AoU aside, the real issue is...

...that PvP is awful at the moment, with crashingly hard team from the start.

Oh, and...

Taking transition players like me who got to 250th position last season and now leaving me outside the top 1000 even though my roster is better now that it was last month.

Placing such ridiculous scaling in PvE that it is unplayable after the first nodes are cleared.

Making Lightning Rounds less like Lightning and more like slow, painful acid rain.

Increasing health of some heroes so they take more damage but not increasing the supply of health packs.

Expecting players to win battles against level 300 opponents and rewarding a win with 20 iso. Yes, 20.

And, might as well mention it, copying Clash of Clans' Clan Wars and making the same mistakes they did for the Ultron event, that is making the game work for a full alliance, punishing any alliance who has members away for the weekend. Even Clash now have opt out functions (following months of pleading from the forum), so the score scaling should reflect how many active players are contributing.

So, plenty of things need addressing, but will they? Has there been any definitive response to these problems, which seem widely reported across the whole forum? Any answers at all?


  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    This moved off the front page (title sort of obscure), but I think the point is valid.

    The entire Cap event I've been T25 with terrible scores. T25 with 200, two days remaining. T25 with 300, 24 hours remaining. T25 with 500, 7 hours remaining.

    I never end T25 (and probably won't). Part of the problem is certainly everyone is focused on the new Ultron event, I know our alliance is getting lower than normal PVP scores due to excitement of something new.

    Part of the problem is the scaling in Ultron and the crazy PVP MMR. Next Ultron event I'm running a poll: how many events are you playing? I read some aren't having health pack problems, but I basically need two health packs after every PVP round. Extra life in PVP with the MMR scaling and no seeds - as OP mentioned, it's getting to be to much.

    A -big- part of the problem is the continue to use "RNG" to select the SAME prize for alliance and individual. Cap yellow, followed by SG yellow, followed by GSBW Red !?!? Three in a row of the worst prizes for each of these characters, and lucky you - if you and alliance are T100, you can get TWO of those terrible prizes! Come on D3, change it back to different prizes for individual/alliance.

    These PVP issues seem to be draining everyone, from newbie to vet. I've seen lower rewards everywhere due to poor rewards and Ultron perhaps. But alliance-mate Camichan has been tracking number of alliances that play - last event was THE LOWEST since season three. That many alliances simply didn't go in at all. PVP has just driven folks away.
  • would people spend money if d3 started to sell 1 permanent health packs healthpack.png at 10k hp imcoin.png ? cap it at 10
  • avs962
    avs962 Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    hexad_2808 wrote:
    would people spend money if d3 started to sell 1 permanent health packs healthpack.png at 10k hp imcoin.png ? cap it at 10

    10k would definitely be too much. But at the right price (not sure how much), I feel people would definitely buy it.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    hexad_2808 wrote:
    would people spend money if d3 started to sell 1 permanent health packs healthpack.png at 10k hp imcoin.png ? cap it at 10
    like the idea but the pricing is way off. 500 imcoin.png per pack seems good considering you can buy 5 for 200 imcoin.png
  • if they take your idea of permanent med pack it will be sold at 20k
  • hexad_2808 wrote:
    would people spend money if d3 started to sell 1 permanent health packs healthpack.png at 10k hp imcoin.png ? cap it at 10

    If it's permanent why would I need more than 1?
  • Kevin61
    Kevin61 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    Twombley wrote:

    Expecting players to win battles against level 300 opponents and rewarding a win with 20 iso. Yes, 20.

    Amen! I mean, seriously, if and when we go up a level 300 opponent and in the off chance we beat him, the devs are still only giving out 20 ISO is an insult and supremely disappointing! It should be set at a minimum of 250!
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,312 Chairperson of the Boards
    Twombley wrote:
    punishing any alliance who has members away for the weekend.

    Um, did you miss the feature carefully disclosed and stressed several times of allowing alliances to have teammates for this event alone? Just kick the away members momentarily, get some mercs and if you want, kick them as well to let your regulars back in. The mercs will still contribute towards your alliance score for this event alone.

