Avengers vs. Ultron: Just a joke for small alliances

I'm in a 4-person alliance and we set to on Avengers vs. Ultron but we've just got to round 4 (after delays through the game misbehaving) and we're now facing 1,000,000 health for Ultron. That's a quarter of a million each for mid-ranking players without any fancy powered-up 4* characters and without all the special characters we need for the side missions. Surely someone is having a laugh! I guess we might get through round 4 if we slog our guts out but there's no way we'll get beyond that. If it was clear from the start that only 20-person alliances can get close to the big prizes then I'm not sure we would have bothered in the first place!
And the alternative is 5 days of grind in a heroic tournament .... icon_cry.gif


  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    I'm in a 4-person alliance and we set to on Avengers vs. Ultron but we've just got to round 4 (after delays through the game misbehaving) and we're now facing 1,000,000 health for Ultron. That's a quarter of a million each for mid-ranking players without any fancy powered-up 4* characters and without all the special characters we need for the side missions. Surely someone is having a laugh! I guess we might get through round 4 if we slog our guts out but there's no way we'll get beyond that. If it was clear from the start that only 20-person alliances can get close to the big prizes then I'm not sure we would have bothered in the first place!
    And the alternative is 5 days of grind in a heroic tournament .... icon_cry.gif
    looks like you may want to make your alliance public and grab who you can. same trouble not as bad 13 of 20 playing.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    They told everyone ahead of time ultron would be testing and only expect to clear if you are a top 100 alliance - not sure with that advanced warning you can complain trying to take it on with a 4 person alliance - round 5 was a slog with a 20 person alliance and sure 6-8 will be worse. If it scaled to a
    Liane size everyone would jump into small dedicated groups and clear easily
  • If it scaled to alliance size then every alliance would face a challenge appropriate to the number of players contributing - it would be no easier or harder for a smaller number of players to reach a lower set of targets. I can see that there might be scope to manipulate a more graded system but couldn't they have had a least a couple of divisions? I'm not saying that smaller alliances should be able to clear round 8 but as it stands we don't have even a fighting chance of getting to the end of round 6 where the first Scarlet Witch token is available.

    There has been a lot of emphasis recently about balancing the game for different character combinations but clearly that doesn't extend to balancing it for different sizes of alliance. I get it that, at heart, this is a money-making venture and that the big players contribute much of the revenue but giving a poor experience to what is, I assume, a significant slice of the customer base will not help long-term. It just emphasises that the smaller players are so far off the pace that they needn't even try to get further up by committing more time and effort to the game (and presumably spending some money in the process).
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    If it was clear from the start that only 20-person alliances can get close to the big prizes then I'm not sure we would have bothered in the first place!
    If only one of the devs had warned you and said something like,
    it's very hard to scale for alliances of different sizes. If you're going after the rewards, my best advice is to find an alliance with 20 members that are committed to playing it this weekend.
  • Fair enough - I didn't see that posting but they could have made at least some effort at scaling for alliance size and that's my feedback, for what it's worth.
    l know there's still some value in doing the tournament - I might fluke a lucky cover drop - and I have the same chance as anyone of getting the individual progression rewards but it still rankles to have no chance of getting anywhere near the end. Currently mid-way through round 4 so we will make that but probably not round 5. Let me guess - Ultron health rises to 2 million or have they gone for 2.5? Either way, I can't see us managing it ...
  • alphabeta wrote:
    They told everyone ahead of time ultron would be testing and only expect to clear if you are a top 100 alliance - not sure with that advanced warning you can complain trying to take it on with a 4 person alliance - round 5 was a slog with a 20 person alliance and sure 6-8 will be worse. If it scaled to a
    Liane size everyone would jump into small dedicated groups and clear easily

    Where was that posted? In this forum?? This forum represents about 1% of the playerbase, so I doubt that "everyone" was informed.
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Fair enough - I didn't see that posting but they could have made at least some effort at scaling for alliance size and that's my feedback, for what it's worth.
    l know there's still some value in doing the tournament - I might fluke a lucky cover drop - and I have the same chance as anyone of getting the individual progression rewards but it still rankles to have no chance of getting anywhere near the end. Currently mid-way through round 4 so we will make that but probably not round 5. Let me guess - Ultron health rises to 2 million or have they gone for 2.5? Either way, I can't see us managing it ...

