Ghost Rider. Would you use him?



  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    Alternate Penance Stare:

    How about a trap mechanic that generates free trap.png tiles whenever anyone on Ghost Rider's team takes more than Hulk's Anger activation worth of dmg. Maybe we make it 1K to prevent it from being totally broken.

    Anyway. This becomes a passive that kicks like a mule eg Fury's trap ability, with the caveat that if fully covered, and a teammate takes more than 4k dmg, you get multiple traps placed in retaliation.

    So it'd look like this. Per trap damage equals the activation % (eg Hulk's Anger's 5% dmg taken). If the enemy trips this trap, they consume all the traps and you get the Scary burning face animation.

    Another fun use of the trap mechanic would be for it to ping-pong around the board ala Daredevil's red, but simply tacking on the 500 dmg per trap.png and replacing itself on the board.

    Or it could even become ammo for the Chain Flechette ability, without being universally usable like charged tiles are. Do you think this would work? I think it's killer.