How much ISO can you collect a day XD ?

I collected 7000 Iso around near to an hour. Don't even need to cash in ISO XP 5 hours I can max level a level 2 stars.

Random chances
140 x 50 = 7000
70 x 100 = 7000


  • For S.H.I.E.L.D it is really hard to find easy opponents with my team (~ 3 covers lvl 40) which can be beaten with healing every 2nd-3rd match
    But lets use current Dark Avengers Arena:
    I do not have some ultimate team, 3 covers of level 20-25

    Time spent to find player with easy team: 30sec
    Time spent to win ~2mins
    Lets say that average win is ~100 ISO
    That is 24*100 ISO = 2400 ISO per hour max, and also I need to heal every 5 matches

    What team are you using?
  • wow must be a level 100 Ragnarok.
  • Shuino
    Shuino Posts: 164 Tile Toppler
    wow must be a level 100 Ragnarok.

    Yeah I agree, must have a pretty hard hitting team if you are able to pull in 7k Iso-8 an hour. Pretty much you need to be winning a fight a minute or less to pull in those numbers which would seem impossible without a killer team.
  • I play a OTK Team, I don't use my level 15 Ragnarok. I was at #2 in Shield training, I'm juicing Ragnarok players for ISO
  • OTK team? what's that?
  • That's like 2 matches a minute depending one the 140 / 70 distribution. I can't even click through all the event popups in that time......You sure about it?
  • sms4002 wrote:
    OTK team? what's that?
    I believe it means "One Turn Kill" but I haven't seen enough context to be sure.
  • Ranzera wrote:
    sms4002 wrote:
    OTK team? what's that?
    I believe it means "One Turn Kill" but I haven't seen enough context to be sure.

    hmmm what combination could that be...maybe something in the lines of heavy hitters plus boosts that pack you up with gems from the start.
  • Shuino
    Shuino Posts: 164 Tile Toppler
    johangsl wrote:
    Ranzera wrote:
    sms4002 wrote:
    OTK team? what's that?
    I believe it means "One Turn Kill" but I haven't seen enough context to be sure.

    hmmm what combination could that be...maybe something in the lines of heavy hitters plus boosts that pack you up with gems from the start.

    Only possible thing I can see working with a One Turn kill would be have like a lvl 1 low HP Cover (Yelena, Widow, Hawkeye, ect) and a Max Level Storm Classic. Put Yelena out front using the board tiles and have storm just wipe the team after they hit her.

    Again he would need to be playing some pretty weak teams, and since he claims to be rank 2 I don't see it being possible to pull that kind of Iso-8 an hour due to the number of times you would need to hit skip to find an easily team.
  • Shuino
    Shuino Posts: 164 Tile Toppler
    Aiolia wrote:
    I play a OTK Team, I don't use my level 15 Ragnarok. I was at #2 in Shield training, I'm juicing Ragnarok players for ISO

    No one juices a high level Ragnarok quickly, he's beatable but I don't care what team makeup you have his health pool is massive.

    I'm pretty sure this is just a pretty horrible troll post.
  • Shuino wrote:
    Aiolia wrote:
    I play a OTK Team, I don't use my level 15 Ragnarok. I was at #2 in Shield training, I'm juicing Ragnarok players for ISO

    No one juices a high level Ragnarok quickly, he's beatable but I don't care what team makeup you have his health pool is massive.

    I'm pretty sure this is just a pretty horrible troll post.

    You could skip his health pool entirely for a small fee of 27 AP(or 24, or 22 depending)...
  • WAT. 7k an hour? I'm lucky if I get that much in a day.

    I did run into you in the Dark Avengers Tournament about 4 times last night though icon_e_smile.gif
  • Ah so you're running the Spidey/Venom combo. Both my Spider Man and Venom are default levels icon_e_sad.gif
  • Hi Aiolia, Just out of curiosity how is that team in defence?
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    I doubt he's doing it for defense. (I suspect it's awful, actually.)

    If he's playing the shield tourney, he's looking to maximize ISO, not points. Points are pretty useless in shield tourney, anyway - the prizes are mediocre, and I suspect it reaches equilibrium very quickly.
  • Hi Aiolia, Just out of curiosity how is that team in defence?
    In term of defensing my point or in the match ? My team raise very fast but drop points very quickly as the Ai are not skillful. Cos of spidey's web bandages i can play non stop even stocking health packs i once have over 20+ health pack but i burn all of them in dark avengers tournament. The pro is continues game (I can play for hours non stop) con is when the ai defensing your point against players it will lose out.

    That is why I'm harvesting my iso to build the bruiser barbarian team icon_razz.gif Thor and Ragnarok(I call them that cos they are just simply brainless and no much strategy needed 2 red ap is all it need to spam the endly turns)

    If they return Loki to it old form then I will come up with more team. Loki is so left out in this game now. *pat Loki* Loki wants to play too since he's the God of mischeif. Unless ice and the dev going to launch lady loki or kid loki or ikol. If not the 3 star loki is a waste. Bet Loki is complain that Ragnarok is having all the fun.
  • Yep thanks Aiolia, for the elaboration that was what I suspected but wasn't fully sure how the AI would handle them.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    In light of the new Champion feature and nearly all of us feeling the ISO 8 squeeze, I only have 30k and have at least 4 3* I need to Max from L120 to L166 maybe it is time for a friendly competition.

    Just how much ISO 8 can you collect in 24 hours?

    Lightning Rounds are still a good source especially compared to grinding PvE but what about those missing rewards from Prologue? Could it be time to revisit those with a team of max 3* or 4* to sweep up those little ISO rewards. A lot of nodes there that could soon add up.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    And you felt this thread was worth Neco-ing because....?
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Linkster79 wrote:
    Lightning Rounds are still a good source especially compared to grinding PvE but what about those missing rewards from Prologue? Could it be time to revisit those with a team of max 3* or 4* to sweep up those little ISO rewards. A lot of nodes there that could soon add up.

    I tried that once, got 20 iso about 4-5 times in a row on the first node I picked and nope'd my way right out of there.

    Assuming I'm not selling any covers anymore:

    DDQ: 4k
    PVP: 500ish
    PVE: 2k

    So I'm prob getting about 6,500 to 7k per day. I earn that in about an hour, but you can't extrapolate that because most of it comes from DDQ which can only be done once per day. Beyond that initial boost, you're nickel and diming your way through everything.