Hey D3, this was not a coop event.

Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
The top alliances finished the event, only to find Ultron disappears after the final round. I hope this is a bug, but if it is intended here is my argument.

Why? For what purpose would you do this? We beat ultron, why is the rest of our alliance being penalized because they didn't play as much in the beginning of the event. If your answer is "because alliances would farm Ultron", why shouldn't they be able to? They beat him swiftly, it sounds like just benefits. It would be a lot of grinding aliance-wide anyways just for a few tokens.

Instead of the camaraderie you intended to promote, you promoted anger in alliances. Those who continued to fight Ultron beyond 1 million points, actually steal points from other team members. Not only did you not warn us, you actually promoted it to happen because Ultron has awards for playing his node. I feel bad for the alliances who found this out the hard way, they should feel the angriest.

If it's a bug it is very inconvenient that we all have to hold off fighting Ultron because we didn't know if this is a bug or intended, I still need that token he holds and would like to fight him but can't.


  • Vinmarc43
    Vinmarc43 Posts: 266
    Even if we would farm Ultron, who cares, after this hard work, let us play around and get more rewards and come on D3, get rid of that 20 iso reward, big insult after a long battle... icon_e_confused.gif
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Your alliance co-operated to get 3 scarlet witch covers for everyone.

    Everyone didn't get all the progression rewards. That doesn't make it not co-operative. The fact that there were only 15 Quicksilver top tier rewards to be shared doesn't make it not co-operative, it just makes it a smaller prize pool.
    Instead of the camaraderie you intended to promote, you promoted anger in alliances.

    Maybe they need to grow up? Hey I got 5 free covers but I could have had 6. And a shedload of tokens. But I could have had more so 5 is worthless and I am going to get angry with my alliance because I was only one of the 2% of players who got 5 covers instead of being one of the 1% who got all 6.
  • Turbosmooth
    Turbosmooth Posts: 213
    Your Alliance unlocked the rounds and you were able to win all the Scarlet Witch covers, right?
    My Alliance is dragging its feet and we are still on Round 5. At this rate, it is impossible to get the Scarlet Witch events to open.
    I'm carrying half the team and will definitely get the Quicksilver tokens, but I would trade them all for the Scarlet Witch ones.

    I think you got the better deal, but I agree they should let you grind if you want.
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    I agree that this is a problem.

    It's hard to deny that this PvE is WAY WAY WAY more rewarding than your typical PvE even when you take all the specialty tokens and HP progression rewards out of the mix. In a typical event your alliance wouldn't make anywhere close to 6x 3* covers EACH so it seems silly to complain.

    But the OP has a point.
    The progression limit leads to hard feelings within the alliance. Not everyone can 'win' and even if you spread the love as much as possible you have the heavy grinders having to miss out on plenty of tokens, HP and ISO.

    Solution 1:
    D3 doesn't want to give everyone 3 covers?
    Remove the 1 million prog entirely and let everyone win 2 covers. At least the alliance is happy and there's room for heavy grinders to push for more tokens.

    Solution 2:
    D3 willing to give everyone 3 covers?
    Simply reduce 1 million prog down to 750,000 and scale the others back.

    Either way you resolve the issue of inter alliance conflict. Given how valuable the reward system is with the individual nodes I can completely understand why they don't want people grinding them beyond the event 'ending' point.
  • Scoregasms
    Scoregasms Posts: 373
    What about adding 2 more rounds that aren't tied to prime nodes but with 8 and 10 million health respectively so we can keep grinding for tokens, maybe throw in an event 10 pack for all if an alliance beats the final 10 million barrier before event end?
  • Yea I agree, it's pretty lame, I was locked out for a while and missed the early stages with a 94 roster, dont think i will get QS covers but my alliance is carrying me to the Scarlet Witch covers so i'm not salty.
    We should all realize that it's in D3's business plan to make everything competitive and always leave someone out.
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    For those saying that it doesn't matter if not everyone cannot reach the final progression award, I ask this: How many PvE events has this game had where the top progression was unattainable by certain people because they didn't finish quickly enough? I don't think there has ever been such a scenario in the history of this game.You have always been capable of grinding. The point totals may have been too high without scaling in some events, but that wasn't because you were essentially stopped from playing the event altogether. This is a unique situation. And you are preventing your teammates from getting top progression awards by getting it yourself since there aren't enough to go around.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do think it was a **** move not warning people that heavy players could screw the rest of their alliance out of the progression rewards.

    OTOH, alliances who find themselves in that position, as mentioned, have put their teammates in a position to theoretically be able to get all three Scarlet Witch covers. That is so infinitely preferable to the progression issues I've had with previous PVEs, where either because of scaling or essentials, I haven't had a shot at the 'good' rewards in an event.

    My alliance is (probably) not going to clear all 8 rounds. As a result, I'm (probably) not going to hit the million. But if I were in a position where I didn't have a shot at the Quicksilver covers but DID get the Scarlet Witch covers because of my alliance mates' play? I'd say 'thanks, guys!' Because I still come out ahead that way compared to basically any other PVE which might have run.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    notamutant wrote:
    For those saying that it doesn't matter if not everyone cannot reach the final progression award, I ask this: How many PvE events has this game had where the top progression was unattainable by certain people because they didn't finish quickly enough? I don't think there has ever been such a scenario in the history of this game.You have always been capable of grinding. The point totals may have been too high without scaling in some events, but that wasn't because you were essentially stopped from playing the event altogether. This is a unique situation. And you are preventing your teammates from getting top progression awards by getting it yourself since there aren't enough to go around.

