Bring back multiple boosted 3* in PVP

Devs, please bring back multiple boosted characters in PVP!! To balance 4*s, change matchmaking so that 3* and 4* teams are considered identically for matchmaking purposes. Multiple boosted chacters or thematic packs are both good - do both, and keep things mixed up.


  • meh, i prefer the old fashioned 1 boosted essential character (if your are curious, no i don't have a usable 4* character)
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Devs, please bring back multiple boosted characters in PVP!! To balance 4*s, change matchmaking so that 3* and 4* teams are considered identically for matchmaking purposes.
    Because we need more reasons not to bother trying to get 4*s?
  • They said it was only an experiment, but I enjoyed it. I remember when events with multiple boosted charachters ran before the seasons started, (Similar to the offseason events now) and I enjoyed it, so would love to see it make a comeback. I guess we will see how the experiments data turns out.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Devs, please bring back multiple boosted characters in PVP!! To balance 4*s, change matchmaking so that 3* and 4* teams are considered identically for matchmaking purposes.
    Because we need more reasons not to bother trying to get 4*s?

    At least until we get more usable 4 Stars. Surely even you must admit it was pretty refreshing to see more new teams.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Another of the those things buried in a thread, but the devs said they need a data set post-Thor nerf in the regular format so they have data to compare the results to.

    It's otherwise too hard to discern whether the changes in scoring/rosters/etc were caused by the boosted characters or not.

    I don't think it's the last we've seen of it, but I don't think it will come back identically either.
  • westnyy2
    westnyy2 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    I disliked all the boosted characters also. Were there different teams? A few, but not enough. I will argue that there was no more than we would have seen anyways after the 4hor nerf. This was the first event post nerf and we would have been trying out new combos anyways. Lastly, while it allowed more people to compete at a higher level, it took away progression goals for the established top tier. I understand that group is a smaller percentage but yes it p'd me off that my newly developed PX was rendered useless because of too many 3* buffs. Whether it's someone on day 1, 200 or 400 we should all have progression goals to climb to.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
    Look at this poll from this thread to see how people felt about the multiple powered-up chars:

    It's pretty much evenly split between hate/love it. Half the people didnt enjoy it if we take
    that poll at face value, I hope it's not coming back personally, or very rarely. It feels exactly like
    the current BoP PVP and it's not fun.

    It trivializes people that actually developped their roster and suddenly everyone can compete. That might
    appeal to new players but to people who are veterans it's kind of awful.
  • sinnerjfl wrote:
    It trivializes people that actually developped their roster and suddenly everyone can compete. That might
    appeal to new players but to people who are veterans it's kind of awful.

    Isn't it actually the exact opposite of this? Where veterans who have full 3* rosters will be at an advantage to wallet warriors who only have a 270 XF and a 166 Hood? I'm not sure what you mean by everyone can compete, they do actually need to have the boosted characters to be affected.
  • ynglink
    ynglink Posts: 195
    I'd like to see some sort of implementation of how the buffed PvP characters were. Maybe not as large as a buff across the board, but maybe seasonal buffs? Or just lock characters out during certain events like how some of the PvE's do it. There's got to be ways to vary the rosters more, and I did like how the PvP buffs were for the most part.

    I would most definitely like to see weekly 4* buffs though. If X-Force constantly dominates through multiple 4* buffed characters, that should say something about his character.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    westnyy2 wrote:
    I understand that group is a smaller percentage but yes it p'd me off that my newly developed PX was rendered useless because of too many 3* buffs.

    Pretty sure I skipped every single max Professor X I found. There was literally no reason to fight him with much easier targets around. And yes, IMO a 280 Thor is easier than a 330 X. Or maybe easier isn't the word persay, but less can go wrong with him as an opponent.
  • westnyy2
    westnyy2 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    Pretty sure I skipped every single max Professor X I found. There was literally no reason to fight him with much easier targets around. And yes, IMO a 280 Thor is easier than a 330 X. Or maybe easier isn't the word persay, but less can go wrong with him as an opponent.

    I wish everyone else decided to skip him too. Started off great with a couple of defensive wins. I left it overnight to see how it would go and when I woke up I had lost several hundred points. Wasn't a big deal as it was an experiment but you get the idea. I'm all for them trying new and different things but the buffs in this event were just too strong. I like the idea of removing characters from certain PVP's. That would be different. There is no need to buff them but it will still challenge us strategy wise.
  • ynglink
    ynglink Posts: 195
    westnyy2 wrote:
    I'm all for them trying new and different things but the buffs in this event were just too strong. I like the idea of removing characters from certain PVP's. That would be different. There is no need to buff them but it will still challenge us strategy wise.
    I agree, though like I said above, I would like to see 4*'s buffed in PvP, maybe 2 a week or 2 a season. I also like the idea of buffed characters overall (say for a week or season) but not to the extreme of what they were. Maybe like +15-20 levels if they aren't the featured character. (Except 4*'s, I'd like to see a +30 level boost for them so they can hit 300, cause reasons)
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    Isn't it actually the exact opposite of this? Where veterans who have full 3* rosters will be at an advantage to wallet warriors who only have a 270 XF and a 166 Hood? I'm not sure what you mean by everyone can compete, they do actually need to have the boosted characters to be affected.

