Thank you

Just wanted to say thank you for a mostly very enjoyable new game mode in the ultron event. I know you guys don't hear it enough even when you guys do something well received. I hope you guys do similar events in the future. And remember...You can please all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time. Thanks again for all the hard work.


  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    You had no nodes that gave you zero points? You had a plethora of golden covers with the new odds? The servers did not crash on you, for hours at a time? You reach the final rewards?

    But yes, the event was "mostly very enjoyable."
  • I had several issues but just like the movie it was mostly enjoyable and a nice diversion.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Well, that's great, then. I am truly happy that you (and hopefully others) can say that. icon_e_smile.gif

    ........minus the part where you make it seem as if people who had your same issues "cannot be pleased," simply because the good did not outweigh the bad, for them.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    Yes, thank you for a refreshing way to play the game! I think the overall concept will make a great model for future PvEs. Run 1 was exciting, difficult, and just plain fun to play with my Alliance that includes real-life friends. Well done, overall.

    Sure, it wasn't perfect. Run 2 was disappointing to me and suffered quite a bit from the kind of 4* release insanity that is all too common already, but the framework for a fun time is still there. I'm looking forward to the next Alliance Event!
  • pizzaburger
    pizzaburger Posts: 44
    I liked the event too.

    and the issues helped me see I shouldn't take the game so seriously! It's not a big deal if I don't get all the covers.

    It really relaxed my view of the game a ton. I don't feel as compelled as I used to to play every single day.
  • This speaks volumes to how much goes wrong or bad in this game when someone feels the need to go against the grain and thank a development team for providing a "mostly enjoyable" new game experience. Especially when it seems to be done out of spite against the people that complain about the "not mostly enjoyable" game experience.

    Shouldn't the game we play and invest time and money in be an "always enjoyable" game?
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    They got thank you ' s until the second run. Their communication for that was abysmal. There are a lot of things that happen and there are excuses for. This wasn't one of them.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    CoolB76 wrote:
    This speaks volumes to how much goes wrong or bad in this game when someone feels the need to go against the grain and thank a development team for providing a "mostly enjoyable" new game experience. Especially when it seems to be done out of spite against the people that complain about the "not mostly enjoyable" game experience.
    What? So you're the victim of the game you choose to play as well as the positive comments that some random person makes about said game? This is like finding the very concept of a "glass half full" offensive.

    The OP has a different opinion than you. Let's leave it at that.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree that it is a wonderful new event type. It has a huge amount of fun potential. Run 1 was significantly better than run 2.

    Fix the 0 point nodes, add another level after 8 so that people can get both personal progression and level 8 node reward, fix the sentries so that they actually behave the way their descriptions read.

    With the first one having a more relaxed pace, it wasn't bad having concurrent events to play in between the 8 hr refreshes. It was busy, but fun.

    Run 2 just plain sucked. It is an example of a great new format, run totally wrong. No communication about the differences between the runs, because there was little to no remarks about run 2 except that it cannot be changed to fix what went wrong with run1... people read a lot into the few comments there were. This misled people spreading out their heavy hitter to other alliances to help everyone achieve the goal... the goal of an alliance event, helping each other within the alliance to get the rewards. Unfortunately nobody was told that Boss Health was doubled for the second event, that it was a "build your best alliance of people who will never miss a node or refresh and play perfect or you will not beat level 8" type of event. With such a significantly harder run, higher scaling, etc, running multiple high profile events during run 2 was a BAD IDEA.

    I will miss playing the sentries and Ultron, I will miss using many different teams to win, I will miss using strategy, as we go back to grinding the same familiar events. I will not miss the feeling of grinding on level 7 of Ultron knowing we will not beat it... and an anti-climactic ending to an event... it disappears at midnight. No ending, no wrap up graphic, no extra time to beat the Prime nodes you may have unlocked with only minutes to spare... just poof.

    All in all there was good and bad out of it. You saw the praise after the first run, and you saw the hate after run 2. Fix the template to be in-between... AND TELL US what you fixed so that when you use this model next time... we aren't doomsday prophesying that it's a repeat of run 2 of Ultron because that would be bad.
  • CoolB76 wrote:
    This speaks volumes to how much goes wrong or bad in this game when someone feels the need to go against the grain and thank a development team for providing a "mostly enjoyable" new game experience. Especially when it seems to be done out of spite against the people that complain about the "not mostly enjoyable" game experience.
    What? So you're the victim of the game you choose to play as well as the positive comments that some random person makes about said game? This is like finding the very concept of a "glass half full" offensive.

    The OP has a different opinion than you. Let's leave it at that.

    Then take your own advice and leave it at that. I never said I was a victim. I'm just another person on a forum with an opinion. Sorry I didn't realize that this forum is in solviet Russia.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    mostly good event sums it up.
    1) ooooo the prizes
    2) fun new structure
    3) kind of grindy, part 2 way too grindy
    4)sentries to OP, they felt like the boss fight 6x 5k+ vs 1x 14k opponent they should have 1/2 health, many allies couldn't compete after round 4.
    5) sever issues and compensation, on our end i don't think many would mind delaying a few days(maybe not possible on marvel side) for adequate compensation and possible fixes. With 21K+ alliances going through all the data with 10 ppl looks like 175 hr of work for a 5 min look at each(no breaks!), might be able to cut some significant amount of time by exporting data to excell or other applications to search alliances near the break points for award within 50k -150K of next reward or take general generous approach with out crunching data i would of personal like a break in between to recharge my batteries. Getting SW on day 3 didn't not help much was burnt out by then.
    6) communication. like that there was an attempt, but some was misleading or incorrect, given the hectic schedule and server problems i can understand finding time maybe difficult, but why not hire some whose sole job is to talk to community like many other games? that way you don't need to compete for resources when problems arise and fixes aren't delayed by talking time.
    overall C+
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    CoolB76 wrote:
    CoolB76 wrote:
    This speaks volumes to how much goes wrong or bad in this game when someone feels the need to go against the grain and thank a development team for providing a "mostly enjoyable" new game experience. Especially when it seems to be done out of spite against the people that complain about the "not mostly enjoyable" game experience.
    What? So you're the victim of the game you choose to play as well as the positive comments that some random person makes about said game? This is like finding the very concept of a "glass half full" offensive.