    The biggest problem with scaling it to alliance size would be that a lot of people could just form a 5 person alliance with 5 people willing to grind constantly. Good luck finding 20 people willing to put in that time all at the same time. That's the challenge thrown out to be a top alliance. I would definitely make your alliance public and/or post in the alliance recruiting threads before starting the next one for Hulkbuster, even if you don't get many dedicated people it will help your progression to have more people doing some damage.
  • Legasher
    Legasher Posts: 67 Match Maker
    edited April 2015
    I don't know. You think you got it bad. I'm in a 20 person alliance, and supposedly there are 16 other people actually participating, but I've only seen evidence of their existence once or twice. It certainly feels like I'm soloing this, and I don't see a way to actually see what individual contribution is. I'll probably only just clear round 5 tonight. On top of that, I haven't been lucky enough to pull QS yet, so I'm completely screwed.

    Other than that, I really like this event. Untron is cool, the bots are different, interesting and difficult. I just wish it were a solo event like everything else... and that the Required characters were a little more diverse than denying me 40% of my cracks at Ultron because I don't have a character that came out two weeks ago... but that's par for the course as far as I can tell.

    EDIT: Ok, just realized that ranking is within alliance, and I'm not even at the top (#3 for this round, #4 total). But, like I said, doesn't feel this way.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,393 Chairperson of the Boards
    They were force to make it into a 20 person event Why? Say the event starts day 1 and you have 5 people in your group and you start playing. the event will see you have 5 people so it goes round

    1 100k
    2 150k
    3 200k
    3 250k
    5 300k
    6. 350
    7 500k
    8 750k

    and these levels are fix once the event start. what happens if 10 more people jump on your team. then people would then say its not fair cause now your team is a 15 person team with round 8 at 750k while the other 5 person group has the same 750k

    I want to see the ranking LOWER. i mean my top is level 88 and the ESS are 99 to 120 that is higher then the BOSS STAGE 8 (114)
  • As predicted, our alliance finished mid-way through round 5 - ran out of steam when it was clear that there was no chance of clearing the round and there were no more cover packs available via spoke missions. I got two of the three Quicksilver covers and had a chance for the third but dropped off the pace towards the end and gave up when there was insufficient time left to reach the target - a feature of this sort of grinding tournament, at some point it's clearly not worth playing any further. If all five spoke missions had offered the chance of a cover pack then I might have kept playing but without that, it didn't seem worth playing longer.
    BTW does anyone understand the rules for the timing of when spoke missions became available again? I couldn't figure it out (didn't reaaly try to) so I may have given up when there was a chance that the missions would have reset, putting me within reach of that the last Quicksilver cover.
  • Stony
    Stony Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    As a small alliance, you can't be competitive at any other aspect of the game pertaining to alliance rewards. Why should that change for Ultron?
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,393 Chairperson of the Boards
    should be more then a 12 hour gab when teams kick people for no reason, good luck finding a new team in less then 12 hours
  • Stony wrote:
    As a small alliance, you can't be competitive at any other aspect of the game pertaining to alliance rewards. Why should that change for Ultron?
    True enough, but this is the first time (I think) that alliance rewards are likely to have a direct impact on individual play, I guess in the first tournament or two of the new season. It rankles that we had no chance to gain a Scarlet Witch cover through our own efforts. Let's hope she features as a reward soon in something where I have a chance to score high enough or maybe I'll fluke a lucky cover drop? icon_cool.gif
  • Event 2 has started and, without Scarlet Witch, I can only score on 3 of the 5 spokes so scoring at 60% of previous rate. I considered defecting to a larger alliance but frankly can't be bothered -the whole set-up has really put me off! I guess I'll grind through a few rounds to see if I can fluke a cover drop but this is no fun! If there had been at least some realisic opportunity to get just a single Scarlet Witch cover in Event 1 then I might feel differently. That's my feedback, for what it's worth.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Event 2 has started and, without Scarlet Witch, I can only score on 3 of the 5 spokes so scoring at 60% of previous rate. I considered defecting to a larger alliance but frankly can't be bothered -the whole set-up has really put me off! I guess I'll grind through a few rounds to see if I can fluke a cover drop but this is no fun! If there had been at least some realisic opportunity to get just a single Scarlet Witch cover in Event 1 then I might feel differently. That's my feedback, for what it's worth.

