best event in a while



  • stowaway
    stowaway Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    Just realized we will not be able to look at a leaderboard and see which alliance was "First!" Would be kinda cool to see ~after the fact~ how alliances fared vs each other but glad there was no prize for doing it as fast as possible.

    I don't care who was first, but I'd love to have data on how many alliances were able to complete the event, or how far most alliances were able to get. We're consistently t100, and occasionally t50, and it's looking like we're going to finish with just barely enough time for everyone to do the last Prime node.
  • This is definitely the best event that D3 has ever done. I don't care that not everyone in the alliance has the possibility to get all the progression rewards... the more important part is it's something that we all work together at.. that isn't in competition with any other alliance.. and we all gain the benefit of the prime node rewards. I personally could care less about losing out on a few QuickSilver, I mean QuickSell, covers. I wouldn't invest a drop of ISO in him if I had him fully covered.. All in all, great job D3! Thanks for the awesome event!
  • This event is awesome. As a day 1 player, it's great to see some of the things we've wanted for over a year finally existing in a playable form. This event is cool enough that it almost takes the sting out of not getting a playable Ultron.

    And it can't be stressed enough that there's finally a different sort of puzzle in the game. Fighting Droptron was very different from any other part of the game, and that's a very welcome change. The first Puzzle Quest had the equipment forging and enemy-capturing mini-games, both of which were distinctly different mechanically from the main battles. That's the sort of thing this game really needs--and the sort of thing this event is.

    Two giant thumbs up. I mean, my thumbs aren't giant--just my level of enthusiasm.
  • Overall this has been a great event. It has been a great for me to farm tokens (20 so far - I do feel bad for everyone that didn't have quicksilver, a lot people missed out ).
    Replying the same event is a grind but the this was fun since I got to try different teams
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    I think the token rewards are really bad. No it's not I don't like the rewards, but it's literally going to a bunch of players who don't need them and often are thankless, and if anybody missed round 6 they'll remember that over anything they pulled out of the reward packs unless you got a 4* or a 2900 HP from it. The people who need it the most probably will be struggling to get past round 6 which is likely to have dominate how you feel about the event compared to your token pulls.

    I don't know, when I was a newbie and couldn't compete for top 100 I lived off token drops and pulls, and I'm in a 'bad' alliance in that we will probably get past Ultron 6 on the backs of 3 strong contributors and 6 regular contributors.

    But everyone in the guild should end up with at least 5 Ultron tokens from primes plus maybe 3 from regular Ultron. Those 8 tokens shoudl yield 2 3* or betters, which is a better haul than most events for those guys and greatly appreciated. Unless I get a lucky pull that fill sone of my roster gaps it's just more ISO for me.

    Yeah the loud vocal minority of elites won't appreciate it, but the people who need it definitely love it.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    jclast wrote:
    I really like the event.

    1. I really like that it's encouraging me to use new characters. Grey Suit Black Widow doesn't typically get a lot of play from me, but I'm finding her to be a go-to character against Ultron.
    2. Having 2 of the 5 refresh pins be locked behind Quicksilver is lame. I get that he's a new character and relevant to the film, but if you don't have him (like me) that's 2 attempts at Ultron I can't make in a an 8 hour period. Considering there are only 5 refresh pins and 7 other Avengers (Iron Man, Hawkeye, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, Nick Fury, Captain America) they cycle through why can't Quicksilver be a single static node instead of two? Then you're still incentivizing people to hope for a lucky drop.
    3. Where are the Nick Fury pins? They mentioned him in the video but I've never seen one.
    4. Is Falcon not an Avenger? It'd be great if he showed up in essential pins, too.
    5. If I can keep him alive long enough I love taking Punisher into the Ultron fight. One-shotting him as soon as he's below 40% health is super-satisfying.

    2... and why is QS the only nods that give token chances all 5 should.

    3... maybe nick is in the hulkbuster event
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just to lodge one point of focused criticism, I feel a little gipped regarding tokens. In a standard PvE, I probably would have netted somewhere in the neighborhood of 10-12 gold tokens between placement and progression. Because of the nature of this event, however, it was the cruel and unforgiving RNGesus that withheld his bounty. Hence I only scored about 8, not counting the daily deal purchases. This makes me sad.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    El Satanno wrote:
    Just to lodge one point of focused criticism, I feel a little gipped regarding tokens. In a standard PvE, I probably would have netted somewhere in the neighborhood of 10-12 gold tokens between placement and progression. Because of the nature of this event, however, it was the cruel and unforgiving RNGesus that withheld his bounty. Hence I only scored about 8, not counting the daily deal purchases. This makes me sad.

    You gor 8? That's lucky!

    I only got 1 golden token pull. The rest was from progression reward.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    El Satanno wrote:
    In a standard PvE, I probably would have netted somewhere in the neighborhood of 10-12 gold tokens between placement and progression.
    10-12? I must be playing wrong.
  • Yasuru
    Yasuru Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Loved this event! My alliance was able to finish all 8 nodes and tried to balance out so as many people could get to 1M as possible. As for the tokens, I thought they were just fine and I am one of those players that RNGesus despises. I don't know how many tokens I got, but I farmed QS nodes, and bought the daily deal every day... I pulled one SW cover this morning... off of the daily deal. The only other 3*s I got were SG and Cyc, both unusable.