Feedback: AP Sidebar Pop Up

It's not the best. On the IPhone, it shows up for a second, and I can't really determine what the net outcome of the last round was. I much preferred the long string of +4 Black +3 Red vs a quick string of all their AP.


  • Also, when you use something like OBW, you have no idea what you just stole.
  • I completely agree. After the first game, it's entirely too noisy. I dread having to watch it pop back and forth and back and forth on _every_ AP change on _every_ round. The simple +/- was subtle, not noisy, and effective for what it relayed. At the very least a disable switch for the sidebar would be greatly appreciated.
  • I don't mind the information popping up - it's unobtrusive, fast, and informative - esp if you are keeping an eye out for a certain color/number to be hit (i.e. Green at 14 for LThor, etc).

    However, it's now very hard to track AP steals, which is sorely missed. With Loki especially, it was very helpful for me to see what I was gaining. I'd love to see that highlighted again in some way.

    And of course I'm still holding out for the (unlikely) redesign of the whole ios interface to look more like steam so I can just see the AP pools at all times. Please please please? Shrink the characters, if you must!
  • I agree with the OP, even on an iPad the pop up is too distracting and doesn't help me with ap steal/drain. I still swipe back and forth to see the full ap list. I'd love the option to make it permanent or disabled completely and have the old string of +\-
  • I wish it would just stay up, and that the numbers of anything that changes would just flash or something.
  • Since everyone is complaining but not actually giving you a suggestion on how to fix the problem, let me see if I can help in that area.


    So there is about an half inch to quarter inch on top of the screen where there is NO artwork and nothing of any actual value. There is plenty of room there to put the ap numbers there.

    We need to plan our next moves based on how much ap we have and they have. Could you please put them on the screen so that they are visible ALL THE TIME.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    that has been suggest multiple times but they still don't want an easy fix to a glaring problem
  • blinktag
    blinktag Posts: 157 Tile Toppler
    ErnDiggity wrote:
    It's not the best. On the IPhone, it shows up for a second, and I can't really determine what the net outcome of the last round was. I much preferred the long string of +4 Black +3 Red vs a quick string of all their AP.

    Absolutely agree. I'm on the iPhone too. We can already shift to the side to see the full. The differential was a great innovation, and I'm sorry to see it gone. (I'd like to see the differential for both players!)

    As it is, it's too much information to process in too short a time.

    Please revert.
  • Aidonis
    Aidonis Posts: 87 Match Maker
    The popping in and out either needs a longer delay or it needs to be visible the entire time. Also add + and - signs when ap action occurs on a color.
  • MPQ, this was a nice tweak to the UI, but it has some issues.

    Like pointed above, OBW steals or Hood Blue... it is hard to keep track on what was taken, so maybe you could place the old horizontal bar on the player side informing the stolen AP color/amount while keeping the vertical global AP count bar on the enemy side.

    Also, it would be nice to implement a "hold in place" feature... if the player presses the screen on the popup bar, it could remain there until released.

    These simple tuning would solve most of the problems.

    The only issue I find hard to solve is the enemies that generate AP. Now it is harder to check the round-by-round generation. Perhaps you could bring back the "banner" informing what color is generation by each enemy, but only display it on the beginning of the stage, when a new enemy enters and when you start a new round in survival stages.
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    traedoril wrote:
    So there is about an half inch to quarter inch on top of the screen where there is NO artwork and nothing of any actual value. There is plenty of room there to put the ap numbers there.

    I believe that space is there (and, note, there's similar space at the bottom, too) so the playing field will scale to both the "short" iPhone 4-size screen and the "long" iPhone 5/6 size screens (and their android equivalents) without requiring separate code for both; i.e. it's blank for a reason. I could be wrong, though.
  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    To sum up,

    The players who want AP to be visible all the time would be happy if the top of the screen simply didn't automatically re-center.

    I don't really need AP at all times (and think it would be too busy on my phone screen) but the new slider isn't helpful for the reason the OP mentioned. It is much easier to grok what the AI just GOT (or lost), as opposed to figuring out their AP totals as they flash by for half a second. Much, much better than the terrible previous one that obscured the board, but still not actually relaying information very usefully.
  • shatland
    shatland Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    photoshopped this earlier today:


    basically just shrink the part of the image with the toons that scrolls to fit the width of the screen and add AP bars at both sides on the top. there's plenty of room too make the jewels bigger than what i have, as well as the health bars (since they shrunk slightly when i scaled them). also, you can (NEED to) add the differential slider over the AP counts on either side (in from the left on the player side and from the right for the enemy) to show how much player and enemy gains/loses in a turn and just have them "dissolve" (for lack of better word) into the AP bars at the top. you can still make either side (enemy/player) bigger for who's turn it is. remove the blue arrows on either side or keep the right one to cycle through enemies (wouldn't need an arrow on the player side). this would be on an iphone 5S sized screen so if it can fit that it should fit just about any other smartphone. also the jewel area stays the same size.

    seems like a simple fix (concept-wise), may take a little programming and resizing of art assets, but i wouldn't think it being any more that whatever time you spent on the most recent solution.

  • Drainc
    Drainc Posts: 10
    Totally agree here with OP, old method is preferred for knowing what AP is stolen/gained. The slide in bar is useless to me other than to keep track of totals which I do by swiping anyway.

  • hesjingixen
    hesjingixen Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
    Gotta agree with OP. I've been using She-Hulk a ton due to Enemy of the State, and it's really annoying to not be able to tell what was stolen. It was much easier to see before.
  • dider152
    dider152 Posts: 263
    I think what people miss is the slide in display that showed clearly what the AI gained or lost in terms of AP. What they replaced it with is inadequate. What they need to incorporate is what was photoshopped above with little displays for AP. Quick and effective way to show what AP is available.
  • Its a little bit noisy I prefer the last sidebar. Its not needed to show it every turn.
  • The AP sidebar is nothing more than a distraction.

    Over 550 days and mobile users still need to swipe to the left every turn to see the enemy AP!? It's downright absurd that this information is not visible all the time.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    I applaud the devs for trying to make it better, but this implementation is terrible. The animation is too quick to really see what is going on, but long enough that I have to wait for it to clear the screen before I can cycle through the opponent's characters. I really like this idea:
    shatland wrote:
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Problem with adding it to the top is just as DaveR mentioned: not all devices have that space. Neither my iPad mini nor my iPhone 4S have any space above the health icons.

    I've gotten used to the new pop up to the point that it is useful if I am only tracking one color, other than that it's still not good. My suggestion is still to get rid of the auto centering and bring back the old increase/decrease bar. I really only need to see my chars after the other team gets off an ability, other than that I know where I'm at already.