The big lie aka the 2* transition is easier



  • Regarding the recent changes to MPQ, and speaking as someone who has seen Day 500 come and go (does that make me a veteran? lol), I'm pretty excited to even have a shot at seeing a fully covered 3* card, something I hadn't previously thought possible, let alone probable...

    DDQ actually gave me an interest and drive to play that I'd previously never experienced with this title, PVE became something I could actually sense some kind of reasonable progression in, and the matchmaking changes to PVP (prior to whatever happened with the Hulk PVP) gave me the impression that there was some reason off in the distance for me to keep trying to build my 3* roster...

    Just my $0.02.


  • I'm a 3* transitioner. I have all 2* characters maxed & covered (well, except Bagman) and have most of the 3* characters (26 of 36), with not quite half of those leveled above 100. I'm finding that since the matchmaking changes, I place far, far better in PvP. I don't think it's gotten any harder or easier, I still hit a wall (although maybe a little earlier), but overall it just seems to take less points to rank higher than it used to. Right now there's less than 30 minutes left in my Smash Hit bracket, I have 479 points and am ranked 70th. Previously I would have had to have somewhere around 650ish to crack 100.
  • KrisPWales
    Tarouza wrote:
    I have seen a lot of people complaining that the 2*-3* transition has been made easier at the expense of the vets who have been playing since day one. Now I will certainly admit that the vets have had it pretty rough with the 4* thor nerf and mmr changes, however, let me tell you this transition is no picnic lately either. I am about 200 days in and firmly in the transition time and it is extremely rough due to changes.

    Smash Hits PVP has been utterly brutal on the transitioning roster.'i have a mix of max 94 2* chars and lvl 94 3* and 4* chars that don't have full covers (majority of of them range from 6-9 covers with a few 10-12 and the rest 5 or less). I hit about 125 points and I hit the wall of 166s and 250+ hulks. I have been able to place top 100 in pvp about 6-7 out of 10 on avg never above top 50, but generally 450-550 points before having to shield. I am not going to be able to be close this time. So for all of you pining for the good old days of 94s it sucks, yes your battles might be tougher in 3* land and you have to use health packs, but your matches are winnable they just take more time.

    PVE - yes it is easier due to your roster scaling, but I was still seeing lvl 200 plus on goons and 180's or better on some nodes during kingpin pve.

    If any other transitioner wants to chime in at share their experiences it would be welcome. Let's debunk the big lie that the game is easier for the transitioning roster and let the devs know it is harder then ever for us as well

    Could have written this myself, well put.
  • I totally agree with OP and am in a similar boat. I'm on day 166, and I'm just now starting to get 3* characters close to max covers. Philosophically, one could argue that it's pretty hilarious (in a schadenfreude sort of way) that playing a game every day for 5 months, often multiple times a day, still leaves you barely beyond "beginner" status. But that has always been the nature of MPQ for me, and I don't really mind that part.

    What I do mind is the fact that I basically don't have any reason to play currently. My PVP, both Sim and Smash Hit, have lvl 166 3* on EVERY SINGLE NODE despite a lot of skipping at less than 150 points.

    I can't actually beat about a quarter of the PVE nodes currently available, and even if I could, my ability to place and/or hit max progression is iffy at best. Granted, I hit some bad luck in my slice timing and am sitting at #500 despite grinding as many nodes as possible on cooldown. But that also means that it's pretty much impossible for me to catch up enough to win any sort of placement reward. So it would mostly be wasted time except for maybe hoping for some token luck, which is almost guaranteed to not give me anything useable.

    DDQ? Oh yeah, don't have Psylocke. In fact, I'm not even sure she's been a reward for anything reasonable since I started playing. Maybe once.

    I mean, I get it. The entire business model is based on providing as many characters as possible while minimizing the chances of making them useful, which causes roster bloat and encourages people to buy tokens for more slots. So it makes sense to maximize the time someone has a particular character taking up space without being a workhorse. But I hope they can at least return to the ILLUSION that I can progress in a meaningful way. Until then, I think I'll just stick to some essentials and maybe 1 or 2 DDQ nodes. Maybe I'll come back if something changes or if a character I really like is created/revamped (poor Carol Danvers), but it's more likely I'll try to hold on for a while and eventually bid my alliancemates a fond farewell as something with much more reasonable progression comes along.
  • MarvelDestiny
    MarvelDestiny Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    Cammorak wrote:
    What I do mind is the fact that I basically don't have any reason to play currently. My PVP, both Sim and Smash Hit, have lvl 166 3* on EVERY SINGLE NODE despite a lot of skipping at less than 150 points

    I'm in the same boat. I'm in slice 5 of Smash and have been deadlocked for days. No matter how much skipping I do I am surrounded by a wall of 166+. I was only able to climb to about 190pts before the wall appeared. Basically, the way mpq is configured means I am not allowed to compete. It's the same story in sim but I've been 'lucky' enough to be attacked by teams I'm capable of retaling against. So I have to sit there unshielded hoping to get attacked by an opponent I can fight.