Giving up on 65,000

liminal_lad Posts: 471 Mover and Shaker
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
How many people got to 65,000 on Thick as Thieves? I've been grinding like nobody's business and at 52,636 with 3 hours remaining: I need to give up. To the people that got there, what did you do? Give up sleep? Skip work? Ignore friends and loved ones? However you accomplished it, it's impressive.

At least we all have a break before we need to grind for the next new character... Oh wait...


  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2015
    I made it to 65K with about 6 hours to spare. I just played through the nodes every 8 hours. Helped that I had KK for the essentials. And I kept replaying nodes that I'd already farmed all of the rewards from for the points.

    Edit: I shouldn't say EVERY 8 hours. I didn't set my alarm to wake up in the middle of the night to make sure I hit them. But basically I went through the nodes twice a day, and then toward the end just replayed the essentials and a few other nodes to get me to 65K
  • I was on vacation last week and this Monday. Otherwise wouldn't have had a chance.
  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 471 Mover and Shaker
    I did the very 8 hour rotation, and had KK for the essential nodes, and even repeated some nodes almost down to 0. It still seems impossible. I did get the KK Green from the Iron Man PVP, so this isn't as bad as otherwise, still, it's disappointing.

    I ground to the point of diminishing returns to get that last 55,000 prize though.
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    The main event ended before the last mode finished. Otherwise I would have made it.
  • Talahamut
    Talahamut Posts: 231 Tile Toppler
    I played a fair amount, but nowhere near optimally. I even missed final clears/grinds in a couple subs and I'm not gonna sniff Top 50 (thanks to joining a bracket in the 800s). But I still made 65k easily earlier today...
  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 471 Mover and Shaker
    For the people that made it: How many hours a day are you playing? This really did seem infinitely worse than previous events and playing started to feel more like a chore than a diversion.

    I know, I know, it's a game and I should stop if I'm not having fun. Not sure why this felt different. Maybe it was just me.
  • Cymmina
    Cymmina Posts: 413 Mover and Shaker
    I barely managed to squeak in 65k before the event ended (I had 5 minutes left on the clock). I don't have a job at the moment, so it wasn't a problem to hit 3 of the refreshes on time (my slice ended at 6pm, so I'd do that refresh on time and hit them again right before bed). I grinded harder for this event than I did the previous event (I placed 12th), but I didn't grind any nodes down to nothing. I think I placed 70th overall this time, which was right where I wanted to be.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    I got it, and played semi-optimally, meaning I didn't wake up at night to play. Probably twice through in 20-24 hours, rather than three times in 24 hours. But I did grind for an hour before each event ended to stay competitive.

    I could call it a hassle, but when there are no events (waiting between Kamala and Hulk PVPs, waiting for Prodigal Son), I get a little antsy. Too much free time on my hands at the moment.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    I got the last prog reward just before the final sub started. Got 100k with change overall. 5th in my bracket. #1 was 9k points above me.

    Decided that I was going to grind for Kingpin and hit every node in the last 2 subs fairly close to optimal (Exceptions : hit nodes twice before sleeping so that I could skip waking up in the middle of the night, missed the start of all subs (except the last one) due to sleep, missed a few of the hard nodes sub 200 points). Looking at alliance scores, I lost at least 12k points doing that -- though that difference will probably get bigger as people that are still in ongoing slices finish.

    I thought it was looking iffy when I started the second last sub (I had ~35k at that point) however, I got the final reward just before the end of that sub (so 30k+ in second last sub) -- looking at my scores, the last two subs were worth at least 65k+ together -- assuming that you could grind most of the nodes down.

    Time spent: Enough that my wife was looking at me funny, because I stayed up to grind for the final two days, but not enough to cause marital issues. Still kept up all the family obligations, but didn't have work for most of it due to easter, so was able to hit most things fairly optimally while I was awake.

