Your Best MPQ Moment of the day (positive thread)
Pulled a black SamDak cover from a single token pull the other day. Can cross that particular feat off my list now.2
Using 5-star Wasp in her typical role as "Meat Shield #2 for Thanos's Early Node PvE Runs," I was able to get enough swarm tiles on the board for her powers to switch to Call to Swarm in the four wave node! I never actually get the AP to fire that ability off, of course, but it has been a LONG time since she's had enough swarm tiles on the board to even see that ability!
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sambrookjm said:Using 5-star Wasp in her typical role as "Meat Shield #2 for Thanos's Early Node PvE Runs," I was able to get enough swarm tiles on the board for her powers to switch to Call to Swarm in the four wave node! I never actually get the AP to fire that ability off, of course, but it has been a LONG time since she's had enough swarm tiles on the board to even see that ability!
Medusa collects blue (sometimes) for you when enemy specials are matched...keep it up and you should be Calling the Swarm before you know it!2 -
bluewolf said:sambrookjm said:Using 5-star Wasp in her typical role as "Meat Shield #2 for Thanos's Early Node PvE Runs," I was able to get enough swarm tiles on the board for her powers to switch to Call to Swarm in the four wave node! I never actually get the AP to fire that ability off, of course, but it has been a LONG time since she's had enough swarm tiles on the board to even see that ability!
Medusa collects blue (sometimes) for you when enemy specials are matched...keep it up and you should be Calling the Swarm before you know it!2 -
Using 5-star Black Widow in the "Any Black Widow" required node in the Galactus event, and getting that extra damage and AP steal from her black ability thanks to iHulk's self damage. The AP was useless and the extra damage was overkill, but at least I triggered it! I'll take small victories wherever I can get them...3
I think my moment of the day has just been enjoying using Legion (even under-covered) against Galactus (I've been running Moon Knight, SWitch & Legion for Rounds 1-5, so alliance likely tops out at 6). With his purple draining Galactus' black and boosting the red damage, while his yellow is outstanding once Galactus starts hitting 30 in his non-black AP. Even though I know literally nothing of his comic appearances outside of his introducing event, he's just a fun character to play and Galactus really gives you time to mess around with him.2
Just champed Jessica Jones. She was finally the 5-star hero in the random "HP for Shards". Six HP purchases later, and BOOM! I finally got Cover #13 for her.
That knocked me down to 320 HP total, so I busted open the stash of Deadpool Daily tokens. I'd been toying with it, as WorthyCap is one of the 4-stars...but the HP spending was the final straw. Claiming 213 tokens later, I get his cover (LVL 291), about 120 health packs, and more 2-star covers than you can shake a stick at. My HP with the 2-star covers and HP from the vault are back up around 3000 or so.
Up next as a bonus 5-star: Prof X, sitting at 7/1/3 right now. My 3-star favorite is Magneto, and my 4-star Favorite is Prof X, so all shards will lead to that.3 -
The situation: PvP has gone very wrong. Kamala Khan is dead, Iceman has been smashed and Magik has 2500 health and is hiding behind a protect tile - I should have healed them before the fight but of course didn't. The enemy team are all alive. I am about to hit the retreat button when I notice the team-up AP flashing. Might as well have a look before I give up. Oh...hello...what's this? On your feet soldier! My dead Iceman has a full green and blue AP gauge...surely I can't turn this fight around? A few rounds later and my badly Injured Magik slashes her sword through America Chavez for victory! As comebacks go, this was pretty sweet - God bless you team-ups!3
DAZ0273 said:The situation: PvP has gone very wrong. Kamala Khan is dead, Iceman has been smashed and Magik has 2500 health and is hiding behind a protect tile - I should have healed them before the fight but of course didn't. The enemy team are all alive. I am about to hit the retreat button when I notice the team-up AP flashing. Might as well have a look before I give up. Oh...hello...what's this? On your feet soldier! My dead Iceman has a full green and blue AP gauge...surely I can't turn this fight around? A few rounds later and my badly Injured Magik slashes her sword through America Chavez for victory! As comebacks go, this was pretty sweet - God bless you team-ups!
Whar was that team up?
