Something people fail to realize



  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    jffdougan wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    Scaling and TUs sounds like something a high level person thought was a great idea and pushed it down.

    I joined just as Team-ups were new, so I don't have the perspective if the old environment tiles. That said, I happen to like them and being able to send extras to my alliance-mates.

    I don't think environmental tiles are that great and I don't think TUs are horrible, but they impact the game so little and yet we're constantly seeing tweaks to them that it just sounds like a high level guy said, 'I got this great idea!' and forced someone to work on it. There's got to be more productive gameplay stuff or even money grab schemes devs can be working on over TUs.

    I have had team-ups save me more times than i can count! Some of them are right useful, and a 5 cover kamala or Thor team up out of nowhere can make the difference in any board
  • Dale67 wrote:
    To us this is a game. To the creators and devolpers its a labor of love. They have bosses and to them this is a business...I'm tired of thinking of these people going to work at something they love and having to get so much negative feedback from the consumer, meanwhile having to answer to their bosses why the game isn't making more profit.
    Unless you are personally familiar with the people involved in making and running this game, and are privy to the inner workings of their business, you are making a number of baseless assumptions. I'm going to make my own assumption here, call it an hunch, that you do not possess any special inside information. You don't know them. You don't know how much or how little they care about this game or the people who play it.

    There are a lot of developers who care more about their games than they do about how successful they are at business. There are also quite a few who are perfectly happy to push a mediocre product while maximizing profits. Likewise for the suits. Most worship the bottom line, but there are many who are as much fans of the games as we are and want them to be awesome. Assuming you know something about these particular people and leaping to their defense based on that assumption isn't any smarter or more noble than vilifying them for opposite notions.

    Dealing in intentions is a tricky business. Results are much easier to analyse, and on that score they've earned much of the flack that they get.
  • Dale67 wrote:
    If you don't love it, leave it.

    And this is the core of a large part of the problem. An attitude of a bunch of people on the forum that glazes over as soon as a "vet" posts any degree of criticism - not bothering to look and see whether it is indeed a hater or someone with genuine love for the game that can see its many faults and a community that is starting to disintegrate.

    Now I don't know what stage of the game you are at and I'm not sure how much money you have invested. However, disregarding the opinions of a large part of the user community who have loved this game through thick and thin for 18 months is as shortsighted as the Devs attitude to their customers.

    I'm guessing that you're pretty satisfied with the game and can acquire useful covers at a reasonable rate, so you are content. That's great, but just because you are in a good place doesn't make things all rosy in the garden. It's like people posting that the D3 compensation system was great because they pulled 2*HB and 2900HP from the paltry 4 tokens, when actually it was great for one person.

    The Devs seem to take one step forward and 2 steps back at every turn. The guys who are complaining now, are in the position you might be in in 3 months.

    If you think having to play PvE for 4 hours a day and 6 consecutive days to secure a cover or two is fun, then great. If you think having to play 30+ intense matches against level 270 teams and use 4 shields to get one cover is fun, then great. If you think playing Ultron 4 hours a day for a week to get a few covers is fun, then great.

    However, some of us want the Devs to consider what they are doing to the gameplay, rather than turn every event into a war of attrition that has very little to do with fun. We're saying it because we care and we are seeing way too many people dropping by the wayside from all levels of the game - not just vets but relative newcomers and 2-3* transitioners who can't handle the insane requirements to get anywhere in the new version of this game.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    fmftint wrote:
    Dale67 wrote:
    To us this is a game. To the creators and devolpers its a labor of love. They have bosses and to them this is a business. You know what they say rolls downhill. These guys don't have carte blanche to do whatever they want. There's always someone breathing down someone else's neck looking at the bottom line. Such is the world we live in. I'm tired of thinking of these people going to work at something they love and having to get so much negative feedback from the consumer, meanwhile having to answer to their bosses why the game isn't making more profit. If you don't love it, leave it.
    sorry but the bean counters aren't the ones that engineer broken characters, convoluted scaling formulas and random match making

    I think you underestimate the impact an econometrician can have.