is in a fine spot(at least he has a use), cap marvel is too niche(like Elektra) but has a place on team girl power
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Maybe a little tweak for IW too?

    yellowflag.png Make it able to target anyone on her team at 5 covers. At 3 or 4, let it randomly pick from two weakest characters. Maybe reduce cost to 8. There are only so many yellow tiles on the board anyway, it would be hard to keep two people invisible, let alone the whole team.

    greenflag.png Reduce cost to 10. At 4 or 5 covers, allow to select up to 1 or 2 bubble(s) that won't explode when more than 3 or 4 are on the board.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spidey's main problem is his yellow. After the True Healing update, a power that purely gives health burst is a complete joke. Either they should give it a secondary effect, or, better yet, turn it into an offensive power. His purple is already pretty good and his blue is decent, if a bit too situational. It has a potential to get better if they start adding more web tile generating characters into the game.

    Yep, turning his yellow into an offensive ability would be a great boost to poor old Spiderman. I'd like to see his purple also create a random web tile, and his yellow could feed off of his web tiles to do damage similar to Doom's Diabolical Plot:

    yellowflag.png 9 AP Web Sling
    Spiderman uses his web shooters to knock his enemies senseless. Deals xxx damage to the targeted enemy, + xxx damage for each web tile on the board. If three or more web tiles exist, this damage is dealt to the enemy team. If six or more web tiles exist, the enemy team is stunned for one turn, plus one turn for each web tile above six. Then, destroy all web tiles.
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    Polares wrote:
    Now that we have had a good series of nerfs we really need some buffs to some of the most popular characters of the Marvel Universe

    Iron Man: He really needs a buff. He is a joke now. I like that to fire his attacks he needs AP from other colors, but his base costs need to lower A LOT. Red should cost 10, and Blue 12. Yellow needs to be reworked so everybody prefers 5 covers to 2, so cost should always be the same, but he should give more AP with each cover. Really easy to buff.

    Spiderman: After his nerf, he only has one useful power. Blue should cost 4 or he should be entirely reworked.

    This two are the most URGENT. Then Hulk should do way more damage with his attacks, Psylocke should do a little bit more damage with red and black (200-300 hps more) and blue should be cheaper stealing less. Colossus black should cost 11 and red be his primary color, then lower the costs of Black Widow green and red, Captain Marvel red should do 2500 and black 3500.

    There are more chars that need small buffs, but these are probably the most popular chars that are unusable in PvP or high level PvE, and they are really easy to fix conserving the flavor.

    So please devs, give us some buffs!
    all hulk needs is his red being an aoe job done hes relevant again
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Now that we are having allmost a 4 any other week I am 100% sure that when Secret Wars ends (maybe a little bit earlier) we are going to get a shiny new 4 Spiderman Miles Morales. And he is going to be really good.

    Mark my words.
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Here's a little modified QS improvement I proposed in his thread. This should be even faster. icon_e_biggrin.gif
    No idea about numbers for damage done on each of his abilities, though.

    Idle Hands - 11 blacktile.png AP
    Quicksilver just can't help using his speed to make the enemy look stupid. Swaps the position of 2 selected basic tiles. Costs 1 AP less for every Trap tile QS has on the board (minimum 7 AP).
    Level upgrades
      Does more and more damage.

    Supersonic - 6 bluetile.png AP
    QS detonates up to 3 of his traps dealing damage to the enemy team.
    (PASSIVE) Quicksilver dashes through the battlefield messing with the enemy's plans and causing a bit of chaos. Whenever anyone makes a Blue match, Quicksilver places a Trap on a random Basic tile. The Trap tile gives no AP if matched by the enemy team.
    Level upgrades
      Level 2: Also places a trap when QS makes a Black match. Level 3: Trap drains 1 more AP. More damage done. Level 4: Also places a trap when QS or SW make a Green match. Level 5: Trap drains 1 more AP. More damage.

    Fists of Fury - 10 greentile.png AP
    Quicksilver grabs his enemy and pummels them with a furious blur of punches. Creates 1 random Critical tile. Costs 1 AP less for every Trap tile QS has on the board (minimum 6 AP).
    Level upgrades
      Does more and more damage.
  • Spidey's main problem is his yellow. After the True Healing update, a power that purely gives health burst is a complete joke. Either they should give it a secondary effect, or, better yet, turn it into an offensive power. His purple is already pretty good and his blue is decent, if a bit too situational. It has a potential to get better if they start adding more web tile generating characters into the game.
    How about something like it making a yellow CD with X+web tiles duration (maybe with a cap) that deals damage every round to the target? Spiderman is a pretty good melee fighter and very agile.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Another character that could use a rework is Colosus. His black costs too much for what it does, his yellow does not stop match Damage and his red is only good if he is in front. A couple of tweets and he could be useful.
    Doc Ock is someone else that is too situational. His blue should cost about 7-8AP. It works like Loki's purple, but can do damage. So it needs to cost more. The other thing you can do for his blue is just do damage for any special tile he swipes friendly or not like Carnage. This would also make him much more playable because you can spam the board with your own tiles and still use blue. His green needs a complete rework. I think if you got to destroy select tiles like bullseye the would help.

    Psylock just needs a minor buff to be good. First red should just cost 6 AP all the time. Hen buff he damage red and black does by 500. Then have blue steal either the other teams strongest or her teams strongest color. Stealing a useless color is preety bad if no one on the board could use it.
    One last buff I would like to see is to dare devil's radar sense. Either have this work on CD tiles or make it a dual power. "If no special tiles are on the board he places 2 strength 150 protect tiles. There are lots of times when his purple is just unusable because the enemy does not have any special tiles. His would make his purple more of a dual power like his red and make him a much more playable character.
    I also agree with IM40, Spider-Man, and Punisher buffa. These characters have been in the game for a while and need some love.
  • I'm pretty sure colossus yellow stops match damage.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    ShionSinX wrote:
    I'm pretty sure colossus yellow stops match damage.
    I'm pretty sure you're wrong. At most it will reduce it by 50%. The decision shows you a percentage of damage reduction. Never 0's out damage unless there's a bug with it.