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Mr_F said:
Yeah, sorry I should have put that in quotes or elaborated. The best thing is that the AI had just randomly shoved that in there for me for this match, I didn't even know I had it! So thanks AI!
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I just calculated how much I am currenlty ISO starved. 4 204 226. That dept came only in 2 and half month, after I burnt from 6M in january into 0 in mid June.Reason: shards. I earn 4* and 5* Covers twice faster than before shards (something like 2-3 covers/day on average rathen that 1-2 [at best!]).*How in the hell is that positive? I have 50+ additional goals and game started to have more purpose. And 400+ TACOS waiting for anniversary (sadly I miscalculated the days so it wont be 600...)*If you do not believe then...In PVP i do not have to chase 40 wins/100 pts every event to get a cover. In SCL 10 Every PVP top 150 is 200 shards and at 10 & 16 wins we got 125&150 more shards = 425 shards. In CL9 it is 100 +100 +125 = 325. You need top 50 for 200 shards.In PVE instead of 1 cover per event in CL7, you can get 2 (1 from shards and 1 from progression).If we add the fact that I jumped up in SCL, got better alliance, started 3* farm and I and I had 5 4* champions as for february 6th and today I have 36 and 3 with 13 covers but I lack ISO (which means that ~1/3 of every LL or Classic pulls of 4* is a champion level = rewards and no ISO spent).2
Mr_F said:I just calculated how much I am currenlty ISO starved. 4 204 226. That dept came only in 2 and half month, after I burnt from 6M in january into 0 in mid June.Reason: shards. I earn 4* and 5* Covers twice faster than before shards (something like 2-3 covers/day on average rathen that 1-2 [at best!]).*How in the hell is that positive? I have 50+ additional goals and game started to have more purpose. And 400+ TACOS waiting for anniversary (sadly I miscalculated the days so it wont be 600...)*If you do not believe then...In PVP i do not have to chase 40 wins/100 pts every event to get a cover. In SCL 10 Every PVP top 150 is 200 shards and at 10 & 16 wins we got 125&150 more shards = 425 shards. In CL9 it is 100 +100 +125 = 325. You need top 50 for 200 shards.In PVE instead of 1 cover per event in CL7, you can get 2 (1 from shards and 1 from progression).If we add the fact that I jumped up in SCL, got better alliance, started 3* farm and I and I had 5 4* champions as for february 6th and today I have 36 and 3 with 13 covers but I lack ISO (which means that ~1/3 of every LL or Classic pulls of 4* is a champion level = rewards and no ISO spent).
Still, if your worst MPQ experience is that you have too *many* covers of the 4-star and 5-star characters, that's the very definition of a First World MPQ problem.0 -
My 3* ISO debt is 0. There are few reasons for that:1. I just started. I have few max champ 3 * (7) and even less (4) dupes of them in leveling process.2. As soon as any dupe will reach 13 covers I will champ him immidiatelly so It will start bringing me rewards ASAP.3. I keep track of my progression in excel file so I will know when to accumulate iso for 3* or 2* to do above.4. In a pinch, I can sell max champ to get most of the ISO. Especially if it a worthless one like Sentry. Although I did it twice and I regret that now.5. In long perspective, there is not such thing as 3* farm dept. The iso I get from selling max + the iso from rewards is higher than championing costs. So overall I am in plus.6. That 4M+ dept is only counted for 4*& 5*.So basically if there is any 3* dept, it will dissappear very fast. So I do not even track my 3* dept. 2* dept is also nonexistant as when my 2* reach 64 covers, I max champ it and sell it immidiatelly which means I am 7250 in plus in process. I can also do same with 3* but the reward are to good and erning 113 3* covers is not a fast process. Also I keep dupes of 3 2*, so I can do DDQ easilly.I posted it here because before the iso starvation MPQ had almost none excitement for me. I had basically few long term objectives but my short therm were "get new 4*/5* and champ another 4*". Now I have some excitement and more objectives (if we count every character that needs ISO as one objecive). Depending on which characters I get, how many covers and ISO need I decide for whom to collect and use ISO. Plus I never before was happy with ISO rewards as I am now.For Example: Today I have poured 115k into 4*Thor and as I used her underleved