What Phase of the Game Are You In?

Mikaveus Posts: 202
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
For a while now, I've been curious where most of us lie in the team building stages. Are the majority of forumites 2* players new to the game? Are we 4* powerhouses who've been at it awhile? Or do most players lie somewhere in between?

Let's find out.

I tried to be thorough with the poll options, but it's impossible to list all scenarios. For instance, you have players trying to jump from 1* to 3* without developing a solid 2* cast. Or players who opt for soft caps. I hope the choices apply to most of us. I've also allowed for re-voting, so you can change your answer as your team develops.

Let's have at it, people!
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  • None really describe me - 32 166th level 3*s, 5 180th level 4*s that probably won't be leveled past that (4 of them can go to 270; 5th to 188). Everyone else at hard or soft cap.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Solid, pretty full 3* squad. Slowly moving many up to 166 - and no real option for "lots of 3*, few 4*" up there.

    That's where I'm at. DDQ and longevity have given me plenty of 3* covers. Time/Resource commitment to get top 2 in events or 1K, which are the only way to get the 4*'s still (4* transition what?), along with nerfs of the "best" 4*'s making me question the value of even trying, have me stuck in deep 3* land forever I guess.
  • Mikaveus
    Mikaveus Posts: 202
    edited April 2015
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    None really describe me - 32 166th level 3*s, 5 180th level 4*s that probably won't be leveled past that (4 of them can go to 270; 5th to 188). Everyone else at hard or soft cap.
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    Solid, pretty full 3* squad. Slowly moving many up to 166 - and no real option for "lots of 3*, few 4*" up there.

    That's where I'm at. DDQ and longevity have given me plenty of 3* covers. Time/Resource commitment to get top 2 in events or 1K, which are the only way to get the 4*'s still (4* transition what?), along with nerfs of the "best" 4*'s making me question the value of even trying, have me stuck in deep 3* land forever I guess.

    Yeah, it's hard to account for every player. Based on the descriptions I'd probably go with "Solid 3* cast, leveling 4* characters to soft cap" in both scenarios as the closest match.

    At least 3* land is a fun land to be stuck in. 4* covers aren't as accessible, making it hard to push players in that direction like the developers might want. Less than 1% of players win a 4* cover in every PvP. Curious to see how much ISO cost will be impacted with R75.
  • Think I fall into the "Solid 2* cast, about to level 3* characters to 166". Wasn't there a rumour flying around that R75 hits on the 1st of May?
  • Two 166s, another few that I could put there but are either not worth or wrong build, solid 2* guys (of course, to reach those 3*s). Struggling on the right covers now for optimal teams and, mostly, ISO starving to level them up even if I manage to get 13/13 optimal characters.
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    Solid 2* (all 94 but Bullseye and Bagman) with a deep roster containing almost all the characters in the game (only kept three 1* and I'm missing Doc Ock, Scarlet Witch and Devil Dinosair) but none of them are covered enough to warrant going above 100 (only two are 100 now as I just had started levelling them when the upcoming ISO change news hit the forums).
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    4 stars: One max level, one or two additional cover capped.
    3 stars: More than ten max level, about five cover capped and about the same number with 10 or more covers.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Solid 3* cast, have no obsession with 4*s.

    I have an X Force at 227 which isn't a soft cap or anything, it's just the point where I can't be bothered throwing more ISO at him. I don't have another 4* who could make it into my top 10 characters due to either lack of covers or lack of interest in playing them. (I think an Elektra / Iron Fist combo could be good for specific encounters, but I only have 2 Elektra covers so meh...)

    I have Spidey, Patch, Laken and Panther at 166. Then I have a raft of 3*s in the 155-135 range because the ISO to top them off is being spent on the boosted character of whatever event is currently happening. The bulk live in the 85-50 range where they were featured somewhere once and then I stopped caring.

    I can see my 3* stable steadily growing but I can't see another 200+ 4* in my future, either through lack of covers or lack of interest. I could take Nick or IW there with my current covers, but they aren't beating out my 166s for capability.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    XFW is 220 at 3/5/5 and IW is 170 at 5/5/2.

    I have 12 maxed 3*: Daken, Patch, Cap, IM40, GSBW, Thor, Mystique, Daredevil, Hood, Punisher, Hulk, aTorch, and Doom.
    BP is close behind at 4/5/3. His blue is amazing in DDQ.

    I have a couple others under leveled or under covered, like 3/5/3 Blade or 5/4/3 Psylocke.

    Of all the 2*, I only kept Wolverine, OBW, and Ares.

    I have never paid to win. I put in the time. And it shows, because I am 400k ISO in debt. I have 45 slots on my roster.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    Mikaveus wrote:
    Yeah, it's hard to account for every player. Based on the descriptions I'd probably go with "Solid 3* cast, leveling 4* characters to soft cap" in both scenarios as the closest match.

