110% positive that the devs are trying to SLOW the *2 Play

TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I almost posted this exact same theory when the 2* Magneto nerfs were announced, but I figured I would just let it fly, hoping that it was just thinking the worst.

I can now, without the shadow of a doubt stand behind the folowing:

There were probably an unexpected amount of 2* players completing Deadpool's Quest every single day, more than likely with Magneto / Storm / Hawkeye or Thor or etc. For whatever reason, this made the developers feel a need to halt or I guess just slow down their transitions.

Just look at how many things have been implemented within the last few weeks, DIRECTLY effecting 2* players!

-MNMags nerf (which therefore almost kills the go to team for crazy scaled goon nodes (I.E. DDQ)
-Indirect nerf to cStorm
-Only +2 Stockpiled AP colors allowed in matches

Everyone that I speak to about DDQ (in alliance, on Facebook, in real life) uses the same team as I do. MNMag, cStorm, Hawk, along with +3 Rainbow or +3 Pink / Blue. So, that's at least 25 people that I personally know who will have a lot a lot A LOT more trouble now.

I don't know what their reasoning behind all of this is, but even if it's NOT on purpose, it would at the very least fall under the umbrella of GROSS NEGLIGENCE (as in mindless carelessness, not legal stuff lol).

Will the updated token probabilities be enough to compensate for this? I really don't think so. :+/

For those of you who are OUT of the transition.....I beg you.....please do not come in here acting all high and mighty and "get better". Please.


  • FWIW I use Ares/OBW/Ms Marvel and no boosts to beat the **** out of DDQ every day. And I've used MNM/C.Storm/Hawkeye to clear the final node for the 3* cover post nerf with no boosts. Speed Shot is a wonderful thing. I use 2*s in DDQ both because they are required and because that way no health packs goto a 3* I need if I mess up DDQ randomly. Not a 2* player tho, full disclosure.

    I imagine the "full clear" rate of DDQ is actually quite high, and I would hope the devs were aware of the possibility going in and when designing it. Anyone with a 2* roster should be able to clear it every day if they have the essential 3*, and at least get 1 taco and a couple thousand iso if they don't. DDQ nodes are not "crazy scaled" they are fixed. Level 99-132 for The Big Enchilada every day. If it scaled at all there would be fluctuation. It may take a couple tries, but no one in my alliance has ever missed the 3* cover when they had the essential character, 2* and 3* rosters alike.

    And how does less boosts slow 2* play more than 3* and 4* play exactly? It slows everyone, and yes they did it on purpose. They even said they are aware it will slow games down and are keeping an eye on it. 2* players aren't being persecuted, we all got hit by the boosts change.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thor/OBW/CStorm every time and I haven't lost once yet.
  • esoxnepa
    esoxnepa Posts: 291
    I use MNM, C Storm, Hawkeye at levels 44, 56, and 40 to clear the wave node and 3rd node (except on caltrop day).

    Moving the 2* covers down to 200 in PvP is really more awesome for early players than I would have expected. It gives newer players something very reachable, that will impact their rosters right away. It will give these new players a real feel for having the ability to advance through PvP.

    I'll stay reserved on how the new matchmaking turns out, but it sounds positive.
  • RoryQ
    RoryQ Posts: 64 Match Maker
    I'm a 2*-3* transition player and I still use my 2* team of Mags, Storm and Thor to complete the final wave, even after the nerf, and without boosts, and I think I've lost once in a month. As long as you finish the wave with an ability or 5-match the AI heroes shouldn't even get a shoot off.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gonna do the Big Enchilada with 2*'s only no boosts after reading this just to see where the average 2 star user stands. I can't comment before I have perspective on the issue. I will return with results!
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    I won all enchiladas I've been in but one with 94 Magneto / Storm / Hawkeye (all but the first Gamora). I never used AP boost. Whenever I'm in difficulty (teisatsu...) I use blue/violet damage boost and rainbow damage boost to win (sometimes I add a critical damage boost). I had to go through it up to five times in a day, but succeeded nonetheless. I wasn't affected by the Magneto "nerf"(not convinced it was one after testing), I won't be affected by the AP change either.

    DDQ and the other changes to next season with increased acccess to two star and three star for everybody kinda make me believe that they're not trying to slow two star player, quite the opposite.
  • stowaway
    stowaway Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    udonomefoo wrote:
    Thor/OBW/CStorm every time and I haven't lost once yet.

    A video guide using this 2* team and not only completing the Big Enchilada, but taking zero damage in the process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaCjkmXF-pY. I loved the MMN 2* Storm combo (and I still do, it's just a little different). But I think some people had grown over dependent. Heck, if (when) they ever nerf Lazy Thor, I'll be in a daze for two weeks trying to re-calibrate my system.
  • SodaPopinski
    SodaPopinski Posts: 59 Match Maker
    The adjustment to mmags did not make him bad and it had nothing to do with slowing 2* players. It was to kill the winfinate quirk.

    Mmags cstorm and OBW will take any of the ddq with no boosts. I do this a lot for fun. It is more of a challenge, but most of the time i do not take a lot of damage either. The rotation of goon/1 hero/goon/3heros on the last node allows me to save up AP for the last wave. It can be challenging if the AI gets some cascades, of course. I also agree that the caltrops are more difficult.

    For the record mine are 94s that i use regularly, but i have also completed it with my sons account who are in the fully covered in the 60-75 range. I am not downplaying the challenge for 2* rosters...only throwing my opinion out there.
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    The adjustment to mmags did not make him bad and it had nothing to do with slowing 2* players. It was to kill the winfinate quirk.

