Dont Expect Individual Compensation

Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
edited May 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I received this lovely e-mail today from Support:
"Greetings D3P Customer,

Thank you for contacting D3P Customer Support.

We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with the app, and apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered.

Due to this issue being wide spread, we are unable to offer compensation to players on an individual level. Therefore, if there is to be a compensation, it will be en mass, and it will be announced on the forums:

We ask your patience as a decision is reached, and suggest that you keep an eye on the forums in order to receive the most current information regarding your issue.

Many questions can be answered by visiting our helpful Marvel Puzzle Quest FAQ at:

If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again and it will be a pleasure to help you.

Best Regards,
D3Publisher Customer Support Team (AJG)"

My e-mail to Support had nothing to do with the recent server outages with the Ultron event. I simply completed the IM40 DDQ and when I completed it, connection went down and when I reloaded the game, I did not receive my IM40 but I received the 2000 ISO progression reward and I could not reenter to earn the IM40. Not sure how this is not considered an Individual level.

Regardless, if you had submitted a request to Support about missed covers from PVP or PVE I don't think they will be compensating us. Lately they've been sweeping known issues under the rug as if they never happened (e.g. Thick as Thiefs high Progression reward, Missing Tacos). Even if they give us 3 tokens, normally it's 2*'s (the dreaded Moonstone), it doesn't make up for those who missed QS, SW, Steve Rogers, GSBW covers and anything else. I don't expect them to hand us a bunch of covers but I am curious to see how they address this widespread matter.


  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    I would post this to the bugs and technical issues subforum. I've received help there when my initial contact with zendesk support failed. Also, you can always respond to the ticket again and try to emphasize that your issue was not one of the normal widespread issues that have been complained about and that you are a frequent forum user.

    Unlike many of us who are hoping for some "mystery" compensation due to our inability to start/finish/compete in events, your issue is fairly straightforward and should be easy enough to address once you get past level 0 support drones.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well this is a misinterpretation. They're saying 'dont expect personalized compensation.'

    Compensation of some type will surely come out of this. Is that consolation for not getting your IM40? No, it isn't, and I would probably re-submit the ticket. But there's nothing otherwise wrong with their response, since it would take forever to parse every user and figure out exactly what they missed out on across 5 live events.

    As far as being thrown a couple tokens, while that has been an answer before in certain cases, I don't think it will be here. Recall that when Season IForgetWhichNumber ended 3 hours early, they compensated with covers and missed progression rewards that some may/may not have been close to achieving with the event live. That's what I'd expect here. Some combination of additional SW covers, Earths Mightiest progression, Panther black, maybe a token or two or five also.

    But it might take a while to sort out, so time to breathe.
  • I'm sure they will do something to try to make it up to us. This was there big get new customers event. They are going to try to make the best first impression they can.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Usually if you send a ticket, you get that sort of generalised reply e-mail. D3 have shown a history of being prettyopen with compensation to the affected community. Usually it's something given to every player if they were deemed involved in the issue.

    I've been given compensation for simply being online when something **** happened despite not being personally inconvenienced by it. When Elektra came out and there were issues with the event, I got an Elektra cover as compensation because I came something like 60th when I likely would have squeaked through to top 50 if the server hadn't gone down.

    They may take a while orgnising compensation, but I have little doubt they will, in fact, think of some way to apologise for the server outages.
  • Yea
    Happened to me in the Kamahla event. Won her from token, bought a roster spot, placed her on roster. Came back to game later, token was unopened, when I opened it 2* OBW instead of green Kamahla

    They responded but would get back to me in 72 hours, that was about 3 weeks ago.....still waiting for the response.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    I did not necessarily post this to complain about IM40, that just the e-mail I sent Support. I'm sure I'll receive my IM40, hopefully. I had wrote them back to further explain my situation.

    The point of this topic was to simply inform others not to expect compensation for lost time during Ultron, PVP's, and PVE events. Grumpysmurf, you brought up a good point about an earlier season ending early. I remember I was near the 3000 pt progression and it ended. Then they rewarded me the Beast cover I was within reach to earn. So perhaps they will do the same with QS and SW.
  • I'm sure there will be compensation en masse so I think it's correct to say that don't expect personalized compensation.

