Simple Solution to the Progression/Lockout problems



  • See, so more points would be more better. Heck @daibar, you died to Ultron less times than I did if you only died twice.

    I'm all for progression reward equality. Really, I am. But equality means everyone has to go out there and get what's theirs. There is no freebie.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would suggest they:

    Reduce the progression levels... we know they can change reward structures easier than boss structure. 750K top progression.


    Keep it at 1 million, but add a 9th round that is endless play, I think that would be fun. Ultron with infinite Health. No specified points for the match, you play to the death. You pick your three and you go until you die. How ever much damage you were able to do to Ultron is how many points you get. With this, a good team could rack up those missing points pretty easily.

    Put gold tokens on all Essential nodes, since many people won't have SW for the next round.
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    Just want to point out that the free rider problem currently exists in both PvE and PvP, and isn't (to my knowledge) perceived to be that significant an issue. If the other 19 people in your alliance score 2200 points in a PvP event each, you're probably gonna finish in the top 100 -- hell, probably #1 -- and you'll get your cover(s) even if you only fought one battle.

    The solution, as it would be in a proposed change to alliance progression rewards.... is to kick the offending player out of your alliance.

    It just seems to me that the design intent of this even is "team effort". And if that's the case, it doesn't make a lot of sense to have a large-scale individual progression award to begin with, and the fact that the underlying mechanics of the event are blocking a wide range of players (top, middle, and bottom-tier) from gaining points.

    Also, I'm just being practical. We've got another Ultron event -- with a much bigger prize -- coming in a few days. This sort of fix could be presumably be implemented server-side without much trouble, and be effective with the Hulkbuster event. A new node would require reprogramming the event, and possibly a client patch. You wouldn't see the change for months.