    At least 3* land is a fun land to be stuck in. 4* covers aren't as accessible, making it hard to push players in that direction like the developers might want. Less than 1% of players win a 4* cover in every PvP. Curious to see how much ISO cost will be impacted with R75.
    I'm in the same position. A dozen 166 3*s, and I had two 250 4* until they neutered XF and I had to sell him.

    As for that 1%... I never really try for #1 in PVP. It is prohibitively costly in HP. But it's not so so bad getting to 1K, and that can be reliably done. I was doing it for about 450-600 HP in shields before they destroyed XF, added the health bumps, and slashed the AP boosts. After that, it cost around 750 HP. "Working as intended," as those people who want me to pay money would say. So the 4* covers came in reliably all season, but now that there are eight in rotation, plus another next week, even that will be slowing to a crawl.

    Anyway, point is, I think the 1K for 4* is the realistic goal, rather than trying to be #1. Maybe 5-10% pull that off, at least in the crowded brackets.
  • Solid 2* cast, leveling 3* characters to soft cap

    Day 120, 47 roster slots..

    have done well in PVE so far, 3 covers for kingpin, 2 for starlord, 2 for elektra.

    Mostly though I started reading the forums on the first day, so saved ISO, used HP for roster slots only and got lucky on some pulls.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have most, but not all, of the 2* cast, and of those I have, all but one have been leveled to 94. The only 3* I have fully covered is Storm, but I haven't leveled her to 166. I've been spreading the ISO wealth around my other 3*; Rocket/Groot and Deadpool are both in the 110s, and I just leveled Iron Fist to 89 after a bunch of covers dropped in the Ultron tokens. I haven't decided if I'm going to level any 3* to 166. I may just keep them all in the low 100 range.
  • seth_is_OK
    solid 3* cast, no fully covered 4* even though I'm day 540 (1st 4*Thor blue in 10 days)

    All 3* including SW
    10 3* at 166 (GWBW, Blade, Cap, Daken, DD, Hood, Hulk, Spider-Man, Thor, Patch)
    Multiple 3* with full covers between 100-150
    Multiple 3* missing 1 or 2 covers

    All 2* and 1* (even Yelena and Bag-Man)

    Missing StarLord and Kingpin
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    I have 5 maxed 3stars (Thor, Iron Fist, Cyclops, Luke Cage, Daken) and one maxed 4 star (X-Force). Almost every 3star is cover-maxed and lvl 100+.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've got X-Force at 270 and somewhere around 13 3* characters at 166. I also have a mixed bag of maybe 6 more characters cover maxed and waiting for Iso, and then several more in various states of cover and/or Iso deficit. I still have a broad 2* roster, and I keep Juggy around for the Taco thing and Combined Arms/Balance of Power.

    I guess this is as good a place as any to say that after the changes to both X-Force and 4or, it's hard to feel motivated about pushing hard to get 4* covers. Professor X is the only one I'm really gunning for, and that is more because I'm a lifelong X-Men than because he's good...although he is good...which means he may be looking at changes... icon_e_confused.gif
  • I have a 270 X-Force, a well (but not completely) covered IW and Fury who are still sitting around at lvl 70, and a **** load (more than 10) lvl 166 3*.

    While that technically qualifies me as a 4* transitioner, I will keep putting my iso into good 3*s rather than IW and Fury.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    I too chose "Solid 3* cast, leveling 4* characters to soft cap," though I'm not really leveling 4* right now. I'll probably bring Fury and IW up to speed eventually, but my priority is characters I'm actively using underleveled (Cyclops 141, Panther 125, Cage 114ish, Kamala 153). Then it'll be getting the last few covers for Iron Fist and get him up to speed. Then I'll start worrying about Fury and IW.

    If you got 10x more iso for the price, I'd consider buying some to speed up the process. When $20 gets me less iso than I can make in a day of playing, however, there's little incentive to do so.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have almost 20 cover maxed 3* characters and a fully covered X-Force, but only five of them are actually at 166 (and that includes XF) because I'm trying to only level up the ones who can really help me. I guess that puts me in the 4* transition, but I'm making damn near no progress on it.
  • jffdougan
    jffdougan Posts: 733 Critical Contributor
    I'm on the early stages of the transition into 3* land - I've now got a dozen or so 3/4* characters who are in the 100-130 level range. Still have most/all of my 2* cast and no real incentive (yet) to ditch anybody except maybe Ares.
  • Thanks to the OP! Kind of cool to see where I stand compared to other forum dwellers.

    I've got a pretty comfortable 2* roster (need to finish leveling Storm and BW, and get some covers for MMN), and a pile of 3*s with 1-5 covers...

    Currently in a self-imposed moratorium on opening Tokens, because I'm pretty tired of trading 1-3 cover 3*s back and forth. lol
