
Druss Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
edited May 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Is everyone else now is a position where they have to skip certain events as there just is not enough time to do it all anymore?

In my experience, an Ultron full clear seems to take about an hour. Repeat 3 times daily - also probably add extra half hour daily (averaged over event) for resets caused by level completions & defeating Ultron Prime.

DDQ - About half hour daily

PvE - Again assuming an hour for a full clear (probably closer to 45 mins but more for dual subs). Again repeat 3 times daily - also adding an extra 2-3 hours at end sub event grind.

PvP - Now with no easy battles & larger health, these are taking longer - for easy maths going to assume average of 10 mins for 20 points per battle (a little generous, but taking no account of points lost from attacks).
Just assuming a score of just 600 (minimum for most T100 alliances) this would take 5 hours - spread over 2 days so 2.5 hrs daily.

Shield - Hour daily perhaps? To get 1000+ by Season End.

So altogether that's: 3.5 + 0.5 + 5.5 + 2.5 + 1.0 = 13 Hours a day - Just to hit the minimums!

This is also assuming that you can actually play for this long, but in reality no roster could stand a 13 hour non stop battery & still be in any way useable.

Apparently there is also some things called Real Life & Sleep (no idea what these are!)

Be interested to hear other views - I'm not saying this is a bad trend for the game, but its no longer feasible to be able to play everything optimally.


  • orbitalint
    orbitalint Posts: 511 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2015
    Druss wrote:
    Be interested to hear other views - I'm not saying this is a bad trend for the game, but its no longer feasible to be able to play everything optimally.

    It does feel like they are further segmenting the game and you have to choose. After season 3ish of PvP, I said to heck with it, I'll get my progression rewards, fight for characters I want and call or a day. Right now, I haven't touched PvP all off season and will be diving in maybe for sw prizes.

    I think ATM, they are trying to put as much content out there at a time so noobs from aou have "fun" new things to play. I think the non stop pve changes are an aim in that direction too. However, they are burning out vets to do it, which seems like a long standing campaign the last two months.

    That said, I hate it and used to take pride in health pack management to try and do it all. Now, barely want to play because it's overwhelming.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pve - only grind for covers I want. And even then, I don't aim for top 5 most of the time.

    Pvp - the first climb is the longest... Taking about 45 mins. Subsequently it is all about shield hop which takes less time but more planning.

    Ddq - I don't play daily... I usually only play for those covers that I want. Yes I am missing out on iso but if I don't have the time I won't play that much DDQ.

    Shield - almost never. My last season shield score is less than 1000.

    I say that you are right about the huge amount of time commitments. Hence I don't play all the events.... RL is still more impt.
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm hitting Ultron hard and doing nothing else except DDQ, though tomorrow I'll start on PVP within the 8 hour gaps (I can't see my alliance finishing Ultron 6, but I'm still on target for the million to take third SW)
    Prior to Ultron, between my scaling climbing, so it was becoming a time sink, and no longer being able to rip through the early pvp rounds, I've cut PVE mostly out of my playing, unless there is a progression Ireally want. Too much time to do it all, and far too much planning round health packs, just not worth it. Pvp has been much more fun recently though, as I'm finally coming out of 3 * transition.
    I used to regularly grind for top 50, occasional top 10 pve, but the burn out got me.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Druss wrote:
    Is everyone else now is a position where they have to skip certain events as there just is not enough time to do it all anymore?
    Not yet, but I am in a position where I have to skip certain hours where I ought to be sleeping...
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    At the moment, there are definitely way too many events to play. I've only really scraped the barrel off the latest PVE event, haven't touched any of this new seasons PVP events as the majority of my free time is being used on Ultron. I always make a point of getting the daily cover on Deadpool though.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    I've been picking and choosing events since the beginning. I'm not sure this is a problem. More choices means that I'm more likely to spend that time on an event that I'm excited about.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    I'm definitely feeling the crunch and have punted any hope of doing well in Enemy of the State. But once Ultron ends, I'm guessing we'll be back to normal.
  • d0nk3y
    d0nk3y Posts: 213
    I've pretty much given up on PvP, short of the token at 300 and the season 10-pack. I'm hitting Ultron like crazy now, mostly to see if I can snag any more event tokens and to help unlock Ultron 8 - I've already hit max progression, so I have nothing else to gain there.

    Sadly, the only thing that is keeping me sane right now is that my wife likes playing, so she'll take care of all of DDQ short of The Big Enchilada and she'll play the trivial and easy nodes in whatever PvE is active. If it wasn't for her, I'd be so burned out on this game it's not even funny. Between commandering, recruiting, motivating, calculating and grinding, there isn't a lot of fun left.
  • Vinmarc43
    Vinmarc43 Posts: 266
    D3 is out of control, with are head spinning, they are going to turn off people from playing and once that happens, you might get around illiminating this addiction called MPQ once and for all, especialy summer is very close, would probably make it even easier to quit.
    D3 = DUM-DUM-DUM icon_lol.gif
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    WELCOME TO THE INTERNET! icon_lol.gif
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    Honestly...I think having too many things to do could be one of the best things to happen to this game.
    I only wish we had the ultron event overlap happening all the time.

    Why do I say this?

