Matchmaking satisfaction poll



  • WolfmanX25 wrote:
    I thought Heavy Metal was just fine, but Smash Hit sucks. I blame 20k Hulks everywhere.


    I found that with Heavy Metal, were I to invest a bit of time and effort, I could have done quite well. With Smash Hit? Not so much, and that was from the jump. For me, it wasn't merely the Hulks, it was the teams... like, ALL of them. lol

  • spccrain wrote:
    This is a gauge for the matchmaking system that is in place for the Hulk PvP

    My roster is in my signature, at least the portion that matters.

    The Hulk PVP mmr is garbage. It turns the game into work and takes the fun out of it.

    I didn't hear these complaints for mmr for KK... oh, wait, that's because the old one was used.

    I don't think it is too hard, but that's how I voted based on poll choices. I think it's unnecessarily difficult, but playable if you enjoy grinding in PVP like its PVE, and spending tons of HP on shields and health packs.

    Btw: nothing wrong with the poll
  • AnonymousMPQ
    AnonymousMPQ Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    I have 3 max 2*s and after my 3 seeds at 70 points saw nothing but 150+ level opponents.

    Lost 2 matches that I attempted after that.

    5 people attacked me before the event ended, lowering my score more.

    "New Player" friendly, this new MMR is not.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    300+ days to hard for me. In part for what Wolfman says - I rarely have seen a sub 200 level hulk. More than half were 290's - max Hulk vs my four 166's. And at the end I rarely can find "only" one 270, despite having "only" a 250.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    Heavy Metal wasn't too bad, but Smash Hit has been really painful. I have lots of 166's (including Hulk) and pretty much see nothing but equivalent teams with points that are worth less than 25. Meaning that if I hit them I can be pretty sure they'll just retaliate back and in the end I'll gain maybe a point or two. That isn't very fun.
  • spccrain
    spccrain Posts: 249
    Well I finished about 300 pts less than my usual. I got hit everytime I tried to do a single battle. This is just insane. This "balance" takes away all my drive to play this tinykitty game.
  • mu7an7
    mu7an7 Posts: 34
    I have scored at 837 in the simulator and calling it quits for the season with that score. I keep having to skip the same 4 people over and over (and it is only those 4 people getting queued up) and that gets a bit boring after 20-30 times.
  • inadreves1
    inadreves1 Posts: 106 Tile Toppler
    You can burn in the hell with your new MMR, seriously. With 9 hours to end my bracket in daredevil PvP, I can't hit 600 points, I win 1 and lose 2 at the same time... seriously? with 9 hours to end I have to shield at 550? My daredevil is level 131 (boosted to 220 or more, don't remenber) and the rest of my roster is between 140-150. I think its time to say goodbye for a long time icon_rolleyes.gif
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    I'm on day 170 and have no 3* above 93. This change sucks. After the stock teams I'm hitting lvl 166+ teams. That didn't happen until I started getting near 400 pts previously. I've at least managed to hit some similarly leveled teams on the DD event, but it's only after a few skips. I'm struggling to even hit 200 pts given the choice of teams I'm given.

    I don't play PvP to get new covers (it's happened, but it's not the end goal) I'm just there to get a token and some HP to help build a bigger and hopefully better roster and to hit 4000 pts for the season, thus getting a 10 pack. Don't see of that happening under the current system, so I doubt I'll be playing as much PvP.
  • spccrain
    spccrain Posts: 249
    So I entered the PvP yesterday at work and cleared my 3 seed nodes. I was at 70 pts. I took 2 hits while at 70 pts! With lvl 220 xf/lvl 224 DD/max Loki I thought I might be safe until at least 100 but with this new MMR no one is safe.
  • TheVulture
    TheVulture Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
    "I've been playing for more than 300 days and it's harder but not too hard."

    I don't mind it all when the matchmaking hits the sweet-spot of comparable teams, but I do get a ridiculous spike after the seed matches were it offers me maxed 4* teams for minimal points - have to get past that hurdle to start seeing 'proper' match-ups once again.
  • "I've been playing for less than 300 days and it's too hard!"

    It just is too hard now. Got 166/270 teams just after seed nodes. Lost insane number of iso on skips to get to 300 points. Before all that I was able to finish with 500-650 points, now I barely got to 300 (will end probably with approx. 200). If this is going to stay I will have to ingore PVPs, because playing it is just pointless - with no real chance of getting token, not mention about next rewards. Similar situation is with SHIELD Simulator and that means that I lost chance to get 4000 points a season, so it is not possible any more to get 10-pack - which I was able to get for more than 5 season in a row. Very dissapointing change which makes me to think over playing MPQ.
  • Thanks for chasing me from this game again D3! Same thing Happened last spring and summer; facing maxed level opponents immediately. It's a beautiful day today and I surely won't be wasting my time with MPQ, which has turned into garbage.

    Enjoy some fun in the sun without MPQ!
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    ummm D3 how is this even Freaking far... Top person is ares level 88 then WOLF and thor level 82

    i get up to 200 pts and then BOOM every team is max 3 star or 2 max 3 stars and 4 stars... People in my bracket 1200+ top 10 is 900+

    and you say until you score higher you will not be attacked by the higher players?

    my score was 209 pts

    lost 8 pts person had 893 pts
    lost 6 pts person had 873 pts
    lost 3 pts person had 912 pts
    lost 8 pts person had 542 pts
    lost 3 pts person had 803 pts
    lost 5 pts person had 426 pts

    YEA RIGHT WE WONT BE ATTACKED I hope everyone leaves this piss **** game

    thank you for screwing everyone over D3 and customer support is Junk. when you complain they go nothing will be given or done about this.
  • Changed my vote. With less people playing, I'm hitting the wall of retals a lot sooner, so playing less. Ranking is easier though. Perhaps with the X-Force over-nerf the dynamics of the game will change.
  • RWTDBurn wrote:
    I've been playing for 487 days now and I'm having a hard time voting for any of these options. My concerns are not so much that it's now harder to get to 1000+, it's about the decrease in variety of play along the way. With the old MMR I could try out a few different player combinations from 0 - 500 before I'd switch to my primary 3* and 4* teams. from 0 - 800 there was a good amount of variety along the way before facing the constant 4thor/featured/xforce teams from 800 - 1000+. With the new MMR I'm hitting pretty much the same combination for teams from 200 points on up. Not only does it get old fighting the same teams over and over again but since it's maxed teams starting almost right after the feeder teams there is no place to experiment with teams, so I too am using the same combinations of 4-5 characters over and over and over again.

    The MMR is sucking the fun out of the game for me, and THAT is what bothers me the most. The way they changed the point loss system and matching just makes it worse. They lower the value of point loss per loss yet they change the match making so players with lower scores can queue up players with much higher scores so when they hit you you still lose the same amount of points as you did before. And since those lower score players are going to be fighting maxed out 3* and 4* teams so early in their journey up they will be going out of their way to hit the higher point value players ( I know I would). I'm guessing it will only take another event or two with this MMR before none of the vets bother to play early and just try to make late runs in the last 6-12 hours and if enough of us do that then there won't be anyone up there with high points to snipe at. Those that do hop up the point scale early are going to find it very difficult to hop, leaving everyone frustrated.

    In short, it's a poorly implemented change that doesn't fix what they said it would for lower level players (based on what I've read on other posts) and makes the game repetitive and frustrating for the vets.

    I totally agree, it's like 2 steps forward and 4 steps back