    Once you start with an alliance, even if you change, you play with the alliance you started with.

    I have no SW cover, and with 3 days left, close to the 200k progression... our alliance is almost done with round 3, we missed out finishing round 6 due to the server outage, but myself and at least 1 other will get the first SW progression just doing our 3 nodes and progressions. Then we can push hard for the million.
  • Cymmina
    Cymmina Posts: 413 Mover and Shaker
    Stony wrote:
    As a small alliance, you can't be competitive at any other aspect of the game pertaining to alliance rewards. Why should that change for Ultron?

    This is true, but top performers in a small alliance have a shot at individual rewards in addition to progression awards even if they never have a chance at getting alliance rewards. AvU screws over people like this. If this was an ordinary PvE event, I would have had 2 SW covers from a top 50 placement. Because my alliance was partially inactive and I lacked the time to find one that had a shot getting through rounds 6, 7, or 8 in time for the event (giving us such short notice is absolutely brillient, BTW), I ended up with nothing.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    MikeHock wrote:
    alphabeta wrote:
    They told everyone ahead of time ultron would be testing and only expect to clear if you are a top 100 alliance - not sure with that advanced warning you can complain trying to take it on with a 4 person alliance - round 5 was a slog with a 20 person alliance and sure 6-8 will be worse. If it scaled to a
    Liane size everyone would jump into small dedicated groups and clear easily

    Where was that posted? In this forum?? This forum represents about 1% of the playerbase, so I doubt that "everyone" was informed.

    I think you'll find they did a video on the format of the new event as well.

    You can't have it both ways - information was clearly out there in places you as a forum poster are obviously using and they do a video on a completely new format of event that you don't both to watch and then complain that alliance rewards you wouldn't get in a 4 person alliance in any other event you can't get in AvU.

    They even made you confirm you wanted to join in your current alliance - if I never checked the forums and never looked at the site and was suddenly asked a question on a new format of event I've never been asked before and still I don't try to find out why ..... and then complain.

    Personal responsibility - I entirely respect the "I wish there could have been a way to make small alliances work" argument but any other slant is just moaning for the sake of it.
  • alphabeta wrote:
    MikeHock wrote:
    alphabeta wrote:
    I entirely respect the "I wish there could have been a way to make small alliances work" argument but any other slant is just moaning for the sake of it.
    And that's the point - people are using this feedback forum to feed back their frustration that the current format really didn't work for them. AvU event 1 was bad enough but the the decision to have Scarlet Witch available at only 0.6% probability in the Ultron Reward cover pack means players who missed out in event 1 are badly handicapped for event 2 unless they flash the cash on some AvU cover packs. In other events they have at least featured the required character in the cover pack giving people half a chance of a lucky drop. We accept that's the way the game works but we don't have to like it ...

    Having said that, I fluked Hulkbuster black last night. Suddenly the world seems brighter .... icon_cool.gif
  • It is also a joke if 50% of your alliance doesnt care. icon_cry.gif
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Stony wrote:
    As a small alliance, you can't be competitive at any other aspect of the game pertaining to alliance rewards. Why should that change for Ultron?

    Because Ultron only offers alliance rewards.

    Which reminds me; whatever happened to that promise Demiurge made where alliances would only ever be "something extra on the side", hmm?