    I agree that they should have left the nodes open or something for everyone to reach the progression. But just for history's sake, yes, there have been PVE events where the top progression rewards were too hard to reach, even for the crazy grinders. However, it's been a long time, and it seems like they've settled on leaving to top progressions accessible for a wider range of the playerbase.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Eddiemon wrote:
    Your alliance co-operated to get 3 scarlet witch covers for everyone.

    Everyone didn't get all the progression rewards. That doesn't make it not co-operative. The fact that there were only 15 Quicksilver top tier rewards to be shared doesn't make it not co-operative, it just makes it a smaller prize pool.
    Instead of the camaraderie you intended to promote, you promoted anger in alliances.

    This, I underlined the reasons why Ultron disappearing is wrong:
    notamutant wrote:
    How many PvE events has this game had where the top progression was unattainable by certain people because they didn't finish quickly enough? I don't think there has ever been such a scenario in the history of this game.You have always been capable of grinding. The point totals may have been too high without scaling in some events, but that wasn't because you were essentially stopped from playing the event altogether. This is a unique situation. And you are preventing your teammates from getting top progression awards by getting it yourself since there aren't enough to go around.

    The event is still running, why can't my teammates attempt to obtain the progression reward still? This has never happened before in MPQ. The progression reward should always extend to the longevity of the event. How much I play should not dictate how long others have to get a progression reward.
    Maybe they need to grow up? Hey I got 5 free covers but I could have had 6. And a shedload of tokens. But I could have had more so 5 is worthless and I am going to get angry with my alliance because I was only one of the 2% of players who got 5 covers instead of being one of the 1% who got all 6.

    Like notamutant said, you are personally preventing them from getting the progression reward. This does not create a sense of everyone working together, but rather "I had better get it before they do." I can't believe this was their intent in a coop boss battle, and "every man for himself" is the complete opposite of any form of team building exercise.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    My PERSONAL problem with all of this is that I was locked out of the game for hours and hours with the server catastrophe, and since my alliance is SO freaking amazing, by the time I got into the event, they were already on Round 4. There is no way in the world I'll be able top hit the progression rewards for Quicksilver, now.

    I could honestly care less about HIM, but what I seriously DO care about would have been those nodes in the first few rounds with the special tokens, Iso, HP, and etc with much easier and doable nodes UNDER my current ones of 135 for my roster of 94.

    That was all VERY poorly planned out.
  • Maybe they need to grow up? Hey I got 5 free covers but I could have had 6. And a shedload of tokens. But I could have had more so 5 is worthless and I am going to get angry with my alliance because I was only one of the 2% of players who got 5 covers instead of being one of the 1% who got all 6.
    Like notamutant said, you are personally preventing them from getting the progression reward. This does not create a sense of everyone working together, but rather "I had better get it before they do." I can't believe this was their intent in a coop boss battle, and "every man for himself" is the complete opposite of any form of team building exercise.

    I completely agree that this does not promote teamwork but rather selfishness. On the brightside, it IS Quicksliver as a progression reward. So if anyone is keen on out grinding the rest of the alliance, the rest of the team isn't actually losing a decent 3*.
  • Easy fix, just add a round 9 and round 10 and round 11. No prime awards, obviously, but put a kybosh on accidental inter alliance point theft.
  • So Ultron had 75k + 150k + 400k + 1kk + 2kk + 3kk + 4.5kk + 6kk; total is 17.125kk, not enough for all 20 members to get 1kk for last progression, thats just dumb. The extra nodes with sentries do not add the difference, or do they? Ultron 8 essentials have 2.5k score each but the previous ones had less, so hardly they do add enough.
  • i dont think this is intended. but they did made a mistake here.
  • dathremar wrote:
    it IS Quicksliver as a progression reward. So if anyone is keen on out grinding the rest of the alliance, the rest of the team isn't actually losing a decent 3*.
    Iirc they are rerunning event with Hulkbuster. Which will probably means that progression will be filled with Scarlet Witch.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Look, in the average pve, only the top 10 out of 1000 get all 3 covers for the new characters. If your alliance has cleared it already, you are ALL winners without even having to grind that hard against the competition. Tokens, hp and QS covers are just nice bonuses if you want to work for them.
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    Eddiemon wrote:
    The fact that there were only 15 Quicksilver top tier rewards to be shared doesn't make it not co-operative, it just makes it a smaller prize pool.

    Ummm yeah but seriously - no... it seems we were the first to clear R8 Ultron and only 6 people got the 1 M progression reward... that's a bit too harsh...
  • Vinmarc43 wrote:
    Even if we would farm Ultron, who cares, after this hard work, let us play around and get more rewards and come on D3, get rid of that 20 iso reward, big insult after a long battle... icon_e_confused.gif

    If that's their motivation for cutting it off, there's an easy fix for that. Just add a simple test condition for each player:

    If an alliance beats ultron down to 0 and a player is under 1M total progression points, keep the event open for that player, until they reach 1M progression points. If the alliance beats him and that player is above 1M progression mark, then close the ultron node for that player.

    Although I agree with you that it would be nice for them to leave it open for alliances to keep hitting ultron and the sentries if they want to.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    man cant even clear it with the AI jacking up so freaking high who can even beat it... If you cant beat the daily deadpool your not going to beat this