Deadpool Daily Quest - Round Nineteen - May 19 to May 23



  • Wintersmith
    Wintersmith Posts: 76 Match Maker
    Anyone else having 'Turn to Smoke' producing attack tiles for several rounds after all teisastsus are down? I had total of 13 enemy fists on board. Made the game a bit more challenging.
  • 12chris6
    12chris6 Posts: 57 Match Maker
    Anyone else having 'Turn to Smoke' producing attack tiles for several rounds after all teisastsus are down? I had total of 13 enemy fists on board. Made the game a bit more challenging.

    Challenging, I got destroyed.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Even with Turn To Bugs screwing things up, beat it on the first shot. The trick is, get the ninja down , and kill him with a tile match or skill, but make sure to have it cause NO cascades.

    Side note, if you kill both at once, and next move does not cause cascades, you only get 1 set of attack tiles to have to deal with, just make sure to get them out of the way before a threaten goes off.. .ouch.
  • Avizor
    Avizor Posts: 5
    Yes, same problem here. Totally bugged, after every turn the make 6 Turn to Smoke Tiles.....Damn was looking forward to Blade but like this, its impossible.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Avizor wrote:
    Yes, same problem here. Totally bugged, after every turn the make 6 Turn to Smoke Tiles.....Damn was looking forward to Blade but like this, its impossible.

    Based on what we know, each cascade after killing one of them causes a new set to be created.. so if you use something that creates cascades... you run the risk of being overcome with the tiles.

    kill them smartly, single tile match, preferable with no chance at a cascade, and they will work normally.
  • MikeG72
    MikeG72 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    I used OBW, 3 star.png Cap and Loki. Loki kept changing any Muscle Threaten/Strike tiles to Protect Tiles and Cap was able to fire off Sentinel of Liberty several times, thanks to Loki also activating Mischief a few times. By the time the last wave rolled around, my guys were all like, "Hey Hood, we can't hear you Intimidating us behind all these Protect tiles. Can you Intimidate a bit louder? Oh, here's some Star-Spangled Avengers and Peacemakers for you, Gorgon and Deadpool while you wait!"
  • 12chris6
    12chris6 Posts: 57 Match Maker
    Malcrof wrote:
    Even with Turn To Bugs screwing things up, beat it on the first shot. The trick is, get the ninja down , and kill him with a tile match or skill, but make sure to have it cause NO cascades.

    Side note, if you kill both at once, and next move does not cause cascades, you only get 1 set of attack tiles to have to deal with, just make sure to get them out of the way before a threaten goes off.. .ouch.

    Thank You for the tip. After a grueling match, I did it on my second try.
  • Dragunsk
    Dragunsk Posts: 16
    Malcrof wrote:
    Avizor wrote:
    Yes, same problem here. Totally bugged, after every turn the make 6 Turn to Smoke Tiles.....Damn was looking forward to Blade but like this, its impossible.

    Based on what we know, each cascade after killing one of them causes a new set to be created.. so if you use something that creates cascades... you run the risk of being overcome with the tiles.

    kill them smartly, single tile match, preferable with no chance at a cascade, and they will work normally.

    Thank you. It worked for me.
  • Yup. I wiped due to 21 attack tiles piled up on the board. Hope its just a bug. I really need this cover, damn.
  • Yup. I wiped due to 21 attack tiles piled up on the board. Hope its just a bug. I really need this cover, damn.
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Loki is awesome and should be a key tool in everyones goon fighting kit. Usually pair him up with she hulk and Obw for Pve goon nodes.

    Got it first go today with Obw + Mini Thor and Torch. But it was touch and go at the start. Absolutely no blue or purple on the board so struggled to get established. Finally a board shake with Thor's yellow got things going.

    Just paired him up with classic Daken. It is insane. Strike tiles everywhere.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for the tips about how to kill the ninjas today. It was dicey after a Raging Tempest spawned another round of tiles, but I got through it. My Blade is now 5/2/3.
  • I ran CStorm, Blade (5 purpleflag.png ) and OBW. Carefully killed each Tiatsu and needed to use my blues to extend the Muscle's count just once. Saved up so that we had 3 Attack tiles going into second wave. Didn't get bugged this time but did have the strikes.

    Second wave started, and Collosus one-punched CStorm. Used Blade's purple to create the tiles, and spammed OBW's blue to keep the two of them alive for the rest of it. 4x Keep Your Enemies Closer strikes with 4x Attacks from the thirst makes really short work of several waves down.

  • Threaten + Ninjas totally wiped my A-team and B team (Blade, LDaken, Falcon), (Blade, OBW, Ares). Blade is the cornerstone of my roster (I don't put in any money, so he's the first usable 3* I got) and I reallly want green, he's sitting at 5/3/2.

    I was able to beat it handily using SheHulk (0/4/5), Daredevil (5/5/2) and Black Panther (4/4/2). SheHulk green to drain, so there wouldn't be 10 million Strength in numbers while killing the muscle and red for CD/strike removal at the bottom of the board. DD blue for stun (despite it not properly disabling Turn to Smoke) and stockpile purple for after those strike tiles come down. BP for yellow/black damage... plus the hilariousness of BP giving the enemy 5 ap then shehulk taking it away. Would've been nice to have a shehulk blue cover, but it'll drop someday...

    Hats off to the people with just 2* that are able to beat this one.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got it first try with baby thor, cstorm & obw. It wasn't easy though, had to cast lightning storm every time I possibly could.

    My routine was basically farm yellow, use thor to turn tiles green, use lightning storm to eliminate turn to smoke tiles and collect ap. Repeat.

    My round 1 ninjas "only" spawned 12 tiles though, so I got off pretty light compared to what I've been reading. Btw, I finished off the last one of the first round using wind storm. So he was stunned and no tiles were matched - still created 6 tiles.

    Somebody add a line to the "mpq world records" thread for most forum stickies for bugs & errors at one time. R76, TTS & Bullseye makes 3.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    Had TTS proc 6 times on me after downing one Teisatsu due to the bug. The other trick to use is bring someone along who spawns beefy protect tiles (I was using LCap). Was taking lots of "-1" damage for the remaining waves until I matched or overwrote all the CD tiles.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    udonomefoo wrote:
    Got it first try with baby thor, cstorm & obw. It wasn't easy though, had to cast lightning storm every time I possibly could.

    I always use Thor & stormneto. The trick is to only use green AP on storm and red AP on mags. You generate heaps of AP and the AI never gets a chance to have their turn. Only Thor's yellow should be used. I don't see what the fuss with the ninjas is all about.
  • Picked up my 5th Patch card! He's actually getting respectable. icon_e_wink.gificon_lol.gif

    A bit tough with no blues dropping in the first wave, had to change up my usual technique, but by wave 4, nary a shot was fired in my direction... icon_e_biggrin.gif

  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    First time ever, made it through Big enchilada without taking a single hp of damage for the entire run. LThor 5/5/3, 2* Ms. Marvel 5/5/3, OBW 3/5/5.

    now my patch is at 3/4/3, time to level him some!
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    man, mine is lagging at 1/3/1 now. at least my yellow is started. if I were a whale he's one I'd be spending $ on today but I'm not and it wouldn't change much for me anyway (other than probably some pve scaling). He's my lowest character that I really want to get going. bp (-/3/1) and kk (2/2/1) are important too but patch could be interchangeable with my Lthor and work well with my loki that's already established.