    2* players had nothing to do with the nerf. You were just collateral damage.

    3* and 4* players were teaming MN Mags with Thor (4*), Mystique and Professor X to essentially get an endless turn. The devs don't mind powerful teams/synergy but they don't like when the player can string together a dozen abilities in a row without giving the AI a turn. Just look at who was nerfed on the same day as MN Mags--Thor (4*) and Mystique. Professor X was nerfed before he was even released. There were no changes to Storm, mHawkeye or any other 2* character except MN Mags.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cleared it handily by using

    Black Widow **
    Storm **
    Magneto **
    No boosts

    Cleared it without being damaged except for a single countdown tile.

    I prioritized purple (which obw tanks, if there's any danger she is the throw-away)
    Pretty much once you have 18 purple you can go out and clear the goon wave + the character wave, then just bank another 18 and go again.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    No boosts
    No teamups

    Win every day.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    MnMags/Storm/Bullseye is tons of fun in survival mode and nearly always wins. Bonus damage with Murderous Aim, 30 greentile.png AP Lighting Strikes, and Mags fueled Windstorms are glorious things. Never boost. I've got a better record with 2* teams than I do with 3* teams, I'm sure.

    I forgot how much fun the 2* game was until DDQ brought it back. Enjoy it.
  • Norrin Radd
    Norrin Radd Posts: 65 Match Maker
    Using boost on DDQ is sort of a waste in my opinion. Boosts are more important when speed is needed, and since it really doesn't matter how fast you complete those levels why would you waste them on that? I only use boosts if I need to squeeze in a match during the end of a an event as a safety net in case of a bad board.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    TLCstormz wrote:
    I almost posted this exact same theory when the 2* Magneto nerfs were announced, but I figured I would just let it fly, hoping that it was just thinking the worst.

    I'm pretty sure you are still just complaining about the magneto nerf.
    -MNMags nerf (which therefore almost kills the go to team for crazy scaled goon nodes (I.E. DDQ)
    -Indirect nerf to cStorm

    Both are about the magneto nerf.
    -Only +2 Stockpiled AP colors allowed in matches

    I am pretty sure this effects shield hopping way more than 2*s doing daily deadpools.... icon_lol.gif

    I think everyone on the forums should be happy you never had a 4* Thor, god knows how much you would rage about something legitimate icon_e_wink.gif
  • SnagglePuss
    SnagglePuss Posts: 702 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2015
    OBW/Marvel/Thor 95% win first time. 80% with no damage. No boosts

    Seriously just support OBW, she pretty much makes goon nodes a walkover

    edit: Just to expand, like everyone else the goon nodes you build up power, occasionally using one if you are at 30AP and the goons have a lot of HP. Just so you can build up to the 30AP max of that colour. Don't be afraid to take a few hits, especially if you have OBW as you will be healed up at some point.

    Match 5 / Power into the character nodes and spam away.
    Thor pretty much finishes things by himself in both nodes.
    Call storm x2, whoever has highest HP.
    Then maybe Thunderstrike x2 which leads to CS again... Or just Marvels Black to AOE.

    The only time i groan is when it's The Muscle with x2 Ninja. The Attack Tiles can eventually kill you off if the spawn in the corners and especially if the Muscle managed to drop a strike tile or two....
  • I have several completed 3*s and still do the DDQ with my trusty 2* Storm/Mags/Thor. Build ap during the goon wave, don't be afraid to get hit with the occasional cooldown - most are completely survivable. Be frugal with your ap, only use skills if that goon's cooldown tile would kill a character (or you are about to go over 30 ap for said colour). Wait with using Polarity shift until there's a good amount of blue tiles so you can max your blue ap gain. Save up red for Mags, not Thor, since Mags red collects all the ap of the tiles he has blown up. I usually use Thors yellow or Mags' red to kill the last goon to go into the second wave.

    It's still your turn because you used an ability to end the last goon, so proceed and stun the most dangerous person in the second wave with Storms windstorm. You should have enough ap for a second windstorm unless you got unlucky, so stun the second most dangerous one as well. If there was a squishy low hp character, it should remain unstunned because you can now use your Storms green to kill him off (you ought to have 20+ green at this point). You gain the ap of the tiles Storm destroyed, and have 2 characters that are stunned for 4 turns. Kill them off, proceed to the third wave, do the same, and then the 4th wave.

    Long story short: there is no reason why a player with a solid 2* roster should have trouble with the DDQ.
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    Using boost on DDQ is sort of a waste in my opinion. Boosts are more important when speed is needed, and since it really doesn't matter how fast you complete those levels why would you waste them on that? I only use boosts if I need to squeeze in a match during the end of a an event as a safety net in case of a bad board.

    As far as I'm concerned I rarely use boost anyway, I'm nearly always sitting on a pile of 30 everything, so using a boost now and then to pass DDQ quicker or squeeze a last tough game in PVE/PVP isn't much of a problem.
  • Add me to the list of those not having much trouble with Deadpool Daily. OBW/Thor/Ares without much if any damage. The outrage over Mags nerf was premature and there is no conspiracy to hold 2* players down.
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    IDK, I always play DDQ with Thor+OBW+Wolvie. Never played storm + mag. No problems there.
  • Your logic doesn't make much sense. It would be a lot easier to just drop in tougher opponents in the Deadpool daily than it would be to change a bunch of characters. It's trivial for 3* players. I can beat all the nodes in under 15 minutes and I can usually get through the final node without taking any damage.