    People have had huge amounts of pressure to do everything in order to compete since it's actually possible to do so for a great many of us. Once we know we can't do everything then the pressure and expectation is gone. People can treat this as a regular game rather than something that truly eats aware at their living schedule. This could really help with burnout and lead to more specialized alliances to suit your game mode preferences.
  • Unknown
    I've been picking and choosing events since the beginning. I'm not sure this is a problem. More choices means that I'm more likely to spend that time on an event that I'm excited about.

    Exactly. I will admit to a slight case of OCD when it comes to MPQ but have never been able to compete at a real level in any one event when I've tried to do it all. I think the overflow of content is a great thing! More options allow players/alliances to plan accordingly, focus attention and give you back some of your day instead of taking it all away in a mad dash not to get booted by underperforming.

    I will concede that the OP has a valid point of view. I also think that two massive PvE events running concurrently sucks but those are the breaks in a system with lots of options.
  • Druss
    Druss Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    I didn't say that this is detrimental to the game - in fact I think its a positive.

    However there will be (and needs to be) a change in expectations for the stronger alliances - for instance, 700 minimum in PvP is no longer a "turn up & play" requirement, but something that needs to be focused on to the exclusion of other events.
  • Vohnkar
    Vohnkar Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    I've been skipping PvE for 2-3 seasson already, I play now and then if I have time and the rewards are nice, but having insane scaling and having to play optimally to even get anything usefull is quite hard for me. Right now I'm playing Ultron as much as I can trying to get at least 1 IM 4*, skipping everything else except DDQ.

    After Ultron I'll return to my casual PvP style, 300-600 pts, enough to get 4k per season and try to improve my roster litle by litle. Roster improvement is not that important anymore, the more lvls I get the harder the game gets.

    Having too many things to do doesn't seem bad, you just have to acknowledge that unless you have plenty of time you won't get good things fast. I'm at day 450 or so, with 65 characters, so they are coming sooner or later icon_razz.gif
  • Unknown
    DDQ got me interested in trying again, found a good alliance, and have been dabbling a bit...

    Run PVEs with goals (progression, placing top 200), finish what I can of DDQ (all but BE... STILL. lol), mess around a bit with PVP (one top 5, but boy, was that work!), and throwing bodies at Ultron, despite not doing very well at it.

    I'd say a couple hours, some in the morning, a bit at work between clients, and more intently at night. More when PVE events are ending.

    Cool topic BTW! icon_e_smile.gif

  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I stopped doing PVE shortly after DDQ appeared. Just not worth the grind. I've never shield-hopped, PVP is relatively relaxing to hit a good score in with a decent roster - although the grind of going through all max rosters with higher health started getting excessive last season, and now with multi-boosted characters it seems like it will only get worse.

    The most enjoyable parts of the game for me are LR's (which I run seed teams for 15 minutes and stop), and DDQ (maybe 45 minutes?). The rest of the grind is just to much anymore.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    A common complaint since this game came out has always been "Not enough things to do, I'm bored". I think a lot of people are just in the usual mindset of "I must complete all the things!" which was humanly possible before because there wasnt so many events.

    Now you actually have choices in what you want to compete in, what you can just play casually or skip altogether. This is actually a good thing and people will change their mindsets over time, do not try to compete in every event because you will burn yourself out for sure. Pick specific event(s) and don't feel too compelled to compete in every one of them.

    Dare I say they even put some thought into this. Ultron is a good chance for top alliances to get Hulkbuster, EOTS is a chance at the same rewards for individuals.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    early on i need to play each event because i need all the rewards. now i only need to bother with a few rewards so i can pick and choose. skipped all PVE for 3 months only played last one for Lcap redflag.png. Got it after playing optimally after a late entry into first round. Then stopped playing after i got it if i kept up was on tack for 2 second place. ended up 9 meh not bad since i only really wanted the LCap cover.
  • Unknown
    Heartburn wrote:
    early on i need to play each event because i need all the rewards. now i only need to bother with a few rewards so i can pick and choose. skipped all PVE for 3 months only played last one for Lcap redflag.png. Got it after playing optimally after a late entry into first round. Then stopped playing after i got it if i kept up was on tack for 2 second place. ended up 9 meh not bad since i only really wanted the LCap cover.

    I really like this approach, and I'm hoping I eventually settle into it. I've done well at some things recently, and it got me pretty hyped, but boy, can it get stressful, and let's not even mention, uhm, "relationship strain."

    I worked hard for my SRCA because I really wanted it, but my Shulk? Meh. Not so much. It seems like there is enough here (especially if D3 sorts Ultron-like events out) for everyone. It's a matter of finding a groove that works for you, and your system resonates with me. Now, if I could finally find a way to beat the DDQ BE... icon_redface.gif

    Side note: Everyone talks about "late entry" playing. I've got to learn more about that... icon_e_wink.gificon_e_smile.gif

  • Whub Whubz
    Whub Whubz Posts: 62
    simonsez wrote:
    Druss wrote:
    Is everyone else now is a position where they have to skip certain events as there just is not enough time to do it all anymore?
    Not yet, but I am in a position where I have to skip certain hours where I ought to be sleeping...
    The real fun of MPQ is trying to balance it and RL responsibilities without driving your car into something.