Banked DDQ Tokens

Posts: 1,063
Did they change how these work? I had 10 saved up from a couple weeks ago that I was going to try and use to get more BP/LThor covers, but it looks like now they can only be used on this weeks covers?
Am I seeing this right? Is this a glitch, or is this how they will be used from now on?
Am I seeing this right? Is this a glitch, or is this how they will be used from now on?
My understanding:
Odd-numbered tokens (ones awarded in weeks 1, 3, etc.) will go like this:
Week 1, they offer week 1 covers
Week 2, they become stockpiled. Not sure if they offer week 1 covers or week 3 covers
Week 3, offer week 3 covers
Week 4, stockpiled, offer Week 3 or Week 5
Even-numbered tokens work the same way, only with the odd/even reversed
So the ones from a couple weeks ago will turn into current active ones. There's no way to turn an even into an odd or an odd into an even.
Again, this is my understanding.0 -
So you can only use your banked tokens every other week? That is really goofy. I don't care about any of the characters in the pool this week, so I'm going to save 10 more. Sounds like next week the then 20 I have banked will still draw from this week's pool. Then the following week I can use them all on whatever the pool for that particular week is?
Week of 3/25 - 10 tokens banked, 10 tokens earned. All tokens pull from week of 3/25 (DD, LC, R&G, Spidey, Storm)
Week of 3/30 - 20 tokens banked, 10 tokens earned. Banked tokens pull from week of 3/25 (DD, LC, R&G, Spidey, Storm), Earned tokens pull from Week of 3/30 (???, ???, ???, ???, ???)
Week of 4/3 - 30 tokens banked, 10 tokens earner. All tokens pull from week of 4/3 (???, ???, ???, ???, ???)
Or is it
Week of 4/3 - 30 tokens banked, 10 tokens earned. 20 of the 30 banked tokens will pull from week of 4/3, 10 of the banked will pull from week of 3/30?0 -
I for one would really like a definitive answer here.
Exactly how older DDQ tokens are being treated? It is NOT clear at all, and I have to imagine that many users (especially people who don't read these forums) are especially confused or disappointed if they think they can save tokens for needed cover weeks and then the tokens behave in a different way.0 -
CaptainFreaky wrote:I for one would really like a definitive answer here.
Exactly how older DDQ tokens are being treated? It is NOT clear at all, and I have to imagine that many users (especially people who don't read these forums) are especially confused or disappointed if they think they can save tokens for needed cover weeks and then the tokens behave in a different way.
They could solve this by just adding the little blue "info" question mark on the banked token page that would tell you the draw rates for them.0 -
This is my understanding:
This week contains Storm, Luke Cage, Rocket & Groot, Spider-Man, Daredevil (token A1)
Next week should contain She-Hulk, Deadpool, Gamora, Black Widow, Loki (token B1)
The week after that should contain Daken, Squirrel Girl, Doctor Doom, Mystique, The Hulk (token A2)
There are two sets of DDQ tokens, each with its own redemption page. If you do not redeem any tokens this group before the next group is swapped in, they will be moved to the "stashed" section. I do not know if it has been definitively said, but those should still contain Storm and company. However I do not know why you would open them at this point, as obviously you didn't want them or else they would already be opened. Meanwhile, the new set of tokens will be awarded that contain She-Hulk and that group.
Five days later, when the third group is rotated in, the "stashed" tokens will now contain Daken's group. If you saved all 10 tokens from Storm's group, those 10 tokens will now have the "A2" group of characters against which to draw.
This repeats every time a new group comes in. The "A" tokens are stashed, and the "B" tokens change to contain the new group. After five days the "B" tokens are stashed and the "A" tokens contain a new group of 5 ***s.
So when considering on if you should open tokens or not, you need to look two groups into the future to decide if you need more from that batch of from the current batch.0 -
from what I understand each Taco token is mapped to a certain set of character odds. I think there are 4 or 5 groups.
With that being said, I had managed to save 10 tacos forand
earlier this week but it didn't matter. I got neither of them so who cares.
0 -
Haven't yet spent one, here is how it's gone for me:
Week one (day 5): 10 active tokens, all pull BP/Mags/Storm/Cage/Groot.
Week two (day 5): 10 active tokens that pull DP/DD/She-Hulk/Gamorra/Spidey. 10 Stockpiled tokens that pull BP/Mags/Storm/Cage/Groot.
Week three (day 5): 20 active tokens that all pull Loki/Daken/Doom/GSBW/Squirrel. 10 stockpiled tokens that pull (DP/DD/She-Hulk/Gamorra/Spidey?) - I assume they pulled week 2.
Week four (day 5): 20 active tokens that all pull Mystique/Hulk/Psy/Falcon/Beast. 20 stockpiled tokens that pull (Loki/Daken/Doom/GSBW/Squirrel?)
week five (day 5): 30 active tokens that all pull Cap/Blade/Sentry/Patch/Punisher. 20 stockpiled tokens that pull (Mystique/Hulk/Psy/Falcon/Beast from week 4?)
week six (day 5): 30 active tokens that all pull The Hood, Human Torch, Doc Oc, Colossus, Cyclops. 30 stockpiled tokens that pull (Cap/Blade/Sentry/Patch/Punisher from week 5?)