    I swear that half the complaints that pop up in this board are just people not understanding rules or features of the game. Also, I don't see the point of scaling scores to participating members. That would immediately make "1" the ideal alliance size.
  • Rogan_Josh
    Rogan_Josh Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
    Twombley wrote:

    Taking transition players like me who got to 250th position last season and now leaving me outside the top 1000 even though my roster is better now that it was last month.
    Twombley wrote:
    Expecting players to win battles against level 300 opponents and rewarding a win with 20 iso. Yes, 20.

    Another week, another post about how the game isn't fair.

    Look, there is a simple way of dealing with the big teams. You lose. Losing lowers your MMR and should align it to something a big fairer. Sorry but you can't get away without loosing a single match. Not unless you're willing to pay for it.
  • john1620b
    john1620b Posts: 367
    Rogan Josh wrote:
    Twombley wrote:

    Taking transition players like me who got to 250th position last season and now leaving me outside the top 1000 even though my roster is better now that it was last month.
    Twombley wrote:
    Expecting players to win battles against level 300 opponents and rewarding a win with 20 iso. Yes, 20.

    Another week, another post about how the game isn't fair.

    Look, there is a simple way of dealing with the big teams. You lose. Losing lowers your MMR and should align it to something a big fairer. Sorry but you can't get away without loosing a single match. Not unless you're willing to pay for it.
    A hidden MMR no longer exists, so that's no longer a valid strategy. As stated by the developers, matchmaking is now based on roster strength.
  • PVP has become completely tedious.

    Unless i need covers (which i rarely do), i'm just not going to slog through it. 3 fights take upwards of 20 minutes and will usually eat between 3-5 health packs. With a return on my time like that, I'd rather do something else completely.

    We veterans initially thought this change was made to punish us by making us fight only each other from the jump...but the 2*s and transition players don't seem to be enjoying this either.

    Devs...i know that you have a funky definition (read: completely sideways) of the word "Fun"...but VERY FEW like this change and NO ONE thinks this is fun.

    Change it back.

  • I've stopped playing PvP. PvP has been total garbage and was my preferred event style until recently. The last one I did was about 2 weeks ago, ended Sunday 10 est., and the top scorer had just over 200 points. I'm not wasting my time on MPQ anymore.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'll admit I was in a weird bracket, but exactly 600 points got me T25. That's just ridiculous.

    I ran Sim last season early, before XF nerf. With every team "even", every team was hitting me if I was worth more points. I have no idea how I'll do simulator next season: what a slog, nothing but max teams vs. max teams, and the 4*'s aren't much (any?) better than the 3*'s. All the way, from zero to....I don't think I'll be even hitting 1K, after hitting 1500 in every other season. Simulator will become unplayable: maybe no defensive losses in it to make it somewhat worthwhile? Otherwise I may just skip it, what's the point.
  • SnowcaTT wrote:
    I'll admit I was in a weird bracket, but exactly 600 points got me T25. That's just ridiculous.

    I ran Sim last season early, before XF nerf. With every team "even", every team was hitting me if I was worth more points. I have no idea how I'll do simulator next season: what a slog, nothing but max teams vs. max teams, and the 4*'s aren't much (any?) better than the 3*'s. All the way, from zero to....I don't think I'll be even hitting 1K, after hitting 1500 in every other season. Simulator will become unplayable: maybe no defensive losses in it to make it somewhat worthwhile? Otherwise I may just skip it, what's the point.

    i usually leave SIM for the last day of the season. Needless to say this season, i didn't score well (maybe 200 points).

  • john1620b wrote:
    A hidden MMR no longer exists, so that's no longer a valid strategy. As stated by the developers, matchmaking is now based on roster strength.

    I don't know if that's true. I've had a few total breaks (eg Easter), and every time I come back after missing a PVP the brackets are ridiculously easy. However after placing T25, it goes back to normal the next PVP. This is purely anecdotal though.