    The way they did it during the test, they boosted a lot of characters and all good ones across all rarity. Also, they were some of the most popular characters so lots of people had them hence why competition was a lot more fierce. Fairly sure PVP scores were down as a whole during their test.
  • Bring back boosted characters, I want to wreck 3* players with my 2* roster
  • sinnerjfl wrote:
    Lerysh wrote:
    Isn't it actually the exact opposite of this? Where veterans who have full 3* rosters will be at an advantage to wallet warriors who only have a 270 XF and a 166 Hood? I'm not sure what you mean by everyone can compete, they do actually need to have the boosted characters to be affected.

    The way they did it during the test, they boosted a lot of characters and all good ones across all rarity. Also, they were some of the most popular characters so lots of people had them hence why competition was a lot more fierce. Fairly sure PVP scores were down as a whole during their test.

    They have said scoring distribution was pretty normal. Individual results may vary, obviously.

    True, they did boost basically the most popular characters, but if it was brought back you have to assume that wouldn't always be the case. The system overall awards diversity which is something only a veteran player can achieve.
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    I'm glad they did away with the powered up characters in the way the were tested....

    I'd be completely in favour of buffing up the featured character to 4* tier though.
    Putting them into the spotlight to potentially promote more team diversity was a good idea.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    raisinbman wrote:
    Bring back boosted characters, I want to wreck 3* players with my 2* roster

    Poor argument / form.

    In the future, try to form an argument based on how you feel this might be good for the game or how this might improve player experience, rather than just saying you'd like to defeat superior players with inferior resources.
  • Multiple buffed characters in pvp is a horrible idea, unless you enjoy long drawn out matches, getting hit more and earlier, and most importantly stretching out total play time per pvp for the same rewards.

    Ok, this game has iso and hp as resources, but for some reason I see too many people who don't realise that their time is also a resource, as someone who's very time poor I definitely would not enjoy fighting Lthor with 17k health on repeat.

    Combine that with the new mmr where you get maxed teams right after seeds, the fact that 4* become completely trivialised by being outscaled by buffed 3* (ok one 4* would be buffed, if you happen to have that 4* cover and iso maxed and it's not one of the useless ones, awesome, otherwise 4* may as well not exist), blowout in total play time and hp expenditure to reach, oh, say 1000 points, and you have a game which is bordering on unplayable, unless you're a masochist, in that case, go nuts.
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    illmatic wrote:
    Multiple buffed characters in pvp is a horrible idea, unless you enjoy long drawn out matches, getting hit more and earlier, and most importantly stretching out total play time per pvp for the same rewards.

    Ok, this game has iso and hp as resources, but for some reason I see too many people who don't realise that their time is also a resource, as someone who's very time poor I definitely would not enjoy fighting Lthor with 17k health on repeat.

    Combine that with the new mmr where you get maxed teams right after seeds, the fact that 4* become completely trivialised by being outscaled by buffed 3* (ok one 4* would be buffed, if you happen to have that 4* cover and iso maxed and it's not one of the useless ones, awesome, otherwise 4* may as well not exist), blowout in total play time and hp expenditure to reach, oh, say 1000 points, and you have a game which is bordering on unplayable, unless you're a masochist, in that case, go nuts.

    Black Vortex was kinda fun. I wouldn't mind an occasional multi-buffed character PvP if we're not locked into bringing a featured character.

    The health tiers in this game really need to get looked at, the level shift has caused so many problems and people fail to realize it. The hp minimum tier needs to get raised to like 5350+ (except for maybe Hood) and the maximum tier needs to get dropped to 8500. Current 8500's who don't belong at Thor/Hulk tier should be dropped to 7650. PvP-wise one of 4hor's biggest problems is that her health pool was too big and it took 3*'s forever to down her. Lthor has this problem too when you scale him to 280.
  • dkffiv wrote:
    illmatic wrote:
    Multiple buffed characters in pvp is a horrible idea, unless you enjoy long drawn out matches, getting hit more and earlier, and most importantly stretching out total play time per pvp for the same rewards.

    Ok, this game has iso and hp as resources, but for some reason I see too many people who don't realise that their time is also a resource, as someone who's very time poor I definitely would not enjoy fighting Lthor with 17k health on repeat.

    Combine that with the new mmr where you get maxed teams right after seeds, the fact that 4* become completely trivialised by being outscaled by buffed 3* (ok one 4* would be buffed, if you happen to have that 4* cover and iso maxed and it's not one of the useless ones, awesome, otherwise 4* may as well not exist), blowout in total play time and hp expenditure to reach, oh, say 1000 points, and you have a game which is bordering on unplayable, unless you're a masochist, in that case, go nuts.

    Black Vortex was kinda fun. I wouldn't mind an occasional multi-buffed character PvP if we're not locked into bringing a featured character.

    The health tiers in this game really need to get looked at, the level shift has caused so many problems and people fail to realize it. The hp minimum tier needs to get raised to like 5350+ (except for maybe Hood) and the maximum tier needs to get dropped to 8500. Current 8500's who don't belong at Thor/Hulk tier should be dropped to 7650. PvP-wise one of 4hor's biggest problems is that her health pool was too big and it took 3*'s forever to down her. Lthor has this problem too when you scale him to 280.

    I skipped black vortex almost entirely, but yeah, if the buffed characters are useless (Beast) or lower mid tier (Gam, Grocket, Mohawk), sure, it's not too bad, but even mid tier 3* like Pun, LCap, Hulk, BP would be pretty annoying to fight on repeat.

    Still not too bad you say? Ok, Cage and Iron Fist would be buffed at some point, yeah, not fun fighting them on repeat for a week or whatever, I'd rather they overbuff one featured character like babinro suggested than feature a bunch for a week.