    The OP has a different opinion than you. Let's leave it at that.

    Then take your own advice and leave it at that. I never said I was a victim. I'm just another person on a forum with an opinion. Sorry I didn't realize that this forum is in solviet Russia.
    Look at the above comments. Many people, including myself, are finding ways to say "thanks" and "no thanks", without questioning the motives of the OP. I can't find anything in the OP other than a simple "thank you" to the Devs. So, yes, I'm going to call you out on what you said. People should be able to make a simple positive comment on here without being attacked for "going against the grain." Does that make me a hypocrite? I don't think so. But having said that, I'm ready to take my own advice now and just "leave it at that."
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    CoolB76 wrote:
    CoolB76 wrote:
    This speaks volumes to how much goes wrong or bad in this game when someone feels the need to go against the grain and thank a development team for providing a "mostly enjoyable" new game experience. Especially when it seems to be done out of spite against the people that complain about the "not mostly enjoyable" game experience.
    What? So you're the victim of the game you choose to play as well as the positive comments that some random person makes about said game? This is like finding the very concept of a "glass half full" offensive.

    The OP has a different opinion than you. Let's leave it at that.

    Then take your own advice and leave it at that. I never said I was a victim. I'm just another person on a forum with an opinion. Sorry I didn't realize that this forum is in solviet Russia.
    Look at the above comments. Many people, including myself, are finding ways to say "thanks" and "no thanks", without questioning the motives of the OP. I can't find anything in the OP other than a simple "thank you" to the Devs. So, yes, I'm going to call you out on what you said. People should be able to make a simple positive comment on here without being attacked for "going against the grain." Does that make me a hypocrite? I don't think so. But having said that, I'm ready to take my own advice now and just "leave it at that."

    getting popcorn.......
  • CoolB76 wrote:
    I didn't realize that this forum is in solviet Russia.

    In Soviet Russia, forum is on you.
  • Heartburn wrote:

    getting popcorn.......

    Eh, no need to get popcorn. I said what I had to say. In his most recent reply all he proved is he knows how to use a keyboard.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Even with the mess, and no compensation, i ended up with a 1/2/1 SW, and a 0/2/1 Hulkbuster, all from event tokens, and a 2/2/2 QS (some from tokens, some from progression and previous events) sure loads to complain about.. but all in all, i have to say most rewarding event since i started playing.

    As for fun.. yes, at first it was very fun.. then came the stress of trying to complete your nodes, do a board or 2 in the other PVE's and PVPs running so you get some sort of placement awards, ddq, etc...

    When it became apparent we would not finish round 5, it got fun again, went in for SW nodes to try for tokens, but worked on other stuff.

    The event is designed very well, and i would love to see some like this in the future.. but can we tone down everything else going on at the same time?
  • Lidolas » Mon May 04, 2015 12:43 pm

    Leave it alone.

    What was that for? Leave what alone? What's wrong with some of you internet folk? Was it empowering to give my a thumb down for no apparent reason? I wasn't even talking to you or the original person that I was in discussion with?

    More so you say leave it alone while essentially at the same time prodding me with a hot iron!! I'm confused? Did you want me to leave it alone or were you hoping I spoke up again. By your aggressive action I think you were actually trying to get into a fight with me.

    Insulting other users is against the rules. Text removed. Have a great day.
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    CoolB76 wrote:
    Lidolas » Mon May 04, 2015 12:43 pm

    Leave it alone.

    What was that for? Leave what alone? What's wrong with some of you internet folk? Was it empowering to give my a thumb down for no apparent reason? I wasn't even talking to you or the original person that I was in discussion with?

    More so you say leave it alone while essentially at the same time prodding me with a hot iron!! I'm confused? Did you want me to leave it alone or were you hoping I spoke up again. By your aggressive action I think you were actually trying to get into a fight with me.

    Insulting other users is against the rules. Text Removed.Have a great day.

    The thumbs down was for the insult about just proving he knew how to use a keyboard. The explanation was to say that you didn't add anything to the conversation. The reply you made was specifically targeted at an individual and not on the topic of the thread. I didn't feel the need to post a reply on the thread to explain that because it would further drive the thread off track. I didn't feel it was an aggressive action. I thought it was a succinct way to show my disapproval of your post.

    Judging from my old posts you've been searching and down voting, you've probably had a bad day and needed an outlet. I hope your day gets better.

  • Wow. Someone gave me a thumbs down for thanking the devs for their hard work. Guess you can't please all the people all the time icon_e_wink.gif
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    The event was great. Woulda been nicer if the second run didn't have higher HP, but I get why it did.

    Though in futre, these events are enough of a time comittment to make them a full PvE rather than a diversion. PLEASE don't run an Ultron style event alongside a regular PvE again. That was soooo much work.