    They just better not lowball people with 2 tokens and expect not to see a lot of immediate ragequits.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well they literally sent out a post regarding this after I posted this topic. I feel the same, we should at least receive a special 3* only token(s). There is nothing worse than giving a token as compensation only to open 2*'s, might as well just send us ISO.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well this is a misinterpretation. They're saying 'dont expect personalized compensation.'

    Compensation of some type will surely come out of this. Is that consolation for not getting your IM40? No, it isn't, and I would probably re-submit the ticket. But there's nothing otherwise wrong with their response, since it would take forever to parse every user and figure out exactly what they missed out on across 5 live events.

    As far as being thrown a couple tokens, while that has been an answer before in certain cases, I don't think it will be here. Recall that when Season IForgetWhichNumber ended 3 hours early, they compensated with covers and missed progression rewards that some may/may not have been close to achieving with the event live. That's what I'd expect here. Some combination of additional SW covers, Earths Mightiest progression, Panther black, maybe a token or two or five also.

    But it might take a while to sort out, so time to breathe.
    well, if they do what you say here and people still complain, they can take a flying leap. I agree with phantron though - hope its not just a couple of tokens. that would really leave a bad taste in many mouths. I'm lucky - we finished rd 7 with 5 hrs left and I got my second sw cover right before the problems started. I did miss out on some LR iso and some earths mightiest progress, but I understand the concerns of others who were at/near/approaching progressions on the ultron event. that would really suck.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    PM David [Hi-Fi] Moore and explain the situation.
  • PM David [Hi-Fi] Moore and explain the situation.

    They can't possibly have the manpower to deal with this on an individual basis. This isn't a few guys who wants to wants 10000 HP refunded on X Force that they purchased last month, and if they're really trying to deal with this individually, then I'm definitely going to lie and say my allinace was going to clear round 8 whether my alliance was on round 1 or already cleared round 8 and bank on the fact they cannot possibly have the manpower to verify any of this stuff given the scope of this setback. I'd hope they're not foolish enough to try to manually verify all the legitmate issues, let alone all the illegitmate issues that will definitely pop up like "I also missed DDQ, top 2 finish in heroic oscrop, top 2 finish in Earth's Mightiest, and top 2 finish in a sub".
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think they will compensate us based on our feedback on the "Ultron Run 1 Issues." Many people are stating they missed out on an assortment of covers between Ultron, PVP, PVE, LR, DDQ. That is the problem when you have so many events at the same time (most ending at the near or at the same time). A few tokens won't make anyone satisfied. We'll just have to be patient to see how they will address this matter.
  • I think they will compensate us based on our feedback on the "Ultron Run 1 Issues." Many people are stating they missed out on an assortment of covers between Ultron, PVP, PVE, LR, DDQ. That is the problem when you have so many events at the same time (most ending at the near or at the same time). A few tokens won't make anyone satisfied. We'll just have to be patient to see how they will address this matter.

    Except while you're waiting the next Ultron event is starting and if you missed SW cover the first time you're definitely not going to be able to hit the IMHB progression targets without. So no, patience is not the word here. It needs to be resolved now or they can expect another wave of 'my SW covers came too late and I missed even more stuff', and that's being optimistic and assuming people even stick around to complain instead of just outright quiting.
  • I received this lovely e-mail today from Support:
    "Greetings D3P Customer,

    Thank you for contacting D3P Customer Support.

    We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with the app, and apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered.

    Due to this issue being wide spread, we are unable to offer compensation to players on an individual level. Therefore, if there is to be a compensation, it will be en mass, and it will be announced on the forums:

    We ask your patience as a decision is reached, and suggest that you keep an eye on the forums in order to receive the most current information regarding your issue.

    Many questions can be answered by visiting our helpful Marvel Puzzle Quest FAQ at:

    If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again and it will be a pleasure to help you.

    Best Regards,
    D3Publisher Customer Support Team (AJG)"

    My e-mail to Support had nothing to do with the recent server outages with the Ultron event. I simply completed the IM40 DDQ and when I completed it, connection went down and when I reloaded the game, I did not receive my IM40 but I received the 2000 ISO progression reward and I could not reenter to earn the IM40. Not sure how this is not considered an Individual level.