in one of my teams. I switched temporally my 3* bonus champion from Thanos (to get shards for last Spider-Woman cover) into 3* Storm as I need only 3 covers for her to champ Thor. Then I will back to chasing Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) via Thanos. My 4* bonus is Miles to get Kingpin cover and recruit him but and after that I will chase Quake cause I need only 300 chards to champ her. Yesterday I spend 215k to get her to 250 level as I decided that I need her to counter the AOE dmg. Meanwile I will propably champ Misty and Anti-Venom. I mean, I have lots of goals now. Or I can shuffle them according to what I will get from tokens.The lacking ISO to level Thor i got from selling max champ 2* Daken (leaving me with 3 max 2*). The extra slot I used to recruit 5* Doom as I have 300HP cause I chased Polaris.So currectly short term objectives are:Champ 4*ThorChamp QuakeChamp Spider-WomanChamp Anti-VenomChase PolarisMax Champ 3* StormMax Champ 3* Thanosget newest 4*/5*Get ISO to do previoius objectivesDecide who to chase/cover/champion nextBefore the ISO starvation it would be something like this:bonus 3* to get shards for 4*/max champ itchamp 4*get newest 4*/5*Chase PolarisChamp Newest 4*say few time again "again iso reward".0
@OJSP A huge progress. Lets summirize:In 6th February I did/was:-not have all 4* (now I have all but Taskmaster)-missing 28 5* (now only 12)-had 5 4* champions - including Howard and Dino (now 36 and 3 ready to champ) and none max 3* (now 7)-had 1 4* at 11+ cover (now 26)-get new 5* with 3-4 covers average (now 6 is minimum, average 7)-used same team every simulator and PVE [Carol/Dino/Nico] (now I have like 10 staple teams)-skipping EVERY Bishop and later Karnak teams (now I just skip Kitty, Grockenaut + Gamora and 5* lv330+)-5-6M ISO (now ususally something between 20-150k)-bored (now not).-never was top 10 in PVP (now once) or top 50 in PVP (now twice)-locked SCL10 (now unlocked)Now I just wonder if my roster is strong enough to jump into SCL 8 in PVE for even more 3*. Will think about it. I once did 2 events and some nodes 5th and 6th clears were too tough.
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OJSP said:sambrookjm said:Still, if your worst MPQ experience is that you have too *many* covers of the 4-star and 5-star characters, that's the very definition of a First World MPQ problem.
Whoops. OK then. Carry on.
Dear diary - My worst moment in MPQ today was mistaking the "Best Moment" thread for the "Worst Moment" thread.2 -
TLDR: ISO starvation is exiting.To be honest, I thought about posting this in WORST but then realised that the only bad thing in this is size of mine ISO starvation. The rest is positive. Also counting that ISO starvation do not grow into infinity: with every cover and every champion I am closer to the maximum potential of ISO starvation*.There will be moment when most of my new covers for 4&5* will result into champion level therefore decresing or not increasing the dept. That moment is when you have 60% of 4* champed. I did some calculation. I need 10-12 month to reach that moment. Yai. ^_^DISCLAIMER: my calculation DID not included ISO income from champion rewards, 2&3* farrm, random offers I will buy ect.*Maximum potential of ISO starvation is number of ISO you need to champ every character you do not have champed yet excluding potential dupes. For example, my Sabretooth have 13 covers but is only lv 209 which means that every new cover for him will be saved and wont increase my dept. At the same time my Emma frost sits at 2 covers and lv 86 so next few covers of her will increase the dept.Basically: it is a answer to question: how much ISO I need to champ everybody who I do not have champed yet.OJSP said:Mr_F said:-used same team every simulator and PVE [Carol/Dino/Nico]
Well... The other option I had back then was Howard, X-Force Wolvie and 4/4/4 lv 250 Elektra. Or low level 3* (below 240, most of them were less than 220 back then). Dino was replaced with Blade for cheese combo of attack tiles bonanza (I kept chasing him back then cause of that) and eventually X-23 has replaced him. Now I use Carol with Wasp (lv 209) & Wolfsbane, Nico with Karolina and Magik, X23 with Iceman and Valkyrie. Dino is a member of team I called "Leftovers" with Elektra and Howard. Almost never used.0 -
My BRB has been 4/4/4 for the longest time and this AM I pulled a BRB cover from classics. Super happy7
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