Week seven (day 5) 40 active tokens that all pull Marvel, IM, Thor, BP, CMags. 30 stockpiled tokens that pull (week 6?)
week eight (day 1) 32 active tokens that all pull Daredevil, Spider Man, Storm, Grocket, Luke Cage. 40 stockpiled tokens that pull (week 7?)
--There has only been two "clumps", one in active and one as stockpiled. I don't think stockpiled could be two types - I'm just not certain if this week (8) pulls week 7 draws or pulls week 6 draws, I've heard various reports on this.
As long as you have any extra they go to stockpiled, the rule seems to be if you have more than stockpiled by the end of the week, it will dump the rest onto stockpile (but I've only seen it in sets of 10).0 -
I wouldn't know because as of yet, I have not pulled a single 3star from dpq tokens0
Ben Grimm is exactly right and I'm not sure what seems to still be unclear to people but let me give it a try:
Let's call the first set of covers in the rotation group #1 (odd), the second set group #2 (even), the third set group #3 (odd) etc.
There is an even-group token pile and an odd-group token pile. Tokens don't swap piles EVER. If tokens are collected during an even-group rotation, they draw from the posted draw odds when first active. At the end of the even-group rotation, they move to the stockpile. Even-group tokens in the stockpile keep the draw odds of the latest even-group covers until <24h before rotation when they start drawing from the next even-group covers that are about to become active. They will never draw from an odd-group set of cover odds. When the rotation hits again, these even-group tokens move from the stockpile page back to the active page in your "Recruit Heroes" section and draw from the new covers in the even-group.
Same logic for the odd-group tokens.
It's not hard people!0 -
Somehow I ended up with one large clump of stockpiled tokens, and was really hoping I could pull some cyclops from them but lo and behold the entire clump is the opposite rotation...0
cjkmpq wrote:This is my understanding:
This week contains Storm, Luke Cage, Rocket & Groot, Spider-Man, Daredevil (token A1)
Next week should contain She-Hulk, Deadpool, Gamora, Black Widow, Loki (token B1)
The week after that should contain Daken, Squirrel Girl, Doctor Doom, Mystique, The Hulk (token A2)
So when considering on if you should open tokens or not, you need to look two groups into the future to decide if you need more from that batch of from the current batch.
Where do you find info on what is coming up? Can you post a link?0 -
Kamuuu wrote:Ben Grimm is exactly right and I'm not sure what seems to still be unclear to people but let me give it a try:
Let's call the first set of covers in the rotation group #1 (odd), the second set group #2 (even), the third set group #3 (odd) etc.
There is an even-group token pile and an odd-group token pile. Tokens don't swap piles EVER. If tokens are collected during an even-group rotation, they draw from the posted draw odds when first active. At the end of the even-group rotation, they move to the stockpile. Even-group tokens in the stockpile keep the draw odds of the latest even-group covers until <24h before rotation when they start drawing from the next even-group covers that are about to become active. They will never draw from an odd-group set of cover odds. When the rotation hits again, these even-group tokens move from the stockpile page back to the active page in your "Recruit Heroes" section and draw from the new covers in the even-group.
Same logic for the odd-group tokens.
It's not hard people!
It's not hard, it's just a really stupid way of executing something that should be more intuitive. You would have to bank tokens for several weeks, then use them and actually pull some 3* characters to ever figure this out on your own.0 -
PeterGibbons316 wrote:cjkmpq wrote:This is my understanding:
This week contains Storm, Luke Cage, Rocket & Groot, Spider-Man, Daredevil (token A1)
Next week should contain She-Hulk, Deadpool, Gamora, Black Widow, Loki (token B1)
The week after that should contain Daken, Squirrel Girl, Doctor Doom, Mystique, The Hulk (token A2)
So when considering on if you should open tokens or not, you need to look two groups into the future to decide if you need more from that batch of from the current batch.
Where do you find info on what is coming up? Can you post a link? ... %27s_Daily0 -
PeterGibbons316 wrote:cjkmpq wrote:This is my understanding:
This week contains Storm, Luke Cage, Rocket & Groot, Spider-Man, Daredevil (token A1)
Next week should contain She-Hulk, Deadpool, Gamora, Black Widow, Loki (token B1)
The week after that should contain Daken, Squirrel Girl, Doctor Doom, Mystique, The Hulk (token A2)
So when considering on if you should open tokens or not, you need to look two groups into the future to decide if you need more from that batch of from the current batch.
Where do you find info on what is coming up? Can you post a link?
He's assuming the order of the first release will repeat (and it's been an accurate assumption so far).
Yogi tracks covers by date at: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=23761
And Rosraff used to track cover order at: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=23981 but it's not as convenient since he stepped away and the first post is no longer updated.