    Regardless, if you had submitted a request to Support I don't think they will be compensating us. Lately they've been sweeping known issues under the rug as if they never happened (e.g. Thick as Thiefs high Progression reward, Missing Tacos). Even if they give us 3 tokens, normally it's 2*'s (the dreaded Moonstone), it doesn't make up for those who missed QS, SW, Steve Rogers, GSBW covers and anything else. I don't expect them to hand us a bunch of covers but I am curious to see how they address this widespread matter.

    So..... customer service didn't understand your problem and sent a cookie-cutter response about an entirely different issue ?!

    Well done D3. You're back to your old ways. If there was an award for incompetence, you'd be given a gold star.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Reply to the reply and explain again. I find the first reply is always generic and meaningless, and they will only address your issue when you prod them again. But they do come through once you get past the standard template reply.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    I think they will compensate us based on our feedback on the "Ultron Run 1 Issues." Many people are stating they missed out on an assortment of covers between Ultron, PVP, PVE, LR, DDQ. That is the problem when you have so many events at the same time (most ending at the near or at the same time). A few tokens won't make anyone satisfied. We'll just have to be patient to see how they will address this matter.

    Except while you're waiting the next Ultron event is starting and if you missed SW cover the first time you're definitely not going to be able to hit the IMHB progression targets without. So no, patience is not the word here. It needs to be resolved now or they can expect another wave of 'my SW covers came too late and I missed even more stuff', and that's being optimistic and assuming people even stick around to complain instead of just outright quiting.

    You're right, besides the typically tokens. We should at least get a SW cover, or the next one on our progression list. D3 won't lose out, we still need to buy the roster slot. I have 3 SW (1 token, 2 won) sitting in my pending roster because I am short a measly 25 HP for my next slot.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Update: They sent me the IM40 blue cover as expected.

    They updated us lastnight that we will be rewarded the next Ultron progression cover "if you were close to it." Not sure what that means, I missed out on a chunk of potential points due to not being able to enter at the beginning and the end of the event. I finished with 770k, am I not receiving anything? I would of hit the last QS.

    They also stated there is no update on compensation for the PVP and PVE events. It will be difficult for them to determine this. I think it would be best if they just awarded us with a Heroic 10pk. This would also promote the new "increased 3* odds" and the end of vaulting.

  • Update: ...

    They also stated there is no update on compensation for the PVP and PVE events. It will be difficult for them to determine this. I think it would be best if they just awarded us with a Heroic 10pk. This would also promote the new "increased 3* odds" and the end of vaulting.


    That could be cool, but of course I wouldn't have the HP to buy the necessary roster slots... probably should consider tossing us enough HP to buy 10 slots... you know, just in case. icon_e_wink.gificon_lol.gif

  • Update: They sent me the IM40 blue cover as expected.

    They updated us lastnight that we will be rewarded the next Ultron progression cover "if you were close to it." Not sure what that means, I missed out on a chunk of potential points due to not being able to enter at the beginning and the end of the event. I finished with 770k, am I not receiving anything? I would of hit the last QS.

    They also stated there is no update on compensation for the PVP and PVE events. It will be difficult for them to determine this. I think it would be best if they just awarded us with a Heroic 10pk. This would also promote the new "increased 3* odds" and the end of vaulting.


    Just out of curiosity how long were you unable to connect to the game and how long was left to the event?
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Personally, I was unable to connect for 3 hours before going to bed. Woke up with some connectivity. So about 12 hours of issues. Those first three hours covered the last 2 hours and 24 minutes of my Oscorp sub...when it hit I was 7th and the only one who had not done a double clear at the 10 hour mark. I dropped to 24th in my main since I wasnt able to grind nodes down, while others were. Never got higher than 14th the rest of the event.

    As for Ultron, I held back to let more active alliance members get the rewards and ended up finishing around 735k (got sniped on the last clear) after those who could hit 1M did. And we finished round 8 with 1 day 10 hours left, so there was roughly 700k points still possible (5 clears plus side nodes). No way I would have missed the 1M if it had gone the full time.

    Im mostly fine missing out on those, dont even really need/want compensation. I want the colossal f-ups fixed. Stop making math errors like a 3rd grader forgetting to carry the 1. Stop the over nerfing into oblivion. If youve known for months, as seems likely, that its going to happen: step things down. That way you can stop if it feels right (and data backs it up). Figure out how to add progression back to the game. Give us an "end game," even if its just a description of what they think it is.