    With the Cap PVP, I don't think many people were playing at all, lowering overall points. I expect PVP to go back to 'normal' once Ultron is done and events start up for next season as normal.
  • hex706f726368
    hex706f726368 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    Kappei wrote:
    hexad_2808 wrote:
    would people spend money if d3 started to sell 1 permanent health packs healthpack.png at 10k hp imcoin.png ? cap it at 10

    If it's permanent why would I need more than 1?

    I'm assuming they mean to increase max health packs permanently by 1.

    If they did that type of thing, next thing to offer for sale is a faster cool down on health pack regen times. Or faster heal rates for individual characters.
  • daibar wrote:
    john1620b wrote:
    A hidden MMR no longer exists, so that's no longer a valid strategy. As stated by the developers, matchmaking is now based on roster strength.

    I don't know if that's true. I've had a few total breaks (eg Easter), and every time I come back after missing a PVP the brackets are ridiculously easy. However after placing T25, it goes back to normal the next PVP. This is purely anecdotal though.
    Deliberately losing matches or tanking no longer works as it used to if at all - I've tanked repeatedly with no effect. Completely skipping a PVP does seem to still result in lowering the levels of your opponents - but as you said, this is all still anecdotal at this stage.
  • Pylgrim wrote:
    Twombley wrote:
    punishing any alliance who has members away for the weekend.

    Um, did you miss the feature carefully disclosed and stressed several times of allowing alliances to have teammates for this event alone? Just kick the away members momentarily, get some mercs and if you want, kick them as well to let your regulars back in. The mercs will still contribute towards your alliance score for this event alone.

    I swear that half the complaints that pop up in this board are just people not understanding rules or features of the game. Also, I don't see the point of scaling scores to participating members. That would immediately make "1" the ideal alliance size.

    I didn't miss the feature, perfectly aware that alliances can kick members and gets mercs in. Just don't like it. I would hate being the kicked member and then being stuck not being part of the event. And I wouldn't go back to an alloance that did that. We get on, have a laugh ec, and respect each other, so this is a strategy that caters for people who don't care about such stuff.

    Lovely advice.
  • Rogan Josh wrote:
    Twombley wrote:

    Taking transition players like me who got to 250th position last season and now leaving me outside the top 1000 even though my roster is better now that it was last month.
    Twombley wrote:
    Expecting players to win battles against level 300 opponents and rewarding a win with 20 iso. Yes, 20.

    Another week, another post about how the game isn't fair.

    Look, there is a simple way of dealing with the big teams. You lose. Losing lowers your MMR and should align it to something a big fairer. Sorry but you can't get away without loosing a single match. Not unless you're willing to pay for it.

    Oh, did I say anything about it not being fair? Nope. No mention of that at all. I wrote about features of the game which seem entirely negative or poorly thought through. I had some evidence to back up what I thought was bad design.
    MPQ isn't fair or unfair, it is a choice to play or not.

    Life on the other hand...
  • Pylgrim wrote:
    Twombley wrote:
    punishing any alliance who has members away for the weekend.

    Um, did you miss the feature carefully disclosed and stressed several times of allowing alliances to have teammates for this event alone? Just kick the away members momentarily, get some mercs and if you want, kick them as well to let your regulars back in. The mercs will still contribute towards your alliance score for this event alone.

    I swear that half the complaints that pop up in this board are just people not understanding rules or features of the game. Also, I don't see the point of scaling scores to participating members. That would immediately make "1" the ideal alliance size.
    I maybe a minority, but no no no no no. You should not have to kick members of your alliance in order to just PLAY content. I should not have to get on the forums to chase down people functioning as mercs, because if you just kick people, those slots will fill up with low level people who won't be any help anyways.

    I'm not slighting the design of the event by itself, its a perfect storm of issues that are creating this. People are becoming in active in alliances because of scaling in PvE and now PvP. the lack of useful rewards have really slowed roster growth despite the increase in ISO. I'm getting 4-5k a day and I've been putting my ISO into characters like Steve Rogers & GSBW, OLD 3*.
    - Unreall