Ghost Rider. Would you use him?

ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
edited October 2015 in Speculation and Concepts
I have to concede that I really enjoyed playing Ghost Rider in Marvel Ultimate Alliance. He and Deadpool were absolutely amazing in that game.

Here's what I see working for Johnny in this game. As always, tell me what you like or not.

star.pngstar.pngstar.png Johnny Blaze. Ghost Rider. The Spirit of Vengeance. 8500 HPs.
Do yourself a favor and look at Fear Itself. Those covers are fantastic. It's a bit too dark for this game, but WOW

redflag.png Godawful Halitosis. 8 AP.
No water can quench Johnny's thirst for vengeance. He smolders the enemy as well as the battlefield.
Destroy 5 bluetile.png and convert 5 random tiles to blacktile.png . For every blue destroyed, deal 150 DMG.

yellowflag.png Flaming chain 9 AP. Active-Passive.
Generate one yellow 200 DMG attack.png flaming tile per turn. When activated, destroy all flame times, dealing Doom-like TRAP damage and generate one redtile.png AP per flame tile destroyed.

blackflag.png Penance Stare. 13 AP.
Johnny unleashes the sorrow of thousands of weeping souls, making the enemy feel great loss and pain.
Deal 5500 damage PLUS 2100 per downed teammate. If Ghost Rider kills an enemy, remove his flame tiles from the board.


  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    Or how about a passive defense tile generator that, when Ghost Rider is attacked, the defense tiles turn into strike tiles? It's the sort of invoking the spirit / getting him angry.
  • I really like your take on the Penance Stare - bonus damage for downed teammates! I like the overall flavor you have going for GR.
    I don't feel that defensive tiles fit him though. Maybe something more like Hulk's anger?
  • Marc_Spector
    Marc_Spector Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    Love the very character-fitting mechanic you came up with for his Penance Stare!! Kind of the reverse of Luke Cage's yellow.

    I can't wait for Ghost Rider to be added to this game -- although he seems so far removed from Marvel's publishing radar right now, I think we might be waiting a long time if it is in fact predominantly Marvel deciding which characters get added and when.

    (Great shoutout to Marvel Ultimate Alliance, BTW -- still one of the best Marvel console games of all time. GR and Deadpool really were two of the best in that! icon_e_smile.gif )
  • I think a better penance stare would be a CD tile that does damage equal to the amount of damage your team has taken when it triggers. Something like this:

    blackflag.png Penance Stare 10 blacktile.png
    The enemy feels the weight of their actions, reciprocating the agony inflicted upon those that inflicted it. Creates a 2 CD black tile that, when triggered, damages the enemy for 50% of the damage that your team has been subjected to this battle.

    Level 2: Increases the amount inflicted to 75% of the damage your team has been subjected to.
    Level 3: Ghost Rider can see the sins yet to be inflicted to your party. This ability also deals 208 damage as well as the damage the enemy has inflicted upon your party.
    Level 4: Increases the damage to 85% of the damage your party has been subjected to as well as doing 250 damage to the enemy.
    Level 5: Increases the damage to 95% of the damage your party has been subjected to as well as doing 291 damage to the enemy. Decreases the CD tile to 1 turn.

    This way the enemy has a way to avoid the damage if they can match the tile, but also can be a great turn around ability (kinda like classic storm's yellow) used later in the fight. However, maintains it's usefulness in battles where you aren't getting a lot of damage too after 3 covers.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    I agree that penance stare should reflect the damage done, in total. But it'd be too easy to skate or avoid damage. And that cheapens it.

    Maybe treat it like doom's purple, where even if it is destroyed, it still comes back and increments dmg. Then he pops it for 10 and it explodes.

    Here is a larger version of the image I wanted to use in penance stare:
  • When Kingpin came out i thought he would have a killer move related to Ghost Rider
    Since he controlls him with some relic and sends him against The Hand to gain control of them.
    That was a dissapointment

    Hope he is included soon!
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    romak3 wrote:
    I really like your take on the Penance Stare - bonus damage for downed teammates! I like the overall flavor you have going for GR.
    I don't feel that defensive tiles fit him though. Maybe something more like Hulk's anger?

    Hitting him sets things on fire, eg generates one red per hit when damage exceeds 5%. Scaled up means he generates 5 redtile.png per.
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    I registered just to post this, but I'm surprised no one has actually mentioned the lack of motorcycle use. The bike is one of the defining features of GR (he is called a RIDER after all), and the absence of the motorcycle just takes a lot out of his uniqueness

    Here's my take on a possible way to incorporate the bike into his skillset, replacing the redflag.png in the first post

    redflag.png Highway to Hell: 10 AP
    Johnny's motorcycle sets everything it travels upon on fire, leaving behind a trail of ashes
    Deals ??? damage and destroys one random row, generating 1 blacktile.png for every 4 tiles destroyed (2 AP generated)
    Level 3: generates 1 blacktile.png for every 2 tiles destroyed (4 AP generated)
    Level 5: generates 1 blacktile.png for every tile destroyed (8 AP generated)

    I thought generating 8 blacktile.png seems too OP at level 1, and since the grid is 8x8, I scaled up the number of blacktile.png generated in multiples of 2 according to number of covers. Damage scales up with covers of course
    Not sure if the game coding would allow such a scenario though. Might not be the best idea, but I think it's still a decent way to incorporate his bike in.
  • If they make a tournament, called "Faster than a laser bullet, louder than an atom bomb", running a doped up Quicksilver and a doped up Sentry, with Ghost Rider as the prize, I will run him whatever he happens to be.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'll only use him if his cover is a photo of Nicolas Cage
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    udonomefoo wrote:
    I'll only use him if his cover is a photo of Nicolas Cage

    Which one?

  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thing the chain needs to be an AOE, that thing has some reach!

    As for the Nic Cage photo's... USE THEM ALL!
  • Maybe an AOE including his Bike, you can't miss that

    Penance stare looks cool ilke that, could also be like SG move, depending the health of your allies rather than just downed
    Let's say added damage if allies are below 25% and make it 50% when you get 5 covers
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    Bump because reasons.
  • Unknown
    star.pngstar.pngstar.png Ghost Rider
    blackflag.png Hell Fire Blast
    redflag.png Chain Lash
    purpleflag.png Penance Stare
  • Unknown
    Really hoping GR isn't going to be a turd...
    I'll be grinding for this one.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    romak3 wrote:
    Really hoping GR isn't going to be a turd...
    I'll be grinding for this one.

    Wait... do we have some sort of confirmation on his existence?
  • Gowaderacer
    Gowaderacer Posts: 310 Mover and Shaker
    Such a cool character and so many ways to use his I'm sure he will be messed up somehow.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Such a cool character and so many ways to use his I'm sure he will be messed up somehow.

    Yah, they will get Nicolas Cage to play him..

    oh wait...
  • Unknown
    Malcrof wrote:
    romak3 wrote:
    Really hoping GR isn't going to be a turd...
    I'll be grinding for this one.

    Wait... do we have some sort of confirmation on his existence?

    There seems to be a groundswell of rumors that he is next... but also those saying it is not true.
    Guess I'm just hoping for him to be next. icon_redface.gif