Post-event tacos disappeared



  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't feel as bad as some as I only lost 2 tokens. I'm glad that most, it seems, got your stashed tokens back. I did not get my tokens back and probably won't. I did submit a bug ticket and got a reply email where I was supposed to be more thorough with information as how I lost them. For just 2 tokens, I said forget it. Besides, I never pulled any gold tokens from taco tokens anyway.

    I lost 18, and still haven't gotten any back. Resubmit your ticket, they need to know their fix did not work for everyone.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got my tacos back but they're no longer rolling over between DDQ cycles - I have nine banked from last week, 20 from two weeks ago (that ordinarily would have rolled over into this week) and 29 that were restored by the patch (and normally would have combined with the 9 from last week). Is there no longer any point in waiting for characters you actually need to be added to the taco pool?
  • Same, it's kind of a big deal since there is quite a big chance it's a 5-rotation people already have and thus it's very little diffrence between losing them and getting them back (just for smallish chance for HP, meh).
  • I'm hoping the restored tokens roll over next cycle but it would be nice to get some confirmation of what's happening from the red names. I'd rather they were heroics if they're going to be stuck on that one week.
  • Etheus
    Etheus Posts: 56
    I got my tacos back but they're no longer rolling over between DDQ cycles - I have nine banked from last week, 20 from two weeks ago (that ordinarily would have rolled over into this week) and 29 that were restored by the patch (and normally would have combined with the 9 from last week). Is there no longer any point in waiting for characters you actually need to be added to the taco pool?

    They do seem still to be rolling over correctly, but they aren't combining properly with the current batch or the previous stockpile. I had a stack of 16 restored in a separate stockpile, but it was correctly drawing from the current rotation of characters. Today,I'm all confused because now I have 2 stockpiles of 10 to go with the remaining 14 from the pile I mentioned. One of the 10s should have combined with the 14 leftover, and the other stock of 10 should have rolled into the current batch. Now I have no idea which batch of characters each stack of 10 is connected to.
  • Verno5x
    Verno5x Posts: 36
    I'm in an even weirder situation. Here's my current DDQ tokens:

    Current: 2 Taco Tokens
    Post-Event: 38 Taco Tokens
    Post-Event: 8 Taco Tokens
    Post-Event: 40 Taco Tokens

    No idea what's going to happen if I open them or which characters are in any of them. Can anyone from Demiurge confirm what they all go to?
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Recap + Update of current situation.

    Lost 30 Taco Tokens.
    Received notice here on forums that fix was coming.
    Awaited fix.
    Patch / download came through, tokens not restored.
    Messaged customer service hours later that day.
    They told me "it's fixed, thanks rate us."
    Opened a new ticket.
    Customer Support told me it'd take ~72 hours (on the 10th).
    Waited 72 Hours counting only on Business days, notified Hi-Fi nothing has happened. He said it was escalated and I would hear back in a timely manner.
    Still zilch.
    8 days have passed thus far. No light gleams beyond the horizon. No sign of life.