What Phase of the Game Are You In?



  • I do have maxed XF and 4*thor, but i wouldn't define myself as a 4*player.
    Most of my other 4* are undercovered and the current rewardsystem won't give me enough covers to progress at a reasonable rate (I'm not killing myself for covers) although I would progress with my prenerf-characters since I scored the 1000 in most events for almost 2 seasons before changes kicked in.

    Now I'm concentrating on 3* since I won't need hp for those. I have all but 5 3*s maxcovered and I'm looking to add a lot of 166s (currently 13 with 330k iso stockpiled) to my roster over the next weeks.
  • 14 166's here one of those is x-force, I know I should strive for some 4*s eventually, but they seem too much work and there are so many fun looking 3*s to pour iso into.
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    I see I'm in with the 'majority', the solid 3*, soft cap on 4* (in part because I have 3 4* with 9 covers, the others have less than that). It has taken me ~540 days to get to this point, but I'm pleased with it (and the game) and continue to have fun, in part due to the alliance I'm in (top 100 pve)
  • I have five 3* maxed (Pun, Mag, Thor, DD, and I just leveled Cap for this event).

    I have the covers to max GSBW, Hulk, Patch, LStorm, Spider-Man, Falcon (though not necessarily the desired covers!) I just don't have the available Iso or in some cases, the inclination to max them all.
  • jffdougan
    jffdougan Posts: 733 Critical Contributor
    I have five 3* maxed (Pun, Mag, Thor, DD, and I just leveled Cap for this event).

    I have the covers to max GSBW, Hulk, Patch, LStorm, Spider-Man, Falcon (though not necessarily the desired covers!) I just don't have the available Iso or in some cases, the inclination to max them all.

    Maxing covers, even if you don't level them yet, still boosts the effectiveness of their skills. And you can always retrain when you draw the covers you want.
  • Mikaveus
    Mikaveus Posts: 202
    For those newer players who aren't aware: the next patch will lower the cost of leveling. So if you can, save your ISO until after it comes out. Never thought I'd ever have 470K saved, but here I am. icon_e_wink.gif

    And thanks to everyone for sharing their team status. I myself am a 3* player (12 lvl-166 characters) with Invisible Woman as my only well-covered 4* character soft-capped to 147. For my level of commitment to the game I really adore the 3* ranks. You're able to accumulate covers at just the right pace through luck, skill, or HP. And it doesn't take a ton of ISO to level them. There are 4* characters I would love to use, but the biggest hurdle for me is the time and energy necessary to acquire their covers.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    Closing in on 180 days.

    I have no max-cover 3* heroes; my best is a 5/2/2 Blade at lvl 114. I have these 3* with full powers: GSBW 4/2/2, Gamora 4/2/1, Storm 5/1/1, Cage 1/1/2, Magneto 2/2/1, Psylocke 1/2/2, R&G 2/1/1, and Daken 2/2/2. The rest of my nascent 3* roster is a hodgepodge patiently awaiting DDQ/lucky token covers.

    My 2* roster is effectively complete, with only Magneto (3/4/2) requiring some attention. I sold my 3/5/5 for the HP after his change, and he's not been dropping from tokens for me since. I don't bother with Bagman, Moonstone, or Bullseye.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    I didn't know about the 94 cap, so I've got a couple that are just North of 100, while I'm not really ready for the push to 166.

    My PvP has actually been pretty good lately. If "going over" 94 did anything, it seems to be in respect to the PvE events. I don't really know anything about how the caps work.

    I guess that makes me a 2* taking my 3*s to cap?
  • I'm at the phase where I'm ready to quit. Where's that option?

    PvP bl@ws & PvE has been a joke for 9 months.

    One nerfed 4* over Level 200
    Handful of maxed 3*s
    10-15 3*s over Level 100
    Handful of 2*s
    No 1*s
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    I said 4* with 1-2 maxed despite having xf and 4hor at "just" 240. The last 30 levels haven't seemed worth the iso, but I think the description still fits me best. I only have 10 or so maxed 3* but I also have almost all of them max covered and somewhere between 115 and 150. Also max covered fury and IW that may see some iso once the leveling changes go into effect.
  • I also put 4* w/ 1-2 covers. I have an XF that I brought to 250. But now I feel like I've been pushed back to 3* player looking to level up a 4*.