There is also a google doc: ... edit#gid=00 -
PeterGibbons316 wrote:It's not hard, it's just a really stupid way of executing something that should be more intuitive. You would have to bank tokens for several weeks, then use them and actually pull some 3* characters to ever figure this out on your own.
And I wanted to figure it out because it's important for my cover collection strategy, so guess what I did?
PS: I agree that it's a very unintuitive choice of implementation. I suspect there is a weird technical limitation or potential (real or perceived) risk with changing the odds of "live" tokens (i.e. non-stockpile) which is why they went for this clunky approach.0 -
Keep in mind, when predicting order - Ragnarok and Iron Fist haven't shown up yet, and will make it into the order eventually, which will shift things a bit. But otherwise, they appear to be repeating the original order.0
Kamuuu wrote:Ben Grimm is exactly right and I'm not sure what seems to still be unclear to people but let me give it a try:
Let's call the first set of covers in the rotation group #1 (odd), the second set group #2 (even), the third set group #3 (odd) etc.
There is an even-group token pile and an odd-group token pile. Tokens don't swap piles EVER. If tokens are collected during an even-group rotation, they draw from the posted draw odds when first active. At the end of the even-group rotation, they move to the stockpile. Even-group tokens in the stockpile keep the draw odds of the latest even-group covers until <24h before rotation when they start drawing from the next even-group covers that are about to become active. They will never draw from an odd-group set of cover odds. When the rotation hits again, these even-group tokens move from the stockpile page back to the active page in your "Recruit Heroes" section and draw from the new covers in the even-group.
Same logic for the odd-group tokens.
It's not hard people!
The even and odd and whatnot makes it seem strange to me. But with a ton stockpiled I'd like to get the answer from those that have tried, let's try real-world. Say you started four weeks ago, and have every taco.
Three weeks ago (Blade+)
Two weeks ago (Cyclops+)
Last week (Thor+)ended 3/24
Current week (Storm +) ends 3/29
Next week (Loki +) runs 3/30-4/3
So on 3/29, you have twenty current (Storm +), and twenty stockpiled. Are these stockpiled ones (Thor+) on 3/24 all the way through 3/29?
On 3/30 what happens? I assumed (Storm+) turn into stockpiled and remain (Storm+) draw next week, and your Thor+ become active and update their draw rate to the next week (Loki+).
Or am I wrong about stockpile, and you have to wait two weeks? That is, on 3/30 are stockpiled not (Storm+), but (Thor+)? Would the stockpiled right now draw from two weeks ago (Cyclops+)?
--I agree with suggestion that stockpiled should just have the "?" icon and the draw rates in them, then these threads would stop (I think there have been five or six of them, and these questions pop up almost every week on events as well).0 -
SnowcaTT wrote:
The even and odd and whatnot makes it seem strange to me. But with a ton stockpiled I'd like to get the answer from those that have tried, let's try real-world. Say you started four weeks ago, and have every taco.
Three weeks ago (Blade+)
Two weeks ago (Cyclops+)
Last week (Thor+)ended 3/24
Current week (Storm +) ends 3/29
Next week (Loki +) runs 3/30-4/3
So on 3/29, you have twenty current (Storm +), and twenty stockpiled. Are these stockpiled ones (Thor+) on 3/24 all the way through 3/29?
Yes. (There is anecdotal evidence that Thor+ will change to Loki+ a few hours before the daily event update, but nothing earlier than that.)On 3/30 what happens? I assumed (Storm+) turn into stockpiled and remain (Storm+) draw next week, and your Thor+ become active and update their draw rate to the next week (Loki+).
Yes. That's what happens.
There is never a reason to use tokens when they are in the stockpile page. They either have the same pool of characters as when you first acquired the tokens (which presumably means you didn't want to use them) or they'll be just a few hours from become active again and move back to the page with "?" where you can see the cover draw list. So just wait a few hours and you'll be certain you're drawing from the updated cover pool.0 -
I have never opened a "stockpiled" token simply because it lacks the "?" odds button to see who is in them. I know I stockpiled them for a reason so I will wait until they become active and I can see the draw chances.
I have taken 20 stockpiled tokens from weeks previous and turned them into 3 Cyclops covers tho, so that part works.0 -
Kamuuu wrote:There is never a reason to use tokens when they are in the stockpile page.
Thanks Kamuuu.
One part I didn't ask there but I get with the even/odd is what happens with them. I'm waiting for IF - so say I get to 100 tokens and he shows up. I'll use the 50 active tokens on his week. But I was hoping to then use the next 50 tokens on the following week, when stockpiled updated to his draw rate.
What I'm gathering is those won't be stockpiled anymore, instead the following week I'll have 50 active tokens (with the new draw rate) and 0 stockpiled with the IF draw rate.
Of course not knowing means you have to keep them until the active week comes up. It also means you could possibly keep the other half and hope that the rotation makes the character in the other half of the tokens the next time - though that would be tough. Good to know, thanks again!0
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