    Boosts / hp spent: At a guess, ~12k in iso boosts and ~1.2k in hp on boosts+health packs (mainly in the very last sub because points were needed and my heroes had suffered... losses) -- this level of spending is excessive for me, justified it with "a KP cover costs 2.5k hp, so as long as you're under that, you're good". Magneto at +350 is ... fun.

    Current feeling about the event: Chuffed that I got all three covers but tired because I skipped ~3hours of sleep last night to grind points.

    Hope that this helps...
  • Vankysher
    Vankysher Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    I'm giving up as well since I'm only at ~50,000 with about 40 min left.
    I played very sporadically over the Easter weekend as I decided that gaming with friends was more fun than this - which it absolutely was.
    Only really started hitting the nodes with regularity on Sunday evening and hit the 50k progression a little while ago.
    Not enough points left in the sub for me to grind out with time running out and I'm not spending any HP on health packs or boosts to try and hit those last several nodes.
    I'd call it quits but helping the Alliance hit top 100 is really all I'm trying to do at this point.
  • You can probably hit 65K by just doing one full clear every 8 hours plus a little bit extra at the end (say at least 2-3 on all the gimmie nodes and whatever you're comfortable with on the hard nodes). Of course effort toward the end is going to matter than effort in the beginning but the points are tight enough that slacking early on is asking for problems later. Also doing a full 5 clear on the super easy nodes adds up to quite a chunk of points and should be trivial for anyone even if it's a bit boring.
  • I barely got to 65k with 1h30min before the end. I foolishly skipped the entire first day and thought that I'd be able to catch up. 2-3 times a day doing full clear once and each time a sub was closing I grinded points from meatiest nodes like madman. Few times I thought to just give up. At the beginning of last day I was at 45k and I just decided to give it a try: let's see if I can get 20k even though that meant grinding each available node 5-6 times during the last hours. I did it. And no, I didn't really enjoy it. I know I wouldn't have been able to do it without those Kamala essential nodes. I'm curious if anyone without Kamala was able to reach 65k. I doubt it.
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    I gave up yesterday. Saw that I needed to make up about 20,000 points today. That wasn't going to happen.....
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    DaveR4470 wrote:
    I gave up yesterday. Saw that I needed to make up about 20,000 points today. That wasn't going to happen.....

    Maybe a mistake on your part then. 20k points was very achievable if you picked up some of those points yesterday.

    Edit: and had Kamala.
  • Stony
    Stony Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    I got 85k. And didn't even crack T50. :-/
  • mouser wrote:
    DaveR4470 wrote:
    I gave up yesterday. Saw that I needed to make up about 20,000 points today. That wasn't going to happen.....

    Maybe a mistake on your part then. 20k points was very achievable if you picked up some of those points yesterday.

    Edit: and had Kamala.
    Exactly. I got around 17k on previous sub and needed 20k on last, and I knew it was possible with the scores increasing each sub. Finished with 67k, 700 points out of T50 in the last hour after grinding the most valuable nodes.
  • I hit 65k with less than a minute to spare. I didn't get Khan until this last PvP reward so I started off pretty slow. I did a clear with about 9 hours left and about 2 hours before the event was ending I was sitting around 50k or so. I tried to save some of the all goon nodes until the very end to build their points back up and it worked. The last 1k took me 4 battles! Finished 131.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    I made well over it, but most of my casual alliance didn't, so I dropped the requirements for them. It was awkward, 20k+ points were given at the last event if it was harvested well.
  • Found this PvE grind difficult this time around. With a busy work day, I kind of gave up hitting the 65k threshold but decided last minute to make a last push. With 9 minutes remaining I luckily ended with 65, 065 points and was able to get green Kamala Khan cover. I know how many felt but had to try and it paid off.
  • I got 105,000 for 4th place. I imagine that means a more casual player could get 57,000 easily and 65,000 with some work required. It would of course be much easier if you already had a KK, but that's always true of the progression reward.

    If you didn't make it, at least you can look forward to the Loki progression in Prodigal Sun, good cover too.